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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 15, 1944     Golden Valley News
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June 15, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT / THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, June 15, 11 ~_ i rL, , ' I , n % m,m ~ Im ,__ GRAND "CLOSING" AND "OPENING" PARTY AT THE COZY CAFE & TAP ROOM ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21ST. There has been a change in management at the COZY CAFE & TAP ROOM, Roy Noyes, the former owner, taking over. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Walker wish to take this opportunity to thank their many patrons for the fine business and friendships they have enjoyed during the past six years. Mr. Noyes hopes he may continue to deserve and enjoy the same patronage. There will be alterations made and Roy asks the public to bear with him during that time. Suggestions Q Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Walker, Former Owners and criticisms are invited. "Mugs," the former owner, and Roy, the future owner, are arranging a grand "closing" and "opening" party, to be held from 7 P. M. to 11 P. M. on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21ST. The adult public is cordially invited, and a pleasant time is being arranged• DON'T FORGET THE DATE, AND COME EARLY! Roy Noyes, New Proprietor # - LOCAL NEWS h ltema of interest picked uD ero and there by our News reporters. We are always glad to get your news items. PHONE 39 Miss Mar;-Tosner. Whl ims'~be-en Mi.-ai~d Mrs-A. E. Schieffer-of-! - Mrs-L. J. Alguire spent Tueldayi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of helping her ~ster, Mrs• John Glow- Carlyle were business callers in in Glendive. i Trotters were business callers this er for several weeks has gone to Beach on Saturday The Past Matrons club met at lweek. Beach to work at a cafe there. Mr and Mrs Carl Lander of the home of Mrs. Ernest Nelson on I Mrs. Mary Johnson, who has been Mrs. Floy Woodhull and Patrtcia Wibaux were Beach business callers Wednesday of this week. I visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy and Robert left Sunday for Seattle on Saturday Mrs. Madison and ~aughter Anna Williams, at Skaar, returned to her .WasiL. where they will make their Mrs. Marie Chaska and daughter new home. Mucks left Friday for Jamestown, William Shenko left Saturday where they will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Frona of Glen- dive were Beach callers Saturday. Glen Adams went to Fryburg Gifford. ~spent Friday of last week with the Sunday to bring his family home. Miss Olga Moyer and "Dutcll"i Denms. small son of Mr and John Marman family in Beach. Hoeck were Sund~y dinner guestsiMrs' W. D. Schulz• submitted to l. Miss Mary Kremer left Friday a tonsillectomy at the Bismarck for Helena, Mont., where she will at the W. D. Schulz home• Hospital. They returned on Wed- enter into the Cadet Nurses Corps. The Readinger home is being nesday evening of last week. Mrs. Rose Kukowski of Williston given a new coat of paint by James Thill and Curt Sill. " Helga Thompson arrived the lat- was a weekend business caller in Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Steeker and ter par~ of the week from Livings- Beach. ton. Mont. to spend the summer Gwen Petersilie and Gwen Cook Marlyn called on Mrs. But'terfield Sunday morning, months with her parents. Mr. and of Sentinel Butte were Beach buM- Mrs, H. M. Jakobson and son Mrs. Henry Thompson of Beach. ness callers on Friday of last week. Richard were weekend callers in Ed Zabel of Kellogg, Idaho is Mrs. Julius Larsen and daughter Glendive. spending a few days at the paren- Marlene of Golva were Beach call- Minnie Hagen arrived Saturday tal William Zabel home. Clarence era on Friday of last week• to spend a short time with her Zabei of Rock Falls, Ill. is also Mrs. Daisy Wassmann and An- niece, Mrs. W. E. Logan, enroute laPending a few days at the home oil drew Kohlerof Alpha were Beach • ~ re . t :ll~! ~ia~S in d~K/e~y t°M~ssinTS~e Lou Logan arrived h~My: Y~uells and niece Mrs. e;LJandt were Sunday from Fryburg to spend a Doris Becklund, of Tacoma, Wash. . day of thin ( ' week period