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June 19, 1941 |
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i time with her daughter, Mrs. Ed
I Flanigan. t
] Nick Oamroth is employed at the l
and daughter ~ Otto Johnson ranch putting in a
their vacation this]foundation for a new house. I
d ! Mr. H• A. Bury's nephew from'
Lola Larson were Bristol, So. Dak., arrived Friday to
ldive hospital Mon-)spend some time at the Bury home.
their tonsils removed. I R. L. Johnson and daughter Mildo
)rkers 4H club met ired drove to Medora on Thursday.
Dorothy HammondI Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hagen, Mrs.
meeting was held'Dick Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zie-
decided to go on a!barth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zie=
to gather plants for)lbarth were dinner guests at the R.
MarY ~ delicious lunch was L. Johnston home on Friday.
.ird lef~i Hammond. The next l Yera Whitaker came out from
Lp t~ held Wednesday at lBeach !ast Thursday to spend some
~te• ~ary Jane Lindstrom. , time with her sister, Mrs Grace
tjndMaay. ~l~ndwas d I mer guest ' Otremba
e nomelWednesday:, The Sunshine Society will meet on
_l~t; .. "Wednesday July 2nd with Mrs. Geo.
vac~_~|uo met at the Moline ' Oldis
Fr~=. A lovely lunch was Mildred Johnston left Saturday for
:t ~l:;dghea~l discussed, i her home in Ogden, Utah, after ~
~:-~lt. .... pnerd, Mrs. pleasant visit here with home folks.
--~- ~ ~ee ciaughters and Mr and Mr¢ a ,~_ ~...~..~.~ .... .~
WelSh, re caHenr~tta Barg" i family and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. White
toe ~' di uers ~aturday. were dinner guests at the Andrew
~_ nner was held at Kohler home Sunday
~Y, and also honoring Mr and Mrs John Irons were
. • •
ays m May and in Beach shoppers Saturday.
R ........ Mr. and Mrs Rohn and childreu
, ~.~1 lull were supper were dinner guests Sunday at the
R. Moline home on I~ L Johnston llome•
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smeby trans-
in law are arhfo., acted business in Beach Saturday•
tended the wedding of Freddie Rein- ] Sunday. ofL" the week when Overstad's Hard- cheek-up day at Beacl~ Thursday
holz and Hazel Letteer held here last I Jane Goroski trom west of Carlyle I ware of Beach became the owner of tMesdames C. Hud~.n: J. Bosserma~
Saturday afternoon. Its visiting and helping at the home t the Maanum Hardware at Golva. Mr.l Geo. Hammond, Ruaolph R~i~g~aO~o~-
Miss George Trumbull and niece I of her sister, Mrs. Leo Rising.I John Malone of Sentinel Butte will] Gearey, _Leo Rising H..~.roc- e~r
arrived Thursday for a several weeks[ The Golva independents played ball I have charge of the Golva branch, land Oscr J~eppLa. "l'ne lames all ezl-
visit with Miss Turnbulrs sister and[at South Heart Sunday and won by[ Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanson motored I joyed the fine dinner servea Oy
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry I a score of 17 to 2. I down to Medora Sunday and had din- t Lutheran aid of Beach.
Huseby. I Otto Unger, Ralph Jacobs and Ed-lner at Roosevelt Park and attendedI Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rising and dau-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bloom and l Ward Wosepka were Dickinson viSit-[Bad Lands Bible camp in the after-]ghter were dinner guests of Mr. and
family of Wibaux spent Sunday in I ors Wednesday. ] noon. I Mr. John Efta Saturday
town visiting Mr and Mrs Lawrence Several ladies ~nd a fairly good at Mr and Mrs L Fasching Mr and e Wis
''" . • , -I ..... • t Emil Skroch of Independenc .
• - ] • • [ came Saturday, J e
Klrkpatrzk and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph tendance of men attended the meet Mrs Bert Fasching and Mrs Lewle un 7 and is visiUnf
Kirkpatrickand family, lug of the Federal Land Bank As-)Hovland made a business trip to lrelatives and friends at the F. SusL
Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh Saunders soclatlon held at the court house at~Terry, Tuesday. land Geo Svgulla homes
were dinnerguests of E. O. Busch on Beach Thursday afternoon. The talks ] Mrs. Nick Gamroth visited Friday Mr and "Mrs Julius" Larson and
Tuesday evening, f given there were good. Five nice gifts i evening with Mrs. Ed Shoen. I ,~ .... ~,, .... ~-,~ ~ ~h~ -~im ThIll
Mrs. Lawrence Kirkpatrick enter- were given to lucky number holders. Chas. Huffman went to Fargo on'~.~"~__"~"~'~':~:,nd:,--:venin"~
talned the Lutheran Ladies Aid at ]Winners from Golva included Martin [Sunday. ]"~""~ "' "~'~ .....~ ~ ~" . .
