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June 18,2009
Burning Hills singer Ken Quiricone of Stratford, Conn.,
shows one of the shoulder patches that the singers wear in
tribute to Wade Westin, who had been a Medora Musical host
and was the marketing and public relations director for the
Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation. (Photo by Jane M.
(Continued from Page 1)
Kack. former TRMF board mem-
bers. The windows had once been in
an old church in Duluth, Minn., and
are antiques. One now adorns a por-
tion of a wall that separates the
lounge from the restaurant area. The
other two will be put in at the front
and registration desks.
Now comprising the fireplace in
the renovated building are bricks
that were once part of the previous
state capitol building, which burned
down in 1930. The bricks were pur-
chased by Harold Schafer, and
stored away. The dining area seats
up to 105. whereas the previous din-
ing room could only accommodate
around 55.
For TRNP. junior ranger badges
will be offered at both the North and
South units. These are Offered in
many of the national parks, and to
get one, a child must go to the visitor
center and pick up a booklet, com-
plete the activities in the booklet,
participate in a ranger program, then
go on a hike through that particular
park. When that has been completed,
the youngster then takes the booklet
back to the visitor center where a
ranger will check it, then have the
child repeat a ranger pledge, and the
child then becomes a junior ranger
and is presented a badge.
The Chateau deMores was repre-
sented by Site Supervisor Dee Linn,
• who informed the media of the
activities that will be available at the
Chateau. Among the many will be a
Seniors Tour on Tuesdays at 2:30,
and children's tours on Wednesdays
at 2:30. "Time Travelers." portray-
ing servants from the Chateau.
appear at these times to give the vis-
itors an added flavor to the era in
which the Marquis and Marquise
were here in the 1880s. Another
popular program, History Alive!, of
the State Historical Society of North
Dakota, has been going for approxi-
mately 12 years.
Another program, called
"Murder and Mayhem in Medora"
has been running for about five
years and is located in the Billings
County Courthouse Museum, in the
courtroom upstairs. Previously
known as "The Trial of The Marquis
deMores" the drama depicts the trial
of the Marquis when he was
accused of murdering cowboy Riley
Luffsey in t883,
Something new this year
involves the Footsteps Through
Historic Medora tour. Although
"Footsteps" isn't new, this year this
program will be able to be used on
visitors' I-pods. This can be used
through the town of Medora at the
convenience and time of the visi-
tors. They can walk or drive through
the town at their leisure, or do part
of the tour one day, and the next part
the following day. Because of this
option, visitors will also be able to
come and tour the town of Medora
during the winter from the comfort
and warmth of their cars.
(Continued from Page 1)
"Why shouldn't hunters be able
to do some hunting on a regulated
basis and take home the meat?"
Feinstein said.
The position of the National
Park Service has been that volun-
teers can be used within the park
for wildlife management, includ-
ing the elk. Hunting, however,
isn't allowed under current federal
Park Superintendent Valerie
Naylor couldn't be reached for
direct comment by the newspaper's
Monday deadline regarding the sta-
tus of the proposed plan.
The Park Service's Elk
~EManagement, Plan and
n~imnmental Impact Statement is
to address the increase of the park's
elk population from the 47 reintro-
duced to the South Unit of the park
in 1985, to the approximately 900
that are there today. The public
comment period on the plan and EIS
ended on March 19.
The alternatives listed in the
draft plan include:
- No action. Existing manage-
ment practices would be followed
and no new management actions
would be implemented.
- Direct reduction with firearms
to reduce and maintain elk numbers.
- Reducing and maintaining the
herd using roundups and killing at
offsite locations.
- Reducing and maintaining the
herd using chronic wasting disease
testing and translocation (roundup
and relocation of animals to willing
recipients outside the park).
- Increasing elk hunting opportu-
nities outside the park, coordinated
with state actions to reduce and
maintain the elk population.
- Fertility control of female elk
as a maintenance tool only. This is
an unproven technology that does
not currently meet criteria set forth
in the plan/EIS and could only be
implemented when and if it meets
those criteria and in combination
with another method used for initial
reduction, according to the Park
Service's draft plan.
Once the plan/EIS is finalized,
one of the alternatives, or a combi-
nation of actions from multiple
alternatives, would become the elk
management plan and guide future
actions~ for a period of 15 years or
until conditions necessitate the plan
be revised.
Tera Ryan and Scott Brown with the Montana Salinity
Control Association drill a monitoring well on the Golden
Valley Conservation Service District's property. (Courtesy
(Continued from.Page 1)
problem on his land. Michels seeded problem areas to Garrison creeping
foxtail, a salt-tolerant plant, and also drilled monitoring wells at the site.
Other sponsors for the tour included the Golden Valley Soil
Conservation District, the Wibaux Conservation District and the Natural
Resources Conservation Service from both Montana and North Dakota.
(Continued from Page 1)
be held isn't entirely set, but the
space next to the show hall or the
Dakota Lights building, where she
does yoga and nutrition counseling,
are possibilities. Being issued a
license also may mean that a client's
insurance provider would cover the
Planert said she studied at
Immaculate Heart College in Los
Angeles and earned her master's
Her line of therapy can involve
working with people of all ages, and
includes using creative arts."
"The idea is to use creative arts -
drawing, music, rhythm - to help an
individual express fully who they
are - to access their unconscious
energy," said Planert. "Creative arts
provide a "way in.'" The therapy
would mostly be for people looking
to alleviate emotional pain, but it
could also be used for those with
physical pain. she said.
This type of therapy originated at
the time of World War II. Marian
Chance, movement psychotherapy
founder, used the therapy with veter-
ans who were in shock. Chance
would take on their body expres-
sions and brought in music and
Cheryl Planert
worked with them until they felt
they could trust her.
Planert said she expects she can
obtain clients on her own or through
referrals from health providers in the
area. She said she would be able to
work with a range of diagnoses,
such as head trauma, depression and
attention-deficit hyperactivity disor-
Annual show to be held June 27
MEDORA - The 32nd Annual
Medora Car Show will be held June
27 in Medora.
Exhibition for the public will be
held Saturday, June 27, from 10 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to show
a vehicle in any of the 20 different
classes through 1984 (including cus-
toms) and a modern collectible class
(1985-2009) should call (701) 225-
8851 or (701) 225-8149, or register
on the show grounds on June 27. The
first-plate winners from the 2008
Medora Show will be on display in
the Community Center along with a
special center exhibit, a 1922
Hispano-Suiza Tourer.
he Dakota Western Auto Club of
Dickinson sponsors the Medora Car
- Show.
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Golden Valley News
Billings County Pioneer
P.O. Box 156
99 Central Ave.
Beach, ND 58621
(701) 872-3755