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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 11, 1942     Golden Valley News
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June 11, 1942
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THURSDAY, / 11, 1942 hire ................................... l legal C[[PINGS +,, Nelfare Board June 2nd, 1942, 9:00 o&apos;clock A. M• The Board of County Com- missioners met pursuant to ad- Journment with all members pre- sent. Tax deeds were issued to the following purchasers of lots as described, which were owned by the County. To George McClellan Lot 3 Block 8 Original Townsite of Beach for tile appraised price of $1.00; To Tom Gilman lots 1-2- 3-4-5-6-7 and 8 in Block 2 Hunt- er's 1st Addition to Beach for the appraised price of ,$15.00; To Mrs. Albert Klein, Lots 7 and 8 Block 4 Hunter's 3rd Addition to Beach; for the ap.praised price of $8.00; To Mrs. Andrew Helm lots 10, II and 12 in Block 9 Hunter's 3rd Addition to Beach for the ap- praised price of $17.00; To John Thomas Hudson lots 1, 2 and 3 block 4 Hunter's 4th addition for the appraised price of $18.00; To Bert Mogle Lot 3 block 8 Hunter's 5th addition for the appraised Price of $2.00; To An- ton M. Schmitz lots 9 and 10 In block 6 Hunter's 5th add'I- tlon for the appraised price of $I0.00; To Jack BaIIard Lots I- 2.9 and I0 in block 4 and Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8 in block 9 in Near's Ist Addition to Beach for the appraised price of $44.00; To G. Schallock lots 3-4-5-6-7 and 8 in 'block 4 in Near's 1st addition to Beach for the ap- praised price of $30.00: To A. G. Broekmeyer lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8 in block 14 and lots 5- 6-7 and 8 in • block 15 Glen Haven addition for the appraised price of $36.00; To Joe Popiel lots 1-2-3-4 and 5 in block 20, all of block 17, and lots 1-2- 3-4-5 in block 26 Original town- ste of Oolva; To Emma K. Johnson all block 24, original townsite of Golva for the ap- praised price of $60.00. 12:00 NoQn ,the Board adjourn- ed and reconvened at 1:00 P. M. with all members present. Burns Abernathy appeared be- fore the Board and made ap- plication to purchase all of sec- tion 17 and 18 and ,the S½ and the 4W of section 20 in town- .ship 144 Range 105 for ,the ap- praised price of $1036.00. Applications were received from Bernard Dinger to purchase the S of section 2 and the E½ of section 13, the E½ of sec- tion 14 township 144 Range 105. Mere.bars of the Henry town- ship Board appeared before the County Board and requested Bridge planks to be used on bridges in Henry Township. The Board approved an order for 15 planks 8 x 12- 18. The following bills were audit- ed, approved and ordered paid by the board of caunty com- missioners subject to personal property taxes due and delin- uent. lolet Anthony, Clerk in Auditor's office ............ $ 10.00 Gaffneya, For ribbons .... 36.86 Glenn P. Cook, Mileage 25.14 Lots Weinreis, Assisting County Nurse w I t h clinic ................................ 4.00 (}olden Valley News For printing .......................... 35.19 :. M. Hale &" Co., For hool Plan books .... 12.84 'lolet Anthony, Assist- log County Nurse with clinic ................................ 6.00 orthwestern Bell Tel. , Co., For telephone ser- Vice .................................. 16.9 John J• Corbtt, Trus- tee for Osmon, Kirk  & Co., For supplied Court house .................... G09 enry Tornow, Quarter- ly report of Justice of Peace ........................ 12.60 Alma M. Hallida;, For Judge's Library and book case ........... . ........ 150.00 Globe - Gazette Printin'g Co., Supplies ................ 26..3 $'armers & Merchants Rank, Check blanks .... 8,42 C. B. Lyon & Bro. Inc., 4000 lbs. of Sodium Chlorate ........................ 308.04 lurroughs Adding Ma- chine Co,, For Balance on No. 31 Stand ............ 