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June 18, 1931 |
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76 Above
Weather at
Noon Today
of Sunset lodge of
last Tuesday evening
by a feature not often
in Masonry, it being the
Henry Kuhfeld. father of
of this city, a pas~-
Scenes and Fersons in l le Current News
The Beach ball team furnished,
at least for the first half. here last
Sunday, a very delightful practice
session for the visiting Baker ag-
gregation, the latter running up a
string of 13 scores before the locals
Fire played a scurvy trick on C,
E. Lundberg last Thursday after-
noon and night, by which his home
on the north side first got a ba~
roasting shortly after dinner al~
at midnight burned to the gr0ttl~.
the St. Paul lodge, acted got a man on first base. In the afternoon the gasolene
. master and raised his Then the locals got a man as far FREDERIOK H. ~PAYNI~ ~¢~ve in the kitchen, which
aegree oI master Mason, as second and again as far as Aulttltn~ Seer~a~yj of WaG ~angberg fortunately, was not in
• ~ t~uhzeld, the father oi third in the fifth Or slx stanza ...... : ....... : ~t the time, went wrong and
grandfather of A1. Kuh- Then Maxwell of Beach m~e a "- proud gasolene over every thing
by his son's side as a mas three-bagger and Beach's first score ~| [~[:[~|~|D [~V~I r~A~i with the result that that room and
)n of long standing. This on Tom Gilman's bit to first Then w~|||r||]l|| ['i|||,~ri],~m~ithe living room next to it, were
VI~L-ImIII I~IdPI~ ltJ/qJ lil~qJ 1 h
held great interest to the Baker ran in ~ome more scores In I bad y c arred up, together wlth the
r ~out of Masons present, the eighth bracket Beach had a TIIi~I~II/Hi ilITA I~l~inlll furniture in both..
~ae "raising," t-as~mas~er man on base when Stub Noyes /rll(lllll_M #111/11 I-I~H%I'I! An amrm orought the fire de-
I~uhfeld addressed his son: banged the ball for a three-bagger /ilI|~UUI! ~U/~ UIU'~III pertinent promptly, and the wate~
if the gratifying of a wish bringing in the runner then Stu.b ..... t mains being too "distant for the
l been his since the child- scored followed by Dutch Hou~k ||IlTU ~lkll Y IIl~lllP['0inse of hose, the chemical exttn.
the son.., an-~,. ~,,~'-~k-= ,~,^¢ his 1--Miss. Margaret Young, descendant of Brigham Young,. chosen.i "Miss Pioneer" to reign over the Coy-. ana" ~neZ' stanza" woum'" .... up m a maze~ ' ill/l||| || |IHII ! INKIII%i" % J o_lS"l' h~r~¢ wo-o "¢~'~ ~ ~,.-~"~'~ ~,,,w,°e¢~'*
interes~ in t oral n ered Wagon Days festival in Salt Lake City late in Jul). 2--~ ew of the rebuilt Lincoln tomb in Spring- ..~.,...... ............ !/ i11.i UItU|ULUtan h .......... ~.,~,~ +^ +u.
, ~ he er a d l " " - "* ). . lie r an r • • ,,~ ~.~,~ ,,,,~,, ~pua ~.aams mmae d t e d ..... ~ ~,,,,.,.~,, ~v v.~
id~.,.o ~o ~ +h~e +t.~ ~,~n fie d, Ill., at the dedzcatmn of ~hzch I zesident Hoo~er de e ed add ess. 3~Prlme 3hn~ster Ramsay Mac-• .... I ~w~ v~.~r.~ ~. V.o.,~h~,~ .,o~.~.A
........................... • a nomer, ooosung the score to five ................. .~-~-~ ..~-.-.~
~e ................... Donald and hzs daughter at the gate of Chequers, h~s residence, where the conference with Bruening and • I ; ........... ~._, .... ., ....,,._
_ tap ~,0 alz uzle Ilzgz~ l¢:te~l~ ~"r+;''- ^~ ~-rman-- *~'~ "--- In the first half of the ninth- --- .,~..~.~e ~. uu~,zz goutm aua
'rOtherhood. v~ .t,u~ ~, ,~= z. ~,,,,~ P,,-,-~. ~ Beach goose egged Baker this be- SUPPOSED DRIVER SLEPT ON I house, so went to bed in a COOk
s tollowed by a fine talk by ...... _.,_ .................... " " ing ony the- second egg' of that JOB; THROWN THROUGH CAR car on the place feeling that he
~ctfather telling of the joy ..................... ~K.A~-I~I~AI~. IMIUI~UM~I~I ........ kind the I3aker bunch received dur TOP UNCONSCIOUS would be paid for l~s loes.