of two months with her ~ and Mrs. Ed Oswood called on Mrs. I : " _ . . x~rs William 7.aDe~ recently sub aunt, Mrs. W. E. Logan. J.C. Butterfield Thursday. Mrs. [ • ' - mitted to an operation and is re A1 Flanagan and stepson, Ross Mahlon Stecker spent the evening1 orte " " : " Alder of Minneapolis Minn were with Mrs. Butterfield p ci as aping as nicmy as can ' ' be expected. calling on frlen~ and at their Pfc. Carl Waldahl of the U S) .............. • • ~aaoge naruse leit l~'rlctay ior ranch near Trotters Sunday. Marine Corps arrived Sunday from lvario.._- u~ --rva ~ ol me wes: wne,,-~ Mr. and Mrs. Knute Farstveet San Diego, Calif. to spend a fur-/she will s~nd some time 'visitin- are the parents of a baby glrl bornl lough with his parents Mr. and friena¢ ~n~-,o'~oH .... to them at the Johnstone Memorial t Mrs. Charles Davldson, of Sentinel Harr " son of Mr and Mrs Fre~ Hospital Monday. Butte .... .~' . . • . . . u ~plegeloerg, wno nas oeen nome on JUST IN-- Complete Line of Greeting Cards morning for Minnesota where he Mrs. John Marman and children will spend some time visiting with and Kathryn Marman spent a day friends and relatives, in Glendive last week. Mrs. Ben Verdick arrived Thurs- Mrs. Don Hardy of Dickinson is d~y from Deer Lodge. Mont.. to spending a few days at the J. F. spend some time m Beacl~. Mrs. Hardy home in Beach. Verdick is the former Nellie Donald Oljar of Seattle. Wash. a ten-day furlough, returned to Port Townsend, Wash. O. G. Hoole, editor of the Daw- son County Review at Glendive, was a Beach business visitor on Friday of last week. Shirley Northrop was a Beach caller on Sunday. Shirley is now employed with a gas company in Baker, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Vukelic re- turned last week from Chicago, where they had spent several weeks visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Eddie Vukelic and daughter Vivian arrived in Beach Sunday BUTTE DRUG from Mott to spend a few weeks at t the E. C. Vukelic home. i II .......................................................................................................... The Misses Connie Mosser and[ =~m,~,,~=,,,,,~,,~=~,,--~.~=~=,~,,~=,~=~,~,,~,,_,~=~=~,~.:, Gladys Jarchow left Tuesday mor-) Spend Freelyon Bonds. Buy More han Before., Fashion at its Bes¢ in WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 1"65 Fine weave broadcloth, styled for an exact all.over fit a~d Sanforized+ to stay that way,~ NuCraft* starchle~ collars! Color For. All His Togs! TOWHcRAFT* TIES The annual school election wast Mrs. Dick Halvorson of Hill~bOr0, held Tuesday, June 6, at t2~e Lin-I tl~ Oregon. who was a guest at coln grade school building. Richard I Robert Coutts home, Mrs. Thompson was elected director of)and Mrs. Mary Johnson were the district school board and M. P. ernoon luncheon guests at the T. I, Lovgren was elected district clerk. Dickinson home Monday• Mac of Golva recently moved into lhome here on Thursday. i the GaD. McCellan apartments, l~ Mrs. Birdie Meacham, who has i Kermit Fakler left Monday for spent the past two years in Beach,!., ................ Vancouver, Wash., where he will i left for her home in Los Angeles, spend some time visiting his sisters. Ben Bloom of Beach was a Dick- inson visitor on Wednesday of this week. Lloyd Geyer will leave Thursday for Seattle, Wash. after spending a period of two ~eks in Beach visiting friends and relatives. E. E. Will left Sunday for Fargo, where he will :spend a few days on business and also visiting friends and relatives. Pvt. Michael Schieffer, son of Mr. California on Wednesday: I ! Mrs. P. E. Bryson of Ollie left Beach last Friday for Long Beach, Calif. to visit her mother, Mrs. R. Kramer, who is ill. Miss Mary Jane Alguire, who is leaching at the State Teachers College in "Dickinson, spent Satur- day and Sunday here wi~h her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Alguire. Boys are excited about the idea of flying. They should not get so awful excited that they can't fly and Mrs. Pete Schieffer, is now sta-ion their agile feet and do the er- ti~n'ed in England with the para-rands down town. troopers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dirk and) daughter, Margaret, were Beach~, business callers on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Dirk also received med- ical attention while here. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Ueckert and daughter Merna left Monday of this week for Wallis, Idaho, where they will spend some time visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. E. W. Clark of Fargo is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Lovgren of Beach. She left Satur- day for her home, It is said to be dangerous to know too many things. Teachers will perhaps say that some children are thoroughly aware of that danger. In many towns a few people carry on most of the community activities, while a large number look on and make complaints and kicks• Pvt. Fred Kremers of the U. S. Marine Corps arrived Tuesday ev- ening from San Diego, California :to spend a furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Kremers of Golva, Mrs. John Marman, Mrs. Fay Corkrin, Miss Petrinella Marman, Miss Mary Ann Marman of Sidney were guests of Mrs. John Marman of Beach on Wednesday, the occa- sion being her birthday, When people make the same ef- fort to beautify their homes as they do to make their own personal ning for Washington D C where l appearance attractive, their corn- they have accepted empioyment munity and their neighborhood in the Navy department, benefit from this improved up- The Misses Marcel Kukowski of )earance. • Bold figures, neat stripes," rich ~o61ards in easy-to-tio rayons and rayon mixtures. Seattle. Wash• and Lucille Kukow- ski of Fargo are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kukowskl of rural Beach. If you love y~ur home town and ~ry to do things to help its pro- gress, your home town wiLl love you and be ready to serve you in many ways. Pearl Bonine, formerly Pearl Jandt, arrived the latter part of the week from St. Louis, Mo. to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jandt, of Beach. Mrs. Witzig and daughter Carrie were dinner guests of Mrs• Butter- field. They brought Zona home, as she had been staying with Mrs. Witzig while attending Bible school in Beach. Mrs. Mary Rathbun of the Wes- ;erheim community called in Beach Saturday, and while here ordered the Golden Valley News sent to Pvt. George E• Hershey and Cpl. Frank C. Morris, former residents of Beach. Charles and Frank Michels re- turned on Tuesday ~vening from Eau Claire, Wisconsin where they had spent the past two weeks vis- iting with friends and relatives. While there they attended the wed- ding of a nephew. Mrs. Minnie Sorenson entertained at dinner last Sunday in honor of Carl's confirmation day, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Manthey and family and Mrs. Plagmann of Glendive, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sorenson and Sharon of Beach. have been visiting at the Clarence Fasehing home, left Thursday for Glendive, where they will visit with relatives for a few days, enroute to their home at Wenatchee, Wash. Mrs. M. L. Walker returned the latter part of the week from St. Cloud, Minn., where she had spent the past few weeks visiting friends and retatives, and where she also submitted to an operation. Miss Joyce Snow arrived Friday evening to spend the weekend at her parental home. Joyce is at- tending the teachers college at Dickinson. She was accompanied by Maphalda Fasching, who is also attending college. Confirmation services were held at St. Paul's Lutheran church on Sunday, June 11, with Rev. Dissen officiating. Those confirmed were Verene Will, Audrey Fredrieh of Wibaux, Audrey Schmeling, Leo~a Nielsen, Jesse Slater, Lyla Neudeck Carl Sorenson, Claude Thoemke and Maxwell Schmeling. Senator and Mrs. Gas Wog of the Fryburg community in Billings county were visitors in Beach on Monday. Senator Wog is a candi- date for re-election as state sena- tor from the 39th district and is the oldest member of the upper house in point of service, having served 26 years in the North Da- kota senate. Miss Mar Helen Niece rri _ ~ Alfred Reinholtz who lives south Y a veo ' of Sentinel Butte and who has the latter part of the week to spend ....... ' .... ........ ~oeen m a~ ms nome zor me pas~ a lew aays wlm her parents, Dr .......... • _., _^ I~wo weeks was ~)rougn~ ~o me nos- and Mrs. O. R. Nlece. She w,, ~v- pital in Beach on Sunday in a turn Wednesday to Duluth, Minn. . ......... 