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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 13, 1935     Golden Valley News
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June 13, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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f THE BEACH REVIEW TENNIS CLUB FORMED HERE ON MONDAYt Marvin Tobias Is ['resident Of Newly Organized Association Keen interesl in Omnis in B0ach has been evidenced for tile past :~i,v-! eral weeks, and Monday evening a z i association was formed, inasmuch asi the local courts staried by tile F'ERA] are almost completed at least as fari QUEEN SHENANDOAH as the federal relief work is con-I cerned, Steps were tqken imnled ate- ly to have the courts scraped, packed] and rolled, and a net and reel weret bought by the members, so thaL now everything is iu readiness, as soon as the marking of the courts is done, l which will prohably be today. Margin Tobias, wire has had con-I Miss Nella Veverka, twenty-year-phi aiderid~le experience playing tennis, I daugiJter of tile Czechoslovakian rain ~ coach at the local high school, I lster to the United States, was select Was, chosen to head the new group. { ed to reign over the Shenandoah Apple The club is public and everyone whoi l~lt,~sO..ll festival as Queen Sllenand.ah Cares to play tennis during the com-t Xil. Size is seen here among tim may. ing season is urged to join, as tbeltoe.n°lia trees in Potomac park, Washing Club wants members. The d~hes are[ very moderately priced at one (tel-; , . ,JUNIOR LEGION BASEBALL l~r per member, with fees to go to- "ward defraying the expenses of TEAM WINS TWO GAMES " U " I -----.- lmrchasmg the net, getting tile co r~s ..... ia "shape- *.o l;e used .... nd incidentalq [I vne ...... jlznlo,, l Pylon basehall team necessary 2 f--or their u-kee"~ v. I Ires. sturtod, its, s(ason ..... off n auspie -: "-" "o'h courts will be ieus style winnillg two g.lme.~ last fft!~ in shape to play on immediate- "eek. On Friday at Golva 'the locals IV; th~s accomodating as high as defeated the Golva Juniors, 12 to 2, eight players at one time. In the and on Sunday they journeyed to tblL it is planned to have an open Dickiuson where limy took the strong t0urnamenl., possibly, with entries I,egion team tilero to the tnne of for singles, doubles, mixed doubles, 18 to 14. The Iiickinsou game was etc. quite a tllrillel:, and it was tile first Very Jew, if any have played ten- half of tilt, ninth inning hefcre the ~Ja here for several Tears, since the 12each boys were able to driw, in ~bandonment of the court at the play- enough runs lo put them in tht: lead. ground, and a revival of interest in Stub Noyes is nlanaging life f;t,at'h this popular smlrt is apparent. Ten- team whicii is brim:" sponsor,,d by nis is an unusually fast game from tlarley Salzman post of the .\m~,ri('a:~ which keen enjoyment can be derived Legion. and-it will doubtless prove te be a ............ ;;:' ..... • - - source of consideralile fun and enter- BASEBALL STANDINGS tainment during the summer. LOWER YELLOWSTONE LEAGUE . .~ ........... "! ...... [,'air vie w :: 0 1. It00 (llendiw, '2 1 . (;¢;,; I Nidlie3 I l .500 i IAndsay 1 2 .33{I Sa rag,, l ;; .750 B 1~2 A (' fi 0 1 .000 ROOM PeR RENT-- rs Minnie Games h~.';t Sunday: E, Smitit, Beacil. J13-2t t;lendive 6. Heath 5 [ - Sidney 11. Savage s I At the Johnson Motor Co. Beach--- Fairviow 10, Lindsay 7 I A 1934 Ford V-8 Deluxe Sedan. metal .................. tin ............... ] tire cover, radio, heater, spotless me- Witit the llse of liquid s()(tlum :~r-I hair upholstering, This car has been senah,, molasses is no h)nger seres-l thoroughly reconditioned. Our gnat- sarv -is a beading agclwv and attraet-j enter protects you. Your old car or anL in the l)oison I),dt now being" $165 down. balance $38 a month, USed in the North l)akota grasslmp- Your wife will he proud to drive this car See it. May 30-tf p~,r coutrol campaign. This n,,,w poison is givintr excellent results. :BOY ~'ANTS WORK of any sort,. N See Albert Anderson, Beach. The total tonnage o,f crude Ghmb- , m"s salt:~ in the known deposits ill ROOMS FOR RENT--,-Suitable for North Da~kota Is estimated eonserv- light housekeeping. Mrs. Herbert atively at "20 million tons. Claul)er's Hesse Jtlne 13.2to salt~ are the main ingreedient of _ of one of the widely a(Iw,rtised "na. PeR ~ALE--Detroit Vapor gasolim, lure" Tonics. sto~e. Leather davenport. Reason ................. --- --- ~bly,~prioed. Mrs. I. i. Grlndstuen. 