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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 13, 1935     Golden Valley News
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June 13, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE BEACH REVIEW ius Gronning remained here for a II lie L II • : • ,ew d.. au ht ITU V • Mrs. Lewis Tungsvik and Dickinson's 28th .Anniversary Sale er Ruth were tn Beach and Sentinel" I i"lllN ~Butte Saturday. Deliver or Pay the Post- Starts Friday, June 14th Watch for sale circular. We have hundreds of other bargains not listed there. lhld Miller returned Jast Wednesday from Minneapolis where he commercial collog~ for sev- months. Pefore coming home he a short time in Indianapolis in the auto races. and Mrs. Joh~ Hokstad ~nd drove to Bowman on Sunday to John's brother and his wife. If You have anything for sale, list With us. We have buyers, If you anything, tell us. Beach Auto Junel3-tf L. Johnston left Tuesday Dy for Ogden, Utah. 1934 V-8 157-inch truck. Dual Priced at a figure we will refund your money if you do elsewhere. $150 down, balance a month. Johnson Motor Co., May 30-t[ Ida *Reed of Drummond, Wis., was recently hurt in an accident here, is a patient at the hospital• Odman stopped off last Thin.s- spend a few days visiting here and at Alpha before con- on to spend the summer with folks in Washington. He has attending Jamest0wn College. Omsberg returned the lat- Part of last week after having several days with relatives of Sidney. Gasho left Sunday .morning Paul, La Crosse and various Wisconsin points for a vacation relatives. Mildred Tobias to the duties in the treasurer's office during the Mrs. Gasho will be away. Julius Larsen of Golva is in hospital for medical treat- Spring Permanents 1.95 - $5.00 wA.._ I tlPEClAL PRICE ON ANY " TWO WAVES ~ALL WORK GUARANTEED Beauty Shoppe Phone 126 ~rs. Thedore Becker of Gorham entered the local hospital June 4 for medical treatment. Ford '33 V-8 Pickup. $100 down balance $27 a month. Several other good buys to select from. Johnson Motor Co. Beach. May 30-tf Carrie Witzig returned on Sunday from Glen Ellyn, 111,, having com- deted her teaching duties t~ere for this year. Ralph Mosser, who entered the hospital here last Friday, on Monday was taken to Bismarck. He was tramped on by a horse and ts in critical condition. The Beach Civil Township board met in the court house on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Monday Melvin Berg and Lydia Berg underwent tonsil operations at the Beach hospital. Enjoy the music of Joe Billo and his famous Chicago Orchestra at Ev- ergreen Park tomorrow, Friday, site. Mrs. Risli is a patient in the Beach hospital. Mrs. Joe Noyes left for Little Falls, Minn., on Monday for a visit with her son Chester, after haviug spent several weeks at the homes of her sons Roy and Stub in Beach. She expects to return to her home in Washington later in the, summer. A. M. Kuhfeld left for Bismarck on Sunday afternoon. He Is one Of the defense attorneys in the Gibson murder case which began" there on Monday. Julie Benson and Genevieve Rocks. VOid were up from Bismarck to spend the weekend at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Knezqvich are enjoying a vacation trip to Du- luth. They plan to be home the end of the month. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Mason of Grand Forks on Sunday morning. Mrs. Mason will be remembered by friends" here as Margaret Lovell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. M. L. Lovell. Helena Meyer Readinger celebrat- ed her birthday on Sunday. John Carroll returned home on Tuesday from the Dickinsod hospit- al where he underwent an operation last week. He is getting along as well as can be expected, but will be laid up for a week or ten days. C. W. Myers and young son, of Sentinel Butte paid the Review of- fice a pleasant call yesterday. The Misses Evelyn and Borgne Thompson returned home last Sat- urday from Moorhead. where Evelyn has been attending Concurdia