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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 11, 1942     Golden Valley News
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June 11, 1942
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g- z su ur a- to 000LUME vz G OLDEN BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 NUMBER d ,he e he )ld ral [rl- Vlr of. th nree Counties Represented At S. S. Meeting 'harles M. Fulton, for president; rs. Faith Menke, for vice president Itl¢l June Mills for secretary and easurer were elected a the Sun- School convent:on held at the church here Sunday, serve for :he year. /Directors for various activities are Mrs. Susie Final Clinics To Be Held Soon Parents: The third and final series for the immunization of diphtheria, Patriotic Sign Erected At Golva for children's work; the Rev. s S. Moore, high school bible l are requested [e and young people's work; the third "shot". William Cowan Boyd, adult k;, the Rev. FIG,x[ N. Richert, l ke:mC :ers training; Virginia Ha,,ey .acation With Pay |,imaux, Merit,, vacation school work; Off ed W k i; Bible reading, Miss Gwen- er or era re(  lrn Fulton. t __ very Sundy School in the three] A recent survey made by the U. S. atlties of Billings, Golden Valley, I: ,)rth Dakota md Wibaux county, Employment Office and county and Montana, belonging to the as-farmer organizations and shippers a. tion were represented a¢ thc lShoWs that hundreds of women and ntion, School Officers Meeting June 15 Can Anythng Be Done About It? The people of the south end of the county are doing some complain- smallpox and whooping cough will The town of Golva is showing its The School Officers of Golden Val- lng these days and if we had to • patriotism and honoring those who ley county will assemble for their i travel highway 16 we no doubt would be held at the following places. ................ have left for service with o, list of annual meeting, Monday, June 15'be d°ing thesame thing" s' The frequent rains tills veryone planning .o De nzuuunu sh wn lar - - - --"-* I" .... '-*^r  bY II a m names o on a ge Daczgrouna ,,,u_. uc ,0d: CUJune 15th " of red White and blue wPh a V at 9:30 a. m. in the County Court[tl . . _ ' prillg and Umva--ao y • - ' .... '- ' Room line lack of gravel has put the road ---, ..+o' ur.aav June at zne op in ne cenuer on an • ] n tough shape it being cut up to .... honor rol, ereca on ne sreel County President Mrs Edna Ham- such an xt nt ' ...... 2aoeh YhlYdr? a ullg: h" ! tte H tl ' "  e e m a ] ls a,most - 1'1 . . . n ' 1 mend of Golva will preside. Some of lvassibl e llwh?id:rF e JUnn: c 2aYe:lad s n ° : f - • a r the speakers scheduled or the day' Beach--o ......... ed for diphtheria and whoopingl frog. Those who are on the Honor I  1 p,e go a aste ot ougn are State Superintendent Arthur . travel when the- "-o ....... cough at the April and May clinics I Roll are. Lou:s Fasching, Ho|d I Thompson, Dean C. L. Woodward of y to  m erie au Hoyden, Arthur Clarin, Sherman !Dickinson State Teachers College, A. game at Golva last Sunday and to return for their i Ekre, Ralph Jacobs, Dayton Jendro, !R .Miller Sup't of Beach City Schools. everybody who has to use .the road Kermit Sheen, Rodney, Sheen, Ed-!A good number of officers were .in done to Improve its condition. ward Lorenz, Harold Zimmer, John lattendnce last year and it is expect- Howa'd, George Boelke, Tom Kirk-ed that more will be out this year. patrick, Delton Schmeling, Alex Sugul- ! There are many outstanding prob- la and Clarence Flnnevnan. Sixteen lems to discuss at this time and in all. Truly an impressive way with the' aid of our visitors we hope of honoring those who have left to reach some enlightments for the to fight for their country, next school year. . Mr. & K-oouba [Men.Bound Over are in hopes that something can oe Insure Now