13.32 lalth N. Menke, For mileage ............................ 4.34 Qeorge I. Lee, Salary i "- " (No" 23) 41tBSqPRACT OF gTATEMENT ]Par the Year Ending Deecmber 31, 1941. Of the Fdera! IJn[on Insurance Company, located at Chicago, in the State of Illinois Ag.regate amount of admitted assets ...... $ 3,546,735.32 liabilities (e x c e p t capital and surplus), including reinsurance raY'} reserve ............... 1,394,060.72 " Amount of fully pafd-up Capital Stock ..... - ..... 1,000,000.00 BUrplus over all liabili- ties ......................... 1,152,654.60 kg'rug:tte income dur- ing the year ............... 1,378,029.08 £I<. + t+e :t t e <l !shursement s during the year ........... 1,082,775.36 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS Potaf risks written dur- Lng the year .............. $ 156,429.00 "1"Oal oremhlms received p during the year ........... 656.06 Ot'l Ioses incurred during the year ........... --1,255.10 Pot;tl i,,sse. ,*aid dur- ing the year ............... 244.90 STATF O NOBTH )AKOTA, ] Offlee of Commissioner of Insurance. [, Oscar E• Erlckson, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North )akota, do herebv certify that the foregoing Is a true abstract of ths Original statement now on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first . day of May, A. O. 1942. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commissioner of Insurance. $TATE OF N(RTI-I DAKOTA, ] Office of Commissioner of Insurance. J COMPANY'S CE[tTIFICATE OF A UTilOILITY • Whereas, The Federal Union in- SUrance (O ])a ly, a corporation or- anized undr the laws of Illinois, as filed in ?his offieeasworns[ate- rnent exltibitin': its condition ,n(l buMness ,*or the year ending lc- Cember 31, 19.11, conformable to the requirements of tit. laws of tiffs State regarding the business of In- SUrance, and Whereas, the said Company has filed in this offict a duly certified COpy of ts cimrter with certiflcnte of organization in compliance with the. reqnirements of ]nsuranee laws afnresaid• Now. Therefore, I, Oscar E. Erlck- • n, Commissioner of Insurance of State of North Dakota, pursuant the provisions of said laws, do certify that the above named pnny is fully empowered through authorized agents, to transact its rlate business of Authorized in this state according to laws thereof, until the 30th day A, D. f943. In Testimony Whereof. 1 have hereunto set mY hand and seal at Bismarck. thb first day of May, A. D, 194g OSo, AR E. ERICKSON mmiszlon0r of Insurahe 185.41 Knight Printing Co.. For blanks ............ . • 7.82 of North_ Dakota Aid • to Dependent children 136.25 Public Welfare Board of North Dakota Old Age Assistance ............ 28.35 Stanley Raisler, Repair in Red Cross Build- ins ................................ 2.30" A. M. Doerner. Repair- lng Red Cross Build- ing ............................. .... 63.87 Oscar Olson. Repairing Red Cross Buildin ... 43.25 T• N. Thompson's Store. Supplies f+}r mixing poison ............................... 3.70 T. A. Gilman. Unload- Ing Lumber ................ 20.00 C. G. Johnson and Gold- en Valley County, Op- peruting Patrol .• .... 169.60 G. H. W'assman, Oper- ating Patrol ................ 99.20 Ed Koshney, Operating tractor ........................ 59.10 Arvid Abraham. Operat- ing Grader ................... 11.00 Anton Kreitinger, Oper- ating Patrol ............. 63.70 R. L. Zinsli, Repair work ...... . .................. 7.50 Bacon Oil t'o+. For Diesel fuel .................. 117.25 State Treasurer. For care of insane pa- tients for quarter end- ing Spt. 30, 1939 . 936.00 State Auditor. Few car: of Feeble minded pa- tients for quarter end- ing 9-30-39 and 12- 31-39 ............................ 847.50 Lewis Odland (',mmis- sloner's services 5.84 M. C. Tesher. (:omnH" sloner's services ....... 7.38 T. A. V¢oespka. Commis- sioner's services ..... 