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June 11, 1942 |
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, North Dakota Bsmkers Aoci-! tmeosph and mtmeoeCOl and m.yone whing I;o farm l0 acres
last "lurday night for Wenatchee, (.n.ued u, , .... ation convention will be held sit I styli. Inquire of Mrs: Earl Palmer, of good land for flax. If interested
W,. Where he plans to visit her scored before the ball could be re- Dickinson. No. Dak. on Saturday, 1st door uth of Dtvls t.xfce ,,see Glen R. Gist, Trotters, N.
Mr. M. B. Hogobemn received word daughter and son-in=law, Mr. and covered.
the first of last week mt his br0t, h* Mrs. Selmer Abraham and family Ralph Jones singled in the fifth June 13th., We will be closed that StaUon. Beach. ltp. [ Dak. 36
erlew, Fred lmdy, pused for a couple of weeks, but wa put out trying to etea day.
way at his hoeae It Appleton, Pisc., Mrs. Bob Courts has been ill at her second retiring the side. Farmers & Merchants Bank, Beach
and left immediately for tltt place, home since Friday of last week and A double play, Boyd to RIph Jones. First State Bank. Golva. No. Dak.
Mrs. C)clwln Thompson also left during that time has been confined in the fifth spoiled Golva's c]mee
on Friday by bus to be pPeet for to 1+er bed. Mrs. Bud Miller is tak- for an additional run in that irming. SELIrTVE SERVI
the funeral servloes end will acom- Ir.g her pltce at the Mildrella Sloppe. Two two-base hits, two singles and
party her father on the return trip. Mrs. Jones, who has been employed an error produced four runs for (Continued from page One)
Miss .Edna ,Edwards of Hector, at Lhe Park Cafe the past few Golva in the seventh but a fast each local board. For example: An
FOR SALE--Building 25x50 at Yates LOSTin Beach, small, silver basket-
Mont., first check for $450.00 tkes ball bearmg blue and white "M".
it. Good for gra.,ry. See Jac Return to Bereta Crmell, Box $84.
Ballajxl, Wlbaux, Mont. i Medora, N.D. ltc.
FOR SALE--19I Plymouth sedan, FOR SALE--1937 Ford '85" Coupe.--=
god tires, reconditioned motor. Almost new tires, rad'o, heaer.
Will sell cheap if taken at once. motor overhaul. Leaving for AI-
Mh-n., a niece of Mrs, E. M. Enderle months, left fast Sunday for Colorado double play, Aldrich to Boyd to Ralph exceptionally well qualified combine
is a guest at the derle home this Springs where she has employment. Jcnes stopped the rally, In this i- operator, who obtained a deferment , Inquire at News office. I asks, Call Golva Airport. ltp,
week having accompanied Mrs. Ea- Leo Haigh has been laid up the ning the ball was lost in the tail to put i 'his crop, might in an ex- FOR RENT--Two Modern Apts. Uetz FOUND--Man's coat at St. Philip
derle home from her lnnsota trip. pas week with ,an attack of rheum- grass which permitted several runners traordinary case be granted a pos- Apartments, Beach. 3tp. hall Easter Monday. Owner may
ponement, not necessarily to harves
She will vislt ,here tls week before atism but is feeling some better at to score. --- have coat by paying for this ad
reeurning to her hame. this time. The final score of the game came his own crop but because of his FOR SALE---One large white kiteh= and calling a the Mike Kierzik
Norbert Finneman was up from A1. Irons and Edith Carew were i'n the eighth ining when lalpn aaiiabiLty to the entire community en cabinet, porclain top, fruit jars farm home north of St. Philip
Golv Tuesday afternoon of this Beach Shoppers on Tuesday. Jones drove a long home run along m combining, with a definitz undr- and jelly glasses. L. A. Barrows, Hall ltp.
week carrying his taft arm in a cast Miss Jane Milier was a week end the first base line deep into riglt st.andlng that a further defermen in' Beach, No. Dak.. ltc
as the .result of an ccident which visitor in Billings with friends, re- field for the longes hit of the game., order to take care of the livestock -- LOSTOne class A N. Dk. truck
happened while cranking e tractor turning here Monday morning. The final score was five for Goh'a through the winter, etc.. would no FOR SALE--1937 Plymouth sedan, license No. 7o178. Finder please
be considered.
Friday morning of l,.t week. Nor- The merchants of Beach are oh- and four for Beach,
bert d his wrist and several bones serving flag week which will end BeaCh made five hits count four LEWIS B. HERSHEY,
in hi hand broken wich will keep June 14th. Many have been display- runs whlle Oolva cou.'.d only get fiv National Director of
him laid up for several months at playing their flags daily, runs on eleven hits., Only two errors Selective Service.
least. , Mrs. T. E. Hudson. Mrs. Bob Jones were charged against Beach and three
MX. and Mrs. John Lunn Jr.. of La and children and Miss Barbara Mill- against Oolva.
