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.Mr. and Mrs. Anion Froehlich
and family who have resided in
(Crowded Out Last Week) Beach the past year, operating
the Beach Body Shop, have re-
DORCAS SOCIETY TO turned to Dickinson, where they
SEND FLOOD RELIEF are now making their home. Mr.
Members of the Dorcas Society Froehlich closed his shop here,
of Beach are gathering up good and is now employed in a shop
articles of clothing and bedding, in Dickinson.
and will send it to the Canadiani .......
Flood Relief. They will pack! VISIT FATHER
~hese articles on Thursday Mrs. Lawrence Peterson of
June 15. Anyone having clothir~g, Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs.
shoes, bedding, etc., that is in Don Kowalewski ar:d son of
good condition, and clean, is Portland, Ore., arrived last
asked to bring it to the Dorcas week end for a couple of weeks
room in the basement of the Has- i visit at the home of their father,
pital A=nex Bldg., all shoes areI Ed. Enderle, and also with othar
to be tied securely] together.' relatives.
Anything donated to the Oanadi-1
an flood sufferers will be much,
apprecia,ted. ____ NEW EMPLOYEE
Miss Delores Martin of Hebron
VISIT AT GOLVA I began training last Man., to take
Mrs. Marie Olson, Mr. and Mrs. ! over ,Mrs. Norris Peterson's post-
Charles Brockmeyer and Sharane, I tion at the local Welfare Office.
and Merlin Brockmeyer arrived Miss Martin's name was selected
Saturday evening for a visit at'from the merit system register,
the Herman Brockmeyer home as there were several applications
at rural Golva. ~ for the position.
America's Best Piano Value Is
In Radio It Is
Catalogues On Request
Dickinson, N. Dak.
Eleetion June 27
J'DJ Gas Dill H
At,,1 Ta g
• If this measure g,, s into effect, (which it
will unless you vote ' NO' ), you will have to
pay TWO CENTS EXTRA TAX on every
gallon of gasoline you put in yam car. This
means EXTRA TAX on every mile you drive
your car to and from work; EXTRA TAX on
every mile you drive your car in connection
with your
• You must VOTE NO on the LAST MEA-
SURE on the ballot to avoid this EXTRA
• .,,~ . .x '.~,,, . .~ .~.,¢ • • .~ ,~..
• ..:,;;,, ,x.~,. ~.., ~--
on EI[TFA 2c Gasoline Tax
The LASI /~L~os.~,e ~, "he Ballot
Pllltloltl 8dveJ.ts¢,.~L~-l,l ,,.,~., ~,,, ,, .... l...,--,,l=~ D) b'etJtlo~r*I
(~I~IIHH'''' , ~: ,,.,-, P.. *-, s:,> l'ttJ~.
W. J. I~'aun Cha~,,.an. ~-]au~ ~ MUI'rS,7,
Wahoeton. N, D P,o~ z36 8lsnutrel~ N. D.
Follow the example
of wise buyers. Se-
lect the car or truck
with the O.K. that
counts. At your
Chevrolet dealer.
With a continued interest in
the rural teacher-training pro-
gram evident from early inquir-
ies, Dickinson State Teachers
college has set up a plan to make
summer registration for new stu-
dents in this field. High school
graduates may register for .any
one of six different "plans" and
obtaln a second grade element-
ary certificate at the end of the
eight week summer term.
seth had spent several weeks inI Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Westmore-
Portland finding living quarters I land of Chicago, Ill., arrived at
and waiting for school to let out the Glen Scammon home Satur-
here in Beach so he could movei day afternoon. Mr. Westmoreland
his family. [was pastor of the C. F. church
.....I "here about ten years ago.
i-Wiba,-x News ! i Miss Brockway and Miss Lewis
are here from Rockford, N. D., to
help Mrs. Beals .and local workers
with the D. V. B. S., which opened
~ ........ - ........ - at the club house Monday morn-
(Crowded Out Last Week) ] ing. There are classes for all ages.
Carl Dahl was here from Mis-I Judge Foss was here from
soula Sunday calling on friends. Glendive Friday and held district
All w~rk in these "plans" will Don Peterson came from Min- court.
count toward both the one-year neapolis, Thursday, for a short Mrs. Dick Beals was guest of
rural certificate and the two-year visit with Mrs. Stipek, who re- honor at a birthday dinner given
professional certificate, turned from Hot Springs, S, D. by Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wood-
Summe~ school started June 12
and continues through August 4. Mr. and Mrs. Bob J.akins and house at their home Sunday.
Work in all curriculums is beinglchihlren from near Vancouver, I Two Sunday School classes en-
offered, i Wn., arrived Wed., to visit rela-Itertained at the club house at a
tives and friends, i wedding shower honoring Mr.
FInN Ii Sheriff Eli Swartz took ,a] and Mrs. Don Chaffee Friday eve.