To Protect Crops The State Hail Insurance Depart- ment Manager has Just returned from a trip into nmny of the coun- Farmers Union Camp Will Open Sunday, June l.l The Sentinel Butte Civic club will be host to the Farmers Union Oap which will open up In their city Sundy, June 14th when some over 100 are expected %0 arrive there for the educational meetings which Will last five days. The camp is for Farmers Unoll leaders or prospective leaders of ocals who will attend the meetln whlch will cover present day problems, dee monstratlon classes, program plannin and craft work. Speaker, emter- telnment and fol games ace truing arranged for the evening The meetings Will be held In the Sentinel Butte Town Hall and the High School Bulldlng. The el Butte Civic club is mklng o mionen to ke the  on aa pee- onr of Runlma Coal Mine With Norman Runlon acting as  nd I ties in the State and reports that a tour of the Roosevelt Pet and men ,rid young people are needed a; I To Be Honored To District Court the assessors and county auditors the Sentinel Butte itself wl be . Ray. Brnm Jolmson, of James-once in the orchards of the Wen- ' are very optimistic as to the amount made. , superintendent for the state atchee end Okanogan Valleys in the I -- t of hail insurance they will write The group will be taken m of  Dakoba for the Aembly of State of Washington. On Saturday, June 20th, open house The four young men, Graham and this year, according to Commissioner at the Sentinel Butte hot .where , church, was an unscheduled' This district is facing the great will be held at the John Kou home Ernest Orr, Charles Hudeeek and of Insurance, Cscar E. Erickson. they will receive their bo a4Rd , peaker for the afternoon sos-lest labor crisis ever known, witli the grave possRility of losing a vitally in te Alph community honoring Clarence Wilson, .-charged with ag-- The Hall .Infftlrance season officially lodging which is beln tkm c ..... Mr. and Mrs. John Kouba on thelr gravated :assault, were bound over to got under way June 1st at 12 o'clock of by Mrs. Bert Waldahl. needed fruit food crop th DiStrict Court which meets here Noon and ,hundreds of farmers have A number of h October a supper conference will " riot are 50th wedding anniversary. At 4 p.m. e " ' al ' ot er .committees o }t  h..o . -  ...... +....I The farmers of this di . , + .... m , to Aluha hall where a next week on a preliminary hearing ready taken advantage of the pro- the Civic club  V. out t : ....................... etnd , n,,..h,n a  lM.t i appealing, to farmers, sch .ooi .teecnerS,]reetlo ne to . and 6 o'clock dinner will be conducted' ,before Justice of the ]Peace faction offered by  Departnent arraement to, entertain, thehf.  tt,.. .,, .. .. _ t,..,,* older people, tudents, aria om rs,. I .....  Tornow,/tt the Court House R31esday and have msured their crops. Re- and to rrmke them oonhl:d. i,TL*,,w,. ..,. .= ....., .a  f Wash .......... . -  -Y .....  -   Methndist church rome to Wenachee,_Stze o ............ a rre r,uba cam to Gold-]afterno0 The quartette waived ex- lrts, of. several hall storms have ing their five dy stay. ......... " ...... i ton ald hetp ¢artmg a out=, ... ................... aa-eaay oeen received by the De 7! ,. ,h meetings, the "ftornoo- anal ng,_ ,_. ,--'- -#'---'-- and av-les ]en Valley county from Prk River. arninatim,.and were put. under bn. d........* -,,^. +^ , .... ,,. " .Th .e a te.n.d _ithe .amp .wi::- /1 , were attended b- tltcity'. "s me mmnm o. v,,', . _. ,' fiN Dak in 1910 and 2rave since made They were*' la m cuscouy penamg "::"_'-- v-..,..., --,, .,,. nee m Senl Butte* Stm, F.@V-"  *. , i followed immediately oy o [ ,:_,_  ...... t,,. whe,, +he,, } satisfactory bends. .;rop conat.lons m tone entire! ning and will lee g:ftef " :I ' ''  cherries, apricots, pears end Ion s.- ner ,,, a,___.v-- - ,j: _a_ .  