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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 15, 1944     Golden Valley News
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June 15, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bB4Z f0]Iows: oaly the war attention in of about the Our own there first to develop shall have left, or shall and it- eng/- there is But another there will and uses cam- and eco- tO say at this Of North Da- committed it- grow river of this It ls use the river to empire with the present /s making it necessary for the gov- ernment tO haole ~ program for en- tlsting the services of office work- era, ~ m~, housewives and others for spare time work on processing plants. The for a farm-labor gasoline 'ation must shoW that travel by owned automobile is the means of roaching the farm or plant, and should ar- range to carry at least four persons in the car.lf a small car, as many as the car will hold. The county agricultural agent certifies the applicant as an essential farm worker, and the amount of mile- age required. He also states that the driver and the persons that are to ride with him are capable of doing a particular job. OPA district directors are designating special boards to consider applica- tions in areas where this type of is needed. V~ WAR BONDS . . . bUy them and oln America's victory marchl V " I CITY C0UBCIL PROCF ING8 .............. ..... Ma. ,.. Tae ~.L~y of Beach, North Dako in on May 1st. 1944with the follow. lug members present:- Mayor R, W. Johnson and ~oermen T. L. Dickinson, Mark Freese, H. H. Hal- stead, M. P. Lovgren, W. C. Schulz and H. R. Thompson. The minutes of the regular meet- 6th and of the Organi- of April 18th were Halstead and second- that the minutes be Motion carried, bills were read and considered :- N W Bell Tel. Co,, Tolls and local service, $5.00; H. PL Hhl- stead, Expenses to Fargo, ~.43; 8 Council meetingaSaa~ ~18.00, $43.43; Doerner'a Care. Mea s or transients, $1.60; Earl Jones, Janitor work, $2.50; Beach Public Library, Con- tribution, $25.00; Globe-Gazette Prt. Co,, Office Supplies,. $6.36; R. W. Johnson, Mayor's salary, one year. ~0.00; John Keohane, Attorney's salary, six months, $120.00; N lna Kirst, Treasurer's salary, six mon~.~, $120.0O; T. L. Dickkin~nson, 7 cotin- cu meetings, $14.00; M. E. Freese, 6 council meetln~s, $12.00; M. P. Lovgren, g council meetings, $16.0O; W, C, Schulz, 8 council meetings, R. 7 council O. Halvorson, P. Cook, Sal- ~ea~" Eriekson, Sal- Volunteer Fire dream. It for Store, Johnson insur- a~ Beach Hide & eous Tax that the bills [ as read and that warrants the various funds in Motion carried "'Yes." conferred the adjourn made Dick- iS mson and seconaed by ~al~tead. Carried. R. W. JOHNSON, wild rL~yor. their property, nominated Primary Election to be held the several voting precincts of Golden Valley County on Tuesday ~th, 1944. The Polls of to be opmled at 9:00 M. on said day and to remain continuously until 7:00 o'clock M. PARTY NOMINATIOHS dowl~t~rea~ To be Made by the Republi¢~ and DamoEratic Parfl~ Senator in Congress -- (two Governor Treasurer OI11" under- of Insurance & Labor Service Senator--(one in each of the odd numbered districts) Members of the House of Repre- sonle sentetlves--(as apportioned by Chap- tel" 7, Session Laws of 19,31) NO-PARTY NOMINATIONS sake State and Dts~let for- of the Supreme Court of the District Court-(one each of the six judicial dis- of PubLic Instruc- State Tax Commissioner NO-FAHTY NOMINATIONS Com2ty C~icas Sheriff wiN Auditor Treasurer denle~d ~ Clerk of District Court--(in Counties over 15,000 population) Register of .D?eds~(in Counties over d|verslfled 6,00o popumtion}. . . than ally Register of DeeoS ana ex offlmo ~lerk of District Court and County to Counties under 6,000 Counties over ex officio Clerk Counties under Administrator--(to be elected four years) Commlssloners-- (as pr ovid- Sec. ~7 C, L. 1913) provided by Ne~per--(u provided by NEWS Ch. 1#2 S. I~ I~) I further certify ing measures will . people ~or a vo~e of Beach, mary Election and a P with the phlet will be issued t or with Section 25 of the to per- as amended by Article 26. sonally. Dated this 5th day of June A. D. CONSTITUTIONAL ~MZNT~ 1944. p~l~ed ~ Leglalaflv~ ~ CLARENCE OVERSTAD Administrator with the Chapter 100 S. L. 1943 Relating to Sale of School and Public Lands. Chapter 101 S, L. 1943 Relating to State Equalization Fund. An Act for Repeal State Income ~ax Laws Will Annexed of the Last Will and Estate of Hal- oar Halvorson, Deceased, JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Administrator Beach, North Dakota. (June 8, 15. 