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June 11, 1942 |
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: +++
DAY, JUNE U,.+1942 t :" .THE.rLD] VALLEY
' ',. i . i,.:; 'r ,;' , .+'":. • .... • .... . _ .........
r .A.LO:-.+ _::+ ,, t , G Wolf, Johnny M.L. Wr.' +-:"* ol ,
|*+':- + lhUll: +L., .+ ...:... +[,e, ,T,+. M,.+ +,+ a¢ :, .. s,ma,y .m..m.r , :. -,+ . ,.+.!,n.+ +.+__. s, w ei+m ..
+I ++ '+. - +.." ' +;. '+ .> "+;"-+ .... ,.+.. , Jones m0bored to Glendive early 4tn- [ Rohan going a fdz" as Nimarck and .l.e .I. ;ea0 toy+ a +•f:. m.l:+ I ye..S, ll°ve++ +gff+c +/.. lLtlg+ +wet.e:
+L+:+.:M,.+)I;I££. TecetV+ .i ie+t.T [!.0Iclay morning wh+re+'they enjoyed aJMr. Walker going on to Fargo where mI..+ .d',g+..,.wh.r.-.+Jp,,::pL wr+ d,+ +p.Coj,+ la and
!, tA, lobert, last week end, +W[game of golf at the municipal links, lhe attended one day of the+ State e£ected to serve for the next. tw+l.Wayne , Mr. and Mrs. Mahl0n Stecker
.stloned at Camp W01te, TeXas, IT hey came back the same morning. Legion convention+ and-from there
p-tdx other C-olden Valley county I Bill Voyen was in from the Trot- went on to his hcane at St. Clo:d, yearS; replacing J. +,.chau+ who and.Marlyn, Mr. and.MTs. Jack Cal-
declined to run for the of floe aga3n, l lahen and Roger, Mr. and Mrs Leo
s,+ He did not mention their ters community Monday morning for Minn., f visit -his father ho Mary McCaskey was re-elected as}Nielson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
t ,' but Leonard Boelke and Hod i the first time since the hrst part been+ill, iEnllgMe:soam;j'treasurer iMm ! hle::nr:dshPeoMn:de ,to,,,, +. d=i'Mde:i
:.rle are also encamped there.of February. Bill said he had to Chuck Meredith arrived home on
g is in the mach'+ne gun divi-{com e in to pay his taxes and to Tuesday of this week from a 10-day
attvand says they are working renew his subription, vacation spent in California and re-
vty hard BoWs and Hod's ad- Miss Elean
s " " ' ', i ore Farstveet came home
es are Co. 'B 55th Inf. TNG. from Concordia College, at Moor-
n T-Camp Wolters, Texas. hed Mann
M-ry JazMrs. m.rmd, and
Mr. and +lm. Im"i azdi::+l'-
ily, and-Mr. and Ms. d.-.Nielem
rerr name,+,.+y ++evening.
+Mr: an". 'Ir; Gcdon and fam-
ily, were Olendlve vlsltors, Monday.
While there,, Mr. C,m'don ootmulged
a doctor, as he been ill for the
pest +week, but is feeling better at
this writing.
on Friday, whre she
her Hasbrook left on Thursday has been in school for the past year.
t of this week by train for Btl- The United Lutheran Ladies' Aid
, Mx)nt., where he will look over was entertained Friday at the home
Oral propositions offered him there, of Mrs. O. R. Ramstad, north of
. . Lyle Martin and Mrs. Clarence Beach. Assisting Mrs. Ramstad were
y Wtad left last week by car for Mrs. Elma Indergaard, Mrs• Carl will be turned over to the manage- Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dobla.r enter-
TWin Cities where they will spend Davis and Miss Evelyn Nelson. Out ment "at the tLme of registration, rained at a d nner, Sunday, in honor
weeks it relatives and of town were Mrs. P. Inder-
II . . _ One-half pound is required per week of Olaf Abraham whose birthday an-
.......... gaard_Mrs. Crl Indergaa, r..d ano Mrs. from each indldual, niversary occouv'red tht day. Be-
-, rnoernKe axrivea Home las en uorreson all 0I JQell.t£u. • , .
h, .......... . Mrs. A;+ O. Hoar;rE, of Mandan, redes the hosts, thoe reset for the
ay aiernoon oy +ram o. John Norstog, state game waruen, wil/ be iead cook, and iVIrs. John occasion were Olaf Abraham, Betty
m nls trip to the west coast where was a Beach visitor Monday after-Berg, of Sentinel Butte, assistant. Lou Gerald, and Duane; Mrs. Hark-
e7 called by the illness of his noon of this week and while hereThe Registrar will be the Rev. L. ins 'und daughter Ida; Sag Peterson
1 + Lm. r Who was feeling some am- visited the Odland Dam and several IS. Gjerde, of Dunn Center. and .n ,f Wibaux" Sever Abraham
l Vhen he arrived there. !ether uoints checking on local sports-J .... i+'. +ick err and
+. . and Mrs. Bill Doering arrived men• "He was accompanied by Antonl |,+r /'1,,,, !sonTM;xl M ssYv'e't McClai--n;-Har-
l" 01ast Thursday from Wendell, Brenden also of Watford City. l LIPlJIIlIlI[ lt:;V l old and Kenneth Abraham.
