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Golden Valley News
June 15, 2017
Notice combined total of the lowest and best
Bids for separate Contracts.
NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION All Bids shall be contained in a
FOR PETITION FOR ADJUDICATION sealed envelope plainly marked show-
OF INTESTACY AND APPOINTMENT ing that such envelope contains a Bid
OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE for the Project. In addition, the Bidder
shall place upon the exterior of such en-
STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, IN velope the following information:
DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF 1. The Work covered by the Bidder
GOLDEN VALLEY, SOUTHWEST JU- (General Construction).
2. The name of the Bidder.
Probate No. 17-2017-PR-00010 3. Separate envelope containing Bid
In the Matter of the Estate of FLOYD Bond and a copy of Contractor's Li-
WlCKA cense or Renewal Certificate.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 4. Acknowledgement of all Addenda.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that onBids shall be delivered or mailed to:
City Auditor, City of Beach, 153 East
the 22nd day of June, 2017, at 8:30 Main Street, PO Box 278, Beach, ND
a.m., a hearing will be held before the 58621-0278.
Honorable William Herauf, Judge of the The City of Beach reserves the right
District Court, Golden Valley County to reject any and all Bids, to waive any
Courthouse, Beach, ND, for the petition informality in any Bid, to hold all Bids for
for adjudication of intestacy and ap-
pointment of Ronald S. Efta, P.O. Box a period not to exceed thirty (30) days
300, Wibaux, MT 58353, as personal from the date of opening Bids, and to
representative of the estate of the accept the Bid deemed most favorable
to the interest of the City. After the Bid
above named decedent in formal pro- opening the Owner will return Bid Se-
Any objections to the petition must curity of all except the three lowest re-
be filled with the Court prior to or raised sponsible Bidders. When a Contract is
awarded, the remaining unsuccessful
at the hearing. If proper and if no ob- Bidder's Bonds will be returned.
jections are filed or raised, the personal The Work on the improvements shall
representative will be appointed with full
power to administer the estate includ- be completed and ready for Final Pay-
ment no later than October 31,2017,
ing the power to collect all assists, pay with intermediate completion dates for
all legal debts, claims, taxes and ex- critical Work as detailed in the Specifi-
penses, and sell real and personal cations. Should the Contractor fail to
property, and do all necessary acts for complete the Work within the time re-
the estate to transfer mineral rights in quired, as set forth in the Agreement, or
North Dakota. within such extra time as may have
DATED this 25th day of May, 2017. been granted by formal extensions ap-
/s/Ronald S. Efta
Attorney and Applicant proved by the City and Engineer, there
shall be deducted from any amount due
PO Box 300 Wibaux County Court- him the sum of $1,000.00 per day as
compensation to the City for each day
Wibaux, MT 59353 and every day that the completion of the
Attorney ID No.: 04844 Work is delayed. The Contractor and
Telephone: (406) 796-2431 his surety shall be liable for any excess.
Fax: (406) 796-2625 Such payment shall be as and for liqui-
Email: dated damages and not as a penalty.
(June 1, 8 and 15) Dated this 8th day of June 2017.
Publish, 06-8-17, 06-15-17, and 06-
Bids 22-17.
By: Is/Kim Nunberg, City Auditor
(June 8, 15 and 22)
the City of Beach, North Dakota, will re- Bids
ceive sealed Bids at the Office of the
City Auditor until June 29, 2017 at the ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS
hour of 2:30 p.m. local time, for the pur- SECTION 00100
pose of furnishing all materials, labor, 2017 MOSSER PIT
equipment, and skill required for the CRUSHING AND STOCKPILING
construction of the 2017-01 STREET GRAVEL
IMPROVEMENTS, and incidental SW 1/4, SEC 10, T 143N, R 102W
items, for said City, as is more fully de- BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH
scribed and set forth in the Plans and
Specifications which are now on file in DAKOTA
the office of the City Engineer. Bids will
be opened in the Office of the City Au- Sealed bids will be received by the
Billings County Commission, at the of-
ditor at 2:30 p.m. local time and read rice of the Billings County Auditor, 495
aloud. 4th Street, PO Box 168, Medora, North
The Work consists of all labor, skill, Dakota, 58645, until 11:00 AM MT, July
and materials required to properly con-
struct the Improvements. Major compo- 5, 2017, at which time they will be pub-
nents of the unit price contract include: licly opened and read aloud for the fur-
General Construction consisting of nishing of materials, labor, equipment
approximately 15,720 square yards of and skill required for the construction of
Crushing and Stockpiling Gravel and in-
asphalt pavement; 8,960 linear feet of
concrete curb and gutter; 4,400 cubic cidental items in and for said Billings
County, as is more fully described and
yards of common excavation and 900 set forth in the plans and specifications
cubic yards of common fill earthwork; therefore, which are now on file in the
400 linear feet of open-cut 12 inch con- office of the Billings County Auditor.
