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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 11, 1942     Golden Valley News
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June 11, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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# PAGE TWO THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 11, DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT SAM S NEW ARCADE Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN AND GLENDIVE, MONTANA Veterans of Foreign Wars HIS DIXIE LANDEIS ROLLER SKATING EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT ] I1[ I Ill I  " THE GOLDEN VALLEY "NEWS shoping and called at the Pederson wishes for many more years of Imp- ters, Edith, Lois and Alberta Mae, in this community. &   every Tumday a Beach, North Dakota. Entered as]homes, piness together, and Ed. Deitz were callers at the I The entire Crarner community ela matter at lm Postoice et Beach, Nort Dakota, October 7, I Carrel Meyer was among those who After the Ladies' Red Cross meet- I Joe Deitz and Fred Wassmann homes wishes to express its deepest sym" 1936. under 4e act of March 3, 189'/. { were on the sick list last week. ing at the Commercial Club-room I Tuesday. pathy to Victor Renstrom in the Un" Mrs. R. S. Eisenbarth went to Monday night, several men held a  Art Underwood and Olaf Orstad timely loss of his brother. Advertlalng rates fimd upon request, .  .01Cralen, Mont., Saturcay where sh meeting for the purpose of organiz-i left on Tuesday night for Minnesota. , pr Minn., Mort., and S. Dak, Elsewhere z, will enter the Sanitarium for treat- ing a school of deerme. There, Slim Clark was a caller in this n ice $2.00 in N. Dak., s ment She has a host of friends should have been more out for the community on Wednesday evening. } News (Edith BelD lived here mazay year,' ...... $250 REWARD Wibaux before moving to Glendive and have 'wn° are nopmg anu praying sne will meeting. The following officers were Mrs. Olaf Orstad entertained the many friends who wish them well in be able to return to her home in' appointed: W. C. Howard, instructor; Oolw Sunshine Society at her home Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hazelson and their new loca.tion, a short time in perfect health. C.E. White, chairman; R. S. Eisen- on Wednesday, June 3rd. Twelve childre and Mrs. Elsie Wllllams j E. B. Stair and son, Calvert, went John Conway, manager of the Fall- bart, comanander; Lawrence Hartse, members and four guests were pres-I autoed 4,o Glendive Friday. to Glendive Thursday where Calvert lerton Lumber yard. was taken to secretary; E. Swartz, police; E. B. ent to enjoy the lovely dinner served r A reward in the amount of will be paid to the person or p¢ Ed. Knoop was confined to his bed enlisted in the Air Corp. He and the Johnstone Memorial HospLtal in Sherman, fire chief and air warden. Jat noon. After which the meeting part of last week with a bad cold. his sister, Mrs. R. S. Eisenbarth, went!Beach Monday. Another meeting will be called soon was held. i sons who furnish information ieall. Clms. Dahl and son mle several to Pompey's Pillar Friday afternoon l At the annual business meeting of and everybdoy interested is asked to I Mrs. Laura Strahon is enjoying a lng to the arrest and conviction visit wit'h her s,ister, who is spending any person Or persons ught tzrips to Beach last week where Mr. to visit their sister, Mrs. Everett Good'the C. F. church held lust Tuesday attend this meeting, a few days at the Strahon home. ing livestock from any Member Dahl is having dental work done. and family. Mrs. Good accompanied evening the following officers were ' Mrs. F. F. Schmeling was on the 'the Medora Grazing Amoclatlon, Mrs. F. E. Elltott is visiting rela- him to Missoula. elected: trustees Earl Baker and Glen Garner tires in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The Sunnyvale Homemaker's Club Scaxnmon; deacons. Simon 'Hazelton sick list this week. I Medora Grazing Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Porter of me with Mrs. George Bass at her and l:tueben Amunrud; deaconesses i Mrs. H. L. Babcock and daughter, t Mr. and Mrs. John Stull were Sun- Betty, returned to their home in I Medora, North Glendive visited at the Dan Suther- home Tuesday. A good program and Msr. E. B. Sherman and Mrs. Bur- day visitors at the Ed Stull home Beach on Friday after having spent' land hmne Sunday. refreshments were enjoyed by all. ton Welsh; clerk. Mrs. Glenn Scum- in Beach. While there they ttended the past few days at their farm home Mrs. Dorothy Bergqulat and three John Trollope's barn was struck by men; reasurer, Mrs. George Hansen; daughters from Longvlew, Wn.. and li1tning last week. and  horse, pianist, Mrs. G. Scammon: assistant her sister, Mrs. Audrey Swanson and some grain and several sets of ha,- pianist, Mrs. Earl Baker, ttShers, son from Keiso. Wn., arrived Satur-ines s were burned with the building. Ralph Baird, Loren Watkins and day evening to visit their mother,  Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finkle and Russell Welsh; Sunday School Supt., Mrs. L. A. Woodhouse and other re- sons, Glenn and Donald, autoed to Simon Hazelton; asst. Supt., Mrs, Bur- latices and friends. I Bismarck Friday. it on Welsh; S. S. pianist, Lucy Scazn- Friends of Mrs. S, F. Peterson were i Mr. end Mrs. Slg Pederson and son men; and ass't, Kathleen Hazelton. eorry o hear that shortly after re- attended a birthday party in honor L. A. Westmoreland was asked to turning home from Billings