lleged assault occurred Thurs- State are especially gOOd, and Wherathe fol]aWln4 llday , - .... :** aekin season for me nomeswaaea. --aey ,vsu  x-a,-[ ......... it is ,--Ible ev ,',, farmer without I .......... "_.-_--'"A ..... ;,._ , s,,, -v, ..... -: -. .... -,^ =i,,o, ............. ,, .t vrs_ ...... arrtvtn_ there aa,y, nt wnen me zour, aecorumg ..w,--- : -a .. • ' I ane wm ue evenmg .=.. [_l I • . ,=.. leara end @pies las well ll] ........ a ',- in 1904 [to the J0ry told by Ben Pieralna, axe.ape}on, should protect, himself whlah th* palbli a tl. g18 um ne trauon NOVllal; Experience is no "1 .... "-' ...... .:'-'- ..... ittace*_ht wit31oilt wanling. Pier- affaln iO_ Of.. Ca'Op }y hail 'l - ' :t. "-- V -' " [sarY SaXl Wtges are excellent. ! "lalerc are e'i,, u,mn .,,, ., zina duuered in the court room with saYs the. tgommlsaioner, -particularly • # of Ore n is quot- family with all of them pmnnmg ........ du these t i tim " h | riP. DA k..lJ I....A 9. [ sm, McNary go _ ] ...... his arm n a sling.    W en every- I I...  € - 4L U IUt[:; l[11ZJ[ $:UiiHl:; z. | ed a U'ing that the Fuel and Ira:lie be lome z o[._Y wn.  The t,t hre was that of as- eye  pg p do h rt o ]aUlaU zut m vt tionir IMvtston of .the ornce oxlcomm from ammn _pn a.re_r'va.. sault only which would be . mis-  war. rmall g,rin ca'opsare very[ i,i ...... m -- 'Price Admiration had cited pro-[of Sisseton, S. D.; Mary na Joeepn- e- .... ,t Tu_d,v tl/ char- essential for the welfare of our boys[ |if&lll" | mwma "."t,zr, Zon Ior an men rn on A i of "-''"' ......   "- 'L.JeIMLg t,, ,1[,11, r aft. .... - ....... or vlslon of the Hatlonlng Act that[ine Of Trydall, S. D., and Ice w chanced ta tat of anvd ,in seroe, aa well as those at home] Ju .,: ,. aemuary , J: aim  . t th fo . ....... - ......... ,, -- : .... 'rlnit m'ee of mffflclertt gas toIseattle , Wn., while he o er ttr .... I,. --., ..... -., ... , .... .{dlIng war thue . l ww . w .m- :.o = ,., o. .... --" ""--° .... "" ....... --" " reJu i '-s' ahead °f m '°v'itwati' no alte-rtive' reslde in the Alpha ¢omm?i, h.vler nIty uln convlction. He__ neI200 ;  n ted " submit evidence • I ." Y  = h bee annot bY Brig. - ....... ,vailable IT 'am" -- ][ I lm:.=, • #-i later volume of covera-e tIs -ear ] The June m of court w' .  eber L.   D-_ ...... vacation  PaY. h Dogs Must ne ]bl- Will the County I,00o in 1941 in spite of he faction Wednesday June 1Tth at the O¢ldo k beenVeaIz;o al wrli.v;,z orchard dlsl is ml O • __ . . . _'_ __ / . Ithat the 11 business topped that' en Valley coun,y court houae,-X ,: i g the ,enter of one of the WorM's, B r I) " " Of the previous year by 200%, the Hen. l. L. Berry, prestdiag. t:e .the. 0righm..l  of J.mae . =test outdoor playgrounds. Fish- ] censed . July I Meet .uota Agaln:00al being about 3,000 policies in] A pet, jury  thtry perscms has Lnan..  ,Jt m'+n .Ior rne g=ff'am are exoellen*. Enjoy[ ,, v 11910 as against more than 9,000 in l bem mmunoned 4x)appear te mor- • ! --.gmwamn .muse me P-" th cIc wonderland and at the I The Beach city council met Thurs- Oolden Valley County's War Bond '1941. ing of June. 1Tth at.10:00 a. m. ,.: j,_zon m on #une. ,mn same time make big money. [dy night in a postponed session quota for the month of June is i ate Hall Insurance for this crop J. The zollowlng nave oeen sele0to d as ] .xox .ne regmrars ror eee.vJv= It is .not necessary to write thefro m Monday, June 1st in order that $23,000. lyear has ,been available since ApriIIJ ur°rs: • ie Reglstratlon are also el.ec1on ,.vonatche e Chamber of Commerce--lail bills might be presented. The The county met the May quota 1st and may be obtained up until[ Charles Ho!steln,..Tom _.anoth., . and many places ud ior . rOMEt Bring camping equlP-rearular monthly meeting night is th of $14600 by purchasing $1543750 in 5 o'clock in the evening of July J°e uxowsgl, tmarlas Wo0da  ,. mn