k where he has been coaching Geo. Franzen and John T. Brown Mrs. Mabel Koshney clcsed her! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nielson and fam-
aa hth s the past few years. While of Sentinel Butte were Beach busi- term of school at Bbnn++e View, on ily arrived, by car, Thursday evening,
iY are guests of Mrs. Docring's ness callers Monday morning and Friday, May 29. The following Sun- from their home, near Wadena, Min-
', lrs. Randal Thompson. Tey while in town Mr. Brown dropped in day, she and her pupils, and the corn-'nesota, for a visit at the home of the
1 return to Wendell after a at the News office to have his name munlty enjoyed a picnic, at the El-former's brother, Leo, and family.
' vacation, added to the subscription list. liott ranch, in connection with the IT he Nielsons are em'oute to +,he
, h . A. Nyman left last week end Mrs Hylda Miller and son Earl pupils of the Indian Hill school and Pacific coast, on a vacation trip.
' |.Valley City where he attended Jr left by car last week end for their teacher Miss Marjorie Johnson A number of famiP+es gathered at
_ t tate convention of Chlroprac Winona Minn. where they will spend who also closed her term of school, the Jack Still home, Sunday, where
_][ [' le reVurned to open his of- several 'weeks 'visiting While there on the preceding Friday Ithey enjoyed a picnic dinner, and an
• I " r
Jill. L hove Tuesday of this week. they also plan to sell their Ford The annual school election was held afternoon spent socmlly. A showe
in I . __
1 . M. Enderle arrived home sedan, and return home by ira .. ,.= , _ ,
, |trt of the week from Minne-I The Trinity Lutheran Ladies' Ad : ]
Lll°Inta where she visited re-'will be entertained by Mrs. Welter]l
r at Watkirm, Moorhead and Dixon, of Sentinel Butte, on Thurs-l III I tim
L "wio Cities. lday, June llth. The Oarner Luth-I r, • •
['. Mrs. Steve Sleight and emn Ladies' Aid will I entertatnedl ' II : •
J-' ..| )t0red to New England Sun-!by' Mrs. Henry Treater, south of[ m m mlllllllll mm • .m b
lte they spent the day visit-ISentinel Butte at her home, on Wed-11 v v
.f tthe parental Sleight home)Inesday, June 10th. +'. .. III
I{ L+ they had lon I Rev. F. N. Rie o, m,, Yll ......,......, ...+..,
.21L |:'' With Mr. Slelght's sister, tleft Monday morning by car ,or -+r+|B A "|'| |IDAI |''LI
#' |ren Sackett and two chtldren, lMeade, So. Dak., where he will take|• t.J I. al JILJ
"U* L al Beverly, WhO had Justhi fill physicl exam in his effort|l
Ft, New +ngland the day be, lto get into the service as a c bpl_am. |l ¢.flfl II', +flfl P
L. . Saekett and children bad,He was accompanied down oy ev.[ L'.U LU O.VV 1. IVl.
.nVed from Pearl Harbor whO'S! aad Mrs. G. K. Bergland of Glen-Ill .... ' +
]a made their home the pastldlve. They returned Tuesday.. .JB ]1]1 [ IT12 UAgD|TDI"I?D
--- i_ars and where Mr. 8ackett[ Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Still an ct!l r.UA.I ll/qkff|DUlrtidPlt
llo Ra ond were Bismarck vls
I,' r , " r; •
ltlrse had many interesting litors last week end and while me I [
i , tell and the folks are tin- I visited the state caltol and+ oJl I crcd Un l:oasted Bun
that they have ar- [ points of , interest. They return } •
. safely. |home the first of the week. III
,. IOc
• ihaux Stock Yards all Day Friday- Bring m the Kids- They Always
L " June 12th . ___ . Like them. •
laugh I "Ik
" er Hogs, 180 to 230 lbs ........... 12.65 per cwt. "Just a cozy little place to eat"
eavy Hogs, 230 to 260 lbs ...... 12.50 per cwt.
,ae i Butchers, 360 to 400 lbs 12.00 to 12.25 per cwt.
's" Sows, 250 to 350 lbs .... 12.00 to 12.25 per cwt.
muiam Sows, 300 to 400 lbs ...... 12.00 to 12.25 per cwt.
