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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 16, 1938     Golden Valley News
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June 16, 1938
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~i~:~:~-~i¸ of and era- of the State to the Treasures" of salari6s and ex- nature incurred by Assistant Director, and the State Labo~tories in out and en- Act. when Audltinf Board for and when audited said BOard, shall be State Auditor, who nl upon the State said ~mlaries and ex- said warrants Ireneral fund made for such Legislative As4~erably. Tree~urer shall thereupon in accordance with 7. FEES TO BE COL- LICENSES TO fees or other law to be collected' inspection or other by the Regulatory under the and of th~ Department, sll~!l after the taking effect of same as provided no- of Chapter 199, See- that are under the the laws herein- and which sha/l by the State La- shall be, ins0- on a suitable and prescribed by the Commission. and if licenses or permits are person or cor- er permits l~ued be blank, practicable. WEIGHTS the St~/te of North the Labor~tor- shall direct, when Yes- Practicable to do or depart, a8 may relating to :he inspection of Weigh~ and Mess, in the per- each era- State Laboratories Dr- have the same power Measures and shall the same fees for that are of the 1931 any act amendatory and in force sor- t how- oth~ Y~bora- ~nd be Labor%- the State ; shall be maintained in the is held invalid, illegal or ineffective in any respect, the~ remainder of the act and the application of such pro. vision to Persons or circumstances other than those to be held invalid, Blegal or ineffective, shall not be af- fected thereby. Section 15. EFFECTIVE DATE.) This act shall be and become op@r- ativeon the first day of July, 1929. On or before said date the North Dakota Regulatory Department shall transmit all its records and files in regard to the administration of *~e cigarette, cigarette paper and snuff law, being Chapter 107 of the 1925 Session Laws, as amended by Chap- ters 106 and 253 of the 1927 Session Laws and by Chapter 105 of the 1931 Seselen laws. and all its books and records in regard to the adminiztra- tion of the North Dakota Be~ Law, being that initiated measure adopt- ed at the special election held on September 22, 1983, as amended by Chapters 97 and 98 Of the 1926 Ses- sion laws and Chapter 98 of the 1987 Session Laws. to the State Tax Commission er. That on or before said date, the North Dakota Regulatory Department shall deliver to the Attorney Gener- al all its books and records in re- ~rd to the administration of the censing Department Law, being Ar- ticle $0A of Chapter {i of the Politi- cal Code of the 1925 Supplement to the 1912 Compiled Law& as amend- ed by Chapter 266 of the 1929 Ses- sion Laws. That all the balance of the books and records of the North Dakota Regulatory Department shall be de- livered to the State La~?ratorles De= partment, createu unuer tms act, anQ there~tpon the said North Dakota Reg- ulatory Department shall cease to operate. On or before July I, 1939 all funds on hand in the State RegUlatory Fund "shall be transferred to the General Fund of the State by the State Treas- urer. AN ACT CREATING A DEPART- MENT OF CIVIL SERVICE FOR. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA; PRESCRIBING THE POWERS, DUTIES AND PRO- CI~DURE OF THE CIVIL SER- VICE COMMISSION AND THE DIR~]CTOR OF TI'IE ~TATE CIVIL SERVICE IN SAIl) STATE, AND PROVIDENG P01~ AND REGULATLNG THE CIV- IL SERVICE IN SAID STATE AND MAKING AN APPROPRI~ ATION FOR T~I~ SUPPORT OF SAID DEPARTM.ENT, Submitted by Initiative Petition: The full text of which proposed Measure is as follows: AN ACT CREATING A DEPART- ME~T OF CIVIL SERVICE FOR THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA; PRESCRIBING THE POWERS, DUTIES AND PRO- CEDUR~ OF THE CIVIL SER- VICE COMMISSION AND THE D//tECTOR OF THE STATE CIVIL SERVICE IN SAID DE- PARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND REGULATING THE CIV- ILRESERVICE IN SAID STATE; SCR/BING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT; ~EPEALING CERTAIN ACTS AND PARTS OF ACTS INCON- SIBTENT V~ITH THE PRO- " V~SlONS OI~ THIS ACT; AN{~ M A K I N G APPROPRIATION FOR TH~ SUPPORT OF TH~ SAID DEPARTMENT. ~BE IT ~NACTRD BY THE PEX)PLE OF TH~ STATE OF NORTH DA- KOTA: Act. to guar to senure of the ~ondi- shall be paid OUt of made by the Legisla- Directm', are to be SECTION IL Short .Title. This Act shall be known a~d~ ~ty be cited as the State Civil Service Act. SECTION lIT. The Department of Civil Service. The Department of Civil Service of the State of North D~kota and estnb- It the Civil the shall be , one to Imxty re- ~m~ the I be for of the tO sU~ceed~ The THE GOLDEN VALL~'E NEWS to the Director of the State Civil Service. Each member of the Commission shall be paid $15.00 per day for each day actually devoted to duties as a member of the Commission, but in no case shall any member be paid more than $600.00 in any one year; pro- vided, that this limitation shall not apply to payments on account of ex- penses; and provided further, that this limitation shall not apply dur- ing the first year of the Commi~- sion's se~iee. Members of the Com- mission shall be paid for expenses in travel to and from meetln~s and for necessary expenses incurred dur- ing meetinp of the Commission. SECTION V. The Director of the State Civil Service. The ~>ffice ~f Director of the State Civil Service is hereby created and established pursuant to this Act. The director of the Stats Civil Service shall be appointed by the Civil Service Com- mission on the bas/s of merit and fitness after an open competitive ex. amination open to qualified persons. Within ~0 days after the first mem- bers of the Civil Service Commission have been appointed and qualified, and thereafter whenever a vacancy exists in the office of the Director of the State Civil Service, the Civil Service Commission shall appoint su examining committee of three per- sons to examine the qualifications of tale persons applying for appointment the office of Director of the State Civil Service. At least two mem- bers of the examining committee shall be public personnel administrators cf recognized standing. As soon as practicable after its appointment, the examining committee shall ex- amine applicants for the position of Director of Civil Service and shall certify to the Civil Service Commission the names of t h e three persons rated highest in the competitive tests and found by the committee to possess the necessary qualifications for the office of Direc- tor of State Civil Service, arranged in descending order with the name of the person "considered best qu~li- fled listed first. The Civil Service Com- mission shall then appoint one of the persons so certified to the office of Director of the State Civil Service. No person who has not been exam~ ined and certified by an examining committee as herein provided for shall ever be appointed to the office of Director of the State Civil Ser- vice. The Civil Service Commission shall fix the compensation and shaU authorize the payment of expenses of members of the examining com- mittee provided for in this section. The director of the State Civil Ser- vice shall be in the classified service and shall not be removed by the Civil Service Commission except upon written charges and after a full public hearLng by the Commission. SECTION VI. Powers and Duties of the !Director of the State Civil Servl~e and of the Clv~ Service Com- mission. (1) The director of the State Civ/l Service shall be the executlve~ and administrative head of the State Department of Civil Service, and aha~ exercise supervision and control over the conduct of the Department. He shall act as the Commission's ad- visor on all matters pertaining to the Civil Service ~f this State. (2) It shall be the duty of the Director, and he shall have the pow- er to: i. Attend all meetinp Of the Com- mission. iL To prepare and recommend to the Commission rules and regula lions for the purpose of carrying out the Provisions of this Act. Such r~le~ shall provlde, among other thingS, the manner of completing appomt- merits and promotions; rejection ol eli~ble candldales; competitive ex- aminations~ "creation of eligible lists with successful candidates ranked ac- cording to their rating In the exam- /nations; leaves of absence with and without pay; tran~era; reinntatements; layoffs; vg~ations; hours Of work~ at least 10 days pub~ noth~ for ex- amina~ procedure for lnc~ l~~ r~te~ ~d~ ~ r~t~re~nent at ftxe~ a~s, and other conditions of e~ploy- meot~ * ill To appoint temDoraxy and per- manent examiners, including a chief examiner, clerks, stenographers, em- ployees and officers that are neces- sary to carry out the prOvisions of this Act. Such employees and off t- cars shall be chosen fn accordance with and shall be subject to the pro- visions of this Act. IV. To keep in the Office of the Department of Civil Service an of- ficial ~roster of the State CiVil Ser- vice which will show the employment history of each and everY' p~son who has been appointed to, employed~ Promoted, ~educed or ~'~et~ted in any ~o~ltl0~,,in SUC~ service. This roster shall ~bW in connection with each name ~ ~? of &~POintrnent, Pr~mt~ion, reduction, r~- lnc~ Or ~eca~ea~s and title e~uge~ in title. , annmd leaves° and The all of to transmit to the Governor the v~. port of the Department of Civil Ser. vice prepared by the Director, not later than November 15th of each even numbered year vi. To conduct hearings and pass upon charges preferred against any officer or employee in the classified service for the purpose of demotion suspension, or removal of such of~ ricer or employee, in accordance with the provisions of this Act. vii. To hear an~ pass upon such other matters as the Director of the State Civil Service may. from time to time bring before the Commission for determination. viii. To do such other things as are expressly required of the Com- mission by the provisions of this Act SECTION VII. POwers of the Com- mission and the Director in the Con- duet of Investigations. (1) The Civil Service Commission or any member thereof, or the Direc- tor of the Civil Service, or any other authorized agent of the COmmission, when authorized by a majority vote of the Commission, may issue sub- po~na~ to compel the attendance in this State of witnesses and the pro- duction of books and papers pertin- ent to any inquiry or investigation authorized by this Act and to take deposition of witnesses residing with- in or without of the State. to be tak- en in the manner prescr/bed by law for like depositions in civil actions in the superior courts of this State; and the CommiSsion or any mem- ber thereof, its authorized agent, or the Director when authorized by the Commission, may administer earns and take testimony. The Commission or its authorized agent, or the Director may examine such public records as they require in relation to any matter which they have authority to inves- tigate. All officers and other persons shall attend and testify when requir- ed to do so by the Commission or its authorized agent, or the Director when authorized by the Commission. (2) In case of the refusal of any person to comply with any subpoena issued hereunder or to testify to any matter regarding which he may he lawfully interrogated, the district court - of any county or the judge thereof, on application of any one of the members of the Commission, or its authorized agent, or the Director when authorized by the Commission. may issue an order requiring such person to comply with such subpoena and/or to testify; and any failure :o obey such order of the court may b~ punished by the court as a contempt thereof. (3) Each person not in the classi- fied or unclassified services who ap- pears before the Commission or the ~ lrector by order shall receive for is attendance the fees and mileage provided for witnesses in civil ac- tions in the district court, which shall be audited and paid upon pr~- sentation of proper vouchers. Wlt~ nesses subpoenaed at the instance 6f parties other than the Commission or the Director shall be entitled to compensation f~om the State for at- tendance or travel only ff the Com- mission certifies that the testimony of such witnesses was relevant and material to the matter investigated. SECTION VIII. Salaries of Direc- tor and Employees in the Depart- merit of Civil Service. The salaries of the Director and other members of the staff of the State Department of ~lvll Service shall be fixed in ac. cordlt4~ce with salary schedules es- tabllsh~/i as authorized by this Act; provtded,~ that pending the establish- ment and~ adoption of such compen* sation schedules, their salaries shall be fixed by the Civil Service Com- mission. The salary of the Director, howe~'. ~1 not be