the church basernent on Thursdayi Schillo and Marcella Finneman Louie Faschin¢' is writtn~, State line We regret to hear that the inzan~
afternoon. A very delic~ous lu~ch ! Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lyles of Union, I Insurance now in place of Lewie Nlst° I ........ " ..... w
" • ' ~ ~ !daughter of Mr and Mrs. Tom Ferrel
was served by Mrs. Kirkpatrick. [Montana came down Thursday to via- ler who has discontinued the Job and ,el, e~IIt ~?he ~:ke~ahUo~tYala~ienZ ;
Eugene LeMeres is home to spend ! it home folks, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. is now doing carpenter work at Beach rusn a o ~ •
his summer vacation with his mother]Curl. I Scot Hammond of Mizpah Montana]h°pe zor no serious resu . i
~nd family. " I Mrs. Victor Thompson of Beach 'arrived Sunday evening at the homeI Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rising an~
Mrs. Ted Rink and children left i drove out to Golva and took Mr. and of his brother George. daughters were visitors at the home of
on Sunday for Hysham, Mont., where lLMirs. Theo. nMaanum: Theodora and 'l Golva Homemakers ladies attending~Mrs. Laura Strahon Sunday.
they will spent part of the summer L'llian Maa um brought them back i~
with Mr. Rink who is employed there. I home Sunday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Waldal attend- 'Mrs. John Schaefer and daughter l
ed the services at Medora on Sun-Shirley were Glendlve and Beachi ~-t~
day afternoon. They were also sup- shoppers Thursday. I ..........
per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rusth Mrs. Julius Larsen and daughter: TELEPHONE DOLLARS
at Medora. motored to Baker Thursday to see --
Word has been received here that the doctor. They returned Tuesday. _-~
Lyle Petersilie underwent an appen-] • MAss Janette Ferguson and mother IIr~
dicitis operation at Deer Lodge, Mont. enjoyed a fine trip to IAbby, Mont.
Fitzsimmous is now Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn were last Thursday night. Lyle had gone Saturday where they will visit a
daughter and son°in-callerS at the Otto John:~)n home to Deer Lodge to visit his sister and sister and daughter, Mrs. Warren.
Mr. FitzsimmonsFriday. brother and their families. He was They returned Monday.
resident, taken ill very suddenly but at pro- Mrs. Louis Fasching, Mrs. John
Hammervold mot-
Sentinel Butte sent he is getting along very nice-Schaefer and Mrs. Alfred Scheffer
Wyomng Wednes- ly. visited with Mrs. Frank Schouboe on
a livestock sale They Mrs. John Jordan was hostess to Friday afternoon.
.Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hogoboom and the Homemakers card club on Friday Miss Marcella Finneman who works
L. Hammond and family left Saturday morning by car afternoon. Besides the regular mere- at Casselto~ N. D. is enjoying a fine
the Legion meet- for Fessenden where they will visit bers, several guests were invited, two weeks vacation with her parents
: SUnday. Mrs. Hogoboom's relatives for several Five tables of bridge and one table of here. She expects to return Monday.
and UB Bible schools days. whist were in play. Prizes went to Bert Fasching sold out his barber
Mrs. Fred Smith and Ramona re- Mrs. Bert Fasching first, Mrs. Ediie shop in Sentinel Butte the past week
of Wheeler, Wiscon-turned Sunday from a week's visit Cook second, Mrs. Ted Rink honor, and will take up his location at WI-
the home of his bro- with their daughter and family, Mrs. Mrs. Nell Hogoboom deuce, and Mrs.bau~ Monday where he has bought
He spends a R. Busch of Missoula. Nina Dodge the cut all prize. For out Oscar Otteson.
to farming Bert Fasching was a business caller whist Mrs. Ed Lievens receive first, A number of Golva friends motored
served several in Wibaux Monday. and Mrs. Clyde Polley second. After out near Wibatl last Thursday for a
of court in Fallon Mr. Win. Burns of Wlbaux visited cards a delicious lunch was servedhouse warming at Mr. and Mrs. Art
home Friday and friends in town on Tuesday. by Mrs. Jordan. Schmltz' home. Those from around |aNorth Dskout, eelephooe dolls, go ~-to
of horses with him.Mrs. Lyle Martin and daughter JeanMr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman and town where Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Soil,
returned home Monday from Grand Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoenke left SUn- Mr. and Mrs. Homer Madison, Mr. wages of men sad women who live here..=
Forks where Jeanne has been attend- day for Baker after attending theand Mrs. Oswin Schmltz, Mr. and into stle and local taxes--into upkeep sad
ing the University the past year.Reinholz-Letteer wedding. Mrs. Roy Noll, Ed Wosepka and Nor-
was a Golva shop- Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh ~aunders bert Finneman. A pleasant evening replscemeo¢ of telephone property in this
Golva was spent, gate.
