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June 11, 1942 |
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,:7 ; , 'r|, i,,, ,, . , _ . .... .. . " ' _ ............... . : " - _ _ , , , , . ,_ '.." , "'- .-- • ' ". -' ....
• , , -- , " .... / etu'r: " ''" ' " 1 You are .lle.Uy m,,'td to tterd " ••'i Ipor a, e 're6elv' two ,
t1 axe sot . :tl J, ;1.| N6tlce is hereby given tt / C1mIey Scherm left for lu1lour Sunday evenmg EVengelistlc Set- i Reach: [from her son, Delton, who is station°
Mea has been fllgrAveal dl&| the CRy provtdinl for /on Monday. /vce to be eld at o'clock in the[ Services, 11 a.m. ted in AustraHa The letters were
a w ck.,o, .where, .lae Is,
. , Nora Belle stayed or a t m
.. and Mrs. ud: Wer d Mr "I
Walker arrived last Fk from We, sl'.- l
lgton for a vtsi with relatives be- I
:0re Mr, Walker ls inducted into the] " 1 d " : • " " Wee y ay " g " . . c . - "
ed e is $2.0 for a .mac .cog tinvited to attend. Study to be held Friday evening at wood, Calif., where they have-been
itrmy. ,. ] ana ..uu..or ,a emam a og. ogs M .B. Hogoboom and son, Maurice{8 o'clock in the home of Mrs. C. Of- Sunday, June 14th: reslding. They expect ,to spend "he
ehfldrenMr" andwereMrS.sundayCeCilvisitorsMetcalfa and, the ouna without ncense ags wm were car.ors at the home of Mr.!remba You are welcome. 10:00 Sunday School. ]summer here and Mr. Allen expect,
J. . Metoalf home. t be taken up and dealt with ac- Hogoboom's daughter, Mrs. Goodwin
cording to the provisions of the
Thompson in Beach on Monday.
When °returning ome from the Ordinnce governing such cases. Mr. Hogoboom left by bus for Wis-
Py ranch on Thursday, O. By order of the City Council. consin on Tuesday to attend the
Omley got his car stuk in the C.O. HALVORSON, funeral of a brother-in-law, who as
n ar the Smith Creek Crossing, City Auditor. been in poor health for some time•
and Kayed t the Bert Sperry home (June I1-18-25) •
until Saturday evening. Andrew Johnston left for South
: The correspondent unintentionally NOTICE FOR BIDS i Dakota by car on Sunday to attend
mltted the mme of the ,pallbearers a convention.
a Eary Metealf's funeral. They were Notice is hereby given that I Mr, and Mrs. Karnes Johnson and
Leo Nistler were bus'mess callers n
8banley Stevens, Chester Gasho, Ray the School Board of Lone Tree i Oolva Monday evening, to Beach
• ltsker and Jack Taker. District will receive bids for the
We ,have been informed hat Glen Mrs. Fred Wojahn went
purchase of he School barn at Tuesday to get her mother, who will
Met(roll is in Minneapolis, tra2ning the Rocky Butte School, ,the
i spend some ,time at the ranch with
for military police. Owens school and the Page school Mr. Meyer while he is convalescing l
At he school election in Pearl Dis-
* buildings, up to July 14th. All from his recent sick spell,
trlct, Mrs. P. V. Moore was re-elected bids mtmt be sealed and a cer- I Mrs. Olaf Orstad was hostess to
for Treasurer, and J. F. Crook for tiffed Check accompany each bid. the Golva Sunshine Society on Wed-
director. .11 checks will e returned to
nesday. Eleven members and several
Eddie Omley spent Tuesday night the unsuccessful bidders lmme- t visitor s were present. Mrs. Orstad
and part of Wednesday at the J.F. diately after ,the opening of the served a fine dinner after which the
Crook home. Me plans to leave for bids. Address all bids to J. L. meeting was ,held. New officers were
Los Angeles, Oalifornit, soon, where Tschida, clerk,
installed with Edna Hammond ating
:h topes to get.employment. The school board reserves the as installing officer. Reports of all
Mr. d Mrs. lrancis Boyce were right to reject any and all bids. committees for the past year were
."Mendy evenl cadrs t the P.V. By order of Board of Lone
• read. A letter from headquarters and
Moore home. Mrs Moore treated Tree School District. Iletters of `thanks were read, Meet-
.the to ice cream which they froze J.L. TSOHIDA. !in g adjourned to meet in July with
with stjon-.tlit fell tha¢ day. Clerk. Ruth Hammond.
