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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 18, 1931     Golden Valley News
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June 18, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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18, 1931 BEAC'H. D., ADVA1VCql WINPO Work for The n hf i5 "By Arthur Vensen ED MAMAS LITTLE /.rl}HOULD SA'Y '~" 1 A SACR BW A LANTERN ALL WHEN I WAS "YOUR AGE | HAD I 'YOU'VE. BEEN TIRED ", ING WHILE Hr.- . /, ~.THE'Y DID -%VILLIE t NIGHT -- ONCE THEW TIED "TO CARRY CONCRETE UP 12_ t THE LAST 20 WEARS- ~ HE'DA WORKIN' FOR 'EM.P / PUNCHED ME OFF ~ E TO A FENCE AND LET FLIGHTS OF STAII~S- WITH TH' J HOW MAN'Y BRICK5 ] HIT ME. THE HA'YRACK ~NtTH THE COWS KICK ME / BOSS A THRO~41N' BRICK5 AT / DID HE HIT "YOU WITH WITH A A PITCHFORK- 'EN BOO h!O0,' THE OLD MAN KICKED ME UP ON IT \ ME ALL THE TIME/ ~ LOT HIRED ME. I BUTTEI Anchors A:-W¢lglRl Fred Gilbert l~el,or ter l ~' ~~ • - • e :,'~.Y~E'~ Monday news leached her . ,. .~ .~,,-,,, ,_ ._ )ieklnson that John Andet'- }:~,,,.:~."Y.:~7':~'!;~'.'.~, ..... ~',.X ~r~j" a prominent farmer resldmg] ,; ",~, -,=::;: ~;~ of Beach passed away at the ~'~:~" '.'~; w -- ~al there I ,; ~] ./2 ~, • r,)/ , :vey EnsiGn of the north coun- I ~]2~~L as in Sentinel Butte las~ week l ~-~~ 1 ~ ohn Oilbertson and Hans An-! ',~~ :~ [,..,.,.-.,(-./ -"~'~--~ of Beach was in Sentinel -- 7"~~ ~Ii~#/~Y---.F~ 1 e last Monday on business. 1 ~'~ "~i~~__ ~~'-"~ t~-"~ and Mrs. W. H. Miller and, .t ~, ~ ~~1~ .~, Hazel Stevens of Zero. Mont., i ~ '~.~.~)~ ._~'~,~_ ~(~.~-~£f~ In town Monday v'si~ing at the~ ~ ~_~.~~ o~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert. ~ ~ ~~;;: ..... -" h ~ ~..*, ~ ~.,* ~-~- . and Mrs. Leonard Gamrot ~'" ~:-~.,~ ~;'.. _ . to Ekalaka. Mont., on last -" ----~"~.::., " after a week visit with her -- ~ ..... --~'~"-~"-----'~-- ' Polly Burhans who has attending the university af ~- ~.'~"~tb~ _~.l~I4:~ For craved last Wedn - S Mary Stoddard who has "attending the State Teachers ! ~:~~1~ at Valley City arrived home ~ :~~ r: - :_ _- - : . Wednesday. k~e .......... I ~ - ~ r lei~ ~acu.raay ~0 join ner l ., ..... ._ ~..~. at Detroit Minn., whereI , *'~vv"=L-#~' ...... li" en~ployed on the highway --- ----------------= ~--'----=. eo, '°' ............... 36 STATES LISE Mary Margaret McDonai ~led from St Paul, Minn.,I CAMELS HUMP I ~she 'has been attending the ,. , Mrs Ray Dt ~er Repot ter ~elia academy. She is spend- " ' I ~rMTD I I Oil ¥1M ~r~xPaulinevaCatiOnSOrknessWith her, ..... whoParentS'was a II ........................ Mrs Jack Myers and son Beddyll U[II/nRi. UU 1111 reacher nero ou~ wno n~ w r -n-- 1 .... M rs teach,-*, at Lewistown Mo'-t I e e ~u any ca mrs a~ ~ua . ye . I ~d off"'~on her way I~ack "tot Mr. and Mrs. Mike M. Lardy andI Survey Shows Big Sawng ) to visit Mrs LeRov I~nd- J Phillip atteP, ded church in town on v~ ,-- ~ ~t._ • -/~" Sunday. l~eSulut rrom tnls , and Mrs Clark Bria, flale re- Howard Van a caller atI New Practice. to their home at ,~-Iazelton, t Jonnny tionnold's ~amraay even- ,,.after a ten day ~it at Mrs. [ing. t New York.--Centralized Imr- ~le's parents, ~{rs. W. W. I George Lardy and Grog or Deck-! chasing has been adopted In 36 a. / [er were cahers at Ray ~rier's on states and in more than 200 cities tg Gladys Pede~son who has lSunday• t of the United States and in three teaching ~ ]#ingree, N. D., I Mr. and Mrs. Page Myers and] provinces and 25 cities of Caned.a, term of two~y~ars~and will re- I children attended the ball game in according to a survey Just templet- again next ~ear. Miss Ped- town Sunday. j edby Dr. Russell Forbes, secretary 1 was a forme~c~-radua~e of our l Thelma Lardy was a Sunday via-i of the National Municipal league ~hool °" liter at the home of her grandpar-J and associate professor of .govern- F d Woodhull of Beach has f en~, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lardy. , I ~hentNatto~:a~ ~°s:clU~ll::rSo~Y'ptu°r ~king care of, the barber Mr. ann Mrs. lrvin nelsley anctt the nest few days durin~ the l family were visitors at the C. Van] ch,asing Agents. ........... -,LL___.. A': .... ,-° Horn home Sunday I a sentry a[ tne tax ext[ gate ' Of ~-,~,,aru ~mro~tL I - - - "~: ..... ,-,^.,.