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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 19, 1941     Golden Valley News
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June 19, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i T, B. Lassell, Repairieg Equip- ~ent $1 3 ;5. S~renue 1 R{ac!hine "~hol),' Ret)ait:ing Eqiupment, $12.17; F .%1 T)iukins,m, ,F);tintin g Signs, $~.00;"Sid Alton, work on water- mains, $3,80 ; Simpson, Maekoff and Kellogg, Attorn;~y fees, Mylius Vs. City, $194.50. Moved by Cafferty and seconded by Halstead that the hills be al- lowed as read and that warrants be, Issued 0n the various funds in payrr~ent thereof. In answer to roll call Cafferty, Dickinson, Hal- Illl I I I H I ~tead, I~vgren, Noyes and ThomP- - , ,, , son all voted "Yes." Motion was declared c~rried. ' i THE CASWELL Kenneth Stout was granted pbr- mission to use theuncompleted n] !iUL!C P[ l]i ! ,tio~ purposes, he. tO provide his - 4 ' own ~umpln~ equipment. _ . ~'P~a~ident~ )0 the Third Ward iask- ~. ~i~tt~ tl~at action be taken t:o,~l~,i.l~ l~/hp the premises of owners of' ~stock within ,the City was J rhe" Board of Health In- COMPLETELY AND THOROU"H'Yt .- MODERN, SIMPLE ' '~tructed to notify owners of live- stock/and F/oultry to build boxe~ in which to deposit manure and AND SAFE TO OPERATE. ~.~o empty boxes when full and tO ~ Yemove math|re to some spot out- ~.,eide the city limits. A building permit was granted • to Geo. McClellan to construct • one story fire Proof hulldlng on the N,,rth Uz of Lot 15, Block 1 of the Townslte on too-, tlon I)yH'a/stead and seconded by , Novel. The returns Of the specie] FAcet]onheld on May Ist at which time [he following queution XV:tS V¢)r~dupon: "Shall the City Coun- oil ofthe Oily of ]~eat'h con- I|[1tlo i~) iSV;tlt, ] ieen~e~; for "()11 ~%.q }t/' ~ hllJO/',thereby ~tllthorizillg the sa|e of int,~xic;tiing liuu,)v ,,~ vv tbc lnlr by the drink ~v(-re vanvas.~ed and it ecas fout.t l.hat there were One Hundred llinety- tWO vote~ C~tst ill favor I)f ~}lt" nlea~t'e and One ~[undred thirty- three votes ol)l)osed [0 it, A motion was therefor made by Cafferty th~tt tl~e measure be de- clared carried. Motion seconded by ~lalstead and carried with all members voting "'Yes,'" Motion to" adjourn was made by and seconded by Ha2- Attest: C. O. HALVORSON, ~lty Auditor. WILL LOAD ANY THING--- MAN- URE, DIRT, GRA- VEL, OR ROCKS. WILL PULL OUT FENCE POSTS, CARRY LOGS, FILL BARNYARD HOLES, CHANGE HAY RACK OR WAGON BOXES, BUILD ROADS. IT HAS 'LOW HEAD ROOM REQUIREMENTS, AUTO- MATIC STOP, LEVER CONTROL OF FORK TILT, WORLDS OF RESERVE POWER, NO EXCESS WEIGHT ON TRACTOR. SEE IT OPERATE. WILL FIT ANY SIZE OR MAKE OF TRACTOR. •, 'eyOdJR:C H ,,.I MAGR" ..... :,., .. 1938 OLDSMOBILE TUDOR SEDAN, RADIO, HEATER J , " " " n I ' " ' ' /i : ' n n " CBLE'VROLET R"SI J}AN -. ' i IL i i. i i 1929 CHEVROLET coUPE : - " [ IIII ]] i I 1928 CHEVROLET, GOOD BIPf' I n " I |" A NUMBER OF NEW AND USED; TRACTORS i | , SEVERAL GOOD HORSE CULTIVATORS SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROW One Good White Faced Bull Several Good Used Trucks. Also some tractors. SOME GOOD WHITE FACE COWS WITH CALVES ALSO SEVERAL PICKUPS ;tarring ~ BenneM be8 thr C. C. Clark, Mgr.