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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 11, 1942     Golden Valley News
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June 11, 1942
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PA SIX - I I I I-Ill--- II " II I Ill I I I I I ASEBALL I 1 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ,% II II I: ¸Tii! THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1945"1 ill i i, I i,i I I Ill---" >Iil un. June 1 Ill IH[ | i BEACH vs. WIBAUX AT BEACH 2:30 P. M. GOLDEN WALLI/Y COUN- TY NORTH DA- KOTA For The Primary ]leello/t to be held 'Puesdny, June 30, llf5 POWELL, H:NRY, & P 1,1ARL PR/HNCT Comprising town- ships 143-144 Range I05, and townships 143-144, Range 105, nd townships t43-144 Iiange 104. the l)lling places to be at the Trotters chool House in Pearl township, located 9n the Northwest quarter of Sac- II I I of Golden Valley County on this 20th day of May 1942. (SEAL) MINNIE E. SMITH. County Auditor of Golden Valley Coun- ty North Dakota. June 4-11-18-25 lion 17, Township 144, Range 104. EI_.M'WOOD AND SADDLE tUT- TE PRECINCT -- Comprising township 142. Range 105. and township 141, Range 105. the polling place to be at the )nnle View School House ,Y t Tax and Classification of Prop- daughter ieft by car Wed, nesday for her for the summer vacation. Mrs. Mrs. William Rozelle of sidneY, arty. Missoula where Mr. Mikelson will Don Moffatt nd children of Wat- visited her sister, Mrs. Lehman he INITIATED MEAS- attend school during the summer, ford Clty are also making a pleasant over Sunday. UREa Mrs. Walt Dixon will entertain the visit at the parental, Otto Shultz Taxation and Classification of Luthera,n Ladies' Aid in the church home. 1 Mrs. Pat. MacDonald of Dickinson! _ property, basemen Thursday afternoon. Every- is making a pleasant visit at the J. I  " q%! In witness whereof I ha'e ' one is welcome hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the Official Seal of the } Mrs. Nick Uetz and son. Chaxles, P. Jordon home. I County of Golden Valley, State left last week for a visit re- Mrs. John Messmer her dughter of North Dakota. at the County seat at the City of Beach this 21st ltives at Independence, Wise.. and Josephine, and son, John, of Mandan! day of June 1942. to be present at the wedding of a v;slted with their friends, the Jake{ MINNIE E. SMITH } Auditor Golden VaI- nlcce of Mrs. Uetz. Hess family, here Monday and Tues- Icy County, North [ The Dakota. Glen- June 4-11-18-25 Sentinel Butte Several little girls gathered  the Russell Brown ,amily has day of last week. . moved into the house just vacated by Mrs. 'Henry Lehman was a the Jordons,  dive business callers on Thursday Marie Berg is employed at the last week. Lyle Martin home taking care of Wm. Brown iez Monday morning i Meredibh during the absence of Mrs. for LaCross, Wisconsin where he will Martin who is in Minneapolis to resume his work with the cement home of Lois Honrmld on Thursday hl  hr dau=hter Jeanne home to surprise her on her ninth birth- for"he mmervdca;ion Jeanne has crew. day. Games were played and lunch " I Mr. and Mrs. Foster Isaacs and ..... been attending the university of Min- was serves, tom receives many use- _^ ,_ ... ., + l daughter of Detroit, Mich'gan, came ful ,and lovely gifts from her litt.e Marlyn Dixon was n overnight Ilast week for u shca-t visit with Mrs, Isaaes' father, John Huugen, friends" _ ...... , f guest of her friend, Eunice Itavgse, land with his sister and family, Mr. i brs. Tom Kosnney ann aaugnte., Thursday night. Delores, left by train Monday eve- Eugene LeMeres .rrived home Fri -I'aad Mrs. Theodore Kuntck. Mrs. I ning for Puyallup, Washington, where da-morning f¢om Collegeville Min- Mrs, Isaacs will be remembered qs I they expect to make their home .... ._ .., m .... . ,.... the former Edith Haugen and she I has many friends here who were, Gertrude lher and Emma Sher e . cation with his mother and family left Tuesday morning for BLsmurck heY%. I glad to see her. Mr. and Mrs. Isa,s' I where they will attend a defense ....  