1944) V C~4DIDA'r~ FOR OFFICE In wltheu whereof I have here- Notice of Primary Election and unto set my hand and affixed the the publication of the names of Official Seal of the County of the Candidates and their Past Golden Valley, State of North Da- office addresses, pursuant to the kota at the County seat at the provisions of Section 921, Compiled City of Beach this 29th day of May laws of 1913. 1944. " NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor, Golden Valley County, North Dakota, (SEAL) (June 1, 8, 15, 22, 1944) THE POLLING PLACES OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA For Primary Election ~o be held June ~7, 1044 POWELL, HENRY & PEARL PRE- CINCTS--Comprislng 144 Range 103 and 144, Range I06, and 144, Range 104, the to be at the Trotters in earl township, located on the Northwest quarter of section 17, tewnsh~ 144, Range 104. ELMWOOD AND SADDLE BUTTE PRECINCT--Comprisir~ to W n s h I p 142, Range 105, and township 14L Range 10~, the polling place to be at the Bonnie View School house in Elmwood township, located on the Northwest quarter of Section 28, township 142, Range 105. ELK CREEK, DIVIDE AND DELHI house in Delhi township, located on the North- east corner of section 22, township 141, Range 104. WANAGAN, SENTINEL BUTTE VIL- LAGE AND SENTINEL PRECINCTS ---Comprising township 141, 103, all the land within the R~n~gt~ of the Village of Sentinel Butte and townships 139 and 140, Ranges 103 and 104, the polling place to be at the Opera House in block six, Original townslte of the Vil- lage of Sentinel Butte. be made on or after REPUBLICA~ of June A. D. 1944. be in writing and STATE SENATOR 39th ~)ISTRICT-- of John Guy Lee Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. Gust Wag Belfield, N. Dak. MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF REPRE- SENTATIVES 39th DISTRICT~ M. B. Hogoboom Alpha, N. Dak. C. T. Oison Bowman. N. Oak. J. M. Still Beach, N. Dak. DEMOCRATIC None filed STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )ss COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) aat Primary Election is to be held the several voting precincts in the County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota, The said Primary Election will be held on June 27th, 1944 and the polls of the said election will open at 9:00 o'clock A. M. and re- main open continuously until 7:0O P. M. of that date. The following list of Candidates for nomination are to be voted on at the said Primary Election. REPUBLICJ~r UNITED STATES SENATOR-- Usher L. Burdick Williston Gerald P. Nye Cooperstown Lynn U. Stambaugh Fargo A. C. Townley Bismarck REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS-- Carl E. Danielson Minot William Lemke Fargo Geo. McClellan Beach Charles R. Robertson Bismarck Zdena Trinka .. Lldgerwood Milton R. Young LaMoure GOVERNOR-- Fred G. Aandani Litehvllle Alvin C. Strutz Bismarck LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR-- C. P. Dahl Jessie Oscar W. Hagen Watford City CITY OF BEACH. PRECINCT NO. SECRETARY OF STATE-- 1 AND BEACH CIVIL TOWN- Carl Anderson SHIP PR]~INCT NO. 2--Compris- Page ing all the territory within the Thomas Hall limits of the City of Beach . in Bismarck township 140, Range 106, on me south side of, and south of Second STATE AUDIT~ street and Fairview avenue and Berta E. Baker aH of township 140, Range 106, Glenburn except that part within the limits Otis Bryant of the City of Beach, the Poll- Napoleon lug place to be in the Court Room, on the second floor of the Court STATE TREAS~ House building, located on Lots Vie L. Gilbreath 3, 4, 5. 