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June 19, 1941 |
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Letteer of Wahpeton, with a closing program held at the *
I Bible School Has Aluminmn Salvage Campaign Begun
Letteer Fine Program On
Saturday Sunday Evening
'he wedding of The Union Daily Vacation Bible V " "
daughter of Mr. School completed a successful term ~
and Fred Reinholz, Methodist church last .Sunday eve-[
Mrs. Arthur Reinholz ning. Rev Grant S. Moore, Super- ~/
occurred Saturday intendent of the school, presided.~ ~
o'clock a,. St Mi- The program opened with a prelude ~
in Sentinel Butte with played by Oma Mills while the child-
ren marched into the auditorium.
Busch played the gave salutes to the Christian and
and four songs were American flags, and sang "Onward
Mrs. Nick Uetz, Christian Soldiers" and "America."
and Mildred Busch. Rev Beffa gave a short talk to the
Reinholz was children, describing two cathedrals as
Gov. John Moses
To Speak At Old
Settlers' Picnic
Every[hing is practically complete
for Lhe annual Olde Settlers Picnicke
to be held this coming Sunday, June
22, at the Elliott ranch. (also known
as the Lions Dem. eighteen miles
north of Beach. The grounds there
are in good shape and a large attend-
ance at ~his annual affair is antici-
pated as usual.
This year an extra good attraction
is m order, it being the fact that
Governor John Moses of North Da-
kota will be present and speak to
the crowd. His talk promises to be
Hog Cholera Is
In G. V. County
Hog cholera has found its way into
Golden Valley county• This 'dread
dl~esase' of hog raisers was reported
thi~ past week and steps are. being
taken to eliminate it before It spreads
d,roughout tim county. All beg'raisers
are asked to be on the lookout 5)r
L:IIs ,tnd rem~-,y it a-' soon as not~c~,d.
So all hog raisers are familiar wtttt
the symptoms, the county agent's of-
fiyce wishes to point out these and
the colltrol measures:
Hog cholera is a very contagious
disease caused by a virus that the
and Bud Ray of symbols of the Christian Church as a interesting and instructive, and alone I hogs must get in contac~ with• The
the bridegroom, r¢,fuge and a place of fellowship and will be well worth coming to hear.1 methods of spreading are many; all
gowned in a floor opportunity. There Will be plenty of entertain- the way from contact with hogs tl~a4~
white satin She wore Rev, Boyd led in prayer, and the ment for young and old, refreshments have cholera, or the ground that in-
carried ' congregation joined in singing "What \ will be sold on the grounds, and ev- fected hogs were on, to being carried
a bouquet of . ,,
pink roses and baby A Frmnd We Have In Jesus. i eryone who can is urged to come to on peole's shoes, birds feet and feath-
white ribbon The The beginners department respond- ~ the event• ers, etc. ~
a pearl necklace that ed to questions from their teacher, d ....... The symptoms are a little varied
r mother Mi.~s Mary repeated the Lord's Prayer, and sang ~ A but the most uniform ones seem to
• -'- - ¢ be- complete loss ofappetit;eex
,lz was clad in ~ pow- a m°ti°n song, "Two LLtle Hands." 1 All G. V. Draft , .
floor length and had The primary department sang '"Yhe [ ]tremely high temperature, eonstipa-
~. She carried a bou Disciple Song," retold several Bible I ~[A,,-~ ~"1|,,..~A~lltion, usually followed by dlarri~a,
carnations inW: sweet stories they had learned gave a IIItUII IkAlil lll (l l chills, burrowing in the litter, red
, P
snap dragons tied with table prayer, and repeated passages i I spots or blotches on' the skin of the
}~f Scripture. ! ...... ~--~-' " _ . [belly, inner side of 4he hams and
wore a blue-grey suit, Marllyn Alguire sang very sweetly, l ±ne t~emcuve ~ervtce ~ocal Dears/arm pits &ud on and behind the ears
Kl. ahd Bud Ray wore "An Evening Prayer." . I The Office of Pr~uetlon Management has begins a salvage campaign foot ~u°leds~onLalrl;: ~:U2~lY rh~aist sent [(probably the most diagnosis factor.)
eg rants] In later stages the red spots quite
0th the groom and his, ,,.~ne p rnna.ry c m.~es again sang i to collect aluminum cooking utensils and other scrap metals. If successful m~der its jurisdiction. Out of the 402 i often turn nurnl~ in t,nlm- "1~,~o to ,,
a white carnatl I when ~e uomem repeated Scrip , " m ai to be in about ..................