^,. is the phrase with which Doctor and Mrs Walter Latham andueorge uaray arm or~u. ,.,~, ,~ • . i Forbes describes this system of :.. ng " ' o '. - governmental buying. It is the " J E lund were in Dick ha~e been busy fencing the past~ ,, "l~ursday on busine~ and lweez. . ......... i delegation to one office of the au- l Blll Ho, ler was a Caller m ~nls lies rnate~ ~g'_ I .... - .. . thorlty to purchase supp , and Mrs. C. H. Howard of locant;y on aunaa[. .. . ~ .. rials and equipment needed for us Mont.. wins in t _.own last week[ Tony .Lardy ws.~ a,, ~unaav. V'S~C- I, by_ all the. several,, branches of the It H. T Gilbert and Albert ! or at Mike M. Lard}.s. " ' " nd organlzatmn. " nt ~. Mr and Mrs. Anay wngn~ a i A billion dollars a year is ape , C~&sie Severson went to t family were Sunday visitors at the by federal, state, county and mu- ice ~ruesday to have glasses Johnny Honnold home. ] nlcipal governments for this put- and all so visit her daugh- Ray Brier. George Lardy, Oregor i pose, Doctor Forbes estimates, and ~hel. I Decker and Albert Gallus enjoyed a I centralized purchasing can_save on CUd Mrs H T. Gilbert and fine swim in the creek on Sunday. I the average ot lu to xo p~r c~u~ ' w er fine' ~ of the total, he behoves .~red OilTl~ert" were in Beach iT hey say. "the at 's " .' ~ ~ - " " "F toy morning I Mr. and Mr.s Chuck Moore alia } Several Prices for uommoo ty. ~Inel Butte "has enlarged a;children were visitors on SundayI He cites many illustrations as deal the past week when the]at the Honnoid home. *~ proof of this. Under the old sys- SUrfacing highway No 10 I Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse and I tern of decentralized purchasing ne bringing a real bunch of l infant son were visitors on S{mdav, found different branches of the ~mae of them bri~n~, their]at Johnny Honnold's. / t same government paying, different ~S, some at the "'hotel and Constant Van Horn ~ helpingi prices to the. same dealers.,__ ~e • r~ the tourist camn i Clifford dig a well a eol/ble of days found favored dealers, reuaLes ~u ~,--~ - - -:'- -I, -~- .... 1. /- ! politicians and all sorts of expen- rdrs. Pat Oauagner ann ,,,o~_~?. ..... ~ .... u~, ~nl slve methods which favored prt- a~tr and Mrs Gardner and ~nerizt uur~ ~m ~,~o ,, ........ . ......... ts te ...... " ........ I this vicin%*, last ~esday. j vate mstea~ or pubuc mteres . r left Fr,utty ttlbernoon ior %~ ~"~."~:' ..~ I lrTn'la~ fh~ new system in one ~aire Wls v" t t e Will Br n w a ousmess VLS ....... , " . to mi h lr par-, "~w ~ga. :busin~ . I ~-ntract for ~asoline for the state rotor ' or ~n Beac Friaay evening.~- ° rchas- e Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher i ..... ac~t~,,..l~iday^e: ^_A ~, ] highway department, the pu . ttefinite place for a future mr .ann. ~. ~ua ~v~yer~ ~,-.~ "'-i In~, department of California seven Mr l feat daught~ motored to ~own on ~ u 1 . and Mrs. Gardner will] .... -" t more than three times the ann. a or two weeks returning back sa~uraay evening. I cost of operating the purcnasmg again Laurence Kirkpatrick and Henry! ~vstem On a long-term contract, Franzen were Beach visitors on the" state secured a base price of lIVE DEVICES FOR Saturday. J 12~ cents per gallon of gasoline; ¢G HOGS UNNECESSARY John Brown was seen dragging l at the same time the dealer's price the roads Thursday. They certain- was 16 cents per gallon f. o. b. re- hog breeders purchase ex- ly are much improved. I finery and the retail market price hog oilers which require A dandy big down pour of rain,~ was 20 cents p;:ligailOnrchTahs: ~a/li ase or crude oil for their came last Tuesday which lasted lng on this gas P r.00 I. These are entirely un- half an hour or longer. Everything ] approximate $382.