crete storm sewer culverts, 1,100
Bids shall be upon cash payment on
square yards of gravel restoration, 350 the following estimated quantities and
square yards of concrete valley gutter, types of work:
adjustments of manhole lids and valve
boxes; and 2,985 square yards of site LSUM MOBILIZATION; 1 LSUM STRIP
restoration and seeding. & STOCKPILE TOPSOIL & OVER-
Complete digital project bidding doc- BURDEN; 30,000 CY CRUSH &
uments, pursuant towhich all labor, ma- STOCKPILE GRAVEL; 12,000 CY
terials, or services must be furnished, CRUSH & STOCKPILE MINED
are available at or GRAVEL; 1 LSUM RECLAIM PIT SITE; You may down- The contract documents are on file
load the digital plan documents for Forty and may be examined at the following:
Dollars and No Cents ($40.00) by in-
putting Quest project #5155145 on the Billings County Auditor, 495 4th St,
Medora, North Dakota
website's Project Search page. Please KLJ, 1463 1-94 Business Loop East,
contact at 952-233-
1632 or for assis- Dickinson, North Dakota
tance in free membership registration, Complete digital project bidding doc-
uments are available at
downloading, and working with this dig- "Projects for Bid" or
ital project information. Copies of the
Bidding Documents may be examined You may download
at the office of Advanced Engineering the digital plan documents for $15.00 by
inputting Quest project # 5158634 on
and Environmental Services, Inc. the website's Project Search page.
(AE2S), 103 1st Avenue W, Suite 300, Please contact QuestCDN at (952) 233-
Dickinson, ND 58601-5279 (701-225- 1632 or for assis-
9636). The Bidding Documents are tance in free membership registration,
available in digital PDF form on CD by downloading, and working with this dig-
request from AE2S, 3101 Frontage
Road South, Moorhead, MN for a NON- ital project information. Please contact
REFUNDABLE charge of Sixty Dollars us at 701-483-1284 if you have any
and No Cents ($60.00) for each set of questions.
All bids are to be submitted on the
Plans and Specifications requested, basis of cash payment for the work and
The Bidding Documents are available in materials, and each bid shall be ac-
the form of printed plans and specifica- companied by a separate envelope
tions by request from AE2S, 3101
Frontage Road South, Moorhead, MN containing the contractor's license and
for a NON-REFUNDABLE charge of bid security. The bid security must be in
a sum equal to five per cent (5%) of the
One Hundred Fifty Dollars and No full amount of the bid and must be in the
Cents ($150.00) for each set of Plans form of a bidder's bond. A bidder's bond
and Specifications requested. Bidding must be executed by the bidder as prin-
Documents may also be examined at
the following locations: Builders Ex- cipal and by a surety company author-
ized to do business in this state,
changes in Bismarck, ND; Mandan, ND; conditioned that if the principal's bid be
Minot, ND; Fargo, ND; Grand Forks, accepted and the contract awarded to
ND; Rapid City, SD; Minneapolis, MN;
and Billings, MT. All Work shall be done the principal, the principal, within ten
(10) days after notice of award, will ex-
according to the Bidding Documents.
ecute and effect a contract in accor-
All Bids are to be submitted on the dance with the terms of his bid and the
basis of cash payment for the Work and bid bond as required by the laws of the
materials, and each Bid shall be ac- State of North Dakota and the regula-
companied by a separate envelope tions and determinations of the govern-
containing a Bidder's Bond, payable to ing body. If a successful bidder does not
the City of Beach, in a sum equal to five
percent (5%) of the full amount of the execute a contract within ten (10) days
allowed, the bidder's bond must be for-
Bid, executed by the Bidder as principal feited to the governing body and the
and by a surety company authorized to project awarded to the next lowest re-
do business in the State of North
Dakota, conditioned that if the princi- sponsible bidder.
