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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 23, 2011     Golden Valley News
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June 23, 2011
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June 23, 2011Page 3, Notice to Creditors State of North Dakota In District Court County of Golden Valley Southwest Judicial District Probat No: 17-2011 -PR-00010 In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Finneman, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Personal Representatives of the above estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased and required to present their claims with three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to John R. Finneman and Charles J. Finneman, Personal Representatives of the estate, at 137 First Avenue West, Dickinson, North Dakota, or filed with the Court. Dated the 2nd day of June, 2011. John R. Finneman Charles J. Finneman Personal Representatives Michael J. Maus MAUS B NORDSVEN, P.C. 137 First Avenue West P.O. Box 570 Dickinson, ND 58602-0570 (701) 483-4500 First Publication on the 9th day of June, 2011. (June 9, 16 and 23) Meeting Notice Notice of Zoning Meeting The Golden Valley Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 27, at 3 p.m. in the Commissioners Room at the County Courthouse. The purpose of the hearing is to review and make a recommendation on a request for a conditional use permit and a variance from setback standards for a new building a Buffalo Gap Lodge. -Gene Skoglund, Zoning (June 16 and 23) Beach City Council !TY COUNC!I PnOCEEDIN% ' BLISId.L : ..,JECT TO l .... GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISON A regular meeting of the Beach City Council was called to order by Mayor Walter Losinski at 7:00 pm on June 6, 2011. Present when the meeting was called to order was City Council Wade Walworth, Mark Benes, Mike Bingeman, Paul Lautenschlager, Tim Marman, PWS Dell Beach, guests Deputy Sheriff Alan Muckle and Jeff Stockwell. Minutes of the previous month meetings were read. Benes moved to approve the minutes, second by Walworth. Motion carried unanimous- ly. Vouchers were reviewed for pay- ment. Benes moved to approve the following vouchers, /second  by Walworth. Motion carried unanimous- ly. 14441-AmeriPride- 35.40 14442-Beach Food Center- 167.00 14'443-Beach Garden Club- 17.25 14444-Beach Vet Clinic- 48.00 14445-Beach Volunteer Fire Dept.- 541.21 14446-BOSS- 253.70 14447-City of Killdeer- 60.00 14448-Ebeltoft & Sickler- 166.50 14449-Fallon County Treasurer- 3043.13 14450-Fargo Water- 1362.27 14451-Farm Plan- 920.00 14452-Farmers Union- 4162.84 14453-Fisher'Sand & Gravel- 444.56 14454-Floyd Braden- 227.40 14455-G&G Garbage- 1680.00 14456-Golden Valley County-6371.00 14457-Golden Valley News- 107.90 14458-Golden Valley Soil Conservation- 18.75 14459-Industrial Towel- 31.16 14460-Jim Wosepka: 3440.00 14461 -Johnston Fargo Cuvert- 3788.34 14462-Kim Nunberg- 40.05 14463-Marman Construction-2830.00 14464-MDU- 4361.00 14465-Midstate Communication- 281.09 14466-Municipal Government Academy- 40.00 14467-NAPA- 350.65 14468-N D Dept. of' Health- 3.00 14469-One Call Concept- 6.50 14470-Prairie Lumber- 5943.95 14471-Railroad Management- 219.62 14472-Rohan's Hardware- 81.10 14473-Rough Rider iNdustries- 16.77 14474-S&R interiors- 239.00 14475-Southwest Water- 7860.86 14476-Stockwell Cleaning- 225.00 14477-Swanston- 860.38 14478-Ver-Tech - 251.84 14479-West Plain, Inc. 432.07 14398-14403 & 14412-14436 City Employees- 18730.40 14404-ND Child Support- 84.00 14405-NDPERS- 100.00 14406-City of Beach- ' 91.40 14407-USPS- 44.00 14408-West Plains- 1600.00 14409-AIItel- 174.57 14410-Blue Cross Blue Shield- 4444.30 14411-Blue Cross Blue Shield-424.50 14437-ND Child Support- 84.00 14438-NDPERS- 100.00 14439-NDPERS- 971.78 14440-USPS- 164.57 Deputy Sheriff Alan Muckle pre- sented the report for the month of May consisting of 29 calls, 3 written warn- ings and 14 citation& PWS Beach reported or mowing, street repairs and curb stop repairs scheduled for this summer. The