' "on on t .. '" ___ )crip'l it may be expanded to a nationwide (1)lc~P ea p fin) g regis?a.nts, 339 _have recei.vea", lstaggenng gait in advanced sta~es:
I ure p a.~a.ges, met .naa memory., ] July 4. The photo shows three Richmond, Vs., resld~nts with the/r con- ,anally c~mc~mn, an cm.~mca-lAll these symntoms may nnt ~ .....
ceremon a re ~enumera~ed me Dooms of the ~wew • o " " - ...... " .....~'~'"'~
Y ception ..... I trlimUon tthe sample salvage eampaig~ tions are subject to change without fin each affected pig or hog
,~ groom's. _parents home_ ~ Tesmmel~,or^'- ,, ana sang "ood Made the,, advance notice to the registrant and[ Post mortem exalninati~ ~hc~a
relatives, friends and ~ ~-~" ]
• l The Junior Department quoted pas- ltt¢ is ~ithe _duty of. each_ re g~trant/ some or all of the following: Hem-
a graduate of the W sages they had learned listed the o no~ zy me local ~oaro oznce oil orrhages (small red spots) &howin~
ah- " i
lool and also ~ ] Books of the Bible and told the Story, any change in status which might [ through the capsule of the kt~)~')~ TM
took _ , t affect his classification To date 17/ red bet ..... :'- " "'-'~
Fs training. The groom[°f Moses and the Story of Zaechaeus ....... I " / ~ ~*~ on me tonga ar~
of Sentinel Butte hi~h] Representing the Intermediate De- i men ~rom t~omen valley county have| outer coverinu of im~t~n~ ,,,~oU
attended the SchOol!partment, May Loop outlined the I en inducted into the army through ~ red blotches on inner lining of the
Wahpeton for four:''Last Seven Days of the L~.fe of the Selective Service System, and* bladder %nd on the inner lining of
Past year he has been Christ": Myrtle Stuart quoted He- this county has been credited with 33 the intestines
brews 11: and Oma Mills gave a syn- men who have enlisted in the Na- I There is no reliable treatment after
' i ~°rn;~ Gu°ardgi~ A°~h:; Nch:~ °Is'Marine lash? ~o21~h:1 riv :hL ~o~
e s treat -
guests attending the opals of "The Life of Religious Lead- Next Sunday afternoon, June 22nd, the third and in thefourth counted n s e
were Mr. and era in America." Miles City comes to Beach for a reg- seven more runs, and added two more At nresent there are 40 -,o,, ~ ..... g. as '~ne
in the fifth. In this inning the Beach 1
Mr. and Mrs. The High school cla~ used as their ular Lower Yellowstone league game, I " )- ......... ~msease ,s recognized and some hogs
• ,~*,~,~, ~r~h~ll nvke ~,~,,, ),o,~ C ass H-A, the expiration date on, have been known to get over it when
and Mr. and Mrs. selecttcn"Savior Like a Shepherd [and a close contest ls predicted. Miles ~ ..... ... ............... s
--~ ome of these deferments has been[serum treated The serum ~,-~*,~o-*
City re-entered the league after drop-]pitched a no-hit game until then, was passed and such cases must be check- is a temporarg prewention ~g;od"~o;
Lead Us," and Rev. Boyd gave a syn- I
Baker, Montana. opals of the work they had taken up ping out at the start of the season ejected from the game after a dispute ed by the local board to determinefir ........