6, Block 6, in the City Bismarck of Beach, Otto Krenger CITY OF BEACH PRECINCT NO, ~-essenden 2--Comprising" all the ATTORNEY O~ within the limits of the P.B. Garberg Beach in towr~_shlp ~40, Bmmarck on the north side of Neis G. Johnson of Second street and Fairview Towner avenue, the Polling place to be tn the City Hall located on Lots COMMISSIONER~INSURANCE-- 9 and I0 in Block 4, Original Oscar E. Erlckson tewnslte of the City of Beach, ~Tappen . Floya F, Henaerson BEACH CIVIL PP.~-CINCT NO. I-- Grand Forks 139 and O.R. Void COMMI~ISS~ONER OF AGRICULTURE & LABOR-- Math Dahl l-Iazelton Ray Stair Drtscoll PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER-- Elmer W. Cart Bismarck C. W, McDonnell Kensai DEMOCRATIC UNITED STATES SENATOR-- John Moses Hazen REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS--- Halvor L. Halvorson Minot E. A. Johansson the corner of townsh~ 139, Range 106. LONE TREE AND GARNER PRE- CINCT--Comprising townships 137 and 138, Rangesl0~ and 106, and toWnship 138, Range 104, the pou- in~ place to be in the ~own hall, original townsite of Golva. BULL~O~, w~, SULL ~US AND STODDARD PRECINCT~ 137, Ra~e Range 105, and town- Township ships 137 polling place to School house located on the east quarter of section 29, town- ship 137, Range 104. POLLS OPEN FROM 0:00 A. M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. Raub . The foregoing is a true and J.R. Kenneay correct llsf of precincts of Golden Fargo Valley county and the boundaries and voting places thereof as des-GOVF2RNOR-- ignated by the Board of County William T, DePuy Commi~oners. Grafton In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal LIEUTENANT GOVRRNOR-- of Golden Valley County this ~th "S. B. Hocking Devils Lake May ( ) MINNIE E. SMITH, SECRETARY 0~" STATE-- County Auditor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota. None STATE AUDITOR-- Alice D. Wagner Sanborn STATE TREASURER-- Julia M. LynCh Lidgerwood ATTORNEY GENERAL-- John A. Layne Fessenden COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE-- Ed. P. Cosgr~f Fargo COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE & LA~OR--- None PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER-- None NO PARTY ~UDGE SUPREME COURT-- James Morris Bismarck 3UD~ES D~T COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT-- M. J. Englert Valley City (June 1, 8, 15, ~, 1944) NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under authority of an Order of Sale granted by the ~onorable James Donaldson, Judge of the County Court of the County o ,f Golden Valley, in the State of North Dakota, dated the 0th day of June A. D. 1944, the undersigned, the Administratrix of the Estate of Eddie Je~dro late of Alpha in the County of Golden Valley and Stateofo North Dakota, deceased, will sell at private sate to the highest bid- der, ~for cash subject to confirma- tion by the Judge Of said County Court, the following described lands, to-wit: An undivided one-half ( ~ ) interest in the West Half of the West Half (W~W~) of Section Eight (8) and the Southeast Quar- ter (SE~,~) of Section Thirty (~0) in Township One Hundred Thirty- seven (137)North, of Range One Hundred Four (104) West. of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Golden Valley County. NorthDakota. The sale will be maae on or after the 3rd day of July A, D, 1944. All bids must be In writing, and SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT~ may be left at the office of John C.W. Butts Keohane in the City of Beach, North Devils Lake Dakota, or filed with the Judge of said County Court, or delivered to lTHIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT~ the undersigned,~persoana,y. ] Eugene F. Coyne Dated June 12..~-, . 