All bidders must be licensed for the
pal's Bid be accepted and the contract full amount of the bid as required by
awarded to him, he, within fifteen (15) Section 43-07-05 and 43-07-12 of the
days after Notice of Award, will execute
North Dakota Century Code.
and effect a Contract in accordance
The successful Bidder will be re-
with the terms of his Bid and a Contrac- quired to furnish Contract Performance
tor's Bond as required by the laws of the and Payment Bonds in the full amount
State of North Dakota and the regula- of the contract.
tions and determinations of the City Contracts shall be awarded on the
Council of the City of Beach, North basis of the low bid submitted by a re-
Dakota. sponsible and responsive bidder for the
All Bidders must be licensed for the aggregate sum of all bid items. A single
highest amount of their Bids, as pro- contract will be awarded for the work.
vided by Section 43-07-05 of the North All bids will be contained in a sealed
Dakota Century Code. Cost of prepa- envelope, as above provided; plainly
ration of Bids by Bidder. marked showing that such envelope
Contracts shall be awarded on the contains a bid for the above project. In
basis of the low Bid submitted by a re-
sponsible and responsive Bidder addition, the bidder shall place upon the
exterior of such envelope the following
deemed most favorable to the City's in- information:
terest. The Owner will not award a 1. The work covered by the bidder
Combined Bid unless it is lower than the
2. The name of the bidder
3. Separate envelope containing bid
bond and a copy of North Dakota Con-
tractor's License or certificate of re-
4. Acknowledgement of the Ad-
No Bid will be read or considered
which does not fully comply with the
above provisions as to Bond and li-
censes and any deficient Bid submitted
will be resealed and returned to the Bid-
der immediately.
The work on the improvement will be
completed by December 31,2017.
The Owner reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids, to waive any infor-
mality in any bid, to hold all bids for a
period not to exceed 30 days from the
date of opening bids, and to accept the
bid deemed most favorable to the inter-
est of the Owner.
Should the Contractor fail to com-
plete the work within the time required
herein or within such extra time as may
have been granted by formal exten-
sions of time approved by the Owner,
there will be deducted from any amount
due the Contractor the sum of $700 per
day and every day that the completion
of the work is delayed. The Contractor
and his surety will be liable for any ex-
cess. Such payment will be as and for
liquidated damages.
If special accommodations are
needed, please notify the auditor so that
appropriate aids can be made available.
Dated this 25th day of May, 2017
(June 8, 15 and 22)
Billings County
The meeting was called to order at
9:00A.M. with Commissioners Arthaud,
Kasian and Kessel in attendance.
Others present during portions of the
meeting were: Richard Volesky, Jeff
Iverson, Kyle Shockley, Dudley Stuber,
Warren Boyce, Jesse Bettencourt, Jen
Turnbow, Troy Ripplinger, Matt Linne-
man, Tommy Brown, Chris Kautz, Pat
Kasian moved to approve the min-
utes from the April 3, 2017 regular
meeting. Kessel seconded. All voted
Auditor Lamb went over the individ-
ual fund balances with the board. Also
discussion was had regarding the gen-
eral and automobile liability insurance
options for the county. Kessel moved to
increase both to a $10MM liability limit.
Kasian seconded. All voted aye. Audi-
tor Lamb with detail revenues and ex-
penditures at the next meeting.
The board received and approvecl
the foil0wihg permit§ Wffh road superin-
tendent conditions:
ARW Permits:
NP Resources, LLC -
SW1/4SW1/4 Section 10-143-102 near
East River Road.