~Perienced when his sonVFflA HIIIL~flN ANIi fill t HFNgV IIFI M ID ANti ing the game. Beach got some SEDAN UPPE~ ........... A;,ppax.ently.the fire h~. b ur~ee
~me a mas~er Mason and /LIIM llUIL/UUII Mill/JU I ~ I HI/lilt/ Ill/Iq Ill 141111men o b s ~,w~ ~£v~t~n- mrmer Into the waz~s of the ~Ull~-
'" " • ........... - ~ • I ..... ='= ....... •,,,,,,,,,i n a es in the last of the ED" -~--CUP~,~ ...... -, ....... , --,a
pleasure ne now ex.per- I , ninth but could'~,et none of them , ~u ,'~,,*~ uvula zng ~nan was apparent ana a~ mm-
n being able to come to0['rtH UI ['11 fillIUT! U l |/fill Ilri/ra IllllTrh over the home plate KNOW WHAT HAPPENED night Thursday the departm~at
) ~ee the second generation ArFn alrv IIIlH'II| II|lHl ~rir~ IlNI|PIm Marvin Tobias made good back -- was again called out, but too late
~. his and his son's foot-l~l|l JILL| ~U|L|,L|I IL|~|I~ |'U=|L|| U||||L~ of the bat for the entire game A peculiar aut0momle accidentto save the structure, the lack o~
~¢the conclusion of his talk ~, • ~,~ mmP~== ua^•m~,, I [ = -- .............. with Bill Turnquist on the mound, happened about 4 a .m. last Friday, water han~capping the firemen,
e cX °v HAKKILI) fltKt HOfli) Y fl OH [~:ythepit~i~n;h:l~ee b:~:ninegS'o?~b ~2~l~:leng waeSr?°bet:r~it~:g al~d° BW:Jlc~i }l~dc~bhu~a,d~%t~e:nanmd°Je~ :~a:~kr~l:
octge's admonition to all[ I I ,game, Dr Park of Baker umpired from a de?co over Wibaux way, I. e la g, were destroyed, the
at ~peech, as did wimam ] "t~t()M CORTLAND I ! T~VES OF H ....... " : There was a goodly crowd out. '{ by Lee Alton, is in much worse con- I u' :ng was n flames.
• ~.,..~v,~..~. ' di 1 In the first fire the worth of the
,.who also had been raised] __ 1 Beach played the kind of up-hill ton. I .... ' - .. . .
~a~te ' ~ a,m Wallie was aslee on the rear cnemlca~ tanzs on ~ne mo~or ~ruo~
r s degree that even- [ I i -- + g e for ,which she has always J P / ......
[HAPPY COUPLE LEFT MONDAYI ~ . ,~been noted that of keeping their lseat, and it is presumed that Bob [ was aemons~ra~ea, as the l~ea
~ge wor as ur ed bv [ FOR COAST CITY WHERE I The nome of Mr and Mrs J W ! il ' ' fell aslee while dlrvi . an~ ast from these handled the fire qu ,
._ k w .__eced ..... E- ----'L ...... " " ' "'" "~ ta s up m the face of overwhelm-] P ng j ~ ...... lekly
~allv fin~ dinner in the re | 'x~t x wu, tar*: I Meyer norse oz xa~es was ~ne ! in~ adverse s before reach" the railwacross- ~nus ~nm par~ of the apparattm ~1
• "- = -----: ...... "" ' ' ' " t' ° score, but also show-I ~g Y
~at was a tribute to theI I J scene Wednesday, of 1as l ed the sad lack of a bang-up good ling w~t of town, the car went into ~a .matter _of. ~et, y ¢o
artistry of the committee | T,~ ~ ,~,iot. hor,~ ~-~m~ ~t I I weet~ of a very pre~y ~vedaing when hitcher and a whaleof a lot of ) the ditch and rolled over twice the |nunamgs, zf ~ne zzre ass no~ gatne~
alt et" • ' .............. Y ..... ~ .... ~:/::i::;~::: 'Henry Helm Jr and Miss Lydia - • ~bo s be| thrown t'hrou h ' he too much headway.