finan- cial report for May was reviewed. Benes moved to approve the financial report, second by Marman. Motion carried unanimously. The Consumer Confidence Report was reviewed. There will be an Energy Impact Meeting at City Hall on June 7th 3:30- 4:30pm. Unfinished Business: Walworth moved to approve the Final Reading of Ordinance 368, sec- ond by Benes. Motion carried unani- mously. ORDINANCE NO. 368 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY AND INCOR- PORATING THE SAME WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA. PREAMBLE 1. A petition has been presented to the City Council of the City of Beach, signed by owners of real and personal property of the to,-;'°"/ '°'{ described requesting .a.nnexation. of their properties to the biy of eacn. 2. The appropriate notices and requirements of NDCC Chapter 40- 51.2-05 have been complied with. 3. The annexation of such territory is deemed necessary for the welfare of the residents and property owners thereof and of this city as a whole. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beach, County of-Golden Valley, State of North Dakota as follows: Section 1 : ANNEXATION OF TER- RITORY THERE IS HEREBYANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BEACH, COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, AND INCORPO- RATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES THEREOF, THE FOL- LOWING TERRITORY ADJOINING THE PRESENT CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY: Tract A-65 3.10 Acres Section 2: NEW CORPORATE LIMITS THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BEACH ARE HEREBY EXTENDED AND INCREASED SO AS TO INCLUDE AND EMBRACE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BEACH, THE TER- RITORY DESCRIBED IN SECTION ONE HEREOF, AND SUCH TERRI- TORY IS HEREBY DECLARED TO BE A PART OF THE CITY OF BEACH. Section 3: ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE HERE- BY REPEALED. Section 4: EFFECTIVE DATE: THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER FINAL PASSAGE. CITY OF BEACH Attest: By: Walter Losinski, Mayor Kimberly K. Nunberg, City Auditor First Reading: May 2, 2011 Second Reading: May 16, 2011 Final Passage: June 6, 2011 ,New Business: A Public Hearing for vacating an alley between lots 1-3 & 7-9 in Block 6 of Woodhull's Second Addition was held. No written comments were received or verbal comments given. Marman moved to approve the request to vacate the alley, second by Benes. Motion carried unanimously. A request was made to compensate the Zoning Board for their monthly meet- ings. Marman moved to compensate" Zoning Board members $100 per month for attending Zoning Board meetings, second by Lautenschlager. Motion carried unanimously. Benes moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance 369, second by Marman. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 369 AN' ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY AND INCOR- PORATING THE SAME WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA. PREAMBLE 1. A petition has been presented to the City Council of the City of Beach, signed by owners of real and personal property of the territory herein described requesting annexation of their properties to the City of Beach. 2. The appropriate notices and. requirements of NDCC Chapter 40- 51.2-05 have been complied with. 3. The annexation of such territory is deemed necessary for the welfare of the residents and property owners thereof and of this city as a whole. Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota as follows: SECTION ONE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY There is hereby annexed to the City of Beach, County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota, and incorporated within the corporate boundaries thereof, the following terri- tory adjoining the present corporate boundaries of the city: TRACT "A" Annexation to City of Beach, North Dakota Metes and Bounds Description Tract A is also described as a tract of land located within the East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E 1/2 E 1/2 SW 1,4) of Section 26, Township 140 North, Range 106 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Golden Valley County, North Dakota being more specifically described as follows: BEGINNING at the center quarter corner of said Section 26, said point also being the northeast corner of said East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26; thence southerly along the east line of said East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26 on an azimuth of 179059'08", a distance of 2641.26 feet to a point on the south line of the said East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26; thence westerly along the south line of said East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26 on an azimuth 'of 270006'30", a distance of 656.18 feet; thence northerly on an azimuth of 359036'34", a distance of 2448.02 feet; thence on an azimuth of 061022'38", a distance of 58.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 048018'59", a distance of 62.23 feet; thence on an azimuth of 034016'04", a distance of 70.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 019058'51", a distance of 70.02 feet to a point on the north'line of said East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, thence easterly along said north line of the East Half of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26 an azimuth of 090005'16", a distance of 511.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said Tract A contains 39.84 acres. SECTION TWO NEW CORPORATE LIMITS The corporate limits of the City of Beach are hereby extended and increased so as to include and embrace within the corporate limits of the City of Beach, the territory described in Section One hereof, and such territory is hereby declared to be a part of the City of Beach. Section 3: ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE HERE- BY REPEALED. Section 4: -EFFECTIVE DATE: THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER FINAL PASSAGE. CITY OF BEACH Attest: By: Walter Losinski, Mayor Kimberly K. Nunberg, City Auditor First Reading: June 6, 2011 Second Reading: Final Passage: Employee evaluations need' to be completed and at the next meeting Mayor Losinski will give a recommen- dation on raises for the Council to con- sider. No other business was brought for- ward. Walworth moved to adjourn, second by Benes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ATTEST: Walter Losinski, Mayor Wade Walworth, President (June 23) Notice NOTICE OF LAPSE OF MINERAL INTEREST TO: Estate of Isaac Abramson, Frances N. Abramson, Bobbette Kamins aka Bobette R. Abramson fka Bobbette Oken aka Bobette Oken, Estate of Able C. Goldberg, Pearl Goldberg Young, Estate of Charles Perrenod, Frances Perrenod, Estates of Josephine Matozza and Peter Matozzo, Hubert Powell aka Hubert P. . e Powell, Estate of Gloria C. Powell, Marina Gloria Cook Trustee of the Gloria C. Powell Trust dtd 01/12/98, Estate of Estelle N. Savich Jackson fka Miss Estelle N. Savich, Joseph Jackson, Estate of J.A. Graham, Naomi Graham, Ben L. Graham, Kelly H. Baxter, MBank Houston, N.A. Successor Co-Trustee, & John Fouts Sibley, Co-Trustees of the Trusts Under Article IV of the Will of Zelie Green Fouts, Estate of Jerry Belmonte, Michael Colorusso, Estate of .Joan Hambrock, Carol Velente, Estate of Erlyne F. Conel, Estate of Frederick W. Scheidenhelm, Jean S. Wolf, Mark Fliginger, Albert G. Metcalfe III, Estate of Florence M Antman, Estate of Gustav Muth, Luise G. Muth aka Louise G. Muth, Linwood Royalties, LLC, John D. Proctor,' Estate of R.R. Brinkmann, Virginia H. Brinkmann, Estate of Milton Reiersgord, Evalyn J. Reiersgord Evalyn J. Reiersgerd, Estate of Thomas Brady, Kimberly Brady aka Kimberly N. Brady, Estate of J.D. Bacon, Glenna Mae Bacon, J.D. Minerals, and Estate of Glenna Mae Bacon. The undersigned, Ted J. Tescher and Kay Tescher, hereby give notice of the lapse of mineral interest pursuant to Chapter 38-18.1 of the North Dakota Century Code and doe hereby further give notice that they intend to succeed to the ownership of the entire mineral interest in and under the fol- lowing tract of land, said ownership having lapsed by abandonment and non-use for a period of 20 years. 