; a Wedding dance in class and is reputed to be well reinforced with he p p the board s futureaction thereon, should be burned The dn~hl
town hall and a large " ' t home late um ire. Fists , e or six weegs, s*Al deaa anm~.ais
and near gathered toA Bible drill contest was ~onducted[for league competition with a "number flew and uncomplimentary remarks iThes~ d@f@rm~nt~ ~- ~ ~,..^.. • ....... • ___ e treat-
me. between May Loop and Betty Jane of college stars now home for vaca- regarding each other's physiognomy, !onl--six~,~,:~:-~('~-~^,-~:*~'' f u: ment winch.iS a .d.ministering both the
Loop, with May Loop winning, t:cn. Plan to take in the game atoptical ability and general family m~t be "ke~('~rack :7~"~'*~:~-' fl::u, serum .ana the virus, is a permanent
ReinholZdance forlefta weddingimmed" Awards were issued and certificates [the Beach ball park next Sunday. characteristics were exchanged, with I a change instatus m"ea~ ac~;n;e'ln ~:etha°t" :ttention is called to the
:k Hills in 8Outh Da- of attendance preesnted. I Last Sunday the Beach nine Jour- all parties expressing doubt as to the classfficati,m ~o,,,, ¢~ ....... , ..... stat. law requires that
x) Wahpeton to visit The congregation, joined . in singing,, neyed to Richardton and there had other's veracity. There were moment-i~-u~ ....... u~,ert-eu'~ "'-'-'F~*'#"-~unger man'~"/"~'°mrougn~f"~''~'~ t me tins b aWrUSveterinarl~rea~mentn be administered
ends. the theme song 'An Evening Prayer little difficulty in trimming that team ~r,, -ros-ects of a ,,ood .qd fashioned* ........ ~ y a . The serum trot,
.... ' ....... ' ) --o ," *" ~ ,, ' season's narves~; I~nese men Will then ! ment ,,~a~, ~-o ~,,~- ~-,, ---,^--~ c,._~
tends join in wishing ax~a m repeaung me cm~g t~ene~lc- by o one sided score of 18 to 1' Rich- "gang fight" but law and order event- ~. .................... ' "'" " ~'~ ~ ...... ~ "~"~ ..... ~-~""
tion ' ~ ~um~ engmte mr change in l;netr, ration _and disinfection of he uar,
d happy Wedded life. """ - l ardton defeated Golva the previous 'Ually prevailed, and the game went on. cl-~-~f~oH,~- ~ • • . -- g q
__ . ~,]rne staff of teachers Who conduete.diweek by a 16-3 score, and the loellls I~chardton scored their lone tally in ~ Cl--~"~"" ~"~- --h--o ~o'o-,----,*- ! lS an lmpor:ts~lt point in preven-
rne scnoo, were Mrs. ~t~m Bryan~., ,f anticipated a tougher game. than it the fifth when SchuI~. walked, went'de--:-'2"=penn upon .... "Z~'~'--''~me zact ~na~-"'~"~tnere ....... are t~]'u°n ano control_ ~-. of the disease.
_n_er reitenfeldt Mrs. A. C. Mogle, Rev. ]hurler ri;~t from thele;o aRnldha:d~ °%cahifVr~i[~lshed the pitching duties ;~t~h:trlh°~ ~r faYthePa~:, by the Marching Band
~. Joe Zinsll, Mrs. A. A. Abel, ] proved to be to second on a passed ball and scored persons who mus* u^ _..: .....
~ars ~ordia Wallace Mrs Ervtn Beach ot to Wei
AtP ' g ~, y rgest class c~
enne 'sy Grant Moore, Rev. Beffa, and Rev. [clear around, scoring "five runs in the for Beach and did very well, allowing with 237 men 'l ~ ~ w~'t*,**
Boyd. i first inning• They ored another in but two safe hits. I Cl. ontaining perseus who bees Io W llhston
• --~ --~ ~' have com;'leted service all ministers '
e remodeling of the , ~.~ = sons with varied dis_biliti , - ......
which is occupied by Wlbaux Church Fishing Season 0p- 23 Children Have and consciensclous obJectors,. ..... and per- Sunday morning-- Beaohs' 48-,lees
.'Y Co. store was start- -- ~ w.. marcnmg t)ana, unaer the nirection
talus only 25 at this time.