lees than that paid to heads of other major depart- ments. SECTION IX. The Unc~esffled. and Classified ServiceS. The Civil Service of the State of North Dakota is here- by divided into the un~led and the classified serVi~. (1) The itnela~l~led service oom- prises positions hald hy State offieere or emPlo~es who are: " ted L Chosen by election or appom to fill an elective office, " ii. Members of boards and Com- missions appointed by the Governor. ill. One private secretary to each of the elective officers of this State, ether than the Governor. iv. One executive secretary and three other confidential employees in the office of the Governor. v. Officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Legislature. vi. Teachers, research assistants, student emPloyees on less than half= time pay basis, presidents, dee~nssanahe ta~ administrat~ 9fflm~rs. of the Teach'era C01~ State University, State Agricult~d'~ollege, State Pen- itentiarY, State~ School, Sta e HoSpital for the ][as~e, State School of Science, State ~ool of l~0reetry, State Institution for the Feeble- minded, State Blind Asylu~ State Tubercal~ Asylum, State Scl~oool for tb~ ~D~ and Dumb, Bank o~ North Dakg~ Mill & ~levator, and all ~th~ lnb41tutio~8 nOW unde~ th~ Jurisdiction ab~ control of .th.v state ~ Of~e~uo~ t~ thie eul~tvmion ~ not t~ sons ed to inein~e tl~e _~tOdi~, cleri~t. or maintenance ~tO~, Or any a.a? miniatr&tive offl~ Or c~rlc~ w0r~ ers pertor~. ~ duU~ in ~eeti~ with the ~u~ness ' ~u~ such iustlt~ition~. vlk Offio~u~ and entizted the National ~ aad Naval tla. tO O( an the purposes eithee and be promoted, or clerk, employee, classified service .by any means other ~crlbed in this Act and adopted in accordanoe thea~ewlth. (8) Officers authorL~ hY law to make appointments to positions in the unclassified service, and appoint- ing officers of de .l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.l.~rtments or insti- tutions whose employees are exempt from the provisions of this Act oe- cause of 'the consUtutional status cf such departments or institutions, shall be permitted to make appoint- ments from appropriate registers of eilg~blee maintained by the depart- ment of Civil Service. SECTION X. Status of Present Employees. Officers and employees holding 4~ositiorm in the classified ser- vice at the time when this Act takes effect shall he given a Civil Service status without examlnation an~ be subject to and proteet~d by the prOvisions of this ~ .... sECTION_ XL The Cis4.drtc~tlon and Allocation of Position's in the Classified Chrfl Se~vine; the PT~pe, ra- tioh ~d ~at.l~tion Of Conden- sation Schedules, (1) The "Director of the State Ctvfl Service shall, ms m ~s practicable. prepare an ogeu .P~..o~J~ voeaUo~I, and career c~t~n o~ ~ oil- fio~S, employments, and post~oU n the classified service. TRice shall be eatabl~ed for each class of e~ploy- ment for use in examining ana eer- t~ying name. of persen~ .for ap~oLat- sent under this Act, ana a tion of the duties and re~ibl/~- ties exeraised by the l~_l'~z~ _ appoint es~h of them shall be ~rgwn minimum c/ass~ | tO ~I~S sh~b~ei~ titles in this classifi- by State Auditor and shah be used in the preparation of the next follow- ing and subsequent State budgets. The Director of the Civil Service may make changes in the occupational and vocational or career classification whenever he deems it necessary for the efficiency of the Service, and such changes, when approved by the Civil Service Commission after full pub- lic hearing, shall take effect immed- iately and shall be sent to the State Auditor, and shall be used by him in the preparation of the next fol- lowing and subsequent hudgets. (2) The Director of the State Civil Service also shall, as soon as prac- ticable after the adoption of tlle classification plan, prepare a schedule of salary or wage rates and ranges for each class, grade or group of positions in the c!assific~ation. Such salary and wage schedules when ap- proved by the Civil Service Commis- sion after full public hearing, shall be submitted to the State Auditor. When approved by the State Auditor, they shall be used by him in connec- tion with all budget estimates for all departments or agencies of the State Government. The salary schedules and rate for each class, grade, and/or group ~hail be submitted to the Gov- ernor by the State Auditor, and bY the Governor, with his recommenda- tions, to the Legislature at the time of the transmission of the biennial budget. Unless changed by the Legis- lature the salary and wage schedules so prepared by the Director of the Civil Service and approved by the CIvil Service Commission and the State Auditor shall become the of- fic/al compensation rates applicable to the various classes and grades ~s enumerated. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Legislature from in- creasing or reducing the salary or wage rate of all positions in an en- tire grade or group uniformly bul it shall not increase the rate of Pay of any grade or group beyond the rate in the next higher grade or group nor reduce the pay of any grade or group below the rate of pay fixed for the next lower grade or group in the same line of employment. (3) The Director of the Civil Ser- vice shall allocate each office, po~i- tion, or employment in the class/fled CIvil Service to one of the classes within the vocational, oecupational, and career classifications, and there- after all salary rates, schedules or compensation policies shall apply uni- formly to all positions within each class in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Civil Service Commission, with the under- standing that such rules and regula- tions shall take into consideration fac- tors of seniority. (4) The classification and salary or wage schedules applying thereto, existing at the time this Act becomes effective shall continue in effect un~ til changed in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SECTION XlI~ Nature of Examina- tions; Notice; Qualifications of Ap- plicants. (1) All examinations for positions in the classified service shall be prac- tical in character and shall relate to those matters which "will fairly test Ute capacity and fitness of the per- sons examined to discharge the du- ties of the office or employment sought by them, giving due a]!ow- ance for experience in the. ease or similar positions. (~) The Competitive examinations shall, after published notice, be open to all citizens of the United StateS who have been residents of this State for one year prier to their applica- tion and who meet with the reason- able standards or requirements fixed by the DireCtor. with the approyal Of the Commission, with regard to experience, character, age, education, physical condition, and such other factors as may be held to relate to the ability of the candidate to per- form satisfactorily the duties of the position. The Director may r e~ire candidates in filin~ their appli~uons to submit certificates of gener~ or .~ qu~.f~uons nsthe ~ o~ the Service m~y ~nir~ ]~h~am~na- tions shall be held at such times and places as in the JUdKrnent of the Di- -rector most nearly meet the conven- ience of applicants and the needs of the Service. (3) .The Director may also require candidates to undergo an examination at designated places in the State, in eases where oral test or tests for manual skill or the use of /nstrnments in constructive work may be neces- sary to determine the fitness of such candidates. (4) ~rhenever an ~mployee is lald off because of 'shorts&,e of funds, or curtailment Of service, or for ) any other reason beyond his centre ,. he shall be laid off according to senior- ity and his name shall be pl~ced at the head of the same relater item which he was originally zt, ppointed. SECTION Xn'L Refusal ~to Exam. ins Applicants or to CeFUfy ,,~ligtbles. (1) The Director may re~use to examine the applicant, ~_ after ex- a~nlnation to certify an eligible, whb is found to lack any ~ the~ prelim- requirements established for the examina~on f.or. th@ position or employment for ~ ~ &ppliss, or who is phymceay ~io d~ibl~ as to b~ renaersd unfit for th~ 9roper per- fornumee of tha dutie/| o~ the l~mi- t/on to which he ~el---------------~ aPl~ntment, or who is addicted to ~ru~ or is, an habitual user of into~ticat~ Ilqt~or~ to excess, or has beeh 8-ullY~ of an~ crib, lnvolvin~ mo~l turpi.tuda or og|lnmmous Or nor~lou~dy msJ~f~e- ru conduct or who has been dis* missed from the public ~ for deunquencY or ~n~jY~ondu~t, Or has made a~ fal~ ~taten~nt Of any material fact; 0~* ~ Or ~di~ect~ ly shall give, r~m~or ~Y, Or Prom- ize to give, ren@e~ or pay mon~. service or other vulm~ble thin~ to any persen for or on ~t o~, or in connection with, his tsar, npP0int- ment, or proposed appointment,* or prs~ticed, Or attempted#_ to practice, any deception or fraud in his aI~li- cation, in his c~'~fflV~te, in his ex- ar~nation, or in see~--ln~ his eligi- bility or appointment, or refuses to furnish testimony as required in Sec- tton 7. (~) Whenever the Director rei~m to examine an applicant or after an examination to certify an elIEibl% as Provided in this section, then said director, ff requested by the i~rsgn so re~ected, shall give to him the r~Ons for such reua~ to ~m- ine or to certify, u the ea~ may avb~ Appeal may be had from the decision of ,the Director of the Commis~flon, subject to the rules of the C~mmis- I$ioll__ (3) ~When any position requires the appointee to furnish t~ bona, sucn information shall be incinded in the announcement of the examinaUon for said poattion. S~I~TIOlq ~[~. PoHt~oal Or Re]i- gio~ Affili&tioma of Applio~ts and ~mployees. No quesUon in any form of appBcation or ~ ~tion shall be so framed as to elivlt in forn~tlon ooncernin~ the political ur religions opinions or affiliauons Of any appli- cant. nor 8hall any inquiry be n~tde concerning such opt ni~e~sd~l~ll~ and all dlscloanres shall diseountena~ No disortmt~atlons shall be ~ere~. threatened or prOmised, by an~ .~on a~nst Or in favor Of arty apIflt~nt, eltStbis, or employee |n the ~.~e~ beetle of his DollUeul ol- ~ou~ opl~ons or affiliations. S~rZON XV. A~tm~t~ Pro- motions and ~temonts. (1) A4~pe4ntmente, promotions and reinstatements shall be made to all positions in the ~led service under the prOvisions of this Act, and the rules made in pursuance thereof, from those cert~ied to the aPPoint- term of t~ r be from the approPriate eligible list, but if no such Hst exists then the Director may certify from such other list as he deems the next most nearly ap- propriate. A new and separate list shall be created for a stated position only when there Is no satisfactory llst. The Director shall have authority to establish separate eligible lists ap- plicable to various localities. No per son shah be appointed or employed under any title not approriate to the duties performed, and no person shall be transferred to, nor assigned to perform the duties of, any position in the classified service, unless he has previously qualified therefor under the provisions of this Act. SECTION XT'L Notice of Vacancies; Method of Appointment, (1) Appointing officers shall give written notice to the Civil Service DI- rector their intention to establish new positions, or the existence of any va- cancy to be filled in any office or employment in the classified service. and w/thin a reasonable time after receipt of such notice the Director shall certify from the register of eligibles, apprOpriate for the grade or class in which the position is classified. the three names at the head thereof. (2) The apl~inting officer shall ap- point on probation, with sole refer- once to merit and fitness, one of fhe said candidates whose name is cer- tified in the manner above set forth, to fill such vacancy. The provisions of this section shall not apply when the office or employment is among those listed in Section XVIII for which competitive examinations are not re- quired. SECTION ~VII. Promotions. Va- cancies in positions shall be filled, so far as practicable by promotion from among persons holding positions in the classified service and from the lower class or group within the partioulsr vocation or career classification, and in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules of the Com- mission. Promotions shall be based upon merit and fitness to be ascer- tained by competitive examinations, and the employee's record of effi- ciency, character, conduct and senior- ity shall constitute a factor in such competitive tests. (2) For the purposes of this see- lion an increase in the salary or oth~r compensation of any person.holdlng an office or position subject to thel~r(ro- visions of this Act beyond the limit fixed for the grade in which such office or position is classified shall be deemed a promotion. (3) Any promotional appointee who is dismissed from the position to which he was