Porte, Ind., and Mrs, Lunn's mot, her, er returned home last week from Considering the lack of practice
:Mrs. Chas. Slmmor were Bach via- their vacation trip to Osage, Iowa. of both teams the game was well church and others interested will Mont.
itors for a few hours Tuesday after- Mrs. Wayne Balch and daughter played and was well attended b7 have an opportunity to hear a veT
FOR SALE--One 25 lb. Trip-Hammer
The congregation of the U. B.. $75.00. Mike N. Guelff, Glendive
Cxood tires, reconditioned with com- leave a News office.
plete overhaul. R. R. Halstead, Beach .............
No. Dak. 31-tfc. FOR SALE---Twin City Tractor in
A-1 condition. One 12-ft. Masey
WANTED---31 Healthy Weaner Pigs. Harris Combine in A-I shape. Two
! Write Box 573. Belfield, N. D. 2tp. good triple=box wagons. One John
Deere 9-ft. Duckfoot, engine and
horse hitch. One GMC ton truck.
One Black team, six years old, wt.
2500 lbs, J, M. McCoy, Besh, N.
naon of this weel enxoute wet. Mrs. Oar01yn are here visiting at the par- appreciative fans. fine and interesting speaker this WANTED--Mn and wife to work on Dak, 2tp.
Lunn was formerly mma Rae Sire- ental E. Logan ,home• Mrs. Balch and Grundhauser and Bob Jones formed coming Sunday evening, June 14h farm, Good wages. See or write
mona of this city. daughter have been abroad for some the Beach battery and Madon and when Solomon Caulker. a on of a D.D. Gallegos, Olendive. Mont. ltp, STOLENWoven wire fencing from
.----. , the Catherine Uetz farm northeast
time and tmtil recently resided in Shoen did the heavy work for Colv. native chief frcm the Gold Coast WANTED---About 1}0 bushels shelled of Beach. Will party that took
Itnk Madison ,of north of Trotters China where Mr. Balch has been
was a Beach visitor ay of €his The work of umpires Rufus Arnold of Africa, will speak here. Mr. Caulk-
corn, Will truck from your farm. same please return and no action
stationed with the U. S. Navy. She and Johnny Fischer gave general er s now a student in this country Mike N. Guelff, Glendive, Mont. 2tp. will be taken, ltp.
week coming in to his son, is ,here now taking an extended va= satisfaction, but comes from one of the tribes in
:Harry, who returned that night for cation and rest. The Wibaux team will ppear on Africa where the U. B. church has
a furlough from a army camp in Carl Halvorson left this morning the local grounds next Sunday at missionaries working.
M£ssourt. 'for Osage, Iowa. where he will spend 2:30 p. m. and on the following Sun- Solomon Caulker has many in-'
• Mrs. W. E. Brogans arrived here several weeks visiting relatives and day Golva will come to Beach to teresting stories to tell and the talk
the first of the week for a visit folks in the old home town. While play the game pastponed from Me= will be given at 8:00 p. m. Try to
w23 her daendro Mrs. Randal gone his office will be caved for by morial Day. hear him. I
Thompson of this city and with old A. A. Algol. Enroute ,home he will Instead of making long trips to' [
frds in Sgntinel Butte. Mrs. Bur- stop in Bismarck to take in the play teams in distant places more Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wolf and
hans has made her home at Omaha. Lions convention.
'games will be played with nearby family left Tuesday of his week for
Nebr., for a number of years. Glenn Hathaway came home last teams in order to save expense and their annual vacation trip to Wiseon=
Ben Bauer of E'_arck, wlt3t the 'week from the Dickinson hospital to conserve tires. It is hoped that sin. They will spend about a week iTS SUPERt01
State Fire and Tornado Dept. was and ventured .to town Wednesday the fans will ppreciate this fact and there visiting relatives rtd fishln FLAV0, AND
traxtcting bueines n Beach Mort- for the first time. Glenn looks a turn out in goodly numbers to the and enroute home will stop in B:,- FiNE TER
day and Tuesday o th week and little pale and run-down yet but he home games. We were pleased to maxck to attend the Lions convention ] WHL OU@HT
while here ins a number of plans to take it easy for awhile and note that a goodly number of Beach Jtme 22-23-24.
our public bulldin@s, his maa]y friends are looking for-far took interest enough to follow ! '"AT)|AL
The News is in receipt of a wed- ward to 'the tlme when he will be the team to Golva last Sunday. I CLASSIFIED ADS ] m. mt m
ding announcement from J. M. Wii- able to make his usual appearances.
bering of his daughte¢, Miss Vir- Mrs. Birdie Meachan, sister of Mrs.
gird Mary, to Mr. Bxence A. Sndth Rice of this city arrived here for an HOMEMAKERS CLUB FOR SALE--24x60 building, four pool
at' Dickinson cm Tuesday, June 2, extended visit at the Rice home last MEETS AT I{][TTLF.ON'S tables, bar and back bar. Will
1542. at the St. Faerlck Chltrh. Mr. week. i Mrs. Martin Kittleson entertained sell reasonable ff taken at once.
will be nembered here Eddie Vukelic came home from Re= the Saddle Butte Homemaker's cluo Oscar Fletcher, Wlbaux, Mont.