r  r t left on Tuesday for theft home. school through the summer mo%hs...Mrs.. Muenansno cu%_e ram -u.v .ur t:Ye ' ' .... Ilel oy • m y ,I Mr. and Mrs. Warner tser ox w- -In*on where the,, will visit with h-- ' ht' '"  '  ' Medor were callers T ur-aay nlg Mrs lruehnans'  an re of The World's News Seen Through at the Vlc Carlson home. Seattle. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR NOTICI OF PRIMARY ELECTION I. Minnie E, Smith County Au- ditor in and for Golden Valley County, State of North 1)akota, do hereby certify that candi- dates for the following offices n)ary Election to be held in the are to be nominated at the Prl- several voting precincts of Gold- en Valley County, on Tuesday, June 30th. 1942, The polls of said election to he opened at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on said day and to remain open contlnuously un- til 7:00 o'cock P, M. PARTY NOMINATIONS To lie Made By The lpublleau and Denoerntle Parties Representatives  Congress -- (Two at Large). Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State State Auditor State Treasurer Attorney General Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor Public Service Commissioners (One). State Senator --(One in each of the 24 even numbered Dist- ricts). Members of the House of Re- presentatives --(As apportioned by Chapter 7 Session Laws of 1931). in Elmwood Town'ship. located on the Northwest quarter of tSection 28. Township 142. Range 105. CREEK, DIVIDE AND DEL- HI PRECINCT -- Comprising Township 14. Rnge 104. town- ship 142, Range 103. and town- shp 141. Range 104, %he poll.lag place to be at the Stecer School House in Delhi Town- ship, located on the Northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 141. RanK 104. WANAGAN, SEtPINEL BUTTE VIGE AND SENTIN][ PRE- CINCTS -- Comprising "Down- ship 141. Range ,0, all ths land within he limits of the Village of ;entinel Butte and Townships 130 ,nd 140, Ranges 103 and 104, the polling place to be at the Opera House in Block Six, Original Town- site of the Village of Sen- tinel Butte. CITY OF BEC'H PRECINCT NO. 1, AND BEACH CIVI TOWN- IHIP PRIgCINC NO. ---om- rllng all the territory with- the limits of the City of Beach In Township 140, Rnge 105, on the S@uth side of, and South of Second treot and lalrvlew Avenue and all of Township 140, Range 106. ex- cept that part within the lim- its of the City of ]84ch, the polling place fo be in the ourt Room, on the second floor of the Couet House build- NO-PARTY NOMINATIONS State and Distrlet Otflem Judges of the Supreme Court (One). Judges og the District Court (One in each o the Judicial District). Superintendent of Public Instruct- ion. NO-PARY NOMINATIONs County Of liras Sheriff Auditor Treasurer Clerk of District Court (In trag, located an Lots $, 4. 5, 0 Block 6, in the City Of Beach. CITY OF REA PRECIICT NO. 2 -- Comprising all the territory within the limits of he Clt'y of Beach In Town- ship 140, Range 106, oo the North side of and North of econd Street and Falrvlew Avenue, the polling place to be n the City Hall. located on Lots 9 and 10 in Block 4, Origlnal Townsite of the City of Beech. BleACH CIVIL TOWNSHIP PRE- CINCT NO. 1  'Comprising Townships 19 and 140, Range 105 and Township 1,3, Range 106. the polling place to be at he Chandler School House, located on the Southwest corn- er of Section 3. Township 139, :Range I05. LONE TREE AND GARNER PRB- C1NCT Comprising Townships 137 and 138, Ranges 105 and I05, and- Township I8., Range 104. the polling place to be In the Town Hall, Original Town- site of Golva. BULLION, WILLIAMS° BULl. RUN AND STODDARD PRF*CINCT Comprising Township 137. Range ]04, Township 136, Range 105, Tonwhslp 136. Range 106. and and Townships 17 and 138, Range 103, [he polling place to be at the Alpha School House located on the Southeast quar- ter of Section 29, Township 137, nge 104. POLLS OPEN I'[tOM 9:00 A. M. UNTIL 7:00 P. M. The foregoing is a true and corree! list of Precincts of Gold- en Valley County and the 'boun- daries and voting places thereof as designated by ti*e Board of (onnty (?omtnissioners of Golden Myron Hougse was an overnht guest at Walt Dixon's Thursday night. Jolv Honnold brought his ie and infant dughter home from the Beach hospital on Thursday. Both mother and baby are in good health. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Severoid and daughter, Arlene, arved o Friday t the Ole Waldahl home. Mr. v- erold left on Saturday for his home at Glasgow, while Mrs, Severold and daughter retained for a longer visit of abou two weeks with her parents and sister, Mrs. Orrin Izell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse sd chdren and Mr. and Mr& Vlc Crl- son were Glendive visitors Sunday. P. F. C. Orville Roesler arrived Sunday morning from New York on a ten-day furlough to visit with his paints and friends here, Mr. md Mra. lul W:thow and sorts, Betty Carlson and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom were Modern visitors on Sunday. Mrs. 1y Everes end Norms Schultz arrived from Colorado Springs last week to get Mrs. Everetts' little Valley CountT. In %-}tness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal s 3 t P e f, l: ti tl .sl S of tl, sk Pl In a[ ed by Beach, North Dakota SCHULZ GARAGE Let us check your car' for Summer driving and check your front wheels for alignment to save your tires. We have some good used Trucks and Cars on hand. Get your Combine Motors Repaired NOW. It will take longer to get re- pairs this year than last year, such as pistons, rings, and bearings. STAT H,{R INSURANCE OEPL FOR INSURANCE SEE YOUR ASSESSOR OR COUNTY AUDITOR MOTORS Petition I'ermitting a (]raduated Land COMBINE S8.00 per Protect Yoursel Alnc C 80 rl} tl{ A. In Ar,: du ARE YOU HELPING TO WIN THIS ota YOUR OLD METAL WILL 2.' LET'S ALL DO OUR SHARE--AND °'u du Jo t ;I NOW!  in, We will again load scrap iron in ''o THURSDAY and SATURDAY, Jun l, of Ir I)akc at which time we will again be 'ere Orlgi this (SEA il 8TA T JUNE 5-6 ARE OUR LOADING o But We Buy Every Day at the sa$ e Horse Tail Hair Clean, .......... Sheep Pelts, dw long wool ...... Old Tires..25c per 100 lbs. Tubes Do not bring old overshoes, Green ' Salted Hides ........... . BonesGreen or Dry ...... per to" We also want your old brass, zinc, old radiators and BEACH HIDE & INSUP£ N()W/ e la Apr ties). Mr. and Mrs. Hrry Mikelson and son, Bobby. to take him back wlbh pr Register of Deeds(In Counties over 6,000 population). Ga Register of Deeds and Ex Officio Gl, Clerk of District Court and Lo County Judge(In Counties un- ( '""°°°'°"'"'" Ii VACATIONWITtl Saturday , ' States Attorney In ountles over I Go County Judge --( C 15,000 population). , .i County Judge and Ex Officio Clerg .,o,...,.,.o..,_,,,,o.!l GOOD PAY FehSt b ryS d "',i_ under 15,000 population) Superintendent of Schools Public Admlnlstrator(to be elect- c eel every four years) lq. Surveyor g Coroner " r € r s raw er un ae provlded by Section 3257 C. L. i 1913). s rovlded e District Assessors -- (A p :e] by Ch, 248 S. L. 1929).  ) Justices of the Peace  (As provided by Section 3257 C. I A ° ?/:2ty Constables 2T, (As preSOld 3 l! WASHINGTON STATE I1 ICE COLD MALT o,; Official Newspaper -- (As pro- lar vided by Ch. 172 S. L. 1925). B, I further certify that the fol-i! HUNDREDS OF ORCHARD il lowing measures will be sub- C'4 mltted to the people for a vote at tbis Primary Election and  :/ a Publicity Pamphlet will he !i WORKERS NEEDED AT ONCE |i ndy Issued In eomllanee wlth Seetlon L g V ity fC dTb , 25 of the Constitution as amend- ar e ar e o a an o a el ed by Article 26. M-Ts ace is alwa s oo. "-'"" FOR LONG D p f h tg Of .... -SEASON JOBS! , c.aptor 1,. s L lo.- cl..l ro in or a o ame "" cation and Exemption of Per- N ) . Or a Cool Drink o sonal Property From Taxation __ __ Con ,,,.o o...-, o..o.,,., ee Article in this ews a er • -: Amendments Chapter 114, S. L. 1941 -- Legis- A.g.g ,,.,,o,,'""o ,,oo,. ,o,.o...o .o ,,o_ LEO'S RECREATION °" As Proposed By Initiative fn, re