promoted during the proba- tionary period or at the conclusion thereof by reason of the failure of the appointing authority to file a request for his continuance in the position, shall be restored to the position from whiob he was promoted. Nothing contained in this section shah be construed to prevent any employee of the classified from competing for places upon registers of persons eligible for original appointment, SECTION XVIIL Non-Competitivs Appointments. Positions in the classi- filed servi~e may be filled without competition only as follows: (1) Whenever there are urgent rea- sons for filling a vacancy in any po- sition in the classified service and the Director is unable to certify from any appropriate eligible list for the va- cancy, the Director may issue a pro- visional permit or certify a suitable person to fill such vacancy provision- ally only until a selection and ap- pointment can be made after competi- tive examination; but no person shall receive more than one provisional appointment nor serve more than two months in any calendar years as a provisional appointee. (2) In case of an emergency, an appointment may be made without regard to the previsions of the Act but in no ease to continue longer than l0 days, and in no ease shall successive emergency appointments be made. This ~ovL~oD shall aPtflY to both per- rome and peaRl~r~ _No person shall eeee~ more ~ three emergency appointments in any one Or different positions within one year. (3) In case of vacancy in a Position where peculiar and exceptional qu~li- fisattons of a scientific, professional or educational character are required, and upon satisfactory evidence that for specified reasons competition in such special case is /mpracticahle and that the position can best. be filled by the selection of some designated per- son of high and reoognized attain- ments in such, qualiti~, the Comm~- ~ion upon recommendation of the Di- rector may suspend the re~uiren~nta of competition In such cases, b~t no sus~ension shall be general in itq application to such position, ~nd ~ll such eases of suspension shall be re- ported in the biennial report of the department with the reasons for the ~me. (4) Where the services tO be rend- ered by an appointee are for a tem- porary period not to exceed two months and a ~ list of eligibles Js not available, the Director shall cer- tify for such temI~ jserytee any person he deems qUa~[fle& The ac- ceptance or refusal by an el~gible Of & temporax~y appointmon~ shall ~ot ~- feet his standing on tits ~ter for permanent employment, nor ahali the period of temporary service b~ oount~ as a p~rt Of the probationar~iservice In the case of ~ulNmquent appo ntment to It permanent D~sition. S~omm~ve tamt~r~ anp0t~t~ent~ to the asme l~flt~ton ahallOn shall not ~t made under this provisio~ No ~ersen ~ receive more ~ one ~ .om~tment within one yekr. '($) Appointment, to work as un- tifl,cauon from elislble lists p~ unaer rules Of the Commlseldn whlch shall take a~eount of priority of ap- plioatlon, location of work and the factor of eonveatence arisir~ there- from. an~ whenever warranted, bY physical and other tests. SECTION XIX. Probationary Ap- pointment& All original a~pointments to the clnssif~ service shall be for a prObat/onary period of six months, but dismissal may be made any time durin~ such Derio~ At the end of the probettormry peri~l the appointing of- f|ce~ shall .notify th~ Director in writ- whether the probationer is asa, t- mfactory employee and ~hould rb- eetve the status of a permanent aP- ~tce. Upon such notice the em- ployee, ff his service during the prO- bationary period did not fall bei0w such minimum "standards as have been PreeCrlbed by the Director of the L-~lvil Service, shall be deemed to have a permanent classified, C/vfl Service otherwise the ice, except in caae promotions, which case he shalt be restored to position from which he SECTION XX. statements. (1) ~anSfers In the classified Sm'V- ice my be "made from a poslUon in one ~tde and claim to a positinn m another _Krade and class when t~e dutiss and compensation are slmtlgr a~nd whon such a~tion is sDecific4dIF approved by the Direetol~ of Civil ~r~v* (2) Any pe~son who has or ml~onduct on his date of suoh positious in the or class }n such action sha~ nt or .be and