2t The farmer's shar~ in each ffollar '~ < _. consumers ~,~gend for 10 important Sav~ .$ $ $ on aUto parts. Ring ,foods ~llr~tnk from 56 cents daring the gears, bearings, axles, springs, wheels 1910-1914 period to 25 cents in 1932. parts for all cars and Pordson trac- This increased to 39 cents in 1934 tore. Beach Auto wrecking, tf and to 46 cents in February 1935 MEN SVANTED for Rawleigh routes - - in Billings and Slope counties. Write ~ today. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NDF-- 12~SB. Minnoapolis. Minn. J 13-27 WANTE}IN--200O cedar posts. Beach Auto ~7~recking. ~njo, y the music of Joe Billo and his ~amons Chicago Orchestra at Eg- erg~:een Park tomorrow. Friday, nlte. ~-- ............ llll ................ BIBLE SCHOOL it A,Union Vacation Bible School is to, be held lieu:inning Monday at 9 a. :' ~. &~, ~the Lincoln school betiding. it is e~peeted that Mrs. Nell Lee of i~ekinsnn will be in charge Of the scitool. This .~;chool ~iil be conducted in tile marnings only. Churches co- operating are the Methodist. United Brethren and Congregational, .......... LL - J ...... ' .......................................... _L o The Markets . Wtt~:aT . , .7 ~I,Ax ........ 7;( . .................... 1.40 ..... 29 BARLEY ......................................... RYE .................................................. 25 OATS ............................................... 26 BUTTER ................................. 24 Ell(] ,~ ...................... " . 17 ORTAM. sweet ......... 22; sour ...........rl0 The Weather For The Past Week .H Mrs,. J, C. Russell, Observer Max, Min. Preeip, Tl~m'mla7 59 2"2 .Oi l~'riday 71 39 Saturday 86 48 S;;liltri)- 77 55 .09 Monday 68 54 .30 Tuosday 76 50 ,01 Wednesday 77 64 BEACH AND GLENDIVE IN i Million Dollars Worth Of Feed Sold N. D. Farmers N Bismarck, N, D., June 6--Approx ima,tely $1,60(},000 worth of feed has been sold by the Ndrtli Dakota Rural Rehabilitation corporation to farmers CLOSE GAME state since Feb. 1, I. A. Acker, director, announces. Tile sales Were fov ca;gh . Ill a(l(litiotl. 5,000 tartnel's O[ tile [ start? have l'cceiv*?d direct st,od aid Beach Was In Lead Untilitil,o..~i, lian'., lade l,.v tile t~.iCt?. ;~lld addilional 8,0i)0 far:Im,.'s obtahi~d Last Half Of ~eeti sin(',, i,'(,b. 1 thr(iugti tile RRC Ninfh !~,,, ,, S(>~,(i t~)~iV.~ i)iiIl('i!)Ji~.y wt,re i%r --N----- grains ~tlitl corli alth,)n.~h a cOnside:- In, st Sunday th~ local l)asebal!labl,~. :liliOtllll in(:lud,.t loa,~ for tltlr-I tel.till dFove to Gh!ndi',(, it) lti~ y 2t i (:t as, f ~;i, .d I)ot~t. o-:;. _\('kiq" (io regtliar scheduled i.ower Yellowston(, i Ck~l.ed. It)agile ~allte, and after :l close cOIl- test, lest 6 to 5. Glendive won in tll(, last half of the ninth inning:, li~e Bea('h boys leading them np to thai time. Heat:it started ollt in iinP siyh,. Neff and Evans crossing the plate in tile first inning to give Beach a lead. McGee added a score in the second inning and Boh Jones tousl- ed for the locals in the tilird, and !scored again iu the fiftii. Glendive scored two runs in the second inning and two more ia file third, and oth- ;erwise did no scoring whatsoever until the last inning, when lhcy shoved the lying and winning runs actors, Next Sunday Beach is scheduled lo play Savage there, and tin the followlng Sunday Lindsay comes to Tilt' cash s:l]~':~ by t]l~- RIU' l~;ade psSillle ill /tlI/lly instt]l:,,~,s I):." th(, Farni ('r(~dit Administration loans to fariiiors for feed and sded.although others pnrchased fronl cash reserves. Aeker ('xplained. N',! .............. ~--~.e,:~-x-~-÷:-.:,:-~-~:,~--:.'~