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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 25, 1931     Golden Valley News
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June 25, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,I~ 25. 1931 'WllJr,- 'w'Ispo is ired bu+ ] g&CL D. ADTA.l 611 'WILL 'qOU GIT OUT I'M STA~TIN' I KIN MY SPEF-CH LIKF- MOP ? THIS- I WILL NOT CALL NOU L/~,t~ES AND GEN'I'I.KMEI~I - ~ldESE D~.K DAY5 OF ADVfJ:~SIT~¢ - I'HAVE STOOD- I HAVE STOOD - WELL, EVERYBODY KNOWS I STAND / I'LL ........... Ar F jr Yensen- No ONE CARES WHAT YOU'RE CK)INe TO .SAY- ~UT EVERVBOI~'LL BE THERE. TO SEE VVHETHER iKNOWN ~ 'TOO THEN' -, ~'OU'RE ~tN~ "TO STAND WELL FOR "TTF-C TKLL THE SIT ./ - q - - FOR 20 h .AR | HAVE AND AND ) " SAT/ down thou Fu%ure ~rr~o~rs ~oreVe V'. . I __ ....... ...... p ,There ii, onarm m = BONNIEYiEW--'-{ -- ' "" " Using a Little Pe n ORNAMENT F( .u w ANY BEACH ~ ~~Irs' Ray Brler, Reporter Jl - - ';'i~ ~L .... h~ I/ !J'/I !1 Mary McCaskey, Reporter ' Ci nels Hump Homemakers' }1 : A number of ladies gathered atl ~et tt the home of Mrs. Mat l ! . . ~/ the Olaf Abraham home ThursdayI ~r ; me the 20th in the after- I | IJ afternoon to help Mrs. Abraham [ i Seven mem,~e~ and one [ ~ celebrate her birthday. Many ofI were, present. The mere- | them being members of a birthdayI Ch~e 'Garden Nutrition" as j | club which they have formed. Re-[ .~naJor project for the coming! | freshments were served during the] Those being present ~at-the[ | atfernoon, and a lovely time is re-I ~a tour told of the we~l ar~ | '~ ported. Mrs. Abraham was the[ • c$ ~ " .,4 "~ recipient of many lovely gifts. I M kitchens they had visits l/ _ .,-.-~, W0 days. Those not being able t[ J .r~-=~ ~. Mr. and Mrs. John gukowski[ t~nd this tour missed a great ~| ' ~ ~,. ~ daughter Shirley and sons Frank[ : The election o[ o~[icers for | ~ - and Edward were business callers I ~ng veer are as follows: [ • ~,,¢, at the Albert Meyer home Friday.I ere Lardy, president; Mrs. [ * They dro~e up a bunch of horsesi Myers, vice president; Mrs. [ :--~[ to put in Mr. Mcyer's pasture• Dixon secretarv-tre~urer. | ~ .~-~ Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Abraham and, harles" Bohn and" Mrs. Page / ~"~ ~ family and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew [ delegates. Second delegates, | r.~.-~___ Abt'at~am spent Sunday at the Sever I Abraham home near Goh•a and i ;o Flaig and Mrs. Ernest [ helped him celebrate Father's Day. ] Mrs. Mat Teacher served a| lunch after the meeting. I Mr. and Mrs. Avid Abraham and meeting will' be a~ the family of Beact] were also present• Dixon ho~e Thursday, Ervin Gifford returned to his home last Thursday with his bro- led to her ther-in-law, Chatley King, after a spending a week's visit at the King home in ADVERTISING WANT ADVERTISEMENT ]i~T]~l All orders for advertising under this hea~ must be aceompanl~[ Cash. The rates are two cents a word With a minimum oharge O~ cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or matl~l tu wl]kl~ published without prepayment unless the party has an esta~ aocouut with this office. FOR SAI~ Glendive. Mrs, King and family ac- strange link between the past and of her aunt, companied Mr. t~ing as f~r as the present, It was found lying on ~llus and grand- Mrs. Miks Lardy. Beach where they took the train its side with its knees drawn up and Mrs, Clyde Myers were for Cannonball, N. D., to visit Mr. toward tts chln. This is said to Visitors last Tuesday• King's relatives. After spending be the eonmion sleeping posture of a~d Mrs. Norman Haugge ¢ Thursday night at the Gifford the older inhabitants to this day, ffant son were visitors-one f{{l/[l~.