college. Borgne drove down a week or so ago and brought EVelyn and Helen Robertson. of Trotters. home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence "Turnbull are away on a short vacation. While gone, Mr. Turnbull plans to attend the state Firemen's convention, and Mrs. Turnbull wffl visit relatves at Fessenden. The federal relief workers have completed their garden project and are now engaged in the landscape project at the court house. The old stone residence north of the court house is being torn down and the whole place will be leveled off, and grass and trees planted. A storeroom will be built behind the court house also, according to Ether Nordby, re- lief administrator. Full ald completeJine of "UnXld' Fourth of July LI FIREWORKS, FIRECRACKERS, TOY PISIOLS AND CAPS DRUG STORE i Enjoy the music of Joe Billo andI his famous Chicago Orchestra atEv-]- ergreen Park tomorrow, Friday, site. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McConkey of Belfield returned last ltriday from Minneapolis, where they were called by the death of Mrs. McConkeY's father, Mr. Ornburg. Tuesday morning Charles Heck- aman left for Napanee, Indiana, for an indefinite visit with relatives and friends there. Mrs. Faith Menke left for Heaton, N. Dak., yesterday morning, with her baby daughter, for a visit with relatives and friends there. The Past Matrons club was enter- tained yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. M. Enderle. After a social afternoon, with a short bus- iness meeting, a delicious lunch was served. Robert Carlson, who has been at- tending college at Virginia, Minn., returned Sunday• driving home a new Dodge car for his folks from Duluth. Mrs. C. T, Simmons made a vis- it in Glendive Sunday evening. Mrs. B. J. Benson went ~out to Ed. Feldmann's last Tuesday for a few days visit.. LOST--Parcel containing piece of clothing and two Pair of gloves, in Beach Saturday night, about two weeks ago. Finder please leave at Review office, or notify Mrs. Gustav Timboe, Sentinel Butte, ate 1. Mr. and Mrs. ]~o Walz and Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Connor, all Of Vermillion, S. D~k., arrived here ~)n Tuesday afternoon to spend about a week visiting at the Frank Nehls home near Trotters. Mr. Walz is a brother o:f Mrs. Nehls, The interior of the Overstad store is being repainted, Jack Lindt and Mark Freese doing the work. IIll ' ' ' Camel's Hump Enjoy .the music of Joe Bfllo mad his famous Chicago Orchestra at Ev7 ergreen Park tomorrow, Friday, site. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Ness, Muriel and Delores, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnstone and baby returned home Monday after visiting a week with :he former's daughters, Nora dn~ Lily, at Glasgow, Montana. Lily, who has been visiting Nora since Christ- mas, returned home with them. Augusta Franzen was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Johnstone and baby and Marilyn Ness left last Thursday ,for a visit with Mrs. John- stone's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nothnagel at Fallen, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Ness from Me- dora were visitors at Jimmie John- stone's Wednesday. Pat McDonald was a caller at Ray Brier's last Friday. Frank Wagner from around Dick- inson was an overnight visitor at the home of his nephew, Eddie Cook, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Tescher, Rosalie and Rosemarie, were business callers in Beach on Monday• Donald Buell was a caller at Eddie Cook's and Howard ~¢an Horn's on Thursday. Martha Berg has been visiting at home the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Iay Brier and child- ren were Sunday dinner guests at Joe Downs'. Mrs. Johnny Honnold received the sad news Wedneday that her sister Alice from near Carrington had died suddenly. Mr. and Mrs. Honnold left to attend the funeral. Sympathy is extended from their many friends. Dorothy Brier returned home Sun- day evening after being employed at Eddie Cook's home. Mr. and