~rk is well underway.
to the rear Has Annual Mcet l cner Gets Crowd Pedcct Attendancc l A lare ma orit of thee wh r l of De r left,or Wll ton
g J Y o a e,where the " " t" ' e " "
i ~ l ell~ible for Clm¢~ I wlll nat. b.~ #~all r' y pmyea has venmg an~t
are to be made into ............ ° ass ev
give the store more ..... : s eral times Monday for the
was let to the Immel- myibaux-'The annual business meet-lestAi~2ybr;ak Monday morning t~d feThere were 23 certificates for per-Iseodm:°tlm:h~i::le ex21nat:°~ami2[ t~:e I~ie~n ca~snoVe~rO~l:iphtledd it~er~
• o of the C. F. church was held at l e owd of several hundre et attendance. The pupils receiv-[tion~ migi~t be out-of-date before~.°~ " . . .
i I , huge paraae mere, ,n which there
the clubhouse Tuesday evening at fishermen were on deck for the open- ng them were: date of induction; such examinations were man ther b n"
)rs of Fondula¢, Wise., which time the following were elected ing of the bass fishing season at Od- Jowayne tgouba, Avis Eaton, Leona will be conducted at reasor~ble in- _ . y o . a as.
of the company'~ work
a I terv ls I "~esaay the ~and returned, and all
• western states. Elmer for the coming year: I land dam, but tose that left that, d y Netisen l.~nus Neil~n, Laverne Nell- ~ a , with due notice given to the r ........
' ~porma a very pmasan~ ana en o-
Trustee, C. A. Steele; Deacons, O.en ] with their limit ~ five fish were few. sen, Delorus Fasching, Gordon Rai~- ! registrants before the date of exam- ! a-1 -- J y
supervisor on the Job Scammon and Simon Hazelton. Dea- Jesse Still, Beach s expert angler, was ler, Jack Raisler, Lawrence Feldmann, I Ination. ~Be .r~,ne.. _ .
m the timekeeper, while ' I anamas~er Deer, r, who has resi -
e help are local men. cone~es, Mrs. Mary Scammon and the only one so far that produced that Neale Koslmey, Lucllle We John Itar-[ The registration of those attain-~ ed ............ ~gn,
' i ,x,m pos~ here am not come oa~
Mrs. Burton Welsh; clerk, Mrs. 13. mrge a string, yard Babcock Betty Marman, Beverly rig an age of 21 between the dates ..........' ........
~ectric of this city ~has Scammon; treasurer, Mrs. George Several carloads of fellows were up Gruman Delva Mac Howard, Made-I°f October 16, 1940 and July 1 1941 w~n me,aria, n us went ~rom WtlllS-
' lion to ~mot where ne will be em
contract, ttansen; pianist, Mrs. t3. ~cammon; from Dickinson for the day but they line Jones Ruth Thlll, Emil-. Ytlkell~, I will be held at the local board office ..... ' "
thet alsobasementincludes thestorageen- assistant pianist, Mrs. Earl Baker', didn't fare any petter than the aver- Ro~o-a_ ............... ~'~:,~,~ Robert ~tn,~l ~.~arlan [°no Jul~ 1, 1941.. ,The office will be. pmy.e~e~eatue,tmSwn.Summer,this ~allandto thenattend ~the to
Sunday School Supt., Simon Hazel- age, with several of them going Dome ............... aI pen from 7.00 oclock a. m. until 9 .....
n umon ~ary ~an ~.msn anu ~mr ~o'c umvermty of Washington taki u
W fixtures will be in- to ; assistant, Mrs. Burton Welsh; withOUt even a bite. . _ , , lock p. m. in order to accomodatea , r~ p
eelh°Utthatthe severalStore" more secretary, Mrs. M. Scammon; assist- Some of the boys think the thunder ~Tanzen. tevery°ne" It is not expected that t nL~stgi~e'erin'g~as ~a~uraay courSe.event the band
needed to complete the ant, Mrs. C. E. White; Sunday School storm the night before had something ------ his regt~trjttion will be, very heavy o -" . g put
pianist, Mrs. Olove Welsh, assistant, to do with the fish not biting while Golva--The Oolva bridge club met so the local board will try to handle lt~ a perxormance m Iull uniform on
ot er it with ...... , ne street, and drew a fine ere
Miss Lucy Scammon. , h . opinions varied. Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ed ou~ ou~slde ,assistance. ~n- His -" wd.