1.The description of land on which the minerals are located is: Township 139 North, Range 102, Billings County, North Dakota Section 19: All Section 31: Lot 1, Lot 2, E/2NW/4, E2 2. The names of the record owners of the lapsed mineral interests under some or all of the above described property are: Estate of Isaac Abramson, Frances N. Abramson, Bobbette Kamins aka Bobette R. Abramson fka Bobbette Oken aka Bobette Oken, Estate of Abite C. Goldberg, Pearl Goldberg Young, Estate of Charles Perrenod, Frances Perrenod, Estates of Josephine Matozza and Peter Matozzo, Hubert Powell aka Hubert P. Powell, Estate of Gloria C. Powell, Marina Gloria Cook Trustee of the Gloria C. Powell Trust dtd 01/12/98, Estate of Estelle N. Savich Jackson fka Miss Estelle N. Savich, Joseph Jackson, Estate of J.A. Graham, Naomi Graham, Ben L. Graham, Kelly H. Baxter, MBank Houston, N.A. Successor Co-Trustee, & John Fouts Sibley, Co- Trustees of the Trusts Under Article IV of the Will of Zelie Green Fouts, Estate of Jerry Belmonte, Michael Colorusso, Estate of Joan Hambrock, Carol Velente, Estate of Erlyne F. Conel, Estate of Frederick W. Scheidenhelm, Jean S. Wolf, Mark Fliginger, Albert G. Metcalfe III, Estate of Florence M. Antman, Estate of Gustav Muth, Luise G. Muth aka Louise G. Muth, Linwood Royalties, LLC, John D. Proctor, Estate of R.R. Brinkmann, Virginia H. Brinkmann, Estate of Milton Reiersgord, Evalyn J. Reiersgord, Evalyn J. Reiersgerd, Estate of Thomas Brady, Kimberly Brady aka Kimberly N. Brady, Estate of J.D. Bacon, Glenna Mae Bacon. J.D. Minerals, and Estate of Glenna Mae Bacon. 3. The names of the persons giving notice of lapse of mineral interest are: Ted J. Tescher and Kay Tescher, whose mailing address is 4154 W River Rbad, PO Box 228, Medora, North Dakota 58645. 4. Ted j. Tescher and Kay Tescher are the record owners of the surface estate of the above described premis- es and as such by giving this notice intend to succeed to the ownership of the above-described lapsed mineral interest. Dated this 31 st day of May, 2011. /s/Ted J. Tescher /sl Kay Tescher £TATE OF NORTH DAW.O'T,: COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY: On this 31st day of May, 2011, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Ted J. Tescher and Kay Tescher, to me known to be the per- sons who are described in and that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Is Gerry Schaal, Notary Public, State of North Dakota, My Commission Expires March 25, 2017 Attorney/for Surface Owner: Charles J. Peterson, Attorney #04009 Mackoff, Kellogg Law Firm 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, ND 58601 1-701-456-3210 (June 23, 30 and July 7) Belfield Public School REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF EDUCATION, BELFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT #13 June 14, 2011 SCHOOL LIBRARY (Subject to board approval) President Procive called the meet- ing to order at 7:30 p.m. Present: Tim Ebert, Delbert Kadrmas, Anthony Krebs, Ed Procive, Supt. Remington, Bus. Mgr. BerBer , HS Prin. Lamprecht. M/S Krebs/Ebert to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2011, school board meeting. Motion carried unani- mously. M/S Ebert/Kadrmas to approve the agenda with the addition of canvass- ing election. Motion carried unani- mously. Supt. Remington noted an assis- tant custodian has been hired. He dis- cussed ongoing summer projects. Prin. Lamprecht noted that comput- ers have been purchased to be installed in classrooms during the summer. Bus. Mgr. BerBer gave the board financial reports for May 2011. She noted that the Activity Fund' sports accounts were in the negative. M/S Kadrmas/Ebert to transfer $1,169.75 from the General Fund to the Activity Fund to clear sports accounts. Motion carried unanimously. She requested a transfer of money from general fund to the food service fund, which has a negative balance. M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to transfer $12,000 from the general fund to the food serv- ice fund. Motion carried unanimously. Supt. Remington discussed federal regulations concerning meal pricing. He also discussed RESP. He noted that another small activity bus had been purchased. Procive reviewed RACTC commit- tee meeting. M/S Kadrmas/Ebert to approve payment of the bills. Motion carried unanimously. 