Mrs. Rnssel Brown were Sunday evening visitors at Joe Downs. The Independent Club met at Mat Tescher's last Thusrday. It being Mrs. Tescher's birthday, a handker- chief shower was given. .ltll TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN II This is to inform you that the Act- ing State Director's office and State Engineer's office of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works which at present is located at Devils Lake, North Dakota, has been moved to Bismarck, North Da- kota. The address for all future cor- respondence relative to PWA should be sent to the following: H. C. Knudsen, Acting State l)l- rertor, 117-3rd Street, Hotel Prince Building, Blsm~u'ck, North Dakota. This transfer is effective June 3, 1935, ~ .... ¢ "': ' --H. C. KNUDSEN ~wtta~-stm~ D~mm~ H 6-X t Alpha News )aisy 'as ~a,n ~ ld Mrs g we~ t( Bis¢ rck Friday drs. ~ "or ing 1 ass t visit ~hter, Ira Flat agan, a few ~nd i~ s. Wass] ann ~ con- dec : ~. nd 1~:: . : ouie asehi: g and Mrs. Ed Nisth ' and 'amily we" g~ ts at Jack ~seh- nday, nd ~z . I , J. 2 ebart] Mar- d H~] ld pent unda~, even- ~e O~ J~ rosen ~ome Chas. Otremba, Mrs. Peter Mrs. Daisy Wassm~n and Mrs. Jem Gronning went to Bismarck where Mrs. Gronning plans to visit her daughter, Mrs. Flannagan, a few weeks, and Mrs. Wassmann to con- suit the doctors. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fasching and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nistler and family of Golva were guets at Jack Faseh- lug's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth, Mar- garet and Harold spent Sunday even- ing at the Otto Johnson home. Mrs. Hagen, Mrs. Lewis Drewniak, Louise Mrs. R. L. Johnston and daughters were shoppers in Dickinson on Wed nesday. Nellie Irons and Fay Lundblad vis- ited friends in Sentinel Butte Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Gronnmg and daughter of Ranger spent Sunday at the JeSs Gronning home. Mrs. Jun- I Fast Or SI0w Have Ymzr Watch Inspect- ed and Regulated Free Of charge THE MOST MODERN AND COMPLETE WATCH RE- PAIR SERVICE IN THE CITY BARKLAND AND BARTHEL WATCH SHOP AT RICE DRUG STORE I II II I Glen Odman, who has been attend-,vvltlre ing college at Jamestown, stopped I and visited friends here a few daysI age on ALL CASH enroute to his hole at Selab, Wash, [ Mail Orders Karnes Johnson has been ou the l sick list. I I)" r~ lkT lkT ll'e ~F i~1 Farmer's Elevator in Oolva on Wed-I nesday. ~ I H. A. Bury and Gloyd were InI SENTINEL BUTTE, N." DAK. Beach Monday on business. I I Cool...Clean The Completely Air-Conditioned NORTH COAST LIMITED '• Now you can ride in utmost comfort in any car on the North Coast Limited... from the new, de luxe coaches to the splendid observation-club car. Complete air-conditioning brings to this famous train the "'last word" in travel luxury. Do you realize how inexpensively you can travel by train? There are low everyday fares, 2 cents a mile and less, .... and special round-trip summer excursion .,. fares to points East and West. We welcome inquiries about trllm lID any destination. • No obligation on your part. ..... "" . n r Consult your . ,.., Northern Paci : Aged Go by Train--In Comfort and .Sa? I ill I II I i Jl LI III II ALL STEEL HAND OR POWER LIFT UNIVERSAL "J" Tractor WITH A 2 or 4 ROW CULTIVATOR The Universal "J" Cultivator is the first really all-steel tractor cultivator. This not only makes it lighter, but more durable and more easily handled and it takes less power to pulL No doubt it's the finest tractor cultivator ever put on the market. The parallel lift and individual gauge wheels alone put it in a class by itself. If you get the Universal "J" Tractor and Cultivator, you'll find yourself in the happy position of having your cultivating done on time every year at the smallest cost per acre. 2 or 4 row power lift cultivators easily changed from 2 to4 mw or from 4 to 2 row. EASY to put on or take oil. Also 2 row hand lift cultivator. The prices are right. Ask us. • : -,Golden Valley Harvester Ce. C.C. CLARK; MGI~' " ~'