}lt, home, Mr. King left for the Ted ------~ ~t week at the Honnold Cook home at-Westerheim for a ~ I ~OTICE TO CREDITOIIS short visit. Webb and Ikey Allen and Harri- Ia the Matter of tile Estate of and Mrs. Otto Wills motored ~'--- - , son Stedman were in the z~eighbor- ~ally Eilers and these two-tone Fannie E. Claflin, Deceased. Notice is hereby g'iven by the un- on Thursday. Cladamai Enquirer. hood last week sheari~;~ sheep, itrs#y ~g~C~ Sajama$ ma~¢ a s#l/~- [ derslgned Administrator of the es- ~d Mrs. Albert Gallus me- They sheared sheep fo~B. J. Mc-nlng combination. This t~l}g Of tate of Fannle E. Claflin, late of ~ Metiers last Monday. Danold and ROY McC/skev. [garment with the =ip~rr~ront,htrt County of Los Angeles and State rd .Van Horn was a caller of California, deceased, to the ~,ay Brier home on Monday. 1 Mr• Joe Weinreis j~ Beach made[ closing at the nech are $oSular in [Creditors of, and all persons having ,00 Mrs• Chuck Mo0re and PNOTC several calls ~in B/nnie View" last| lmotored to Beach on Tues- HE RS Friday. Mr. ~re~reis is canvass- Hollywood. 8ally chri~te,ed h#rs claims against, said decedent to 'ing the count~/for the Johnson on I~a{#t]H B~ac~, Honolul., I voucherseXhibitthemwithinwithsix themonthsnecessaryafter Brown accompanied Miss Motor Co.. as ~ord salesman, where she spent several weeks w{t]~ ~ the first publication of this notice Amundsen as far as Bis- Monday after which she on to her home in the ~art of the state. -Charles Anderson and son and daughter Louise and Gladys from White Minn.. were visitors a~ home, John Brown. former's brother. Ray Brier when they motored visit her sister. Mrs. From there they the Yellowstone park will visit her parents, Mrs. J. M. Brier. Mrs. Page Myers and motored to Beach Tues- Wednesday. and Page Myers the ball ~eam on Sunday at Baker, Mont. and Tommy Murphy, Ed. Theisen and Leo Deck- visitors a~ the Tea- Mrs. Bill Holler and Mr. and Mrs. Orstad. Mr. l~loyd Houck and children and Mr. and Mrs. Page Children spent last Sun- Clyde Myers home. Myers and baby at- camp meeting last Lardy is visitlng with his Decker and Pete have been attend- in town for a couple Teacher motored to Clyde Myers and Mat to town Saturday. and Bob Bunger from were visitors a couple of Week a~ the John Brown Clyde Myers, Ray Laurence Kirkpatrick horses and colts at Sunday. Myers and children Mrs. Woods mo- My..e~s Sunday after- visit. E. H. Mason were evening at Ray PRICE OF GRIEF decided to reduce our obituary notice from a Word. that this reduction will of making this col- by our church peo- the Virgin~ Church, (©, w. N. u.) ! is Mo . MISC~U8 FOR SAI~ -- Ford Commercial John Blen¢owe will deliver 1~ tO Fertilizer. Fine for l~wn~, shrub- a~,'~ant£ug it. Call him U9 ~r bery, flowers and gardens~ JohnD .~see him. t~rank Debflzen. Y~I? son Motor Co., Beach.~ I~E--Will deliver ice ~ all OROUND FOR Cu - year. Frank Deb en, Beach. tom grinding. Sand. gravel and J ~t Logan. ~9-t~. Mrs. Chas. Purvis. FOR Sd, LE--White face bull corn- ~.~ ~ .... ~.2~' lug two years old. Eligible to rig% ~'One o~ the most effe~tve 91~ lster. C. H. ~/~11, Ollie, Mont. ~ rectors againnt the no~e which serlouaty.a~maya ~ FOR SALF,--The Mark F. Joneslwl~se larvae, or~bo~s, Interfere W~th residence and the• store, b ulld~l~d~sestlon and may even calms occupied by the ~yle t~npPLD~" I page o~ the d~gestlve tract and a~ a bargain. Inquire p~acr~.j is a piece of leather or Advance office. ,4 -u_j _about. We Inches w e. I ~ J ~ al; each ead to th~ ............ by a strll~ Or ~lap ~0 Fence Posts, 30 cents e~h. Eo~ by ...... : _. son Motor Co, Beach L.W~.tf_ | en~'e l~I~, l~lua~ ~ ~ [ " ..... I thej~louth, &re prot~ted. ~r¢~w~ FOR ~_~-6-room house, well Io-lfiot~ of thl~ type can be maple cated, consider good used se~h~f]the ~arm, or purchased. ~ It~ in trade. Inquire this office. 6-3t I much better than the wire I ~I o~ fringes of burlap or leather l~.,.,~ o~.