1 LaMoure ELIZABETH 3~NDRO I Admlnistratrix of the I FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT~ Estate of Eddie Jendro Fred Jansonius Deceased. Bismarck JOIIN KEOHANE I FIFTH.A.J JUDICIA~ Attorney for Administratrix DISTRICT-- Beach, North Dakota. . Gronna (June 15, 22, 1944) Minot --V--- SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT~ SALE OF LAND NOTICE IS I~EREBY GIVEN. Thai under authority of an Order of Sale granted by the Honorable James Donaldson, Judge of the County Court of tl~e County of Golden Valley, in the State of North Da- kota, dated the ~th day of June A. D. 1944, the undersigned, the ad- ministrator with the_ Will Annexed of the Last Will and Estate of Halvor Halvorson, late of the Town of Nora, County of Pope and State of Minne- sota, Deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the .Judge of said County Court, the tohow~ng described land, to-wit: North Half (N~ of Section Fourteen (14) in TOWnship ~ne Hundred Forty-one (141) Norm, of Range One Hundred Four_~104) West, of the Fifth Principal--~rlMer- dian in Golden Valley uounty, North Dakota. Thursday, June 15, 1944 I, Minnie E. Smith, County Audi- tor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of the names and addresses of all persons for whom nomination papers have been filed for Legislative Offices, according to the several peti- tions on file in my office. Dated at Beach, N. Dak. this 29th day of May, 1944. MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor, Golden Valley County, North Dakota. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT I if the Board of University and School Lands so determine, by it,[ be declared null and void. No con-{ tract of sale heretofore made under] the provisions of said Section 158[ of the Constitution as then pro- [ riding shall be effected by this I amendment, except prepayment of ! principal may be made as herein provided. . . . - Any of said lanus ~nat may De required for townsite purposes, school house sites, church sites, cemetery sites, sites for other educational or charitable institutions, public parks, air plane landing fields, fair grounds, public highways, railroad right-of- way, or other railroad uses and pur- poses, reservoirs for the storage of water for irrigation, irrigation canals, and ditches, drainage ditches, or for SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ~ COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Frank M. Susa and Ger- trude M. Susa, Plaintiffs, VS. Lawrence Vetsch, Andrew Patterson, Simon Mish, and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or in- terest in, or lien or en- cumbrance upon perty de ri d Complaint, Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH ~LKOTA any of the purposes for which prl- TO THE ABOV~ NAMED DFe- vate lands may be taken under the FENDANTS: right of eminent domain under the You are hereby summoned ~at~d re- Constitution and Laws of this state, quired to answer the Complaint of may be sold under the previsions the above named Plaintiffs, which of this Article, and shall be paid is on file in the Office of the for in full at the time of sale, Clerk of the District Court of the or at any time thereafter as herein Sixth Judicial District in the Coun- [provided. Any of said lands and any ty of Golden Valley and State of [ other lands controlled by the Board North Dakota, and to serve a copy of University and School lands, of your answer thereto upon the may, with the approval of said subscriber at his office in the City Board, be exchanged for lands of of Beach in said County and State, the United States, the State of within thirty (30) days after the North Dakota or, any county or I service of this summons upon you. municipality thereof as the Legis- I exclusive of the day of such ser- future may provide, and the iands~ vice and in case of your failure so acquired shall be subject to the: to appear or answer as above re- trust to which the lands exchanged lquired, the Plaintiffs will take Judg- therefor were subject, and the State merit against you by default ~or CERTIFICATION OF NOMINATIONS shall reserve all mineral and water the relief demanded in the Cam- FOR COUNTY OFFICES. SHERIFF-- Ray L. Zinsli Sentinel Butte. N. Dak. COUNTY AUDITOR-- MInnie E. Smith Beach, N. Dak. COUNTY TREASURER Kenneth Stout Beach, N. Dak. REGISTER OF DEEDS, OFFICIO CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT AND COUNTY JUDGE-- James Donaldson Beach, N. Dak. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS--- Natalie J. Adamson Beach, N. Dak. COUNTY COMMISSIONER 2ND DISTRICT-- M. C. Teacher Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER-- Golden Valley News Beach. N. Dak. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) )as COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) I. Minnie E. Smith, County Audi- tor of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of names and addresses of all per- sons for whom nomination papers have been filed for County Offices, according to the several petitions on file in my office. . . Dated at Beach, North Dakota miS 29th day of May 1944. MINNIE E SMITH, County Auditor Golden Valley County North Dakota. (SEAL) (June 15, 22, 1944) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS AND INITIATED MEASURES CERTIFICATE I. THOMAS ~, Secretary of State of the State of North Dakota, in accordance with the provisions of Artlcle 26, of Amendments to the Constitution of the State of North Dakota and Section 979 C. L. . 1913, as amended, do hereby certify that the following measures will be submitted to the voters at the Pri- mary Election to be hold on Tues- day, June 27, 1944. I~N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of North Dakota at the Capital in the City of Bismarck, this 20th day of April. A. D. 1944. THOMAS HALL Secretary of State (SEAL) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Salo of School and Public Lands Submitted by the Twenty-eighth Session of the Legislative Assem- bly of the State of North Dakota, Being Senate Concurrent Resolu- tion No. H, (Chapter 100, Session Laws 1943) The full text of which proposed Constitutional Amendment is as follows, re-wit: A Concurrent Resolution Provid- in~t for the Amendment of Section 15~ of Article 9 of the Constitu- tion of North Dakota as Amended by Article 13 of the Amendments Thereof as Further Amended by Article 50 of the Amendments thereof. Relating to the Sale of School and Public Lands. and for[ Resale to Purchasers on Contractt Whose Contracts have been Can- celled. power rights in lands so trans- ferred. When any of said lands have been heretofore or may be hereafter sold on contract, and the purchaser or his heirs or assigns is unable to pay in full for the land purchased within twenty years after the date of purchase and such contract is in default and subject to being declared null and void as hy law provided, the Board of University and School Lands may, after declar- ] lag such contract null and void, and EX- resell the land described in such contract to such purchaser, his heirs or assigns, for the amount of the unpaid principal, together with ~n- terest thereon reckoned to the date of such resale at the rate of not less than three (3%) per cent, but in no case shall the resale price be more than the original sale price; such contract of resale shall be upon the terms herein provided, provided this section shall be deem- ed self-executing insofar as the provisions for resale herein made are concerned. Filed March 5. 1943. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SEN- to provide for ~e refund oil ATE OF THE STATE OF NORTH taxes paid upon 1943 income. I DAKOTA, THE HOUSE OF REP- BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE I RESENTATIVES CONCURRING: OF THE STATE OF NORTH That the following proposed Amend- DAKOTA: ] merit to Section 158 of Article 9 Sec. 1 (REPEAL.) Section 2~6all of the Constitution of the State of to 2346a50, both inclusive, of the l North Dakota, as amended by Article 1925 Supplement to Compiled LawsI 13 of the Amendments thereof, as of 1913; Chapters 239 and 240, Laws further amended by Article 50 .of of 1929; Chapters 283 and 284, Laws the Amendments thereof, is agreed of .1931; Chapter 258, Laws of 1933;! to, and that the same be submitted Chapter 271, Laws of 1935; Chapter to the qualified electors of the State of North Dakota for approval or 241, ~ws _of 1937; Chapter 228, I.