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Paid Political An'
Republican Ticket
Candidates For The Legislature
39th Legislative District
For Representatives
M. B. HOGOBOOM, Golden Valley County
L. K. MORLAND, Slope County
C. T. OLSON, Bowman County
Your vote and support will be appreciated.
Pal. Pol. Adv.
To The Voters of
Golden Valley
I hereby announce my candidacy
for nomtrmt4on and reelection to the
oltce of County Auditor of Golden
i.?alley County. Thanking the voters
[or @ae oonfldenee awarded me In
the past and trusting that my seT-
vieee will merit your kindly consid-
ekticn and rote at the Primary
Ieotln to be bald on Tuesday, June
t, 1942.
li. I. Adv.
For Sheriff
Sixth Judical District
I hereby announce that I am
a Beach
candidate for the office of Sheriff
of Golden Valley oounty at the corn-
lug Primary election June 30th.
During my experience in the Sher-
iff's offloe I have tried to administer
the duties in a fair and impartial
nmnner and If nominated and elected
will continue to run the office in
the same way.
Your vote an support on Tuesday,
Jrte 30th will be greatly appreciated,
[T__mmy Ferrel nd family, and hear roads in this vicinity and haft did It the Arch." lktter home utLl
{'Sam and His City Fellers". considerable damage to gardens south Mr. Stark came in for her.
Mrs. Katherine Howard reoelved a Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baker were of town. I Mrs. Levi Orton, who ls bee &
card last week from her brother, dinner guests at the Lawrence Mor- 1 Ray Fergeon rode a horse up from'guest at the Earl Stark hoe was
Win. Parceluk, which was mailed in irlson home Friday. I Baker Friday for Clinton Baker and taken ill with a heart attack tturo
Bowman, No. Dak, William was Mr. and /rs. Ernte Stark visited remained at the Baker farm several day evening. The Dr. was called
aboard a IVIilwaukee raln being i
shipped east from Springfield, Ore., at the Grove LuSts home Thursday days. from Baker and her cctdltlon
where he has been working in a l evenlng" Several carloads of eople from somewhat improved at Dreeent. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blair, Mrs. lhere attended and took part in the Orion is ao at the Stark home.
lumber camp. He did not know his A. Sherva, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sunday School convention at Beach I Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lutt and
distination at the time the card was Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph LuSts i Sunday.
i farnlly, Mr. and Mrs. Grove LUttl
mailed, and family, C. O. Nelson and ram-[ Mlss Inga Inervald and Oibb An-land family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark,
Miss Evelyn Cro.sen came back lly, Mrs. Joe Baker and daughter, I derson Of Ryegate have been visiting Mrs. Ora Stark, Howard StaTk, and
from Billings last week end and is were among those caught in the lot te Henning Steen home durlng IMrs. Ray Ulvin and family were
again employed as a cook at the cloud burst at Baker Monday after-}the past week. i Sunday guests at the Bert Hudsot
Cozy care. Miss Pearl Harp who noon. I Miss Doris Shepherd spent Sun-ilome.
has been employed there for some Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson and !day at the Edgar Martin home near I Mrs. Joe Baker and daughter ra-
tline has resigned her Job and plans Marguerite motored to Hebron, N. I Carlyle. i turned home Thursday evening after
to take a western trip. Dk, Wednesday to meet. Mrs. Ray i Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartse and faro-sendtng the past week at the C, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wenberg and Ulvln and family o Moorhead Minn., ily of Carlyle spent Sunday at the Nelson home.
family left last week end for a ten who accompanied them to Cilia for I P. E. Bryson home. Mrs. Hartsel Miss Marjorle Nelson cled
dy fishing trip which will ttke them a visit with relatives, and chF.dren remained at the Brysonby Miss Selma Larson of Wibtu
out through the park and also r,o M. Randolph Perry and daughter, home where they will vit a week. left Saturday for Missoula where they
Dillon, Mont., where they will visit, returned home on Wednesday after I Mr and Mrs. A. J. Jeaflelds were will attend the University during he
Al.'W°rdTeed receivedstates thatDYhetheis nowNeWSlocatedfr°m ShepherdSpending home.tW° weeks at the C. F. Sunday dinner guests at the Henning summer session.
. Steen home.
at New Orleans, La.. having Dean Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rustad Mr.I Charles Otter r I Mr. arid Mrs. George Cox told sos
sent there recently from San Diego, l an d Mrs GOO Rustad and 'Doris ! .......... ." was a supper were Sunday callers at the CloUd
• " ' i ueb ne ar, Plummer home Baker home.
where he has been stationed with Shepherd were Baker shoppers "rues- Saturday evening I Rev. F. N. Richert was an overnht
the U. S. Navy for several months, day. I Mrs. Ralph Srk reutrned Satur- gtmet at the Hennlng Steen home
'Teed remembered likes it to fine his many and wishes friends to here. be The storm Friday evening washed 'day from Wisconsin where she had Sunday.
I Robert Myers of Medora was a
visitor Monday afternoon of
For Representative
39th Legislative
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bowen of Har-
len, Iowa, arrived Wednesday for a
visit with friends and relatives. They
visited in Baker Friday and left for
Iowa on Saturday.
Clinton Bryson returned home on
Friday after a two weeks' visit Jn
Olendive with Mrs. Glen Manthy and
Mr. and Mrs. Cloud Baker motored
to Beech on Wednely where Mrs.
Baker had dental work done.
Mrs. Percy Bryon and Mrs. Bert
Hudson were Tuesday afternoon call-
ers at the George Rustad home.
