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Golden Valley News
June 24 21121
Add some pulse foods to your menu j
“Pease porridge hot, pease por-
ridge cold, pease porridge in the pot
.If you are familiar with this old
English children’s nursery rhyme,
you might recall that it ends with
“nine days old.”
According to some historical ref-
erences, people in Medieval times
would keep a pot of a stewlike recipe
simmering in a big kettle suspended
over an open fire. Each day, the pot‘
would be “fed” with kitchen scraps.
Of course, keeping a pot simmer—
ing for nine days does not meet mod- ~
em food safety standards. Be sure to
use leftovers in your refrigerator
within four days.
Other food writers have said that
in times of scarcity, incorporating
leftovers from the evening meal as
the breakfast was more likely than
the primitive slow cooker hanging
over a fire. 1
Some type of pulse likely was a
key ingredient in these early porridge
recipes. In fact, the word “pulse”
comes from the Latin word “pulsis,”
meaning “porridge.”
‘ According to the Food and Agri-
culture Organization (FAO), the
broad pulse food category is part of
the “legume” family. Worldwide,
pulses include dry edible beans,
chickpeas, lentils and split peas.
Food historians have indicated
that pulses have been used at least
11,000 years in cuisine throughout
the world. Lentils are referenced sev-
eral times in the Bible. The first
cookbook from about 900 AD. in-
'cludes a lentil soup recipe. Lentils
have been found in Egyptian tombs.
From an agronomic standpoint,
pulses nourish the soil with their abil— ‘
ity to “fix” nitrogen. People began
eating rice ‘with beans because the
two foods “complement” each other.
One food provides the protein-build—
ing blocks (amino acids) the other
food lacks. Complementary proteins
allowed people to’have a balanced
diet when meat was scarce or when
vegetarian diets were followed.
. We grow pulses in abundance in
the Midwestern US. and other states.
Pulses were so important in nourish-
ing the world that 2016 was deemed
“The International Year of the Pulse.”
Hummus is one of the “stars” in
the pulse World, with sales projec-
tions expected to reach nearly $1 bil-
lion by 2026. Hummus has been used
widely in traditional Middle Eastern
cuisine. Hummus usually made by
processing chickpeas (also called
garbanzo beans) with tahini and'gar—
lie, but it also can use other beans as
the basis.
Even though pulses are an ancient
crop, we are. beginning to discover
their potential as whole foods and as
ingredients in other foods.
Pulses are notably rich in'protein,
fiber and many vitamins and miner-.
£118. In fact, pulse-based protein often
is used in meat analogs such as plant-
' based burgers.
You might associate the word
“pulse” with the thump, thump,
Julie Gardewfiobineon
Food in Nutrition Specialist
thump of your heart beat. Eating
more pulse foods actually is good-ifor
your heart with their combination of
Researchers have shown that eat-
ing more pulse foods may decrease
our risk for certain types of cancer
because of the natural antioxidants
and other components. Eating pulse
foods may help with blood sugar
management among those with dia-
Adding pulse foods to your diet
may help with weight management
and might improve digestion. Eating
more protein and fiber helps us feel
full longer, so we might consume
fewer calories.
However, when you increase your
fiber, be sure to increase the amount
of fluids in your diet to avoid diges—
tive upset.
Are pulse foods on your menu?
Pulse foods can be used in a wide
range of ways, including appetizers,
salads, soups, main dishes and
desserts. . Visit
fork/choose—your—crop and click on
“chickpeas” or “dry beans” for nu-
merous recipes and more nutrition in-
formation. You will find several
savory and even dessert-style hu‘m-
mus recipes, by the way.
Pulses do not contain typical al-
lergens found in wheat, nuts, dairy,
soy and other foods. If you want to
enjoy a food with a crunchy texture,
try making roasted chickpeas to top
salads or to enjoy as a snack on the
go. See
/roasted—chickpeas-cajun to view a
video about roasting chickpeas.
Roasted Italian Chickpeas
1 (1502.) can chickpeas, drained
and rinsed ,
2 Tbsp. olive oil (or your favorite
cooking oil)
l/2 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper
Preheat oven to 350 F. Line bak-
ing sheet with aluminum foil for easy
cleanup. Drain and rinse chickpeas
and then pat dry with a paper towel.
Discard any excess skins that fall off
in the washing. In a thedium bowl,
mix together chickpeas, olive oil,
salt, oregano, garlic powder and
crushed red pepper. Spread chickpeas
evenly onto a baking sheet. Bake for ,
about 50 to 60 minutes or'until the
chickpeas reach a desired crunch.