10.44 5:30 P. M. Board adjourned to meet June 23rd. 1942. Signed, MINNIE E SMITH County Auditor Golden Valley County, North Dakota. COY COUNCIL PRO- Regular MeetlnM May 4 1942 The City Council of Beach, No. Dak., met in regular session on May 4th, 1942 with Mayor R. W. Johnson and Aldermen Dan Caf- ferty, T. L. Dickinson, H• H. Haletead, M. P, Lovgren and H. R Thompson present and M. E. Freese absent. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 6th and the Organization meeting of April 14th were read and approved on motion by Calf arty and seconded by Dickinson. The following bills were read and considered. H. W. Blair Alent, Freight on valves, $14297; State Bonding Fund. Premium on officials bonds. $75.00; H. W. Blair, Agent, Frgt on lead, $2.64; Nlna Kirst. City Treasurer, paving warrants and interest coupons, $2,67L25; Pav- ing District No. 1, Transfer from Paving Levy_ Fund, $1,561.31; R. "W'. Johnson, Mayor's salary, one year, $50.00; John Keohane, At- tbrney's fees. six months, $120.00; Nina Klrst, Treasurer's salary, six months, $120.00; Dan Caffer- ty, attending seven council meet- ings, $14.00; T. L. Dickinson, at- tending six council meetings, $12.00; H. H. Halstead, attendin s!x council meetings, $12.00; M. P. Lovgren, attending seven coun- cil meetings, $14.00; H. R. Thomp- son, attending 'seven Council meet- inws: M. E. Freese. attendlnr seven council metinge, 14.00; N. W. Bell THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Perk and streets, $65.00; Texas michael low. A lovely lunch was CO.,street gaS,work,$10.10;$1.88; MerlinGrahamAnder-Orr' I Served. Mr. and Mrs.Walter Allen, Mabel son. street work, $1.75; City of Beach, water used in hall. $2.90;  Helglndorff and son, Dickey of West- Claus Rishovd. pipe fittings, etc., $5.54; Smith's Service station, gas i WOOd, G't]l., arrived Sunday. Mrs. and kerosene. •44; James B. Clew Allen was formerly Dorothy trg- and Sons, four gate valves, $90,30; Crane Co., pig lead, $34.7; Sor- t' feld. sensen Machine Shop, repairs to [ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swanbro Ja  equipment. $2.00; The Mathisan I panied Tom Fulton to Baker Wed- Alkali V¢orks, Chlorine. $2.20; Joseph G. Pollard Co. Inc., Rings nesday where they had medicl at- for watermains, $.2.18; Woodward tention. Drug, dance wax and flshfood. $1.53; A. Overstad. & Son. mis- I Bishop Q. 'D. Warner, of the Pacific cellaneous hardware. $37.90; Men- ]Area, will conduct e service in the tana Dakota Utilities Co.. Power, church ,this Saturday evening the 13th Lights and Gas. $76.50; Montana- Dakota Utilities Co.. street lights, at 8:00, Everyone is urged to at- $i16.66: |amps, $39.47; $156.13: tend. Business meeting following the James Kelly, work at the dump ground:s, $30.00 service. Moved by Dickinson and sec- I Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse and ended by Halstead that the bills ldaughter, Jean, and Mrs. Tommie be allowed as read and that warrants be issue on the various ' Owens and datghter, Judy, were funds in payment thereof. Marmarth visitors Sunday. Roll being called Cafferty. Dick- PAGE SEVEN Hamm°nd eall °n thta"l"/q"  tl 'l°S" LOIdS pltal while in Mlle City. I Mr. Carmichel and Mrs. Hammond[ called on Mrs. HeraT Jacobsen and Tom Gilman eeived word recently her sister, Hazel, Wednesday evening, that his m "Monk" is now stationed Tom Stark, from" Billings, called at Camp :Bowie, Teu with the U. S. on friends and reltives Wednesday army. "Monk" tread he liked it fine evenmg. Mr. and ,frs. Wm. Nature so far but understood he was in for of Wibaux were with him. some pretty tough drilling. Herman Bargfeld returned home t Ray Zi.sli was up last Saturday from the Beach hospital Wednesday. from Sentinel Butte passing out his Betty Lunder was a guest at the campaign cards for sheriff and call- Hammond home Saturday