W_e to extend congratulations June 11-18-25) I Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,7,1ebarth. Ms.
to' NOra Belle SlUrry'and Eddie Ore- _ ,
" Icy who raduted last month from £1 |, t Strahon and Miss Oaffy of Alaska
i llrll1j were pleasant callers at the A. ,Nunu
te Biwck d the Reach high zm= l home Wednesday evening.
.hool& respectively. Graduation an-
, nounoements have also been received Leo Nistler has been employed at Louis Schmeling was an early morn-
from Lule Relehert and Leslie orr, the Otto Johnson ranch the early ilng caller at Gust Burk's Thursday.
.,'former residents "of Trotters. I part of the week. Leo Nistler was in Beach on buM-
" M. and Mrs. Donald Roberts are Nick Oamroth and son, Wilfred, ness Thursday.
. vItn #t te Robertson home. have been doing scte shingling at l Aug. Quandt, Mrs. Bratrud and son,
Mrs. Roberts was formerly Helen the Herbert Finnamen farm the past Kenneth of Stewartville. Minn., and
. week. I Albert Quandt of Rochester. Minn.,
O. K. Omley was n overnight vls- 1 Jake Kingsly, of Baker, Mont., came :arrlved Friday for a shor# rvs t
Itor et .the J. F. Crook home On lafter his wife and family on Monday. tahe Ziebarth homes. They left again
Saturday. Mrs. Kingsly and children have been Sunday for Rapid City.
We received heavy rains every day, visiting at Ule home of her lrents,' ........... .
the first six days of June. On Mort-{Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carew. i
day afternn, `the rain was m-i Mr. and Mm. Warner Nistler and l
p by wlnd ad a bit of ,' daugher were evening callers at thel ' R qAl
Mton Bruvold family and
ondytoattendafarewelldin, t Dinner guest a.t the AI. ,oos i S all
home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. m e£ C
her. [A. O. Fasching and family. Mr. nd
/, ano, Nev., named after Gener- Mrs. Jerry Kouba and auhters, Mr. bnnaer
Jee Lee leno, a Union officer In and Mrs. Robert Sonnek d family -
war. Andew Kghler, 1ay Wasnann, Ed.
....... 1 Memograph . ,
Machine '"
2 Candy Show, Cases
1 Platform Scale
Good Building 25x50 at Yates, Mont. 1 Adding Maehine
First Cheek of $450.00 Takes It. MRS. OLGA LARDY
Can be used for Granary.
Jack Ballard, Wibaux, immediately.
IJ$/iill$1MIIIIHIlillll$1tllllR Ul JlSUII WIIIIIllmlIUIIItIllilIItUllUlI$1tlIItMKI
Voters Attention!
The Initiated measure on the June Mea-
sure ballot entitled "Taxation and Classifi-
cation of Property" would increase the
net assessed valuation of
North Dakota taxable property
from ............ $422,673,775
to .............. $65t,846.340
an increase of .... $229,172,565
Applying the 1940 average rate of 45.6
mills to this increase we have a potential
tax increase of ............ $10,450,269
Vote against huge tax increases by Voting
NO on the last two measures on the June
"A Changeless Christ for a Chang-
i lng World!"
Evangelists Grace ana Roy Fischer
in charge.
ii:00 Morning Worship {to go into the service.
I Bishop Q. D. Warner will speak Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor of M-
in the morn,ng.- dora were Beach shoppers aturdAy
8:00 Evening Service. afternoon and evening.