't sermus condition from a blood clot wnere sne ~s at~enmng SCHOOL Ion the heart. Mrs. Reinholtz is Mr. and Mrs. Win. Milner, who here With him. Gaylord Franzen and Kenneth Abraham returned Thursday of last week from Fort Shelling, where they had gone for their preinduc- tion examinations. Thomas Lynch and Paul Shupp are visiting friends and relatives in Minnesota before going into the armed forces. The Misses Agnes and Marie Po- dol~ki left Tuesday evening for various parts of the East where they will spend two weeks visiting friends and relatives. They will al- so visit their sister, Regina D. Po- dolski $2-c, who is stationed at Oxford, Ohio, attending the Miami University. Mrs. Dick Halvorson, who has been visiting a sister in Minneapo- lis, arrived here Saturday evening to visit with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coutts. Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Dick- inson were dinner guests at the Coutts home on Sunday, Mrs. Hal- vorson ls an old friend of Mrs. Dickinson's" parents, Mrs. Halvor- son left for her home at Hillsboro, Oregon Monday evening. ---V~-- Mrs. Olau~ Rishovd spent Tues- day of last week in Wibaux, where she attended the golden wedding anniversary celebration given for Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Elliott. Truck operators may apply for their third quarter rations by send- ing their Certificates of War Neces- sity to the local War Price and Ra- tioning Board any time after June 15. The Misses Nora E. Jordan and Beatrice Spies arrived in Beach on Tuesday to spend a three weeks va- cation with the former's sister, Mrs. Earl Baker and family. They are now serving as pastors of the U. B. church in Tie Dalles, Oregon. The Misses Jordan and Spies have many friends in Beach who are glad to see them again. ~V~ FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Olsrud, pastor Tel 154 The first week of the Badlands Bible camp at the~ Custer Trail dude ranch four miles south of M~dora opens this week, Friday evening. A truck to take campers will leave the parsonage in Beach at 3 P. M. on Friday. No services will be held at Beach, Sentinel Butte or Garner this Sun- day as all who possibly can are urged to attend the services at the Bible camp. Missionary C. W. Landahl from China will speak at the 11 A. M. services, Ray. Orlean Rue of Wolf Point will speak at 3 P. M. and Ray. R. Ulviden of Minot will speak at 8 P. M. Beach: - ~*- The daily vacation Bible sohool directed by Miss Ruth Stadem of Bryant, S. D. being held this week at the grade school building will continue through next week. Sentinel Butte: The daily vacation Bible school with Miss Mary Johnson and Mrs. May Fisher as teachers being held )this week will continue through next week. Carlyle: Services at 10:30 A. M. Confirma- tion class at 11:30 A. M. ~-V~ UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Beach, North D~kota Sunday, June 18: 10:15 A. M., Morning Worship service. Fathers Day message. All men are especially urged to be present. 11:15 A. M., Bible study classes for all ages. Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 8 P.M. ~.V-~ UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Trotters, North Dakot~ Sunday, June 18: 2 P. M., Sunday school, with classes for all ages. 3 P. M., Worship service, with a message honoring fathers on this, their day. Services every 1st, 3rd and 5tix Sundays of the month. --.Y CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH John Roberts, pastor Beach, North Dakot~ Fathers Day, June 18: Sunday school at I0 A. M. Morning service at 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 8 P.M. METHODIST CHURCH Beach, North Dakot& Rev. Frederick Norris of Bismarck will hold services in the Beach Methodist church Sunday, June 17, Everybody cordially invited. ~--.Y~ ST. PAUL'S LUTHEq~AN CHURCH V. H. Dissen, pastor Beach, North Dakota ! Your vote and support will be appreciated! ! Guy Lee ., ' ! ! CANDIDATE FOR I i STATE SENATOR i 39th Legislative District Billings, Golden Valley, Slope and Bowman Counties i CARROTS Cal green tops I) behs. ¢ ORANGES size 392 Valencia doz. ¢ / / USTSRD (COFFE _ I OF I1