night and ing on friends, Sunday. [ Miss Grace Berg returned here last Miss Maxine Bargfeld was a din-Fiday from a week spent at her her guest at the Waterland home• home at Velva, N. D., o resume her Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Hammond, work at Vhe Beach Bcaxty parlors. John Hammvolt mad Joe Jeuztes Mrs. Henrietta Wallace was up from motored to Miles City to an American Dickinson last week end to spend Legion meeting and banquet return- several days visiting at the parental hag home unday. John Kukowski home. Inson. Halstead. Lovgren and : Mr'. Hammond and Grace motored Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Doris Thompson all w)ted "'Yes". Mo- t0 Beach on business Wednesday. Ernest Feldman is just competang tion declared carried. Lewis Odland wan granted t Dorothy Hammond visited at the] Shepherd were Sunday evening callers a new sidewalk that is being put in at the Hammond home. at the Harry Woodward home in this ptmit to move a frame bulldR- tLunder home Wednesday. [ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hartse of clty. ink to Tract A, Block 11, Hunt- er's 1st and to remodel same. r. a,nd Mrs. Clinton Knudson are]wibaux were callers a the Iam-t Oscar Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. . F. Miller wan ranted a proud parents of a baby boy, born mend home Wednesday evening. Roy Halstad motored ¢o Dic permit to move a frame garage building from Lot 10. Block 6 to Monday night. frs. Knudson and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Storkell ac- last Sunday where :Mr. Fletvher spent L.t 10. Block 2 i Hunter's lt Addition same to be used for garage purposes only. Motion to adjourn made by Dickinson and seconded by Lov- gren Carried. Attest: C. O. t-IALVOBSON. City A.ditor. R. W. JOHNSON, Mayor. Carlyle Mr. and Mrs. Win. Swanbro, Mrs, Hubert Still of Beach, Grace Ham- mond, and Mrs Herman Storkell too- tored to Bllings Sunday for a few days. Mrs. Hammond entertained at a Bridge Club party Wednesday after- noon. Those present were Mrs. Myra Sadersm, Mrs. Janette Land, Mrs. I Mlng O'Conner, Mrs. Helen Minor, Mxs. Grace Lunder, Mrs. Vera Car- michael and Mrs. Martin. Thoe win- ning prizes were Mrs. Martin high, Mrs. O'Conner, traveling prize; Mrs. Helen Minor the till cut lrlze; Mrs. Lunder the ohair prize and Mrs. Oar- CITATION HEARING P1TITION POR LEI'ER$ OF GUARDIANSHIP STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Golden Valley County IN COUNTY OOURT Before A E. Kastien, Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE GUAR- DIANSHIP OF GERTRUDE FRAN- CES COOK. a minor. J. C. Northrop, ) Petitioner, ) VS ) Gertrude Frances Cook. ) a minor. Altie King, ) J. E. Cook, Taylor ) Cook, Evelyn Cook. ) Mary Moore, Frances ) Bass, J. I. Cook, ) Harley Northrop. ) Bessie Miller and ) Esther Gustafson, ) Respondents. ) TO THE ABOVE NAMED RE- SPONDENTS: You and each of you are here- by cited and requlred to appear before the county court of the county of Golden Valley, in said State, .at the office of the county Judge of said county at the court house in the ctty of Beach in said county and State on the 22rid baby are doing fine. Mrs. Wilbur (No. 16) ABSTRACT OF' $tTATEMENT For the Year Ending Deeember 31, 1941. Of The Conne':ticut Fire /nsur. ance Company, located at Hartford. in the State of Connecticut. Aggregate amount of admitted assets ...... $24,837,854.62 Aggregate amount of liabilities (e x c e p t ,caPital and surplus), Including relnsuran ce reserve ....................... 7,992,657.10 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock ....... 2,900,000.00 Surolus over all llabili- tie ...................... .-. ........ 14,944,997.62 Alm'regate Income dur- Ins the year ................. 7,918,974.45 Aggregate disbursements during" the year ........ 