26187,ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC, 86.87 26188,MESCHKE, LINDA, 125.87 26189,ACT, 16.50 26190,ACTIVITY FUND BHS, 33.91 26191 ,ALTERNATIVE SANITATION, 255.00 26192,AQUA-PURE INC, 1348.30 26193,AT & T, 202.02 26194, BADLAND TRAILERS LLC, 1,810.00 26195,BEACH HIGH SCHOOL, 4,691.05 26196,BELFIELD AUTOMOTIVE SUPPIY, 199.89 26197,BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER, 39.50 26198,BISMARCK SCHOOL,9469.80 26199,BISMARCK SCHOOL,1112.15 26200,BISMARCK TRIBUNE, THE, 21.60 26201 ,BUCKMAN, KARLA, 22.21 26202,CASS CLAY CREAMERY, INC, 546.85 26203,CITY OF BELFIELD, 550.25 26204,CREATIVE ENERGY, 1408.46 26205,DAKOTA SEW & SO, 8.59 26206,DAN'S SUPERMARKET, 496.28 26207,DICKINSON NEWSPAPERS INC., 182.00 26208,DRIVER EDUCATION SUPPLIES, INC, 55.20 26209,EDUCATION STANDARDS AND PRACTICES BOARD, 125.00 26210,EMIL, SAUVAGEAU, 460.00 26211,ESP COMPUTERS & SOFTWARE, 140.00 26212,ESSENTIAL SKILLS, 916.95 26213,FOLLETT SOFTWARE CO, 829.00 26214,FORT UNION SUPPLY & TRADING CO, 1,964.60 26215,FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES, 15.10 26216,GEIGER, ALAN, 137.40 26217,HEIsLER AUTO INC, 29,900.00 26218,HLIBICHUK, SHEILA, 150.00 26219,1N FORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT, 217.00 281 E Mayo - BEacH ND 701-872-4362 i i Pull Bingo Black Tabs Jack Live Friday & Saturday Hours: Mon-Fri. 3pm-lam Sat. lpm-lam Happy Hour: Mon.-Thurs. 5:30-6:30pm 26220,INTERSTATE BRANDS, 84.40 26221,KEVtN'S AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR, 480.86 26222, KFYR-TV, 100.00 26223,K-LOG, t 883.57 26224,LIBRARIAN'S BOOK EXPRESS, 161.68 26225,MENARDS, 170.88 26226,MIDAMERICA BOOKS,158.07 26227 ,MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES, 61.58 26228,NATIONAL PEN, 118.40 26229,NDSBA, 2431.47 26230,NEWBY'S ACE HARDWARE, 162:82 26231 ,NWTIRE INC, 412.37 26232,PCI EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING, 539.24 26233,PRAXALR, 42.00 26234,REMINGTON, DARREL, 448.80 26235,RESP, 40.00 26236,ROLLER, JOLYNN, 45.50 26237,ROUGHRIDER AREA CAREER & TECH CENTER,I,903.39 26238,RUNNINGS SUPPLY INC, i97.8t 26239,SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, INC., 2,820.00 26240,SOUTH HEART SCHOOL DISTRICT, 13162.29 26241 ,SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES, 188.80 26242,SOUTHWEST WIRELESS, 768.98 26243,ST BERNARD'S, 110.00 26244,TOM'S SERVICE STATION, 88.00 26245,TRICORNE AUDIO INC, 13,791.75 26246,TRICORNE AUDIO INC, 4,597.25 26247,US FOODSERVICE, inc, 986.36 26248,VANDERESCH, IVAN, 375.00 26249,WENGER, 1,136.00 26250,WEST DAKOTA PARENT & FAMILY RESOURCE CEN,250.00 26251 ,WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES, 10,896.96 26252,WORTHINGTON DIRECT, 8,769.90 STUDENT ACTIVITY 6281 ,CITY OF BELFIELD, 156.25 6282,KESSEL, JADE, 23.69 6283,KESSEL, JADE, 15.00 6284,PALANIUK, ALICIA, 25.00 6285,WALDO, JACOB, 10.0 ' 6286,LORGE, LOUISE, 20.00 6287,ND FCCLA, 40.00 6288,WAL-MART STORE #1567, 147.41 6289,CAPITAL ONE, 281.88 6290,API/FCCLA, 112.70 6291 ,CHAMPIONSHIP , PRODUCTION, 255.93 6292,COCA-COLA BOTTLING,417.16 6293,COMFORT INN WEST, 576.00 6294,DAN'S SUPERMARKET,443.27 6295,DICKINSON ELKS, 814.40 6296,FOUR SEASONS TROPHIES, 351.24 6297,GERRELLS AND COMPANY, 1,812.90 6298,JOHNSON, FRANCES, 123.49 6299,LOGO MAGIC, 335.00 6300,LORGE, LOUISE, 10.00 6301 ,NAT FFA ORGANIZATION, 310.00 6302,SPORTDECALS, 242.65 6303,ST BERNARD'S, 95.00 The ARRA Title I final report and request for funds were presented for review and approval. M/S Krebs/Kadrmas to approve the review of the ARRA Title I final Report and request for funds. Motion carried unanimously. Procive gave an update on negoti- ations. Administrative salaries were tabled. Supt. Remington noted a need to increase substitute