~--=u,~. ,.,v,,,~, ~"J~t~,J~Ised as a protection a~dnat 1926 Model. Lee Alton. lnose i~ottlefly. -'---" n .. r, ., ~ • . I Wa~ted--Woman for "~t~'1~y rltons uneann OKeleton land housekeeping on small f~, I Believed 4,000 Years Old]Must ,be rea,sonable.---Galeton (t~,,) paper. Brighton, England.---This -seaside Ipaper" town has a rival to the famous l ~J--- "Peiping Man" which was found on ~:::- ..... ==:=:=_=:= -==_=~ the cliffs here recently. A well-I [preserved skeleton, said to beatIp~[~[:0Ol~Bll [~l~no • least 4,000 years old, is Brightonsl I-[[IJ['[~lUl~L ~[~U~ latest bid for tourist trade. Ex- -- ............. perts who examined this "Homo --'~----~:'~--:==-:---:-= :::-~-- Brightonensis" were not able to tell ..... , .... _ whether it was a man or a ~[ ,~n./ v=:: :----:- ::::==: =: :::~ Brighton discovered Its ~,~nilv { ~, skeleton in a sewer. Desp;V it~s[ | KEOH&NE & K~ plebian.., grave,: BMghtonlan ,r-. are | AT22DRNEYS AT LAW | conmlent their ancestor was a per- I I son of considerable lmportm~ in | Beach, North Dako~ I the days of Babylon, NineveI1 and | Pho-a ~ i Tyre. The e~)erts said it was a / ...... | person of m'm~re age, ~ _ I The skeleton supplied another - --- " CLEAR recently sold his in Hartford, Co- his family, returned his farm near Crom- paper. Dr.(}. A. four Sun- - Boulder to said Administrator at his office Harold Abraham has been stay- the Fox Film mglJ~[n~ t]~ in the City of Beach, in said Gel- lag at the home of his grandpar-~ Charlie Chan.~&tur#, "The Blac~ Idea Valle~-.County, Noz'th.~kota or to the ~ounty Jud~o£ said ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dobla~t Camel." t counat~, ~nlals office]sald Coun- since last Thursday. / y S • Mrs. Frank Nehls made a trip In Ot~er Wards-- Notice i~~y further given that the time and place fixed bx the to Beach last Saturday to bring~ court for hearing and adjusting out her car which she left in such claims are the 23rd day of De- Beach for repairs Thursday. cember. 1931, at ten o'clock a. m. in Dick Kerr and son Max spent the Court Rooms of the County Court in ths Court House in the Saturday everdng at the A. F. Dob- City of Beach in the County of Gol- lar home. den Valley and State of North DR- they're figuring on putting a new kota. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tobias and complexion on finance, and," lie I Dated this 8th day of June, 1931. Connie Ralsler of Oolva spent Sun- nervously queries, "if they're likely JOHN KEOHANE, Administrator. day at the home of Mrs. O.A. to become competent to competeKEOHANE & KUHFELD, Roof. with men as cashiers?" "Surely," Attorneys for Administrator, B. J. McDanold and Harry Hill admits the Boston Herahl. "andBeach, North Dakota. First publication on the llth day made a business trip to Glendlve most of thenl would make grandof June, 1931. Wednesday morning where Mr. Me-tellers, too !" Danold sold a veal calf. -----------. (June 11-18-25) Mr. and Mrs. A• F• Doblar, Jus- s~t~o.~s SU~ONS tin Oswood, and Harold AbrahamI 1 a~ h State of North Dtkota County OI: t t No spent Monday even'rig t e Roy| G:~deu "Vainly ~ ' S a e of ." rth Da!~ota. County Of McCaskey home. " l ~n Distric, "Court Si~th Judicia, ~l~ie~l,i~allJ~Ycourt Sixth Judicial Mr and Mrs Frank Nehls were District ...... ' " Sunday afternoon visitors at thelAna'c ~el!v~t.z' l~lal'mff' ,Ho)!i~iCollle~,at,~~ foreign cor- Teeter's home. i J. S. Morr~'also iCnO~'a as Jo- ~ l " ,vQ ;- f*, ~" Mrs Wm Houck has been on the seph S morris, and 5ir~. Jo-I Edw~a'd ~.i~.,'-~e~er M ...... :-,- BAB[' ...... .............. .... ek t • , ~et)h ~. Morris. his ~lte Isaac ~r %'' " " " " SICk lkst since last ~e , t being ,: ~.~.,~ ...... .' ~ r [ g', % llhaln b. Iiieckhoff, and . .