3,$47.212.26 NORTIt DAKOTA BUSINESS Totsl risks wrltten dur- Ing the year ............... $ 972,626.00 Total premiums received during the year ............ 9,490.71 Total losses incurred during the year ......... 1,627.25 Total losses Paid dur- ing the year ................. 1.931.21 ST+ + TE OF NORTH DAKOTA ] 'Office of Commissioner of Insurance. j I, Oscar E. Erickson. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of the original statement now on file In this office. In Testimony VChereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of Ma, A. D. 1942. OSCAR E. ERICKSON. Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ] Office of Commissioner of Insurance. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE O AUTItORIT, Y 'hereas The Connecticut Fire In- surance Company, a corporation or. ganlzed under the laws of Connec- ticut, has filed in tbis office a sworn statement exblbittng Ite condition snd business for the year endlnr Decembsr 31. conformable to the requlreents of the lawe of this state, regarding the business of In- sum nee. snd Whereas, the saJd Company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organization In compliance with the reqttirements of Insurance lzws afo-ssald. Now. Therefore, I, Oscar E. Erlek* companied by Mr. and Mrs. Swanbro the afternoon visiting his briber and Grace Hammond, went to Bil- Gee. who has been a patient at the lings Suvtday where Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson hospital for some time. Storkell will visit er daughters. { Mr. and Mrs. Pat Haggerty and Miss Betty Lunder was an over- daughter and Jim Haggevty of Bis- night guest at the Hammond home marck were Beach visitors oMnday Wednesday. end Tuesday of tl week. HERE'S NEWS! Farmers... The Powers Hotel in Fargo is the headquarters for many farmers and their organizations. The Production Cred- it Associations, the county agents, the Sears AC farm school, 4-H clubs.., all of these groups have long met and stayed at the friendly Powers. ! son, Commissioner of Insurance of Telephone Company, local eerlce day of June, 19., at the hour the State of North Dakota, pursuant and dues, $3.'6; Golden Valley of two o'clock in the afternoon to the provisions of s.fd laws, do New, office supplies and pub- of that day, and show cause, if hereby certify that the above named lishin proceedings, $16.54; Beach any you have, why the petition Company is fu]lY empowered through LibrarY, contribution, $10.00; Earl of J. C. Northrop. for Letters of Its authorized agents, to transact Its Jones, Janitor work, $2.50; Globe- Guardianship of the person and approlrlate bt, siness of Authorized Gazette Printing Company, Of- estate of Gertrude Frances Cook, Insurance in this state according to fice Supplies, $1.75; Northern a minor, should not be granted, the laws thereof, until the 30th day School Supply Co., street brushes, $9 91" M L. Lovelt, salary, $125.00; Let service be made of this of April. A. D. 1943. citation as required by law. In Testimony Whereof, I Fr'eight "and expenses, $4.46, $129.- Dated this 27th day of My, have hereunto set my hand 46; L. J. Erlckson, Special Police fSEAL) ,nd seal at t.lm.rciG this Salary $85.00; C. O. Halvorson, 1942. A. E. KASTIEN, first day of May. A, D. 19411. Audito'r's salary, $75.00; cash ad- Judge of the County Court. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, vanced for cleaning, $1.28; $76.28; Commissioner of Insurance. A. M. Hammond, Labor in hall, (SEAL) 6 4 11 ................... (No. I) (No. 17) ABSTRACT Or STA'I'EII:N"r ABSTRACT OF STA'ItI2NT A tSTItACT OF STATEMENT Ib'or the Year ] '+d|ng December 3". For the Year End|as Deeembr 31, I'or the Year Ending December 31, 1141. 1041. 