a partner of CaD Bryant t the gent, N. D., where he is employed In at her home for the May meeting. FOR RENT--Three room modern wucow uva aausc-
Bea Creamery a number of years a bank, for a week's vacation at Eleven members and two visitors I Apt. L. A. Kirst, Beach. ltc
aO'Od Since leaving here has been the parental Emil Vukelic home. were present. - ........ B|AUNSCHWEIG[|
r/sRiing at St. Paul, Minn., where The project leaders gave very in- UKED MEIT LOA[.
he is employed in he laboratory, of HERLIN GEYER STAFF SERGEANT teresting talks--Mrs. J. D. DaVtdson Debunked,
some large creamery company. Mr. on "Victory Gardens" and Mrs. J. : bott Mort. Eve. 9:3@1
Smith has rtmny friends here who Word has been received here by M. Stacker on "Better Buymanship" , over WDAY !
extend best wishes, relatives tat Herlin Coyer, 20 year of vegetables and fruits. 9:15 Mutual Statiors and []
• 25
Te Alfred t aalll have old son of .Mr. and Mrs. Herman The next meeting will be at the Tax ALL N. Dak.. Resources Fairly.;
moved ¢heir muaela0d belonglng up Coyer, ormer Beach residents, has Little Beaver School House on the Vote Twice for Tax Reform To
from Jamestown d from now on Just recently received an appointment afternoon of Thursday, June 18 at Aid Family Farms and Schools!
will make their hne iere in Beach. as staff sergeant upon his enlist- 2:00 p. m.
They will move into the residence ment into the U. S. marine corps
which has been occupied by he T. reserve as a radio specialisL
M. Eeverson family, l Heriin .has attended the United
. and Mrs. Leo HHdebrandt ar- States Maritime Radio school at Gal-
rived here last Sunday for a vacation lups Island. Mass.. and served for
at the parental Henry Hfldebrandt three months as a whip's radio oper=
home south of town, ator.
Pat Murphy was up from Sentinel Friends here wish to congratulate
Bu%te' Tuesday morning of this week Herlin on his advancement and hop
to buy some seed flx to re-seed a he will continue 'to make good in his
ety acre field wiCh ad been new line of work.
ta by "dut-m'ms. Very little
amage has been vepod by cut- NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING
Wrs thtts far' in , he county, i OF STOCKHOLDERS
"im High al on, Bobby, and
1V£rs.' Ralph SbarR o carlyle were The Annual Meeting of the Stck-
dh; callers hst'ay"evrdng re- holders of the Valley National Farm
tihg from a adattori trip to Wi- Loan Association will be held at the
cr/s where tle visdd relatives. Court House in Beach on Fr:day,
Mr.'Iaigh remMed ere until the June 12th at 2:00 o'clock.
wend when tie:Fetmmed ,to Fargo.' Mr. Chappel states that he is try-
'aiumy R:Stuben,i" now helping out ing to arrange for an interesting and
,g[ t'Oolden Vlley New office tak- instructive meeting and he is very
tD$ he place of Lloyd Grove who desirous that all of the stockholders
wtncl: a few- days' waoation to build arrage to attemd this meeting.
hlf a clckn coupe and also Election of Directors--Lunch for
taketil ,tl Bible Camp et /fedor. All,Door Prizes."
/We Deliver Phone 55"
• - " i
i BABY FOOD, Assorted, 4 Cans 29c
SODA, Arm & Hammer, Lb. Pkg.. 8c
CATSUP,Carol, 2 Large Boltles 25c
:LUNCHEON MEAT, IGA 12 oz. can 33c
"CORN FLAKES, Any Brand 3 Pkg. 25c
DEVIL'S FOOD MIX, ...... Pkg. 25c
YOUNGBERRIES in syrup No 2 c. 25c
CATSUP, No. 10 Can ....... 65c
2lb. box Brookfield 53c
10 Lbs. 0nly .. 34c
1 Lb. Can .... 11c
3 Lb. Bag .... 59c
3 For ........ 25c
2 For ........ 35c 3 Bottles .... 23c
Quart Can .... 37c
Block Salt, white--60c
ORANGES Juicy, 2 Doz. ..... 45c
.... fOOD $IOR[$
10c We Deliver Free Phone 75
LAROg" plm
MATCHES =a0022'
my SNOmnnne 71€ INSTANT FOSTUM ,. 43¢
FILW mArtEnS ,. 9¢ K00L-AI' 3'--13 (
, i
NEW POTATOES, 7 Lbs. .... 2%
TOMATOES, 2 Lbs. for 31c
CARROTS00 2 Large Bunches lSc
Juice-Laden. Tree-Ripened Independent Valencias
ORANGES, 2 Doz. ........ 45c
LEMONS,, 3 for ........ 17c
We Reserve the. Right to Limit Quantities.
,%,:. "- ,L.:L:' ' :.'. ,,,t. ,*: : .... "';" :'.>= .":;"''" ':':';'" >: .. ,:.: ..:.L);.,.).f *k'.. .,..:.;,¢...,.,:C'. ..... , ,'