'n, ald lb. dock ........................ 12.00 to 12.25 per cwt.
++ "YOU
++ ARE
'eronc above prices guaranteed you on Friday's delivery
of market drop. Will add more to this price
win+rants on Firday delivery.
buying every Friday so you can depend
any Friday you wish to deliver your hogs.
' -- The Bass will be biting Tuesday
+,. Morning at Day Light.
ports a very line outing and vlslt, m thls 'vicinlty• i Stoddard, Mrs. fry. Gordon and faro- Olaf Abral3am and family and Mrs.
tle resumed ,his duties at the J. C.+ Miss Alta Beeler, Who as been {Y:t.+l[)ss+E:, e Pesha, and the Me- Harkir end daughter, Ida,. were ca11-
Penney store yesterday. 'spending some time with her mother, ++-++ "',+.. era t the home of Mr. nd M. Ju
BRING YOUR OWN SUGAR at he J. S. Sohauer home, left last} Olaf Abraham and family, Mrs. Glower, unday evening.
Because of government restrictions, Monday ,for Billings, in com pany]Harkins and Ida spent Sunday eve-' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Still and Mr.
all campers at the Badlands Bible with her ister and brother-in-law nin at ............ and Mrs. Jtck Call,han and Roger
. . '/ g ne wenaell Youells Home
Camp, near Medora, June 19 to July 'here she plans to visit, aria where • were visitors at the Izv. Gordon home
2, must bring their own sugar. This she may also seek employment Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Abraham and Sunday evening.
1940 Ford Truck, Long Wheel Base, Dual Wheels,
New Mercury Motor ....
i-936-Ford Truck, Short Wheel Base, Dual-Wheel,
• New Reconditioned Motor, with grain box.
1397 International. Long Wheel-Base Truck, withGrain
Box. Good Tires, In A-1 Condition.
1939 International Ton Pickup.
1938 International ½ Ton Pickup.
1933 Chevrolet, Long Wheel Base Truck with Grain lox.
1941 Champion Studebaker Tudor with Oived
Climatizer. , • :+.
i937 FordDeluxe Tudor in Ai--Condition ...... ..... : J A "r :: ..
936 Ford Tudor,.GoodTires and Reconditioned. "
We have these for Sale at the Old Scotty's Iivey
Barn onHighway No. 10, Beach, N. D .....
+'+ G.R. MarRuney + ' L . . :d:
It s Still the Same
Time plays a big part in all our plans today, bul,
time has not changed or altered the quality of a
That's simple! The Delco organization, like the ret
Be there prepared with
. your of Uncle Sam's children, has pledged itself to getting
fL I mx weeks you 11 be thinking I IS ...... . .. . ft'.
," m . . _ t,t ROD and REEL m working oraer. . the jo o.e OW t t,o ,owe+t ,o+bo co+t .a
+ l Wanting Combine, Tractor and l l I/ _ /l+l
m: . . ,r And a -ood su-.l" of our "-lu"s. ({ t[[ with the finest materials available. All of us are al-
[ator Repairs. In some cases l I}} g rF Y . r s I{'|
f?W0a111191. ! ..... !-----,,.+tll ¢Jtna.l'm° WP,,, v J t, • " + . . ([i, ready doing our share because, like you people who
t L dlly tWO lllU
t t [+ We have just received our +
.'+ + hel--Tom but-Tom must he|- - , r " '[ ' are feed+ng America and her all/es, we do not like the
nt ° FY Y r + I
,., 'self. l,{/ NEW SHIPMENT OF ALL MAKES/!| +ou+, ,+ +o+o ,+++ TOO LITTLE TOO LATE
i+ 'tTake" _ , _,_ - - i/OF PLUGS, RODS, REELS and BAIT)) • ' -
goo. tHorougH check now. i(< f all kinds. )) { We can still give this quality with Delco's assurance
:,: f Save time and monev by order-1 (/ o + )! ]
el i J ! of dependability.
: j!!YUr Renairs Early. i IS COME IN EARLY /{+|
of "J If" J i " " ,
IY also handle No. 36 HOLT[I/ We havereceivedourlastshipment tli[ I/DAMMA AIITfl OIIDtllY
¢;e Parts and it is absolutely ]:i/ and Manufacturers have suspended/{| |IU41111R aUtU 0urrL/
!ry that we have orders business.
_- ++ ....,., .,,,+,, ,.. I.S BEACH RADIO SHOP I(!l "Service Is Part Of What We Sell"
o,,, 00TA+ !Ml'Ll00ml00l00£ tl/ + !!+! __----m m.
We+_ _ + + _ +- - = .... , - ---- ........ + ........ ,,++:.:,+,LO_.: ........ +++.