• Stacey & Shane Allen - Section
35-141-98 along 122nd Ave SW.
Tax & Zoning Director went over a
contract for Karen Budd Falen to up-
date Billings County Land Use Plan.
The total amount of the project will not
exceed $65K. She also went over the
reasoning for the Flood Prevention Or-
dinance. The board stated their prefer-
ence would be to wait for FEMA
Warren Boyce: Application for a
conditional use permit to move a man-
ufactured home to government Lot 7,
section 8-144-102 (792 Beaver Creek
Rd). Property is zoned agricultural.
Photos were presented to show where
it would sit. The sewer and water appli-
cations have been turned in. The zoning
board approved the conditional use per-
mit. Kessel moved to uphold the zoning
board decision. Kasian seconded. All
voted aye.
The board reviewed the 2017
Billings County Burn Ban Resolution
2017-12. Kessel moved to adopt the
resolution. Kasian seconded. All voted
aye. The resolution reads as follows:
Fire Emergency Order
WHEREAS, the Billings County
Board of County Commissioners recog-
nizes that current conditions have cre-
ated an extreme risk to the citizens and
property within Billings County, ND, of
unnecessary loss by fire; and
WHEREAS, the Board wishes to
regulate activities within the County
which pose a potential hazard for such
loss, should the present weather condi-
tions continue.
1. No travel is to be allowed off of
surfaced roadways normally used for
vehicular traffic except as necessary for
normal farmer/rancher or industry oper-
2. Industrial operating crews and
farmer/rancher operations shall have
fire extinguishers and normal fire-fight-
ing equipment at hand, and industrial
personnel shall remain at the job site for
one-half hour after daily operations are
3. Smoking is restricted to inside of
vehicles or buildings.
4. Burn ban to include any open
burning which includes a ban on the ig-
nition of fireworks, garbage or pit burn-
ing and campfires.
5. This burn ban is in effect for
Billings County when the North Dakota
Fire Danger Rating is in the High, Very
High or Extreme and/or a Red Flag
Warning has been issued for Billings
Pursuant to NDCC 37-17.1-10, any
person who willfully violates the burning
ban established by this resolution is
guilty of a Class B Misdemeanor (UP
$1500.00 FINE.), and restitution of fire
suppression costs may be sought from
the court.
Dated at Medora, ND, this 2nd day
of May 2017
Billings County, North Dakota
By: JamesArthaud, Chairman
Attest: Marcia Lamb, Auditor
Kyle Shockley presented a ND for-
est service cooperative agreement. The
board will review and have States At-
torney Brovold and Sheriff Pat Rummel
review before making a decision.
Road Superintendent Jeff Iverson
went over his monthly report.
Jen Turnbow, Matt Linneman and
Troy Ripplinger were present from KLJ
to discuss the options for the Highway
85 expansion near Fairfield. There were
four alternatives and the board dis-
cussed public comments which were
fairly evenly split. Kasian moved to
make the alternative that goes through
Fairfield the preferred alternative.
Kessel seconded. All voted aye. Public
meetings will be held this summer.
There were two bid openings sched-
uled for 11:00AM. States Attorney Bro-
void was present to open and read the
bids received:
One bid was received for the Page
Myers gravel pit. Fisher Sand & Gravel
Co. in the amount of $116,000.00.
Kessel moved to accept the bid contin-
gent upon math being correct. Kasian
seconded. All voted aye.
Three bids were received for the
Perry Redmond gravel pit. Sundre
Sand & Gravel, Inc. in the amount of
$165,200.00, Fisher Sand & Gravel Co.
in the amount of $309,000.00 and Knife
River Corporation - North Central in the
amount of $409,500.00. Kasian moved
to accept the low bid of Sundre Sand &
Gravel, Inc. contingent upon the math
being correct. Kessel seconded. All
voted aye.
Tommy Brown from KLJ was pres-
ent for the monthly engineers report.
Applications for FLAP funds for Magpie
and Whitetail roads were discussed.
Kasian moved to approve the applica-
tions. Kessel seconded. All voted aye.
Sheriff Pat Rummel presented his
monthly report.