.of: her the evenmg was ] Monde at 3 p m Mxas Vera Hud- I . , . , .. good, hard practme many of the i Y rig g t l
• f~ale to the year's lodge ] son w~ marrie(l by Rev. F G. ROS- I I Meyer, :neir oaugnter, were mar- [ errors made ,being gross. Still Bak- I roof of the car and some distance ! _
e.lodge meetings being dis-loot to Paul Klev, of Portland, Ore.,I iried by Roy. H..J. Tr..inklein of s t. ler made some bad, ones, too, iflfr°m it, where both lay uncon-]19 U~MTU I/IClll~ Oiillt
~th un ] Paul s church this city The mum a sclous forsome time becauseof "
t'l next September, ) the ceremony taking place in the I ~~~ ' , . • ..... th t is any satisfaction. | I,I Iq~lll /I $1~ I~1~
or a suecial meetin~ this | ..... +~ .......~ +ho ~ ~ T-~,,,~ I --~ ~--";. - _ ~ of honor ~was Miss ~aon~ wa~mns I Baker is said to be the best team ~ bumps and cuts in the hem2 they ! .... w ..... --=~ .=- v. ,•~,
to deci'de upon plans -for ~so~n~r~'~i~d'enc'eo"f ~p~r~Or'an't'str'eeTi I and the best man was..Edward !in the circuit or league, but" the [ being otherwise unhurt, sav~t for |'11*/% hr nn||rlrMl|| rh ralt
e~t Meyer a orother of me ,~rme As a a bruised 1
~ arrangements for~only the immediately family of the] ._ , _ ....... ~ ...... .~. thelBe ch boys say they have their/ ~ . ,, eg sufferedby Bob. .~/llKr M:ll¢lilil[l| riilf
ale. [ hridP and aria or two friends bein~l :ne young coup*e ,~ppro~cnett l nunmer now and will show up bet-| ~oo came ~o' firs~ and founa ||V ~, ~||t-YU~Y | ~||
."~--- [ nro-~nt I Tins is the Marinersmonument I mAnlster Mrs. Trlntotezn played. L. l ter in the return games. But Bak- jWallle still unconscious, but soon | __ '
I, kINBOW PI6'l~k. /'~ ~,~= ~,~ ..... ~ .... ,f blue Iat Lahoe, near Kiel, Germany, hengrin's wedding marcn anct taP [er has a fine club of fine fellows [brought him around, and after |1 Ii'r}A DV i I£1P111£ ttr M
" .... ° ......... 'erected to commemorate the sea ~guests the immediate relatives of i ' viewin
• ~ ~ ~;~ ,~f ..... ,~ .... ;~'~ o -~rsa=e i , j all well tra ned players, and the [ g the wreck the boys limped J I .~.~. ~ | | I"|mi[| [|[
~h ~,-~- ^~ ,~,~--- f|:"'~ ~"?t~Y ........... ~'~ "~ ~"- ~ ~ battle at Skagerrak, the greatest ithe families gathered around t°[Beach boys have real worW°aheadlinto town and to their home~s the] aww • ~s =-~m~= v| Sq
-'~,,-,,~, ,,- "-'-..=- ~ oou uet ~ne groom wearing conven- " ' ' ' /
'Or (Jirls -.m ..... *^- ~ |7. q ............. ~ ........... [ naval battle in the %~orld ~ar, {wxtness the ceremony. . . . I of them car being brought in later with its
th ..... "-~'t"-.~"*~ [uonaz zat . ~.~Lez ~ .... ? .... :~"~ ~ i called by the allies the battle oz [ The bride was gownea in psn~: " upper works a total ruin /
~ ~f,~ud~-S~?un .~:rjwedd~ngam.ner w a~ en~Teartl:22iJutlandL The monument .,:'as put t ehiffon and carried a large bouquet ACREAGE FARMED IN NORTHNeither of the ,boys knows any- NEW CALENDAR ENDORSED
- ~.~ ~,..~.~, .v~v.~ "~'* "~" -- ~ Iu o umuermans recentlx n zn on |
........... " .... ] . ~ ..... ' P Y J- t of roses, the groom *tyei g c ", DAKOTA AT PEAK IN 1929 [ thing as to how the thing occurred, BUSINESS MEN OF M_A~ :ne zam o~ mm t where they win resiae, on tne eve: I i ventional dress After the core- I but are now uite sure that it / COUNTRIES
9 invite the parents oi ning train. The groom armve~i " " in dinner was~ ,, I q hap- '
to ~tcnic with them on ...... =,,.a....... a,~di mony a free wedd g I It is probable that North Dako-~pened. -- .