~aws[ rejection in accordance with the Of IS&~_; Chapter 278, Laws of 1941;[ and Chapters 255, 256, and 257, I provisions of Section 202 of the Laws of 1943, and all other law ira-[ ~onstitution of the State of North posing an income tax within the[ Dakota as amended. Section 1. (AMENDMENT.) That State of North Dakota, are hereby~ Section 158 of Article 9 of the repealed insofar as the provisions I Constitution of the State of North or any. of said laws relate to the! Dakota, as amended hy Article 13 aumuustrauon of the income tax t hl~]ws, the collection of taxes, the I of the Amendments thereof, as fur- nng oz returns, the penalties for[ ther amended by Article ~0 of the failure to file returns or to pay the[ amendments thereof, is hereby tax appeals, or any other matter amended and re-enacted to read as coneerning taxes, upon income earn-1 follows: , ed during any calendar year prior Section 158. No original grant schooI l or institutional land shall be sold it° .1943, the same shall be and re-] mare in full force and effect asl for less than the fair market value lto such taxes only, until all of said[ thereof; and in no case for less than ten dollars ($10.00) per acre, !.taxes for. such prior years shah have| provided that when lands have been~°een pmo. sold on contract and the contract l Sec. 2 ALL TAXES UPON 194~ has b~.n. cancelled, such .lands .m~ay~INCOME wnlch snat~ nave oeen pa~ul De resolo without rea~ppramemenz oyjprl°r. to the effective date of this J the board of appraisal. The pur-iact shall be refunded by the State, chaser snail play twenty (20) per i ~o tn.e. taxpayers immediately fpllow- [ mg me ease upon which thfs actl cent of the purchase price at the l shall take effect without the neces-I time the contract is executed; there- siw of any claims or application. In~ after annual payments shall be made t.e case of taxpayers operating oni of not less than six (6) per cent a fiscal year different from the oalen- of the original purchase price. An:dar ~ear, .any .amended return may l amount equal to not less than three De mea..Dy me taxpayer at anyI (3) per cent per annum of the un-: paid principal shall be credited to u me .Wlmln three months after the interest and the bamnce shall be enective date hereof, showing the applied as payment on principal as income actually earned during the' Ca~enoar year 1942, and deductible credit on purchase priceA The put- expenses actually chargeable to the: chaser may pay all or ~ny install- calendar year 1942, and taking credit l ment or installments not yet due for exemptions upon a pro ratal to any interest.paying .date. If the basis for the number of months l purchaser so aemres, ne may pay in 1942 covered by such return, and l the entire balance due on his con- the excess of the amount actually] tract with interest to date of pay- ment at any time and he will then paid for .income taxes upon the fiscal! Harry L. Berry be entitled to proper conveyance, year exp~rlng in 1943 and the amount~ Mandan All sales shall be held at the county of. tax due under such amended return, shall be refunded. scat of the county in which the land Sec. 3. This act shall take effect to be sold is situated, and shall be the thirtieth day after the election SUPERINTEND~-T-'OFsTRUCTION__ PUBLIC IN- at public auction and to the highest at wnicl~, it is approved by the vote Norman G. Jensen bidder, and notice o~ SUCh sale of the electors. Portal shall be published once each week Arthur E. Thompson for a period of three weeks prior ~,~.~ Bismarck to the day of sale in a legal news- "" per published nearest.the land and The undersi~e~----. C .... +~ a, ~,~. STATEjohn, GrayTAX COMMISSIONER-- l~iedi~n~bll~eutdO~P: P~:It hdestii'°c g~eia~ ~w i t Phi" ~n°°i~g ~e°r~tYt u ~i'e~tn~Y'" A~'a~ dmthe~ets f~d-"~ ........ Bismarck ] in which said land is • ted Measures as certified to the country m Nels P. Noben !~ ,. ~.^.