Gordon Olson and Emil Miller prisoner to Deer Lodge last week, The Jakin's family held a tam-
returned last week end from their'and spent Sunday in Bozeman Sly reunion at the LouSe Larson
• ,Ht~ his son and wife Mr and ihome Saturday, with relatives
airplane fishing trip to Lae La ........ • . ~
Mrs Wm Swartz I fr~m Wn., and Glend]ve attend-
Range. The boys ran into some ....
:pretty tough weather for fish- Mrs. Reece Owens is in Bill- ing.
in-s where she was called bvJ (Mrs. D. L. Collins and sons left
ing, and got there a little early, ~, , - • .
as the ice hadn't gone out of the the critical illness of her aged Thursday by ear for Bflhngs,
.... tho~ Mrs D,,nlan ]where Bob had surgery Friday.
lake. In spite of everything the ............ ,-- I • •
boys returned with a number of (Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gates, old~ David went to Dillon for sum-
good sized lake trout and a good time residents here, were house mer school, and Mrs. Collins to
catch of walleyes.
C. J. Espeseth returned to]
Beach 2 weeks ago from Portland,
Ore., and remained several
days getting their household
goods packed and then left
a wk. ago Thursday for their
new home in Portland. Mr. Espe-i
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Stair last week. They were en-
route to their home in Puyallup,
Wash., after a visit at Beloit, Wis.
Henry Hanson, a brother of
Mrs. E. B. Sherman, came from
Iowa last week for a visit wRh
relatives and friends, accompani-
ed by his Niece, WIrs. Avis
Thompson and daughter.
Cut Bank to visit her daughter.
It pays to advertize in the News'
Merely Touch Weeds With This
Amazing Stick.v
ONE-TOUCH Weed Killer Kills
Them Quick!
Yes, with this amazing stick you can (1"~
safely kill dandelions and 101 other
broadleaf plants without damage to //
grass, vegetables or other useful plants.//
Theres no stoopingl No Spraying| No //
Hred arms or l~la~l Merely touch weed //
with suck. Prestol In a few days weeds //
wither up and die. Its easyl Quickl A //
7tor~sale~ydO it. ReSells for only SI.00./
HENRY STRUM NAMED [ a 3-year term, at the school elee-
DISTRICT DIRECTOR r tion held here last Tuesday, June
Henry Strum, of Beach rural, ~ 6. Mrs. A. W. Ueckert, was re-
was elected District Director of ] elected treasurer.
Beach School District No. 3, for! News Want ~Is Brin.~ l~es~tlll$1
From where I Joe Marsh
Oh-My Aching Feet!
Other night just as I was settling
down with a book and a mellow
glass of beer, the wife calls down.
"Joe--I almost forgot--you and I
are going over to the High School
and take dancing lessons!"
Now, I can waltz with the best
of them, so I put up a quiet strug-
gle against going but it was no use.
Turns out it was the .class in
square dancing. And from the look
on some of the other men I judged
I wasn't the only one there who
had been taken by surprise!
Miss Williams and Curly Law-
son taught us what to do with our
feet, and before it was over, darn
if I wasn't actually enjoying my-
self. Going back next week, too !
From where [ sit, we sometimes
get an idea into our head for or
against someth!ng and then hang
onto it for dear life. Whether it's
square dancing, or the right to en-
joy temperate beer or ale now and
then, we owe it to ourselves as
Americans to take an open-minded
attitude--that's even a?ter we
make up our minds about it!
CoFyright, 195~,
United States Brewers Foundatiom
/ '1 \
PROHIBITION has never worked, because it can't be enforced . . . nation-
ally, on a state level or locally. Prohibition merely handcuffs law enforce-
ment officers, breeds bootlegging and law-breaking. There is no "wet" or
"dry" decision to make. The question is: Shall alcohol beverages, including
beer, be sold LEGALLY or LLY?
It,s the 4th Measure on Your June 27 Ballot
(Polittced od~vertlseme~ ~ end paid for by Nodh Dakole Un44ed Ag4Ans! Prohib~tlon, Leo Ma~toney, Ixe¢. Secy.)
$1 G:;~RA:
Nqpw "88" is Iowor-priced for '5OI Oldsmobile's'Rocket" saves on gasl
And it's a solid investment, too, You'll marvel at the way this high-
because Oldsmoblle's famous "Rocket" compression engine gives you :greater
is ~e to sgay new for year8 tO (~Ol~J economy---plus flashing response!
Hyd~,l~vh~* Is Iower~rl~dl I~tlral I~w one-piece wlndshleldsI
• ~mmth~ than ever this year~ ~Olds- All "88's" now have them--anothe~
~'S newest advance in a6to~atic good reason to phone us right now
drive8 mow ~dly e0~ you le~l ---for your date with a "Rocket 8"!
*Oldsmobile Hydra-Man'c Drive, m
reduced pri~e, optional on all modd~