Charles Otter Jr. arrived this week
from Pocaella, Idaho, to spend the
summer on the farm.
Bishop Q. D. Wrner wLll conduct
the last qtmrterly conference of this
year in he church this Friday the
12th at 8:00. He will also speak.
Solomon Caulker will speak In the
church Sunday, 14th, et 11:00 a. m.
Mr. Caulker is a" native frmn Africa.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rcet and
family motored to Sentinel Butte
, I hereY aunolme myself as a
]candidate for the office of Register
l of Deeds, County Judge and Clerk of
District Court, to be voted on at the
Primary to be held JUne 30tt, 1942.
' m ': I am making this announcemen with.
his F.T. LEMBKE the understanding that the present
" Hettinger, N.D. I am a candidate for representative/incumbent is not a candidate.
st- Uclge Lembke was appointed to the from the 39th Legislative District on f° I have been a resident of Beach I
e ehlp Ln 1919; was elected in the Republican ticket. Your vote and the past twenty-flee years, most
ns, l[ ,and re-elected in 1924, 1928, 1932 support will be appreciated at the of that time in the mercantile busl-
,ed || 1936 and is entitled to be re-iPrimary Electi°n °n June 30" 'ness,. I have also served as City
fltA this election. II EARLMarmarth, N. Dak.C" RUNIE Auditor for seven years, as District
'qrhat gal's gonna make a
swell wife for some
lucky guyl"
• "Some time ago she was smart enough to flgur
out that it takes two people to keep a car roiling--
a cardul driver and a skillful service num.
"So. she came in to see if we would help prolong
the life o her car and fires. I showed her our Car
Conservation Schedule and explained how cars are
bt to last well over I00,000 miles if thafre
oared for.
"Know what she said?,.. 'Okay, Mb.r--from
mw on we pamper this car. I'll bring it in weekly
you look it over and do what's neceawyP
- "... Smart gal--shCll be driving her car a long,
time. I like to help folks like her. BeHave me,
the guy who marries her is going to be lucky...
and I don't mean just because of the carF' *, *
]Uy Un/ted States War Savinp Bonds and Staml
to help guarantee victory. Remember, a nation on
wheeb is a stronger nation. Keep America a
wheeis--help win the war.
To make ywr car last long, mt'wdl, team
ep these two rt stbys--
GA$0LINE-e choice of midwest motorists by a
margin of 2 to 1" over any other brand.
•,. high in protective powers, low in carbon formation, famous
for giving long engine life.
oeeeo o ts va,te StArt r*z Ao me'FVON a*ra. 194t
Paul W. Boehm
Hettinger, N. Dak.
Judge of the
Distirct Court
Lawyer---States Attorney Thirty-five years experience in the
Terms and City Attorney Courts of North Dakota. Practice in
U. S. Court, State Supreme Court,
District and lower courts.
Will serve you faithfully and competently.
Voters of
,lden Valley
to take this opportunity to
that I will ,be a candidate
ffice of County Treasurer
" Valley County at the com-
try Election on Tuesday,
To The Voters of
Golden Valley
I hereby wish to announce my
candidacy for the renomination for
the office of County Superintendent
of Schools of Golden Valley County.
I trust .that my serv:ces have been
!satisactry to the people and if nom-
1942. j inated an delected I shall continue
e and supers at the corn-I to lfill the duties of that office
Election will be sincere- to the best of my abillty.
ed. i
Iv. LOUISE STOUT !Pd. Pol. Adv.
For Sheriff
to announce that I am a candidate for the office of
.Golden Valley County at the coming Primary Election
JUne 30th.
been a resident of Golden Valley County for the
*,ors, a taxpayer for 20 years. Have had several
rience in that line of work and feel that I am quali-
, lmsition.
nated and elected I promise to fulfill the duties of
githfully and economically.
School Clerk for four years and Se-
cretary of the National Farm Loan
Association for three years.
I feel that with these years of
varied experitnce I am competen¢ to
hold his important office and if elect-
ed will give the office my undivided
and conscientious attention.
Your support will be appreciated.
A. A. Abel
To The Voters Of
Golden Valley
I w].sh to announce that I am" a
candidate for the nomination to the
f office of Register of Deeds, Clerk of
Court and County Judge. I lve
never ran for a county office but
feel that I am well qualified for the
! position. I respectfully solicit your
t vote and support at the coming
l electton Tuesday, Jtme 30th and if
,nominated and elected will promise to
I glve you an efficient and economical
I term.
Your Vote and support will be
greatly appreciated. Jim Donaldson
Sixth Judical District
Hettinger, N. Dak.
Candidate For
58 Yrs. Old--Member N.D. Bar 31 Yrs,
Pal, PoL Adv.
Get This
• Check Compression
T/ghten Cylinder
3 Tighten Manifolds
4 Tighten Hose Connections
S Cleon Battery Terminals
6 ck and Adjust VoltaB0
Check Battery and Fill wltk
Adjust Dislributor Points
9 nnion Timl.s Ond
Set Octane SelK'hr
10 Check Ignition Coil "
] 1 c,k C,.sor
1 2 Clean andAcllust Spark PlggS
1 $ Ck Vacuum Conlrel
14 Check and Adjust Heat Cee
15 Overhaul and Aust Car
16 Adjust Valve Tappets
17 Adjust Fan Belt
1 Clans Ak Cleaner
19 Check Tire Pressure
20 Check Brakes
21 RaadoTsst for Economy
Replacement parts, If
tl@cCOsary. • )
W. C.Schulz, Dealer, Beach
i i I i i ii i I I II