where of Mrs. Perle,son's brother, Olaf Ab- remain for another year as pastor e bad peltt a two weeks' vaotton, 'r.ham, given by Mrs. Doblar a their of e parish. home Sundy. A ,fine dinner and a Nearly fifty members of te C. F. good visit were enjoyed by all. l church surprised Mr. end Mrs. C. A. Mrs. Robert Anderson was hostess Steele at their home Saturday eve- she wcldently fell down paxt of the cellar steps et her home. She was brulsed qult badly Qnd was m- pelled o rennin in bed severl days as a result of the accident, Mr nd Mrs. E. B. Stair and Mr, end Mrs. R. S. Etsenbarth returned from Bismarck Wednesday evening nere the llles went through %he Q1m2n and 19rastad Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. oienn McCebe have lln moved to ',the country where they I , are alsting the latter s brother, t Adrian Ge/ster, on ,the arm. I Sam Oarlson was in .town last week t from Billings clling on old friends.] Several from here atbended the special servl and dinner at St. Philip Sunday held in hclor of Rev. Pymond John Pepllrmkl, who Is the first young man, born t St. Philip, to be ordeined e 9rlest. Mrs. Forxest Roscoe and daughter left kmt "week for their home near Almlr, Wn. Their vt here was Shoaened When hey received word that Mr, Roscoe w fffering [rom Mrs, *art and daughter, Mrs. Ali0e onon and baby autoed to Olemiive Friday. MI,  Hall left lri. for Bozeman Where sh was joined by Mrs. Fred Relnecke and both went to Living- Iston to visit Mrs. Frank O2Keefe and other friends. They returned undey and report a very pleasant trip. Ted Sletten of Billings spen4 Sun- day with his mother, Mrs. Louise 81etten and his brother, Ray. May from here attended ,the sun- dey School oonventlon in Beth Sun- dy ternoon and evening and found It tO be instructlve and entertaining. Mrs. Bert Rogers and children came rozn Olendive Thursday to visit with friends. They expect .to leave this week for Superior, Wise., where Mr. Rogers has been employed for sev- eral months. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers to the C. F. Idies' Aid at the club house Thursday afternoon. A good crowd was present for the nice lunch and program prepared by the hostess, who was ably assisted by her daugh- ter, Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. George Zebel were nlng in honor of their wedding an- 1 I niversaxy. Altho very much sur- l prised, Mr. Steele set to town for ice cream, which with the lunch taken by the guests was greatly en- Joyed by all. AbOUt midnight the party broke up leaving a nice gift the show "Hellzapcspin". Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wa-ssmann and Carolyn and Walter Wassmann were Sunday evening visitors at the John Stull home. Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann and Carolyn and Dorothy Wassmann were Golva visitors Monday. Fred Wassmann and Art Under- wood attended the annual Garner school election held at the Randash School on Tuesday. Mrs. George Wassmann and 4augh- A DIAMOND IS A GOOD PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. Chernausek Rogers & Gumper gYS TF,rED-OLASS. FITTED Walton Block Dickinson, North Dakota GUY LEE A2PORNEY Sentinel nmte. N. Dk. KEOHANE & KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT LAW Phone 133 Beach. North Dakota DR. O. k. IE{E Dent BEACH. NORTH AKrrA DR. E. A. NYMAN Ohlropractor BEACH, NORTH DWOq?A New Location Downstairs office phone 61 - res. 1// W. It. SCHELL Attorney-At-Law Bh. N. D. Ioeat I tmss¢ from the north country Monday or Mr, and Mrs. Steele with best You May be Affected by War Restrictions on Telephones To halp oommrve vital war materied, fl has been nsry/or the Government to place additional restrictions on the installation and replacement of telephone service and equipment. We are ooperatg lly in the saving of materials needed in the war effort and, although the restrictions will ect many of our cus- tomers, we are doing our utmost to provide good telephone service. The effect ol the restrictiomt on requemt |or telephone service or equipment depends Upon the conditions and circumstances of each particular case. In most localities we still are able to install some type o{ service for people who move or want a telephone and our business office will be glad to furnish you full information. Giving us as much advance notice as pomible will help us to serve you better. NORTHWESTERN BELLTELEPHONE COMPANY t} " USED MACHINERY-CARS AND I) I} )} ....... LIVESTOCK INVESTMENT BUTTE DRUG Don't let poor health sap the pursuit of your am. bitions! Revitalize with chiropractic treatments. In many cases the cause of your lethargic health can be traced directly to a displaced spine. Come in for consultation with- out obligation. Many Ailments Can Be Cured By Your Chiropractor Dr. E. A. Nyman Lady Attendant Ground floor of McClellan Bldg. Phone 61 Some used combines priced righ00 One two.bottom John Deere Plow. Fresh milk cows. Two registered bulls. A number of others. Two 9-ft. Duckfoots. Good Shape. Some Good Pickups. i One 1937 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck. $ 0 00 OF CHAMBRAY AND SEERSUCKER $3.49 Make an in.vest-merit in coolness . . . wear this emart, eoW.going Emen- oda. Jacket is jaunty vest- type, with striped dickey and s/eaves, white buttons, and trim-stitching. Pleated dacks are tailored for fit with a zipper placket. A ."knockout" for looks-- o dream for washability! In Red and Blue. *" Sizes 12 to 20 DI( KINSON'S "Since 1907" SL[161tI'00 D'KII6 6OLDEN VALLEY HARVESTER C. C. Clark, Mgr. Beach, N.D. : Beach, rth