Solomon Caulker, a native from
METHODIST CHURCH Africa, will be the speaker. You are
Beach, North Dakota invited o .,o ON HAND
Grant . Moore Pastor Wednesday: Prayed Service at the 1
, church. . ....
Church School 1O:'-- a. m. Mrs. l Thursday, llh, 8:00 Quarvemy wo-
,o. o, wo ,,, oo.-Binder and Mower
Cordie Wallace, superintendent, duct this quarterly and also speak.
Morning Preaching Service 11 a. m.
Mrs. O. S. Moore will preach at ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Repairs for McCor-
this service. W.H. Dissen. Pastor I nfick ad Deering
Epworth League 6:30 p. m.
W. C. Boyd, Pastor
Beach, North Dakota
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning service at II a. m.
Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:15 p. m.
Sentinel Butte:
Morning worship at 9:30 a. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Preaching Service at - p. m.
Divine Services 3tmday, June 14th
at 10 a.m. I
Sunday School after services, cmncr.
Walther League meets Friday, June
12 at 8 p. m.
Senior' League meets Sunday June :1]
14at 8p. m. , Large __d complete
T T=W ---¢O,, stock of Lumber and_
Rev. A. Parcells. Pastor
SundaY, June 14 Services at II a.m.
Just Arrived.
See the New Beautiful
The Bass Season Opens Next
We have a complete line of
And Other Equipment.
Gamble Store
Safe, dependable grain storage on your farm is easy to get today.
Protect your crops and meet government storage requirements.
This year, terminals may be overtaxed. Many farmers with-
out farm storage will find it impossible to either ship their graio
or store it in a way required for a government loan.
Build your own storage now. We have 26 engineer-developed
designs easy and economical to build. Each design p¢ovides fort
the use of 4-Square exact length lumber which requires the
smallest amount of cutting and trimming. Each design is en-
gineered to fully meet the requirements of good crop storage.
Farm storage today may be built at a price so low that govern-'
ment storage loans within two or three years will pay the entire
cost. When you build, select designs which may be converted
later to other uses. Many of the 4-Square designs have this fea-
ture. Your grain bin of today may be your brooder, your hog
house, or your machinery shop of tomorrow.
Free blueprints and specifications insure the best
and most economical construction. Build now
and insure this year's crop return. Come in and
see this book.
We have the lumber and nails in stock
for any of these buildings. Build NOW
while stocks are complete.
!Builders Supplies.
Primary Measure Ballot. 00B[R CO
" Committee. . • •
..... Beach," North Dakota J
Steel Grain Bins.
Golva, North Dakota
I I I!
Now Showir--
Thara - FrL - Sat.
Starring Olsen ad Johnson. u'-
tha Rave, Hugh Herbert. Mischs
Auer, Jane Frazee, and Robert
Paige.. Come in and get an ad-
vanced course on how to laugh
your head off--no pain--all laughs.
Owl Show Sat. Nite, 11:30 p, m.
Sun. - Mort. - Tues.
Joel Mcrea and Veronica Lake In
with Robert Warwick. William
Dernarest, Franklin Pangborn, and
Porter Ha]]. There's no speed[:
limit . , . and no brakes w-he
Sullivan travels with Veronic{.e
Lake. . i
Wednesday Only--
W. C. Fields in
With Gloria Jean, Leon ErrO
Butch and Buddy, and Susa
Miller. He's cookin' with gas (
the larynz) . . as a stuper-saleS,
man he almos£ cells himself.
Opening Next Thurs.--
Victor Mature in
with Gene Tierney
Last Day 0 1
2.e picture you don't want;
Starring Roland Coleman ?
Friday - Saturday-- h
Oene Autry's laest picture q
Also Lucille Fairbanks, and K el h,
"Passage From Ho$
Kong." Plus Chapter 5 of "Jg
Girl Serial." i {
Sunday - Monday
with Tommy Trinker.
Howard in "The Man
turned to Llte."
Caxy Grant in