teacher pay. The board's consensus is to increase it to $105. The first reading for policy change will be at the next meeting. Supt. Remington presented a letter of resignation from Roger Klym effec- tive May 31, 2011. M/S Kadrmas/Ebert to accept Roger Klym's resignation effective May 31, 2011, Motion carried unani- mously. Due to conflict with the state track meet, discussion was held on chang- ing graduation. M/S Ebert/Krebs to change graduation to May 17, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. Supt. Remington will bring a sched- ule for 2011-12 board meetings to the next meeting for approval. The annual school election was held on Tuesday, June 14, 2011, from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm in the school library. The canvass showed 26 i'esi- dents of the Belfield Public School District voted with the following votes cast: For the rur,l position - 18 write in vote for Oeibert Kadrmas and 1 write in vote for Edward Procive. Delbert Kadrmas was declared the elected rural member for a 3 year term. For the at-large position - 26 votes for Tim Ebert. Tim Ebert was declared the elected at-large member for a 3 year term On the question of publishing board proceedings, 24 voted to publish and 2 voted against publishing. The board shall publish board proceedings. M/S Krebs/Ebert to accept the canvass of the 2Oll election. Motion carried unanimously. The next, meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2011, 7:00 pm. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted Alice BerBer, Business Manager Edward Procive, Board President (June 23) Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the construction of the follow- ing project(s): Job No.: 2 Project No(s).: FHO-02-04(002) Length: 11.930 Type: DOUBLE CHIP SEAL COAT & INCIDENTAL ITEMS County(s): BILLINGS Co Location: BLACKTAIL ROAD- FROM EAST RIVER ROAD SE 11.96 MILES Bids will be received until 09:3DAM, July 15, 2011, IN THE FOYER, LOCATED ON 3RD FLOOR, OUT- SIDE ROOM 330 OF THE NDDOT BUILDING, ON THE CAPITOL GROUNDS, IN BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA. Bids will be opened at that time and the bid result will be distrib- uted and posted online at http ://www,dot. nd. gov/b u sin ess/ approximately 30 minutes after bids are opened. All bidders are required to be pre- qualified at least seven (7) days before the date of the bid opening. The proposal forms, plans, and specifications are available on the NDDOT website at and may be inspected at the Construction Services Division, NDDOT, Room 333,608 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota, 58505-0700. NDDOT reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive technical- ities, or to accept such as may be determined in the best interests of the state. Requested by: Francis G. Ziegler, P.E., Director North Dakota Department of Transportation (June 23) ii Put Your Money I Where Your House -Tsl IOCa independent  srrengtheQ our businesses are comrnurty Playing Kung Fu Panda ,11 To Oil Field Landlords: I have no quarrel with anyone wishing to make a hon- est dollar in the lucrative oil field housing market. But if you intend to do soby evicting good people from their homes, or by arm-twisting the elderly with pay- up-or-go ultimatums, or by coldly forcing a mother and child onto the street -- all for your own gratuitousgain -- then, yes, you and I will be in serious opposition. For those unacquainted with the facts, all of this has recently happened in Beach. Property owners, of course, are free to do such things. But they should not be allowed to do it with impunity. They should be made to squarely face pub- lic criticism and scorn, both rightly deserved. We can- not remain a decent community unless we treat one another with respect. And there is nothing in any of these events that is remotely decent or respectful. It is a fragile thing, the character of a community. It ought not to be trampled upon. And, more impor- tantly, when violated we should all come to its defense with one voice, fully outraged. Jerry DeMartin Paid advertisement