le 28th The ~sembly ~:7 thee f:~i~ly~"guest until" -t'l~e GREAT INVENTION COMING enjoyed by the b rid~LeP~r~ye anndlta had the greatest amount of land 1 ~ !HOW THE YEAR WILL BE DI-
z ' .... : ...... -- guests. The next day . tinfarms in 1929 than at any otherLARDY-DEITZ 5IARRIAGE VIDED; 28 DAYS TO EACll
an~lZ~a~n/°f:mii~taS°~oS Ce~rm.°~Yev is the assistant traffic [ And speaking of Bly Archibald's groom left fore honeymoon in the [time in the history of the state" MONTH
them on th- same ~ate I " . ................ ~, tame rooster reminds us that it is ~ Twin Cities. I concludes Rex E. Willard, Agricul- Sentinel Butte Review: A¢ a { -
............... ] manager oz racznc xe~ep~zuz~v t an office pet of the owner, who puts I The groom is the son of Mr. and rural collegeeconomist, from a wedding ceremony, held at the St, l Geneva June 6 --Th~ m~¢e
r and "remgrapn company a~ ror~ ~ he brz ' I
0MERy WARD HERE ,....~ ~ ~= . o~.a~..+,~ of ¢h~ Ore- it to bed on the back of a chair in j Mrs. Henry Helm and t . de has ] study of the 1930 Federal census Mary's Catholic church at Sen- volutionarv change since the llt-
i'"""'. "'? ":.-" ~'t-"'~"~ 2:~ ,__ I his apartment every evening and~oeen a ~eacner in zne scnoots oz,figures" Tne census reveals ~nat tinel Butte on Tuesday morning,/stitution of ~umrnor ttm~ ~,, i~h~
aery Ward & Co. have I gon .~,g~ucuimral c.onege wnere ne I otherwise greatly" enjoys its corn- [ Wibaux county, .both young peG- r 38, 657,891 acres were being farmed• i June 9, two prominent young peG- I evervdav lives'o'f'-the w~'rld'~* r~:
~e • • . ~ooE the engineering course, ann ....... n s wn sh ' ............. ---
Gxlbertson building, ! ............. a I puny, .... But this bzg wht~e bzrd, hke ] pie having many frze d o wi The total acreage was about four I pie of the vzcmzty were Joined in ] pie has been planned to tak_e ._.__._niece
e Overstad store and are [ was a member o z me ~e~a _~app [ all of his kind begins to crow lust- ] them all the good things possibm m | million acres less in 1925, and two '~ the bonds of wedlock,Peter A. [ on January 1 1934
line ~ra~erm~y ±~e orme attendee IOl + - --
Of goods of varmus "" " ':- ....... e-o~[ ily about 3 a.' m. and Bly has to ! married life. [ million acres less in 1920. In only! Lardy and Miss Elizabeth Deitz. t A new calendar, which will reg- -
.Sale at this point. Their a ~zme ~ne.umversz~y . oz u~ ~.__[get out of bed and put him outI - ]a few counties was the amoun~ ozj,~ mgn mass. was .held for the oe-iulate our activities in every branch
~OUncement will be found aria i~ ~,as mrougn a sm~er :: ~as~ doors as the rooster "goes off" like :WHAT IS NATION'S MOST I lahd in farms less in the 1930 census; casion, red by rame~: W. F. Hake, ]of business and social existence,
~lve groom ma~ ~ne ;omance m ~ asto o
~,,~ of this issue of the .......... : ........ ~._,~.~ .... d]an alarm clock every hour after his l.. IMPORTANT CASH CROPI year than ten years ago. These P .~ r .. f the cnurcn, and who jhas been drawn up and prepara-
• wtl~l ~ lli~[,idlJJ, l~ ~UtJ.l£11xxab~t2* tJtdt.t~t~t.J, t~,~* ~" • S ~4~e n " ' "
Will be followed by .. . ' .... I first lusty call to arousement. Blyl -- [coun~:es are Cavaher, Nelson, Ix) . t e woras pronouncing the. lt~ons for its introduction have been
~tmeements as time rolls bloomed to me ~une o~ weaamgl,~i,~ ,~o+ -et wise until lately to the' Man,be North Dakota residents Grand Forks Barnes Dickey Mc- coupm man ann wife. The briaailgoing on qt~ietiy for a Ion~ time in