~ . e by the Secretary of State will Bismarck ]o,~u~c,. _ . , =_ _ _~ ~_ ~ De suomitted to the voters of the No grant or ~a~en~ .I~or su~t mn~s State 'of '~N~rth Dakota at the shall Issue unut paymen~ ,S maue Primar-- ~^~ ..... ....... r-"~ded +~'t *~" ~ ,~,~,un ~o oe helo m the GOLDEN VALLEY COUN'I~" I zor me Same', ~ u.. ~'~ ~"= res-ectivel~ Voung ...... precincts of this CFA~TIFICATION OF NOMINATION land contracted to be sold by the county ~n _r .... ~,~ .~ FOR LEGISLATIVE OFFICES [State shall be subject to taxation _. ~ ........ ~,,, ,o-~.s. t In ~lgned MINNIE E SMIT I from the date of the contrac . ~ , H, Certified list of nominees to be case the taxes assessed against anY i County Auditor voted for at the Primary Election of said lands ~or any year remain Golden Valley County, to be held in wte several voting unpaid until the nrst Monday in North Dakota. precincts of Golden Valley County, October of the rouowlng year, the (SEAL) ~orth Dakota, on June 2'/th, 1944. |contract of sale for such land sha~ (June 15, ~. 1944) plaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this I3th day of May A. D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiffs Office and Postoffice Ad- dress: Beach, North .Dakota. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED D~FEN- DANTS: You, and each of you, will please take notice that the above entitled action is brought for the purpose of quieting title in the plaintiffs and depriving" you, and each of you, of any and all interest in and t~ the following described lanas an~ ~remises situated in the County of olden Valley and State of North Dakota, via: Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (8), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11), in Block Four (4); and Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Five (5) all in Gass-Vetsch Sec- ond Addition to Golva, North Dakota, as the same is piatte~ and the Plat thereof on file and STATE EQUALIZATION" FUND of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Golden Submitted by the Twenty-eighth Valley County, North Dakota. Session of the Legislative Assure- and of determining adverse claims bly of the State of North Dakota, thereto, and that no personal clain~ being House Concurrent Resolu- is maae against you unless you ap- tion No. G (Chapter 101, Session pear and defend in this action. Laws 1943) JOHN KEOHAN~ The full text of which proposed Attorney for Plaintiffs • Beach. North Dakota. Constitutional Amendment is as (May 18, 25; June 1, 8, 15, 22, 1944) follows, To-wit: A Concurrent Resolution providing --V for the Amendment of the Con- I stitution of the State of North, SUMMONS Dakota, creating a State Equali- and providing for a STATE OF NO~AKOTA zation Fund, state tax levy for school pur- )aS I COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) poses. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSEJ IN DISTRICT COURT OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRIC'£' STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, TI-I~ Art Underwood, ) SENATE CONCURRING: Plaintiff, That the following proposed amend- vs. meat to the Constitution of the State George C. Hartzell, the un- of North Dakota is agreed to and known heirs of George C. that the same be submitted to the~Hartzell. Deceased, Jessie qualified electors of the state for Hartzell, and all other per- I approval or rejection, in accordance sons unknown claiming any with the provisions of Section 202 estate or interest in, or ) of the Constitution of the State lien or encumbrance upon ) of North Dakota as amended. {the property described in~ Section 1. AMENDMENT.) That the I the Complaint, Constitution of the State of North I Defendants. Dakota is hereby amended by theiTHE STATE OF NORTH OTJk addition thereto of the following I TO THE ABOVE NAMED D~ provision: I FENDANTS: There is hereby created a per- [ You are hereby summoned and manent State Equalization Fund. I requir,ed to answer the Complaint of The Legislative assembly shall pro-!