are normally useo a ,,,+ ff rmssible We have every I frist Monday of the month but this Bonds !15th. Insurance went into effect on |Peter Rutz, Harry Hill, Erni, Wal- ittle of elections. - :'::::ne t gas for fruit workers j has been found impractical where "ThLs quota for June looks awfully'Winter Wheat and Rye at 12 o'clock| d°rf, Rudolph Ramstad, M. F.'Smth, t;',va ..Edwards also a,nno ...... be secured Help the frmerlMonday comes on the first, big' says county chairman Lee and No0n June 1st, and .on all other| R. F. Sarnuels, John C. A, A. ,t  will De neeessa to lOllOW .... " ,, ' ' , IUlus Arnold S. P 3v en and It . . .  -,-, '2od for Freedom . I Four renewals of liquor licenses, and its means that we need the coopera-, crops 12 o clock Noon, June 10th. | _ gr , . __ klent s Proclamation. on g  __ one for a beer license were brought tion of all the people In .the county t If a farmer insures early, and his A. Abel, : D Evans, P. A. Cook. P. ............... n : - . [up and approved, to do their utmost in order that w P ' g y ug ,I" men are to register on June cro is later dama ed b dro ht H. R. Thompson, all of Beach, Iver Ness Mrs O1 o P H orn amoa :tz ,ney are -[  I_&,. I The members decided to take up can realize he accomplishing of this :or for any other reason except hail, , . g Lardy, . . in the age group specified in l'r0clamaum: -ain the old ordinance, which had $23 000 quota." :he may withdraw his insuranoe be-[Wischow, Mrs. Laura Strahon, Thee. ' - [een laying dornmnt, unerdorced, for - Using the 1940 census of 3498 people fore 5 o'clock in the afternoon of J Knuick, Victor Renstrom, Alfred June I?th Dogs July ,g in the ag F0000lamation. i egistration will be held be- the hours of 7:00 a. m., and I our Government is asking two the past tefi years, for the licensing in Golden Valley county this would July 6th and be llabl only for the Reinholz and Joe Deit, all of en- tlnel Butte. Mosser, of Trotters; ML B. He.boom, of Alpha; E. R. Wentland, of WIt our and Dudley Fulton of Carlyle, nt. P. m. ithings of North Dakota; to furnlshlof all dogs. M@le dogs licenses to mean a quota of $8.57 for each man, short term rate. local board chairmen are now four quota of fighting men and to i cost $2.00 and females. $&00. Licenses womamad 'child in the cotmty. This arranemet for this Fifth furnish food for fighting men. TO would have to be applied for by July eounty quota, will buy two and one- Selective Service tlon., these requests of govermnenL 1st. half "peep" cars or two and one- t North Dakota is rescnding whole- Two granary permits were request- third "Jeep" ears, or one and one-half ooo ,or o* or ooo0000.* o*. Chlorate :trtbution which we in North Dakota lgranaries in the city of Beach. With locater, or two-thirds of an anti- 'can mtke, outside of furnishing men the lack of storage facilities for aircraft searchlight, or one-half of to the Army of the nation, is to put wheat it is likely tlmt m.ny old a light tank. or one-half of a pur- The new policy of granting fur- Kills Bindweed ov0: our power buildings, not now in use, will be suit plane, or 71 sub-machine guns, loughs o inducted men w:ll begin to help harvest and thresh the boun- remodeled for granaries, etc. on June 16. All selectees forwarded tiful crop which is now in prospect. I A new street light Wi!l be installed to the Induction Station so as to  bindweed-'-r "creeping jenny" No greater act of patriotic duy on Third Avenue between Simpson receive their physical examination on has been a common topic of can be performed by those ror and Crawford streets. ion in the last few weeks. Dakotans who are not in the armed! Mark P. Lovgren was appointed in- I specter for the first precinct and _1l patches may be controlled forces or are not dreC}Y engage i Mark Freesc inspector for the second 'ulically by the use of sodium in he defense