~--11 the doctorSun ~. ~f.'v;,~ ..... ais~ ~\llOWhas. ,. Willianl F Reickt~off & Co. a nece&sary cO u~x " S /:~ Si) lit t Itllt/ lee S .tglS- ft)rt2i~lt COI'Dolati,~D;~f t,,1~*~¢~ ay _' ....... 5. ' ,... 2"lie State of NorthDakota :[o the a I %¢ol'la ~ %1%ll 'LIILI~.11":~ ~II~- fi~bo " 1 ' Dick Kerr and-son M x called ~ th I I' ~de~ ~1 $ ? " ', ,.~,o ve .NailedDefendalltS" 101' t~ £EIAIIi lll~ \% lie ( attFle~ ~ ~ * " • rmore home Sun ' • ' " '.; I )u and eachot you are l~ereby ~l~/ ~ at the Oene Live - ¢;uldea ld Annette Gums his -~ nn' , - " ........ " -- J .. ~al toliett ~in~l reqlkia'eo to answer • %VII~, ({-eorge UlllellKO[t d, %&z 1 ) ' .... day. l I x GuI l Vails "t tt~ B '" tilecu nl taint(st the plalntitt In Mrs Dorothy Smkh and little: :i~:,' k ;., t: ~: ' . ~l~ :il ~y ~O~ d ~l, ~'.l,~' t i~ e ~ '> O" e e ,, t it le d ~ c t i o n,. r ~" hicll ' ' -he H ~ ,~ .... -- . " " complaint is flied ill tlt~,~office of daughter returned ~o t a.vre l~a~;tk~[a/ecoB;,t~t~,tioan a::~ot~,e~' tile Clerk of ti,e Dis~ (~ourt of , ome las week MIS Slnlth ~ I the Sixth Easton h t ". " id s llecezxe ' ~ (. :_ " ' " ~udicial~]~trict, ill aztd ~ r ~" % " 'l"O ~oitlen t [h , at the Geor 0 ' ~ el* ~ (4~OUllt~ UoldeI~l ~v alley being employed g ~'tllev State BaIli.: all illsol- and Statd of~laI't|l 1):tkot:l " - it % oorden home for sometime past. ti:at in eorl, oratio.. J. erve a -- " ' ". ' ' , " " d colnt)laHlt nit tile subscribers }'toa~O .R. Niece a]z~* all other ~ itltin thl ....... ~ " - ..... i l)ersoz,~ unknown claiming any set'vice of z~Ys (';u}uz;~ta~:: u~r~enr tohue ~t~.. I ..... *^Walk , estate or interest ilt or llell oc exclusl% " P Y ' £V&a.ll I~Ca'ISlII~ i.V ellCUlllbrance upgn the nroner~y "e Of ttte day O1~ such ser- iA~a3e~s~tT: .... vice' anu In case of your failure to ~- -- Pp or answer, Judgment will ~"~-~ m ero'y, l~l ' ...... I A~:'e ~t'ee~t ~e~"etnhd:~t~?tayou, are to the i)or t~hk:n r~igi~nslteln~:~lUdebY d?fa~llet ARS SHINE P0 " . ', You, andeachof herebycom,~i,, seventy, has learneu to warm~or i summonsd to answer the L'oulpIailtt --) ,, aln~j ^ -- the second time In hls life. I of the Plaintiff in the above entitl ~- atcu this lvtn day of May, A. D. fhls , ed action a copy of which is here- " TOCETHER " Curtis lost the use o legs I,.... ...... :~.~..a ~na , ..... w;.' ........ C~N~tY YOUNG & CON~IY. in an accident when .t-we t y. He ]upo~ you and to serve a copy of 5tt°rneys for the Plaintiff, ~tr.~c r~atlonal Bank & Trust Co ,~,,la move only his neaa Ior ten your ans~ver to the ~aid Com,)lxlnt "' '" " • ,on,~ R.t Instead of becoming a on the ~ubscribers at their office in .. "~" _, -~%~'Y" "=--'-"~ "'~ became -,,~-~- the City of Deacll, t'ounty of Gol- J:arK% .'~orth Dakota. helpless lUV~ItU, .c ..u..~ den Valley and ~tate o£ North De- (JUile a-ll-l~-2~--July 2-9) spondent for a newspaper, trans- tkota, within thirty (30) days af- mtttingnews Items over a telephone. 'ter the service of this summous np- A few years later he began to oo you, exclusive of the day or SUMMONS such service, and in case Of your sense a slight feeling in his fingers failure to appear or answer, judg- ~tate of North Dakota, County of and toes. Then he found he couldmerit will be taken against you by Goi(ien Valley roll over and crawl for a short dis- default for the rclivf demanded in Ia Di.~trict Court, Sixth Judicial the t'omplaint. District. i tance. Dated this 15th day of Ju~e A, Hobart College, a foreign cot'- FtnaIly he grew strong enough to D. 193I. 1)oration, Flaintiff, walk with the aid of .crutches. He EEOHANE & I~UHFELD, ---vs-- was able to walk without crutcnes Attorneys for J='~intiff, Of- Charles C. Brown, Ida M. Brown, fice and Post~'l'lce Address: \Vi£1iam F. RiecKhoff, and Will. for the first time since the accident.BeaciL Nort~ffgakota. iam F. Rieckhoff & Co., a for- t] ~TICE~ elgll corporation, ~d F, C. l