Mrs. E. B. Sherman resigned from his craning Sunday will no douFischer. Three tablesand several ru ons or this registration are!M _ . , . . ep y egre~
• G~IRI,! T bt st cti f many Inends here de 1 r
the office of Deaconess, which she see a capacity crowd at the lake.ganges were plied. ~ were not complete as yet, and such mat- tr. Deenrs aeclslon to leave Beach.
had held for the past 15 years. Rev, =------- ---- --- awarded Mrs. Oswin Schmitz, first; ters as order numbers have not been ~flynot known yet who his successor
June 17th, Mrs. Ern- and Mrs. Westmoreland were re= Richard Haistead and Don Brengie Mrs. Madison, traveling; and Mrs. officially determined, t De.
her husband
girl, welghir~ six
and three-quarters
Olendive hospital. The
beea named ~haron
and babe are com
years a~o, was a
in the city. Mr. Far-
In the ~,te of
Is en~41ed tn the
Yet. Ills many old
indeed pleased to
be a dance at the St
this coming Saturday
with music furnished
and his "Blossoms"
of ~orham, N. D. They
be good. Ckmae out and
at 11:15 a. m.
1 at
hired for another year.
wire head of wUd stock
unUshed byR. H. the Okn-
to ,be a .b~ter Show ~ :~e~ before
The very beat in Imme l-kl ? both
races and trick roping will be fe~-
A bowery dance each eveni~ dov~
town, band conoerts, ~reased pfg oon-
tests and the Old West will be wilder
than ever before seen.
W. L. Mills, who has been a rest-
dent of Beach the past 27 years, left
Friday night for Salt Lake City,
Utah, where he intends to make his
home with his son Ervin and family.
Mr. Mills has many friends here who
sincerely regretted his decision to
leave, but joined in expressing best
wishes for him in his new location.
Jimmy Doeraor, who has beau con-
fined to his bed for the pa~ three
left Tuesday morning of this week Ed Shoen, low. Mesdames Ed and
for Minneapolis where they went to H. Shoen were guests. Dainty re-
drive back new Ford Pickups for the freahments were served and another
Jolmson Motor Co. pleasant ~n enjoyed.
"Big Four' of Congress Meet With F.D.'I
First on President Roosevelt's sdaedule after a busy week-end at his
family home in Hyde Park, N. Y.,) was his meeting with legislative
ludetS, Use "Big Four" of eont~m. L. to R., Majority Leader Jolm
~orn~¢k,. SpeJdmr Sam Kaybura, Vise Pzesident Hen$~ Wallace 8rid
Auction Sale
This coming ~aturday afternoon,
June 21st, there will be an auction
sale of household goods in Beach,
inasmuch as Alfred Oisen, who has
been parts man at the Schulz garage
the past five years, is selling out his
belon~up and goin~ we~t. The sale
will be .held at the Wlley house, two
bl~ks, aotlt~ and two blocks east of
the ~chulz ~ra~e in Beach, and is
~h~uled to start at 1:30 p. m. sharp
with Trollope & Howard as auction.
eers ad P. J. Edklns as clerk. Some
dandy furniture, almost new, is In-
cluded in this sale.
C. A. Steele And
Mae Jackson Wed
Wibaux--Charles A. Steele and Miss
Mac Jackson were united in marriage
at the Christian church in Denver.
Colo., Saturday evening, June 7th.
After a wedding trip through the
Back Hill~ and Yellowstone Park, Mr.
and Mrs. Steele will return to Wibaux
and be at home to their friends on
tl~¢ farm near town.
"rPetr mdmy friends wish them
The Garden club will hold
next meeting R~nurmlay af~rnoon~
June 28, at the home of Mrs. Gra~
Houck. The program:
Roll Call, "Oharles I~ Pack"
Trees--Mrs. Monlton, Leader of the
RoUnd table' dtscu~ion.
. Identification,, of Trees and Leavu
: ~, .;fl~. ~leal Bl~k~e{mnd-4ff2~.
• Garners. Houck. ,
:The Flower Show sPonso~ by the
Garden Club will be held.~aturday
afternon, June 2t, In the Style Shop
OraL sco s
All Girl Scouts please meet at the
east entrance to the Lincoln gr~e
scnoo ~uilding Thursday ~fternon at
4:30. Important that all attend.
make plans for camping trip. Brin~
safety match boxes ond bobtles to fl~
boxes for first aid kits.
During the past week Ben Brown
informed the News of the approach-
ing marriage of his son. Harold, a
former local boy, He is to be mar-
ried on June 20th at Gary,
to Miss ~mja Borg. He is now era- :
ployed at office work in the
milk there.