~e aoove named Piaintiff~ which is vide for raising revenue each year l°n file in the Office of %he Clerk d to aid in maintaining an keepingI of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the County of open to all children of the State~ D~aalden Valley and State of North of North Dakota a system of elemen-! tary and secondary schools in an I agora, and to serve a copy of amount which shall not exceed four Iy°ur answer thereto upon the sub- (4) mills on the dollar of assessed',scriber at his office in the City of valuation of all taxable property in tBeach. in said County and State, the state, to be ascertained by the]With,in thirty (30) days after the last assessment made for state and, sery~ce of this summons upon you, county purposes, which amount, when l e.xcmsWe of the day of such set- and as collected, shall be paid into I~ce" and in case of your failure the State Equalization Fund to' bet appear or answer as above re- disbursed by the legislature for such lquir,ed, the Plaintiff win take Judg- school purposes, ment against you by default for Filed March 5, 1943. plaint.the relief demanded in the Com- i Dated at Beach, North l~4~ote, INITIATED MEASURE 24th day of~ May, A, D. . JOHN KEOHANE Rope81 Stato Incoma Tax Laws [ Attorney for Plaintiff Suomltted by Initiative Petition. [ Office and Postoffice Ad- The fun text of which proposed | dress: Beach, North Da- measure is as follows, to-wit" ~ kota. An Act to Repeal Sections 2346al to! NOTICE 2348a50 of the 1925 Supplement~TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEigN- to the Compiled Laws of 1913; Chap-i DANTS: ters 239 and 240. Laws of 1929;[taYOU, and each of you, will pleas~ Chapter 283 and 284, Laws of 1931;! Chapter 253, Laws of 1933; Chap-I Ke nonce mat the above entitled acuon is brought for the purpose ter 271, Laws of 1935; Chapter 241,~ of quieting title in the Plaintiff and Laws of 1937; Chapter 228, Laws~ depriving you, and each of you, of 1939; Chapter 278, Laws°of 1941;Iof any and all interest in and to and Chapters 255, 256, and 257, I the .folewing described lands and Laws of 1943, and all other laws~pr)~eeses situated in the County of imposing an income tax within o oen valley and State of North the State of North Dakota, and Dakota, viz: SeN~rthwest Quarter (NV~) of on Twenty-four (~A) in Wnship One Hundred Thirty- eight (138) North, of Range One Hundred Four (104). West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Golden valley County, North Dakota, ana of de ter~,ing adverse e,l~dms ~erelo., and. mat no personal claim mane. against you unless you ap- pear ana aezend in this action. A JOHN KEOHANE ttorney for Plaintiff Beach, North Dakota. (May 25; June 1, 8. 15. ~ ~9. 1944) SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTAi)'U COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY. ) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Annlna Mueller, ,) Plaintiff, ) VS. Tillie Runyan, F. P. Run- yan, J. R. Waters, and all ) other, persons unknown ) ct,amung any estate or In- ) zerest In, or lien or encum- ) oranee upon the real estate ) described in the Complaint, ) THE STA-- Defendants. ) T-- _~_TE OF NORTH DAKOTA You are hereby smnmoned answer the Compla/nt in the above enuuea acnon, which is on file in nt~e office of. the Clerk of the above o~rn_ea _~ourt, and. to serve a copy .Yuur answer to the said Cam- plaint on.the subscriber at his office ml me ulty of Beach. Golden VaL, le~L~oun~y. North Dekote, with~ ut,.~y ~.~j~ aays after the service of this Summons upon you, exclu- :lnV~ .of the day of such service, u m case o~ your failure to aD- ])ear or answer, Judgment will be r~Ken against you by default for • --~ ~.t~e~nrellef demanded in the Com- Da~d this 24th day of May A. IX 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Offiee & Postoffice Ad- dress: Beach, "North Da- kota. NOTICE This action relates to the fore- closure of a mortgage upon Lots Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Section Six (6), Township One Hundred Forty-four (144) North, . 9f Range One Hundred Five (1~.~ West, of the Fifth Principal Men-~ dtan in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Beach. North Dakota. (May ~5; June 1, 8, 15. 1944) CARL F.. DAN~ELSON FOR cONO~SS~ (PaL Adv.)