The following claims were approved
for payment:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
N.D. 012958 $3,072.10
N.D.P.E.R.S. 012959 $50,093.10
Adams, Donna J. 012960 $273.46
Advanced Business
Methods, Inc. 012961 $38.42
AmeriPdde Linen Service
012962 $345.15
Aspen Mills 012963 $419.84
AT & T Mobility 012964 $83.14
Bauer Built Tire 012965 $783.68
Betfield Automotive Supply, Inc.
012966 $840.87
Billings County Rural
Fire District 012967 $15,381.88
Billings County Historical
Society 012968 $848.84
Billings County Pioneer
012969 $699.20
Billings .County School............
District 012970 $122,447.49
Bl~e Cross Blue Shield
of N.D. 012971 $85.40
Boespflug Trailers &
Feed 012972 $35.00
Bound Tree Medical,
LLC 012973 $367.11
Brooks & Associates,
C.E. 012974 $463.70
Cerkoney, Cathy 012975 $87.45
Certified Power, Inc. 012976 $10.21
Chantal's Deep
Cleaning 012977 $200.00
Charbonneau Car
Center 012978 $283.15
Chesak Seed House 012979 $737.60
Choice Financial 012980 $38.00
Clyde, Katie 012981 $48.30
Code 4 Services,
LLC 012982 $6,316.29
Creative Energy 012983 $200.00
Crop Production Services
012984 $1,698.00
D & K Services, LLC
012985 $1,064.78
Deans Distributing 012986 $1,620.00
DF Lighting Company 0129875359.76
Dickinson Public Library
012988 $4,116.92
Duletski, John & Nancy
012989 $18,093.00
Enders, Travis 012990 $35.00
E.S.R.I. 012991 $2,200.00
Farmers Union Oil Co.
- Killdeer 012992 $1,137.60
Four Corners Cafe 012993 $1,672.75
George's Tire, Ltd. 012994 $140.00
Gilseth, Mitchel A. 012995 $168.00
Golden Valley County
012996 $19,960.58
Heiser Electric, Don 012997 $200.00
H.P., Inc. 012998 $384.06
HR Collaborative 012999 $50.00
J P Steel & Supply, Inc.
013000 '$396.96
James Oil Well Service, Inc.
013001 $880.00
Johnson, Joshua Q. 013002 $600.00
JP Frame Shop 013003$147.08
Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson,
Inc. 013004 $28,130.27
Kasian, Connie 013005 $82.10
Kasian, Michael E. 013006 $111.28
Kessel, Anita F. 013007 $92.80
Kessel, Joey 013008 $2,059.00
Kessel, Joseph L. 013009 $103.26
Klym, Steve 013010 $66.05
Kohler Communications
013011 $200.00
Krebs Machine & Repair
013012 $30.00
Liberty Doors, LLC 013013 $403.60
Little Missouri Restaurant
& Saloon 013014 $707.00
Logan, Terry 013015 $5,000.00
Lyle Signs, Inc. 013016 $944.44
Mac's, Inc. 013017 $91.36
Mann's Plumbing &
Heating, LLC 013018 $381.19
MBI Energy Rentals,
Inc. 013019 $500.00
Medora Convenience
Store 013020 $50.00
Medora, City of... 013021 $5,217.58
Menards - Dickinson 013022 $480.53
Metro-Billing Services 013023 $63.00
MGM Rural Sanitation, LLC
013024 $165.00
Mid-American Research
Chemical 013025 $225.74
Midstate Telephone Company
013026 $783.70
N.D. Association of Counties
013027 $185.70
N.D. Association of Counties
013028 $40.58
N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame
013029 $200.00
N.D. Department of
Transportation 013030 $1,355.20
N.D. Newspaper
Association 013031 $191.40
N.D.P.E.R.S. 013032 $4,797.12
N.D. State Radio
Communications 013033 $1,615.56
N.D. State Treasurer 01303452,459.95
N.D.A.C.O. Resources
Group, Inc. 013035 $2,189.57
NDLTAP - UGPTI 013036 $300.00
Nelson International 013037 $117.96
North Dakota Envelope
Company 013038 $79.05
Off Road Software,
Inc. 013039 $ 695.00
Parkway Ford Lincoln
Mercury 013040 $140.16
PCSInet 013041 $82.95
Pump Systems, Inc. 013042 $207.22
Putnam, Karen 013043 $51.07
Quality Quick Print 013044 $1,150.00
Ramada Hotel-
Bismarck 013045 $163.80
Ramkota Hotel -
Bismarck 013046 $981.00
RDO Trust 80-5800 01304759,426.73
RPM Auto Repair 013048$217.85
Rummel, Patrick 013049$275.75
Runnings Supply, Inc. 0130505282.36
Sanford Health Occupational
Medicine 013051 $46.50
Sanford Inpatient Pharmacy
013052 $9.00
Sax Motor Company 013053 $96.30
Sax Motor Company
013054 $19,564.00
Share Corporation 013055 $363.65
SimplexGrinnell 013056 $1,958.19
Southwest Business
Machines 013057 $1,094.28
Southwest Multi-Co.