1941. Of the C tlzen. nsurance Corn Of the quita.,le Fire & Marme Ot The Cent mental insurance pany. located at Jersey t'](y, in th insurance ComDany, Io,.atedat Pray- Company. located at New York. In idence, in the State of Rhode Is;and, the Stale of New York. State of New Jersey. f Aggregate amount O Ag..rega te amount O( Ag'grvgatv amount of admitted assets ...... of$ 3,727,979.43 admitted assets ...... $ 7,€$3,363.29 admitted assets ......... $99,946,705.34 Aggregate amount Aggregate auiount OI Aggre,' ale amount of ]iabilllies (except liabilit ies (except liabilities ,except capital and surplus), including reinsurance 595,324.04 reserve .......................... Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock ......... 1.000.000,00 Surulus over all liabili- ties ............................... 2,132,655.39 Agg't'e:-'.'ate income dur- ing the year ................. 603.253.29 A . ve.a t e ,lis!,ursemen ts -- during the ,-ear ........ _ _+. 4+i+37,5+ NORTH DAKOTA UUI, Total rtsks Written dur- ing the year ................. $ 2,343,704.00 Toai premiums received .during the year ........... 22,126.73 Total losses incurred during the year ......... 6,749.56 Total losses paid dur- ing the year ............ 14,997,66 catItal and surplus). Ine]udl g reinsuranes reserve ...................... 1,566,262.58 Amount of fully paid-up Capital Stock ........ Surplus over all llablli- tles ............................. 5,097.120R1 Aft'ente ineome dur- ing the year .................. 1,653,192.95 Ag,:l e'atedishursements during the year ........... 1,319.091.75 NOI¢.T/-I DAKOTA BUtNESS Yotai risks written dur- ins the year ................ $ 434,906.00 Total premtumsrecelvsd during the year ........... 3,211.2 Total <,s,.s incurred during the year .......... 620.56 Total losses paid dur- lng the year ............... 269.93 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ] ] STATofficeOFofNORTHcommissionerDAKOTA. Office of Commissioner I I f of Insuranca. of Insurance. I, Oscar E. Ertckson, Commissioner L Oscar E, Erickson. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North of Insurance of the tate of North Dakota, do hereby certify that toe Dakota. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true abstract of tlte foregoing Is a true abstract of the original statoment now on file in original statement now on file in this office. this office. I Testimony Whereof, 1 Inave hereunto set my h:.nd (sEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at P.ismarck the first day of May, A. I). 1942. OSCAR E. E IIICKSON, Commlvsioner of Insurance. STAT OI NORTtI DAKOTA, [ Office of ComlnisMooer / of Insurance. COMPANY'S CEi:TIFICATI' OF A UTII0iHTY Whereas Tits C;t i:'ens lnstl'ani'e CODll)an y, a CO I'p¢I" t|iOll O l','lli2ed under the iaws of New Jcrs(: ', Ii:v filed in finis oi'fic" ;t s,'.+*"n state+ ment exhibiting its condi ion all(] husin,ss for the voz:' e '. in : ])c eember 1, 19,11, c,li!ur:u: hie to the rtt(lUil, em(+nts o[ tilt" ] ',X9 Ot the> tPte. ref ra|'(lill' the l)tSir;cSS Of In S'd v:Inc ". and Vtereas. the s:tid (2')mnanv ba filed in this ffice a '.It ly c:,t'tified copy of its charter with certificate of organization in eom]diauce with the reqDrt!mcuts of lnsdrance ]a;vv aforesaid. Now, Therefore, I, Oscar E. Erick- son, Cotnmissioner of Insurance el the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws. do hereby certify that the above named Company Is fully empowered through its authorized agents, to transact it approplqate business of Authorized Insurance in this state according t, the laws thereof, until the 30th da of April. A. D. 1943. In Testimony, Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this first day of May, A. D, 194. OSCAR E. FRTCXSON, Commissioner of Inauranc. In Testimony WhcreSf, l have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May, A. D. 1942. OSCAR E. ERICKSON, Commssioncr of ln.urance. STATH oIe NOt.Ttt DAI,.OTA. ] Office of Commissioner ? of Insurance. COMPANY' CG'I:TIFICATI OF AUTttORITY Whereas. The Enuttahle Fire & M:rne