effort t'han to eo 't2. The chemical should not our part in helping  save ths rroplprecinct at the Court House na llied at least before the blossom !or use of our armed forces. . --- r City Hall where the voting for the e. "Probably ,the most logical In order to systematize. ,.hls _00 r primaries will be done on e!eetlon 'f insuring a good kill," states :effort, so. that our avaflavle ]day, June 30. extension agent Lee, "is to and woman power maY be umu ! Leo Rising, of Oolva; during the summer, thus the fullest extent to help our farmers Need For. *Ae stand and then apply in their ,hour of need. the last alf of August I I, John Moses, Goveor of the; Corn of eptember." The next 'State of orh a "t mt;al should be pplied to claim Wednesday, July 1, as [ .rmo r S Civ'-rvice Commlsslon " ts showing up as soon as i REgiSTRAtION DAY l annmced "today that there is an i'ae up.  . - ...... ,akota plan for! ....  for a vast number of _rOl by cultivation is a longer una, er ;ne_..or_"a I ak that all [urgen "LSh with and without ex- " me have cultivated for Food for .vlcmry .... to do physical I pers°,ns_'_-  ,^  +rained for radio itizens wno are ,,, expenenc ,,u . oPars, and stir. have S, gOOd bor to signify their willingness '.tO lwor k in the U. S. Signal Corps. Both 'creeping jenny, txners ff bhelr : i bn able to control in two work in ,the haresf fie:,ds, vuntary men and :n?ye%,rm e q cslifiYon re; rvices are reuu,u ,, cnese po, --  The recommended way is to se ........ Golva Takes Open- er By 4.5 Score Rally Ruined gy or after June 16 will be entitled o its first game of ,the year at G01vo, be transferred to he Enl,isted Re- last Sunday and came home with the Rainy Weather scrv00 Corps and obtatu release for short end of a five to four score the period of fourteen dys. The not because of inferior playing but . ] Army will furnish transportation, because of misfortunes which At meals and lodging to the Reserve's them at unfortunate times. Dock of general interest, combined home and back to the Enlisted Rs- with rainy weather, brought only a serve Corp Headquarters. Any in.- Only three of the reguxar player few out for the Progressive Repub- ducted man who does not desire to of former Beach teams--Bob and lioan rally here Thursclay night, return to his home will be forwarded Ralph Jones and Art Nellerm Former congressman William Lem- direct from the Induction Statio to part in the game. Other player& ke, agoAn a candidate for congress the Reception Center. who made up .the team were Orrin after being out of office for two The selectees that will leave June Lovell and Harold Haistead 11o have yxs, and Targie Trydehl, candidate 18 are: seen service oocasionally in past yea for Commissioner of Insurance for Fred Dicklnson. Robert Schauers, and new faces 9n the line-up were: the state of North Dakota, were the Kenneth Sheen, Lyle Weinreis, George Bill Aldrich, Vie HLlden, Bill Ba&ley, only candidates at the meeting, al- Hildebrant. Harold Bellmont, regory Rex Gllmm% Joe Orundhauser aal hough others were schluled to be  .... w- rrlson Eddy Smith Art Boyd, the latter two being from .............. Medora Harla Cook Gee. Loebe [Frank Hudecek, Nels Otis Nelson . • . and also made %he rp transferred from Columbus, Mont., for observation and Stanley Victor Hilden transferred purposes. from Slsseton, South Dakota. The Golv ,team also presented Oecupational Deferment of RegiS-:some new faces but most of them present. Instead of speeches the candidates discussed political matters informally with those who attended. Cultivate about the first f registration for farm work. t Mechanic Learner, Signal carp Equip- trants ]have seen considerable servloo in then cultivate each time Our farmers have wholeheartedl_Y_ merit, t a salary of $1020 a year, no stems reach four or five entered into the Food for wcory experience