Correction Center 013058 $2,960.00
Southwest Water Authority
013059 $390.80
Southwest Water Authority
013060 $3,170.61
Southwestern District
Health Unit 013061 $10,441.95
St. Alexius Medical Center
013062 $453.38
Stein's, Inc. 013063 $863.34
Swanston Equipment
Corporation 013064 $19,388.00
Tczap, John 013065 $50.00
Thompson, Philip M. 013066 $254.80
Thos. Y. Pickett & Co., Inc.
013067 $15,000.00
ThyssenKrupp Elevator
013068 $496.56
Tom's Heating Service 0130695678.00
Tom's Service Center
013070 $1,198.20
Underground Vaults, Inc.
013071 $212.00
Verizon Wireless 013072 $2,252.28
Vogel Law Firm 013073 $6,500.00
WaI-Mart 013074 $388.26
Warne Chemical &
Equipment Co. 013075 $3,259.13
West Dakota Oil, Inc.
013076 $4,538.20
Western Ch0ice Cooperative
013077 ...... $29,281.72
Westlie Ci'ossroad Truck
Center 013078 $1,085.20
Zoll Medical Corporation
013079 $811.80
N.D.P.E.R.S. 013083 $34,727.72
Century Link 013087 $536.80
Consolidated 013088 $52.32
DirecTV 013089 $116.51
Discovery Benefits, Inc.
013090 $683.00
Information Technology Dept.
013091 $664.55
Medora, City of... 013092 $272.61
Reservation Telephone
Cooperative 013093 $40.02
Roughrider Electric
Cooperative 013094 $2,946.61
Verizon Wireless
013095 $30.06
Visa 013096 $1,083.46
Visa 013097 $707.62
The board approved the revenue
vouchers for the month of April: Sheriff
$57.00; Recorder $7,377.35; Zoning
$1,150.00; Court $0.
Revenues for materials and/or serv-
ices rendered in April: Cody Armbrust
$263.75 scoria & hauling; Dennis
O'Brien $248.00 scoria & hauling; Nu-
verra Environmental Solutions $26.00
water; Billings County School District
$116.00 plat books; Wildrose Produc-
tions $1,200.00 ambulance cover-
Revenues for the month of April:
Sheriff $6,076.37 permits, Sheriff
$62.40 overload fees; Highway Tax Dis-
tribution $12,940.68; Oil & Gas Produc-
tion Tax $294,427.75; Interest
$20,174.09; Royalties $28,809.25; Un-
organized Oil & Gas Production Tax
$47,277.54; State Oil Impact $1,095.43;
State Aid Distribution $59,777.21;
Township Road Distribution $17,792.71 ;
BankHead Jones $2,773,764.96; State
PILT $5,267.14; ND State Tax Credit
Payroll in the following amounts
were approved for April: General Fund
$142,615.05; Road and Bridge Fund
$102,705.72; Weed Fund $5,333.29.
With there being no further busi-
ness, Kasian moved to adjourn the
meeting at 12:00pm. Kessel seconded.