Insurance COIl1 nan)', a cer p rat on o .ganized under the laws of Rhode Mand. has filed n this O'iCe :I sworn statement exhibttin:.' it'; ,'onL!iticn nn<I husinsv for the ('ar ending December 31 1941, eon- ccmable to the requi 'emends of t e laws of thi' state, r4'ardlng the bt'iess of Jtsu+';tn c' :ill(1 Whereas. the said Coral)any has fi].d in this offioc a duly cerlfied CPY of its charter with certificate o organization In ccrnn][nce with tl+e reqc;renens Of Inurnt'e ,;t v,+ at'nresRid. Now. Therefore. I. Oscar E. Erick- son. Commissioner of Insurance cf tb3 State of North Dakota. pursuant to the provisions of said law do hereby certify that the above named Company is fully empowered through its authorized agents, to transact its appropriate business of Authorized Insurance in this state" according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 1943. In Testimony Whereof. ! llave hereunto set mY hand (SEAL) and sea/ at Bismarck. this first day of May, A. D. 1942. Commisaionar Of Inauranee. capital and surplus), lnclnding reinsurance reserve ........................ 4,797.$03.50 Amount of fully paid-up Caoltal Stock . _ 5,000,000.00 Surrdtts over all liabili- ties ............................... 59,14,901.$4 Aggregate income dur- ing the year .................. 31,352,166.24 Agu regat e d|sbursements during th year ....... 27.805.179.66 NORTII DAKOTA BUSINESS Total risks written dur- ins the year ............... $ 7,624,446.00 Total nremlumsrecelved during the year ........... 53,251.$7 Total los.-es incurred during the year ......... 53,967.66 Total losses naid dur- ing the year ................. 54,254.93 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA,] Off lee of Commissioner of Insurance, J I, Oscar E. Erickson. Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true ahstract of the original statement now on file in this office. In Testimony %%hereof, ] have hereunto set my hand (SEAL) and affixed the seal of this Office at Bismarck the first day of May, A+ D. 1942. OSCAR E. ERICKSON. Comnllssioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DkKOTA. } Office of Commissioncr i of Insurance. COMPkNY'S CEI-'.q'IWICATF OF ACTIIOIIITY Wlcre's. The Contin total Insur- ance (Jon]Da'!y, a cor[+uFa tiOn ot'ratl- tzed nnd+'r tile ]•tWS of New York. has fihd lu this office a sc/orn st.tetm etlt oxh!bitinr Its condition :td Imsine" for the year endit)g December 31, 194]. conformable to the i'c(ltliren "FtS of thr, laws of this state. ,'eardlng the bllS}IlOSS of lll- SilT'.  lloo :}nd 'herc'ls, the said Company hns filed in thh effi-e a dtlly certified copy of Its charter with certificate of or'-nnlz."tirm In comgliance with the ]'t]l)ircn]ellts Of Insurance 1,*1%1,'S afo-esaid. Now. Therefore. I, Oscar E. Erick- son, Commis.ioner of Instrance of the State of North Ds.koto,, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named Company Is fully empowered through its authorized agents, to transact Its appropriate business of Authorized Insurance in ths state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April. A. D. 1943, In Testimony Whereof. 1 have hereunto set my haad (SEAL) and seal at Bismarck, this first ay of May, A. D. 1945. OSCAR E, ICKSON, Cmminloner ot Insurame, FRIDAY. SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m. "Two Yanks In Trinidad" CAST: Pat O'Brien, Brian Donlevy, Frank Sully, Janet Blair. A service drama. Com- edy News. Sunday. Monday- Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. "H. M. Pulham, Esq." CAST: Hedy Lamarr, Robert Young, Ruth Hussey, Charles Coburn, Fay Holden; Bon- ita Granwlle. Thm picture was rated "Best of the Month" when released. An "Our Gang Comedy". Wednesday - Thursday "Bedtime Story" t CAST: Prederic March, Loretta Young, Robert Benchley, Allyn Joslyn, Joyce Compton. A very fine cast in this Marital drama. Comedy.