the Knopp and spent Tuesday night in town. They Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanson aze en-
for school, were on their way to Missoula where
and children drove Mr. Saunders will attend s~2~ool. John Marsolek, daughter Della, An- Joying a fine new Ford V8. Telephone cams are oo~ made elsewhere
on a shopping Mr. J. J. Norem enjoyed a visit drew Pientok and Albert Killian of LeT Drewniak was a dlnn~- guest sad shipped in. They are made to your order
with his daughter and son-in-law, Independence, Wisconsin, arrived Fri- at the Louie Fasching home Wednes-
R. L. Johnston and over the weekend, day afternoon at the home of Mr. day. I as you want them by North Dakota people.
Called on Gustaf- Chuck Moore of the Trotters vicin- and Mrs. Frank Susa for a visit. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faschlng andI
Hagens Wednesday. ity was a business caller in town on Marsolek is an uncle of Mr. Susa daughter, Mrs. Ed Nistler and child- 1
a trip to DickFn- Saturday. while the others are cousins. They ren of Wlbaux and John Malone ofi NORTHW[ST[RN BILL T[L[PHON[ COMPANY
' The members of the WBA were left Monday. Sentinel Butte were dinner guests of]
Wojahn, Mr. and entertained at the home of Mrs. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Volney Schmeling are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis latching Sunday ]
Harold and garet Bolsen on Wednesday after- nicely located and have set up house- A deal was completed aboct the last .....
B. Hogoboom and noon" Two tables of bridge were in keeping in the fo~ner H. P. Cross-
Eide were among play. Prizes went ,to Mrs. Bert Wal- man farm.
Thursday. dal, first; Mrs. Paul Wagner, second;~ Mr. and Mrs Percy Bryson were
Henry Wilkins faro-and honor and Mrs. Ray Zinsli, callers at the A E. Scheffer home on
from Thief deuce and Mrs. Eddie Cook the all Saturday evening.
a few days. the cut prize. After the cards a delicious Mr. and Mrs. Oayle Clark of Tay-
arrived by car on lunch was served by the hostess, lor drove up to Beach and out to
traveling all day inKenneth Wosepka spent the week- the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. .
they finally got to the end in town visiting relatives. Hoffman home for a visit Saturday.
ranch and found the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner, Mr. Mrs. Ada Marshall and grand°
to cross with car orand Mrs. Ernest Nelson left earl daughter of Jasper, Minn. arrived
to be taken across i Sunday morning for Williston where l for a visit with her brother George
they will attend the convention of lHammond and fam uy_. . ..
hauled a load ofthe American Legion and Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. ~er~ uoven, were {nn-.
Thursday. held there Monday. and Tuesday. her and sup.per guests of Mr. ann
Club met last Mrs. Ted Rink and children were Mrs. Hugh Scnmitz of Beach Sunaay.
CareT. Quite a Beach business callers on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe and
absent so th draw- aftern^ n I Delores were visitors at the Ernes ~ ~
was left for the next Mr Harry Freeman ofBaker at- Stark and Claude Schouboc homes on
was chosen as
White, vice pres- SCHULZ GARAGE IN BEACH
CareT, see.-treas.
a delicious lunch I (
the afternoon. The
be With Mrs. Elmer
left for Bis-
to spend some
of an execution to * * *
SSued out of the
• kota, in
Vii -
1 Estate Heatrola Gas Heater, 1 Kitchen Work Table with
o P,a,nt,,,. large, like new. Shelves
de en nt,'" 1 Large Cupboard 2 Radio Tables and Book Rack
the following
• • 1 Bedroom Suite, 3 pieces, bed 1 General 5 Tube Radio
(S), mind
-..-- complete with mattress, 2 Pc. Overstuffed Set, rust
i~ftk Addi-
"0" innerspring, coil spring color, like new
uly 7, 1941
o'clock In I 14~
2 Baby Beds, complete with 1 Double Day Bed
art House in
,rth Dakota.
tt : ,'i ht. THERE'S Nk' t be. • m a,i, springs and mattress 1 Sewing Machine
andtotOsatle.the OO d O* or 1 Small Gas Heater 2 Wool Rugs, 27x45, new
and .,t=, fire, you l gth o the Nonh-
1 9x12 Wool rug, like new
(,,.o.. .- P c-wi, m..e o- oppom , to, 1 Ironing Board
to m m,, S. a, 2 Linoleum Rugs, good shape
Olympicl mnimmlasadMtSood.Wim ezyoulivt I Breakfast Set, Table, and 2 Tubs and Wash Board
Childs Wagon, Sled, and toys
~ will take you kom your homo tow., m New Four Chairs, like new
N. do,,. 1 Medicine Cabinet
d mmndc deepinm d *Souch e 1 Kitchen Table
m c u oh..p o -thsa oos th. thr os 1 Kitchen Chair Fruit Jars, Dishes, and other
-m sad ho=e! o, Kitchen Utensils
lU~TIIIG you prefer, you caa circle America in the .pposite 1High Chair 1 Floor Lamp
m~! ~ Wm dimectloa, and ymm can al~ays stop over at any point. OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION
Lmlm Or ~Nm ~ Ad yozr Northeen P4~flc ag~tJor Jzll ig]orm~tio#l
Trollope & Howard, Auctioneers P.J. Edkins, Clerk