)hns bells She m a member of the ~ ,
_ of the company are _ " ...... - - - fact that a rooster can't crow if his ~ are under the impressionthat ~ Kenzie Billings and Golden Valley. party marched into the church tb t all countrie~
z, ~a a A na t-'neta sorori~ ana oz' • ' . ' • I • , • . ' •
, but the local manage- - PP .~p_r _ - Y m d I head ~s" kept down so he ~s now [ wheat is the most ~mportant cash The difference in these between the strains of Lohengrms ~edding There ~s soon "to be a sr)ecml coa-
'~ney expect to serve a ~ne mcai t'. E: O. and has g.a _e I working on an anti-crow attach-i crop grown in the United States-- 1920 and 1930 was very small. In ~ march, played by Mrs. W. J. Burns. ference o~ e~perts of the Iea~ue of
~ele from this point, many fmenas aurmg ner nze m tne I ment in order to secure a straight- I but they're wrong for once, In I many counties there axe increases _.tierman Dietz and Miss Agatha ! nations in Geneva, when a decision
county. . i~wav sleen and if the thing works]fact wheat is way down the line[in the amount .of land in farms ~e~z, nrother ana stster of the[is 1virtually certain to be taken in
.CIPROCITY'-"---- ........ , z~av,~ ~,~DMAN' ARREST~,,~v ED, r~T~ ': ~reeXpectst emandt° patentforZtsuchtherea beZngcontrl.a l~: orderWhen ofcaShtheirCr°PSmvporta" axe rankednce zn the ~[ amountmgacres. W~llarc~" to frOmsays, o0 000 to 75,000 I't maidbride, coted as best man and brzdes ]l larfaV°ryear.°f ratzonal~ing the calen-
~r~ at the, theater, you ~.~,,~ ............ ~t~ .......... i ~,~ea~o d I ~.~tton _is kin~.,a so. far as import- I The. a~erage size of farms, in N. ! .After the wedding ceremony a I The suggestion i~ the+~ the new
;a few free tickets." _ ........ I -- lance is concerned m this country, t D. ~s probably the largest m state[ d'mner wa~,.served to of rel-I calendar should begin on January
Will exchange As you tdo~ert Wa~e z5 amauem- l~gn~- , - .......... Milk ranks second, hogs are thtra I history. In 1930 the average s~ze a~xves a~ ~ne nome ot the b~ide'sI1, 1934 The expert committee of
nt ~as ar I POULTRY RAl~EK~ ~,U'11¥~" 1 ~ r
k you can give me a weight of Wibaux, Mo .,, ". " - ...... ,n,~,r~w. then come cattle and calves, eggs [ was 496 acres, in 1925 it was 452 pa ents and the couple later left ! the league consider that sufficient
,, IN DEVELOFINU a~uuo.~
zotes --Buen Humorrested Saturday night in Glen UI-I 'and chickens and finally wheat. [acres and in 1920, 466 ~cres. Ac- on a honeymoon trip during whicl~Itime will have elapsed before thee
al et- o
" lin, in connection with sever P . . I cording to the census figures, the they will visit, at points in t for each country to obtain the nee::
~G BACK }~i~i~i~fff O~hl?i~gjdh?s:e} i ~! a~l'te>lod~n~e~i ~if °si;:n~!~fd~:u~y TOUCH~,G A T.~ET::HE::Ta i!a~ia~rfedr°~t~agfe~inr~ll{:5c~s~ :::~!~ng:~!rMid~/~:~e~nd ~OSEv~Yv P~mlean~t~ntn!~de:n~em;en: '
says ~hat last and Deputy H. R. Handtmann, the poultry industry in North Dakota, Vlctim--'But my " '
saw an antelope onyouth confessed to breaking in and reports F.E. Moore extension, good. one. . ItS value is only senti- 298 acres.__in __1920' ~ familleSaaugn~erOfoftheMr.COuntY.and Mrs.The bride,Math I days,SChemeandWillthereC°mpriSewill twenty-elgh~be thirteen
Kettner whichstealing small amounts of cash and poul~ry specialist of the Agricul- menmz."