is required. For the posi- Mrs. Hubble Enter- 1 Undoubtedly, the majority of the former years. lng, throughout the growing!program; their hours ha_re been ha tion of Trainee Repairman, Signal i ..... deferments granted for the planting I Golva collected two singles in the A cultivator with sharp wide and long. Men and women ,u ;to'to Corps Equipment, at a salary of $1440 tams nomelnaKers of the crop have expired or will ex- first inning which were wasted as hould be used The shovels Dakota ow have an OPl.m  -Y'-'e per year, applicants must have had sant Valle Homemakers pire soon. In cases where a defer- they produced no runs. Soorin of • i unt and tne:r sa be .t least 12 or 14 inch. serve their co ry ' . . experience in some branch of radio The Plea y' ":ment was granted so that the regis- runs began in the fourth when Beach ira on should be round and :hy placing first things, f nt thnCic:l work. Appoint to .'hese positions held their regular June meeting on trant could seed his crop, the regis- ut three runs across on three hits le arch and shovels should 'responding with a wm m " e will be paid the above salaries while June 3rd tt the Harry Hubble home. 'tran mus certa:ny have known and two rrors. Bill Aldrich reached d  efore .moving to the nex for help to the farmers olour sa being trained. Persons with 1-A draft There were 10 members presenL and t'hat he was only deferred for a'first on an error and advanced when By cultivating this way for With such help I have iam u classification are eligible and w'll be five absent. We were honored with sufficien length cf t',tme in which to Rlph Jones also was safe on an- !plant the cop. Therefore, this type other rror. Bob Jones came ulw with years the balance could he effort of our farmers will not placed in the Enlistment Reserve of two visitors. by applying chemical to be wasted and that otr crops cau the Signal Corps. These appointees In the absence of the president the of registrant is at the present time a two base hlt which sent Bill nd and will be harvested and threshed, will retain a civilian status with civi- meeting was called to order by vice:in no position to request that the Ralph across with two runs. Suc- Dlants. on letting ,the plants Given under my hand and the lan pay until he completion of the president Blanche Wakins. After the deferment be extended, as he was de- cesive singles by Hilden and Nellero to 4 or 5 inches before, Is Great Seal of the State of North course. Age limits for both positions business of the club was disposed of, ferred to accomplish a specific under- moe brought Bob across the plate this stage of growth plant Dakota, at my office at the Capitol are 16 to 50. Full information re- Mrs. Welsh gave a report on the taking, which has now or will soon with the third run of te inning. drown on the suply stored in the City of Bismarck, ,North Do- garding these position may be obtain- county council meeting, hay been completed. In the major-I Golva came back in thetr half With roots, ,thus gradually weaken-'kota ' hls 6th day of June, A. D., ed from the Secretary, Board of i Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. Alguire gave ity of cases, fine deferment should one run when the first misfortune Civil Service Examiners, et any first a very interesting 1 ,,ee on "Home not he extended, as registrants knew, overtook Beach. Rex Gilman Beech Pla. ]1942. JOHN MOSES or second clas post office, from the Canning ad Storing of different lwhen they were deferred to lant,third. baseman €ripped u the bag Mrs. Harold Kock and over. [local office U. S. Employment Sex- foods. 'only, that other amnrgemets were and fell I AT Eith The ne meeting will be t the made ]vice. or from the Manager, sun- : s. own Post z: of Olendive were "  .O.. at the Bud Koch home i  [St, [IL-,e, ." .Z. € .... ..... ":, • : - :. - . % l