All voted
a y e
James Arthaud, Chairman
Attest: Marcia Lamb, Auditor/Trea-
(June 15)
Meeting change
Meeting Change Notice
The City of Medora July regular
monthly Council Meeting has been
moved to Thursday, July 6, at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the Roo-
sevelt Room of the Medora Community
(June 15)
Belfield Public School
May 19, 2017
7:00 a.m.
School Library
The meeting was called to order at
7:05 a.m.
The agenda for the meeting was to
consider ratifying the negotiated agree-
ment with BEA.
Present: Buckman, Johnson, Krebs,
Obrigewitch, Supt. Northrop, Bus. Mgr.
The final minutes and negotiated
agreement was presented. Discussion
followed. M/S Johnson/Buckman to ap-
prove the 2017-18 negotiated agree-
ment between the school and BEA.
Motion carried unanimously.
Adjourn at 7:28 a.m.
Alice Berger, Business Manager
Anthony Krebs, Board President
(June 15)
Notice is hereby given that the following
persons, their heirs, executors,
administrators, successors or assigns,
may be entitled to property (not real
estate) which has been presumed
abandoned under the Unclaimed
Property Act (NDCC Chapter 47-30.1).
The Act requires all businesses to file
annual reports of unclaimed property.
These names are from the most current
annual reports. Previously reported
properties which have not been
claimed can be viewed at
* = Medora
Brannum Benjamin Box 486 *
Christiansen Julie 4870 W River Rd *
Christiansen Randy 4870 W River Rd*
Clyde Samuel Box 487
Corvi Facundo A Box 533 *
Garland Dove 2010 Hwy 85 SW
Lippert Cecilia 12792 20th St SW
Medora Chamber Of Commerce Box
186 *
Morel Garrett 1303 126th Ave SW
Morel Kristin 1303 126th Ave SW
Myers Terry L Box 645 *
National Park Service Box 7 *
Romanyshyn Rainald 1210 123rd Ave
SW Fairfield
Sandven Samantha 14761 40th St *
For information concerning this
property, or for ADA auxiliary aids,
contact the Unclaimed Property
Administrator via e-mail on the Internet
at, or at 1707 N 9th
St, Box 5523, Bismarck ND 58506-
5523. (701-328-2800).
(4/13/2017) Lance D. Gaebe
Land Commissioner
.... (June 15, 22 and 29)
Notice is hereby given that the following
persons, their heirs, executors,
administrators, successors or assigns,
may be entitled to property (not real
estate) which has been presumed
abandoned under the Unclaimed
Property Act (NDCC Chapter 47-30.1).
The Act requires all businesses to file
annual reports of unclaimed property.
These names are from the most current
annual reports. Previously reported
properties which have not been
claimed can be viewed at
* = Beach
Akins Melani 176 1st St NE *
Crain lii Donald 552 Beaver Creek Rd*
Curl Judith 260 5th St SW *
Dakota Insurance Agency Box 428 *
Hardy Michelle Md Box 940 *
Haynie Michael Box 342 *
Jandt Eleanor Box 144 *
Jandt Larry Box 144 *
Kay Beverly Box 694 *
Kennedy Amber Box 364 *
Kuhfeld A M Unknown *
Laplaya Mexican Restaurant 27 South
Central Box 306 *
Lund Jr James 4320 169th Ave SW *
Marshall Samantha A Box 523 *
Melvin Richard Box 985 *
Miller Myrna L 3860 Ueckert Rd
Sentinel Butte
Nelson Gary Unknown Sentinel Butte
Oech Jessica L 29 1st Ave SW *
Oppegard Barb J 78 5th St NE *
Stockwell Colleen Box 65 *
Strobbe Tyler Box 163 Golva
Zook Cathy Box 32 *
Zook Christina J Box 32 *
Zook Ronald J Box 32 *
For information concerning this
property, or for ADA auxiliary aids,
contact the Unclaimed Property
Administrator via e-mail on the Internet
at, or at 1707 N 9th
St, Box 5523, Bismarck ND 58506-
5523. (701-328-2800).
(4/13/2017) Lance D. Gaebe
Land Commissioner
(June 15, 22 and 29)