• tame. This is one of merchandise from the Maser drug tural college. A ntm=ber of coun-I Footpad---"That doesn:t matter, C. S.. Jones .had a small ~umoriDietz, has resided in this vicinity l months in a year. An entirely new
guv'nor -- I'm sentimental." Hum- removed ~rom n~s nec~ las~ wed- since childhood. An acoomp~ished month--its name is not yet choP-
store and the Glen Ullin meat~ ties are sponsoring the growth of' 'st nesaay, l young lady, she is a graduate of l on, but Sol' is recommended--la market. Glen Ullin officials are ofi the industry through county asso- om . __ ~_ I~he Sentinel Butte high school and to be interposed between June and
farmers in the east- the opinion that he is connected t clarions. ~ ~----'-= ~ --~- since her graduation several years i July. The days of the week will
the county, the herd with several other petty robberies', While growers in several other .. ~, I R • I • r%--J.e----L--J [ago, has been engaged in teaching fall always on exactly the same
from a few in Glen Ullin that have taken counties are formulating plans for H rdln [vmmonm ts l)efllcatt u I school, having vaught near Oolva dates in each month.
place there within the last few the organization of associations .... ~ the past term. The groom, son of l After 1934 it should be poss~le
• I M, B. Lardy, one of the early day I always to find out the date by
the writer back to
a train he was on,
from Glendive. the
passengers shot 17
of a herd of prob-
was bunched near
engineer obligingly
train for our ira-
and the train crew
SUpply of meat. At
l~ra.iries were covered
and it was because
as Just related
animals, like
,,You lucky at the
just think I
a Chilling after the
dldn% have to walk
Howard Stocl~well
weeks, Wade wa~ a~pprehended The lates~ county to orgamze an
when some cigaxetr~es which had association is LaMoure.
been taken in the robbery of the i Counties within which poultry
Maser drug s~ore were found in his
hotel rosa.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dworshak left
Tuesday for Ritchey, Mont.. where
Mr. Dworshak has bought a small
grocery store and will handle the
long distance phone calls. They
will live over the s~ore. Their
household goods have been truck-
ed to the new loc~tion. The
friends of this estimable couple re-
gre~ ~hat the change in business
plans has sent them ~way from
Beach. Mr. Dworshak says that
crop conditions over there are very
bad, but that he is familiar with
that section and knows that this
season is an exception, most of the
others having made Ri~hey in re-
cent years one of the greatest grain
shipping point in Montana.
associations are now operating are
Barnes. Pembina, LaMoure and
Welsh, while the Lake Region
Poultry Improvement association
serves growers in Ramsey, Benson,
Towner, Cavalier and Eddy court-
ties. McKen~ie, Bowman. Adams
and Dickey counties are consider-
ing the organization of local groups
These county poultry associations
make the work of the county agent
and extension service much more
effective, points out Moore, and
the development of the business is
stimulated accordingly, The main
aim of the grouPs is to stimulate
interest in poultry and to ,bring
about an improvement in quality
and thus eventually improve the
market for North Dakota poultry
products. State aeereditizatinn of
breeding stock is also a hoped fo~
A new photograph of the Harding Memorlal erected at Marion,
Ohio, in honor of the late President Warren G. Harding, and where
he and his wife lie buried, which was dedicated by President Herbert
Hoover and o~her high government officials.
farmers north of Sentinel Butte. th~nking of the day or the day l)y
has likewise remde4 here mnce remembering the date.
youth. He has been making hJs Church festivals would fall on
home on his father's farm, which l fixed dates. Easter day, for
~in partnership with his brother, he ample would be Sunday, April 15,
has successfully opearted and wherc and Christmas Day would be ob-
~hey will make their home a~fteriserved always on Monday, Deee~-
I returning from their wedding trip. ,Get 23.
h~. ~ ' h~hlv resoected in ~ Le~ders of the Protestant church-
T___ couple m ,~, _ __ - ,
the community, and it is the hope, e~ are sympathetically disposed to-
~o draw a gTeat crowd. The ladies
of the Altar society of St. Mary's
church will have a ~)ig picnic with
a multitude of attraotions, the
band will play and It ~ be a
~ great day all around.
comber at ,all. It will be named
"Year Day,' and will be observe~
as a holiday in all countries.
Burns A~ernethy, who has been
I teaching at Dickinson, l~ home for
the summer vaz tion.
I of a host of friends tha~ their union ward the fixing of Christian re-
will be followed by a lifetime of:ligious festivals. So also ,is the
happiness and prosperity. Greek church, and it is anticipated
that the Roman church will fall
Two international holidays will
Golva and Beach will play ball: have to be introduced into the sire-
at Golva on Sunday, June 28, when plifled calendar. The 365th day of
there w~ll also ~be other amtmement, s each year will not belong to De-