Check and move/stir the chickpeas
.every 10 minutes. Remove from
oven and cool completely. Serve.
Makes 10 servings (2 Tbsp. each).
Each serving has 80 calories, 3.5
grams (g) fat, 3 g protein, 9 g carbo—
hydrate, 0 g fiber and 200 milligrams
(Continued from Page 1) ‘
More information and specific di—
rections to field day sites are avail-
able by contacting the applicable
(local weed control officer:
0 For Billings County, contact
Katie Dillman at (701) 218-0113.
Rent this space for only a few
dollars a week. Call 872-3755
for more details today! ‘
0 For Grant County, contact Mer-
lin Leithold at (701) 220—7908.
. The field days are co-hosted by
the North Dakota Department of
Agriculture and the weed boards of
the respective counties.
This is one of the entries in the June -14 parade in Medora. (Courtesy
Chamber annoUnces parade awards
MEDORA The Medora Cham-
ber of Commerce presented its 20th
Annual All-Horse Flag Day Parade
on Flag Day, Monday, June 14.
Spectators attended from Florida
to 'Califomia to Colorado and other
pointsalong the way. Twelve en-
tries participated in the parade,
some coming from outside the state.
The parade was ledby Nathaniel
Awender of the MedoraPolice De-
Pieces of the Past By Jane M. Cook
50 years ago; June 24, 1971:
The sanctuary of the United Com—
munity Church at Beach was filled
on Sunday, June 20, when the cere—
monTy Of burning the mortgage was
held. The servicesalso included the
dedication of four memorials, and a
farewell to Pastor Art Brooks and his
wife Carol. .
A total of 1,902 University of
North Dakota, Grand Forks, students
in eight academic divisions have
been named to deans' lists for the
spring semester of the 1970-71 aca-
demic year. Included are Spence
Cameron and Michael Maus of
c WWW 92332922} 3
The Ukrainian Cultural Institute
with serve meals on June 30,
July 1 and 2 from 10 am. to 2
, p.m. at’UCl, 1221 W. Villard,
Dickinson, with a different menu
Join the herd.
Western. CooperatiVe ,
'Terms and conditions apply loan subgect to approval Rates may vary
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Prices: $13 per person over age 10; $6 for ages
5 to 10; under age 5‘ is free. Takeouts will be
For more information, (701) 483-1486
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Sometimes summer fun requires some extra cash. Don’t sWeat it.
WCCU has you covered with a summer cash loan as low as 3.95%.
partment, who rode his own horse,
followed by employees of the
Medora Riding Stables, who carried
3 the US. flag, N.D. flag, and a flag
from all branches of the military.
. Announcer Joe Wiegand de-
scribed the entries as they passed
by the Town Square on their way
throughout downtown Medora.
The Chamber gave awards to the
entry from the farthest away, which
25 years ago; June 27, 1996:
The elevator driveway and scale
room on the new portion of Beach
Co-op Elevator are being completed
by Gateway Builders out of Bis-
marck. Elevator manager Jerry Janz
announced they expeCt to run grain
through the new elevator in '30 to 60
days. ‘
The winner of the Fathers Day
necktie coloring contest is A. J.
Thompson, 10, of Beach. He will re—
ceive a prize of $25 for his age
group. No entries were submitted by
the younger group.
each day!
was the ND. Badlands Horse or—
ganization that was registered from
Rapid City, SD.
The award for the largest group
went to the ND. Cowboy Hall of
Fame, which also had riders from
Minnesota. The first to register
award went to Stevenson Funeral
Home from Dickinson with their
horse-drawn hearse, and the award
for most patriotic went to the
Shawn and Desiree Meyer family
of Dickinson with their well
matched black Clydesdale team
pulling a, fully restored 1906
wagon. v
The parade was sponsored this
year by the Medora Chamber‘of
Commerce and Buffalo Gap Gifts
of Medora.
The deadline fer submitted copy and
stories and all ad orders is noon on
Fridays. Call 872-3755 or e-mail
:7». w» m» mem
5 Welcome at
Golden Valley Manor ,1
If you would like to visit a resident at the
Manor just come to the front entrance. You
will be screened and will need to wear a
mask until you get to their room. if you and
the resident are fully vaccinated you can‘
remove your mask while you are in their
room. If you are not fully vaccinated we ask
. that you wear your mask while visiting for
the safety of the resident.
Thank you for your consideration. The
residents look forward to seeing you!