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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 19, 1941     Golden Valley News
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June 19, 1941
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PAGE 2 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THUR AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE GLENDIVE, MONTANA Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE ROLLER SKATING EVERY FRIDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS The Golden Valley News [gift by the club members. Prizes and other relatives at Buxton, N. D. menting Mrs. Robt. Willet last Fri- went to Mrs. Cullen and Mrs. Preiss.] Mrs. Dan Sutherland left for Boze-iday afternoon. She received many W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle ] Dainty refreshments were served. I man Thursday morning were she wentI nice gifts and all enjoyed the dainty Editors and Publishers I Mrs Boyd Hammond arrived Fri-,~s a delegate to the BPW convert- refreshments. A week~ published every Thtusday at Beach, North Dakota. Entered as I day from Ohio to visit her father, ition. The Girl Scouts, under the direction class matter a.t the Postoffice at Beach, North Dakota, October 7, 1936, / Lea Stockwell and other relatives t Mrs. Amelia Kunda entertained the, of Miss Vera Hall and Mrs. Reinecke, under the act of March 3, 1897. Advertising rates furnished upon request ~flm~'lption price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak., Elsewhere $2.50 m i I attending big school there the past U~,o. Wright has a new GMC pick- up. The party given for Violet Brown last Saturday night at the Wester- helm school house was well attended by neighbors anl friends. Those com- lag from a distance were Mr. and Mxs. Dick Pendleton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rourke, Mr. .SJed Mrs. Clyde Myers, Margery and Johnnie. Violet Brown returned to Bismarck Tuesday to resume her duties at the M. Alesdus hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Chi- esgo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wag- m Of 1~ehardton were visitors at the Ted Cook 12one recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lownmn were l~el Butte and Beach ~rlsitors o_n A large crowd attexMed the meet- iug of the Union Aid at the church Wodnm~y afterra~a. Mira Orunem~ was hostess. A delicious lunch wu served in the a~emoon. The meeting was held after lunch. Several visitors were present. Mrs. Alice ]L,~mer will entertain in July. The Leonard and Ernest Lel~nd families have gone to ~, Wls. to attend the silver wedding anniv- ersary 'of a brother of the Lelands. Th~ expect to be gone about two weeks, We are sorry to laser that Mrs. Joilu Gffford is ill. Ben Verdlck escaped what might have been a serious accident when a zock fell down the well he was dig- and struck him on the nose. If it had hit him on the head, he prob- ably wouldn~ be here to tell about it. he saw it coming and dodged as much as Imsslble b'It it strtlck the side of his nose and injured it. It bled for J~veral hours and left him rather weak and shaky. Billle Campbell spent a few days year. She will spend the summer at the parental Bert Sperry home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Verdick were Tuesday evening callers at the J. F. Crook home. O. K. Omley was a Monday evening Jimmy Heaton returned from Ore- Mrs. Carrol Meyer and Mrs, Glenn caller at the A. M. Flanagan home. gon last week where he had helped McCabe entertained the Trinityi He spent Monday night at the Suth- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rader move. Lutheran Aid at the church Friday erland home on account of the rain.Mrs. Annie Mengel spent last week afternoon and served a very nice We are happy to hear that Luther with her friend, Mrs. Annie Greely in lunch. Hodgin, Glen Metcalf and Cecil Ore- Beach. A very nice time was had by the YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR Christian Fundamental church people at their annual Sunday school picnic which was held at the Airdome pic- nic grounds last Thursday The to you as lowas weather was ideal and after the 9 bountious dinner there was ice cream enough to last throughout the after- children were Sunday visitors at the from Miles City where she had been noon while games were being play- Bert Sperry home. visiting her sister, Mrs. Clarence Mc- ed. Clain Jr, and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Price Cook and their Wibauxi ffiVews Mr. Oscar Oteson sold his barber children of Grassy Butte, N. D., were shop last week to Bert Fasehing of recent visitors at the home of Mr. ~ ~ l~ Sentinel Butte. Mr. Fasching plans Ck~ok's Sister, Mrs. J. L. Mlu~l. Mrs. Tom Hudson and Mrs. Robert to move his family here and tekeltoMr'l and Mrs. M Manning autoed Jones and b~y were over from Beach possession of the shop about July Glendive Monday. " Wednesc~y a~ter~oon. Ist. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Warden came Sg~Jl Mrs. Ht~h Baird and children were Miss Marllyn Clark, a former reel- home from Great Falls Sunday. They W@ ~0 Olendive ~ Wednesday. dent here, came from Billings last were acoomlm,nied by their daughter Mrs. Wm. 8chuett was shopping in Thursday and visited friends until Harriet. See Ydlcm~n~ Beach Friday. Saturday morning when she left for Victoria Stefanowich left Sunday Park~ o¢ ~tern~ pe e.Pa Mrs. JLmes Grtffith entertained the Minneapolis where she will attend for Billings where she attends school, are dose~ of em:ittng ~mrsl bridge club at her home WednesdaY lsummer school. She was a house- The baseball game Sunday between to~ afternon. Prizes went to Mrs. Lawr-, guest of Mrs. Carrol Meyer while Sentinel Butte and the local team re- youthemo~ ence Hartse and ~rs. W. Fischer and there, sulted in a score of 1~ to 4 in favor All hotel e~mmmodatiom~ dainty refreshments were served byI The Hay Creek 4-H club with their of the Wlbauxltes. ~ mad ~~ the hostess. I lead~~, Mrs. Err Breitenfeldt and Miss Edith Lawrence of l~,ichey is in~lmiedtn~klowpa~ee. Mrs. Robert Anderson and ~lneiMrs. Hugh Chaffee held their regular employed at the First H~tional Bank autoed to Glendive Friday where the I meeting at the Hugh Baird home last here. latter had dental work done. ~ Wednesday afternoon. Miss Margie ~ounty C~mmksioners John Marl-1 Mrs. Will Welsh wa~ hostess to the tBalrd served a nice lunch, cin~k and W. I~ Stagg returned lastI C. F. mision~ry society at her home Miss Jeanete Welsh left Glendive week f ,1~. Helena where they attend-[ Wedneday afternoon. All enjoyed the lTuesday morning by car and went to ed the -~nverrtlon. I ~ trip to the country and the dainty'Townsend, where she joined Miss Several friends of Donald Anderson1 lunch which the hostess served at Geraldine Elliot,. "l~he two of them gathered at his home Saturday even-i the close of the meeting, i are driving to BelUngham, Wn., where ing for a birthday surprise party. ! 'Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mingel and son they will attend summer school. On Games were played out of doors un- I were county seat visitors Wednesday. i their way they plan to visit Misses tll a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. i N. P. Yadon is having dental work Elva and Marie Kligora at Seattle. Anderson and Elaine, after which] done in Beach. He went over with The Kligoras lived near Wl, baux for Donald opened his many pretty gifts, i Tony Morgan Tuesday. 'several years and only last week Mrs. F. Payne and Mrs. N. Coul-I DEPOT ,aT DOE~%'E~'~ CAFE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Evans spent news came of the death of Mr. Kli- siGn entertained at a shower compli- Sunday with friends in Miles City. gora who had been in poor health Mr. Evans is the genial manager of for some time. the Sawyer Store. I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parker and Mrs. F, E. Elliott entertalne~, the children were Glendive visitors Mon- at the A. M. Flanagan home. Birthday club at her home Monday day morning. Nora Belle Sperry returned home evening complimenting Mrs. M.P. Mrs. Lottie Preiss returned Sunday frcm Bismarck last Wednesday after Ostby, who was presented with a nice from a week's visit with her mother Sunday. Misses MarY Verne Baird Id cation trip tl~ of the state. Mr. and Mrs. ] and friends. She is a houseguest RtlAmerican Legion Auxiliary at her ihad a farewell picnic in honor of turned Sunday the Dan Stockwell home. Her broth-, home Friday evening. , Renee Houston Saturday with a week's er, Leo Stockwell, arrived Monday t Miss Charlotte Fischer came home lweiner roast at noon. They presented Kellers, Frank night from California• from Crystal Lake, Illinois, Saturday. lher with a farewell gift. friends at Mrs Lawrence Fletcher left Wed- She has been an instructorthere ........ time with ~dl " " t ~ ~wr. ann~rs. e'essenaenen~er- nesday for her home in Califorma he past year and is home tospend i~n,~ hi~ Mr ~n,d W~.od I ta ....... father .......... Mrs ...... at Great FallS. after spending several months with her vacation months. I Fessenden and Mr and Mrs Sifertl Duane WelSh' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry John Brophy and his mother were land family at a "lovely di~er last' D., with the Zopfi. business visitors in Glendive Saturday. ~ - - the many, long, hard Jobs of old-time harvesting andstraw racks, etc,--threshes all threshing, and be even surer of saving the whole crop crop without chewing straw al in a much shorter time at a much lower cost. sures cleaner grain--fully adj~ dltions and crops. All-steel, THE RECORD---the famous HARVESTOR, first full-width straw racks with a made In 1930, and sold since 1933, was the first prac- saving motion----~eparates all ~lcal, light-weight, high-capacity combine for all square holes keep fine crops In practically all territories. The 12-foot HAR- the grain through. VESTOR is the most popular |n Its class--a complete a~suree a better cleaning Job nell-out in 1934--h 1~5 the biggest seller of all com- height on rolling as well blues a~d again a complete sell-out. ~ 19~, in- ~ln tanks are quickly ., ~ • creased production --- and AGAIN th BIGGES~ simple and better moving parts. SELLER is its ch~s~ 1957's ~ mlr~ all bronze be~ringzl--4nany of the @~hers. a~d economy. ~NO belts .. PROVED--A.PPROV]~D---~IMPROVED--~or several drlveHnd all Jut roller ~ye~ra the HARVF~TOR d~flnit~ty prov~ Its ~pariov- Smooth op~ratio~ over ~lds hs~ve~t ~st more than ~O years, 1~8~ u~e ~la'we~ , of " ed~nlng all me ~' ~ ~t a ~oMer ~ ~tt~t v'~l~qroR Im oomme~., o's'~m~s em~ ~ .~ ~m, mm,~t the nee~k~ ef eroI~ a~ ~. ~ ~:I~ ~e fa~tee~ e~ le~-~t ~veSt~ • • . le Imam eeet sa v roa m=, n maw-uv both teae¢or am~ ]IL~R~-:~8"POIt~ @ GOOD INEV~'S ~ We now have a HARVESTOR for nearly level position of separat every need--6-foot, e-foot, and 12-foot ~-tlt all for anion in all crops from the 2-3 plow tractor power--all alike in principle---all big cuts to within 1 ½ to 2 inches of capacity, speedy, modern economy combines of ample AUGER CONVEYOR with big size to handle all crops under all COMBINING condi- crops just right, feeds evenly, tions, saves grain and money every Almost every farm family can now do away with RASP CYLINDER, only