~_.. . L" says AI. Severson an- is growing just fine and the farm-] Every Item Heouceo. ~bandryman; of the ~rl- ors are feeling real happy again. In Maryland virtually every item College Discarded crank- Ray Brier motored to town on used by the state was reduced In applied periodically with Saturday to do h~s shopping, cost under centralized purchasing. lary garden sprinkler ser- William Brown was in town on On mimegraph pap~ theprlcer Waa: P~e very satisfactorily, Saturctay.. ......... I cut 2fi.~ per teen.t D~acoW~as ro- e expense is hardly worth Mms wc~ona ~'.mllnSKi and oeo. ] cut 24.2 per e . . rig. ' Lardy were visitors on Tuesday at] dueed 21.7 per cent. II be necesasry to punch the Albert Oallus home Slmilar savings were revealed by ~es in the surinkler because John Brown and Howard Van the survey In virtually every gov- mslstencv of the oil, or the Horn were callers at R. Brier's on I ernment which had adopted cen- " Monday trallzed purchasing. be warmed to a lighter .... ~+~.,- ,,,o+ .... ,~,^., - a..~ J Savings in the price of goods are ~Y. TM~.e~rd~ mc~ff)r oil xutxy *.~,.,~ j~o~ ~.~,*ttp~.~ ~ j.~,*~ I - *, ...... n,l~anfn~eS can ~'~-'~'~-~,L,, "~:'}~-,m- 40-barrel cistern for Mike Lardy l only. one %[ [ne2~. %~%%'~;"~,,. " "'"~ "~ .... ~ ....... # of this system, wuct-..,.. ...... kee~pimr__~ --~dnwn the dust in which_ is a great improvement for I rmrts. ........ omers memue better dellv. : cots or sheds." a ~arm. ....... i ~(-y service, reduction In overneaa ~anagement practice is to _ aonn ~augen was over ~o ~on_nnyI cost through reduction in. person: !w old burlap sacks to a i-ionnola s ~avuraay ~or a matt o~I nel; reduction in the volume o[ saturate them with oil. pos~s. __ ....... I "paper work"; centralized, super- 'Ides a rubbing post for Mr. aim a~rs. ~. n: Mason wereI vision over deliveries and stoc_K, and at the same time callers ~unctay evening a~ l~ay l closer accounting control ~;cerune~s offer. Oil will kill lice Briers. . ...... t penditures, saving oz ~ -~ in scurfiness of the skin. John nonnom mo~orea r,o ~own] through prompt paymen~ o} - i~ that 1 to 2 per- Saturday to do some shopping. ] voices and the elimination ot tavor- tl tar dip .be added Mrs. Mat Teacher and children itism in buying. oil in warding off motored to town on Monday. j Pearl Myers was m ueacn on Sat- GONE TO JOIN TH~ ANGELS y or quick way of urdary, a~dule~hr~n ~a&1~csherd:ty:l "Sam, Ah jes' seen a.-alligator ~e p~" tonded c _ , "1 e~,~' our younge, s' chile." be s~ed ~rl~ Oh cuts Of meat are Just as J Umm-uh! She huff? Y.OU...klmW, , e~per ' ~ln otl~ try~ .both pala~ble as the other cuts if pro-J Ah t. Fht. umP n been m per v cooked. illum --ute L %VANT ADVEIITIgE}IENT RATE~ All orders for advertising under thls head must be aceompan|~ I~ Cash. The rates are two cents a word with a minimum charg~ O~ _~ cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or mailed In will INg published without prepayment unless t~,e party has an est.&~ account with thi~ office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS - -~ FOR SALE -- Ford Commerclal ] POW~ S~ SHEARING, (~la'. Fertilizer. Fine for l~wns, shrub-//p~te with shearing head tl~ _ bery, flowers and gardens. Joh~>~ sharp tools. Price $10, T~tr~ son Motor Co., Beach. , 51zt-!l Oldis, Oolva. GROUND FEED FOR SALE Cus- IC>E---Will deliver ice same all IIM~, tom grinding. Sand, gravel and jear. Frank Debilzen, BeaCh I,,Ke" kindling wood for sale. F4" !~ "Furnished 2-room A~K'~ Logan. L~rZtf. -, .... heat, ho~ and cold-'~'~ FOI=t SALE--White face bull corn- each. Call Blue B~.-J~t~k ing two years old. Eligible to ~ Phone 71. ~b4~, Ister. C. H. Hall, Ollie, Mont. ~-3p ...... OKAY BY JOHN FOR SAI.~--The Mark F. Jones •/