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June 10, 2021
Golden Valley News
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How do scammers know so much?
Do you ever wonder how scam-
mers know so much about you? There
are several ways.
Do you frequently enter contests?
Not only do marketers collect infor-
mation like your name, age and ad-
dress, they may learn other things
about you as well, AARP North
Dakota says.
Do you mail in warranty cards?
Many warranty cards request per-
sonal infermation like how much
money you make. It is likely that your
information is being sold to others, ei-
ther legitimately or as part of a scam.
Do you fill out surveys? Did you
recently fill out a questionnaire rating
your stay at a hotel or the service at a
restaurant? Selling survey data is big
business, and marketing firms and '
evencriminals can learn a lot about
you based on travel preferences, what
type of home you own, or what car
you drive.
Do you share personal updates on
social media? Scammers turn to so-
cial media postings to learn more
about those they target. Be cautious.
Don’t post personal information, nar—
row who can see your posts, and
avoid posting real-time updates about
your whereabouts.
Don’t just toss your mail in the
garbage. Shred mail that has your
name and address, account numbers,
or other personal data. If you don’t .
have a home shredder, save your pa-
pers for a neighborhood shredding
Obituaries are prime hunting
grounds for scammers, who learn the
names of vulnerable widows, widow-
ers, children or grandchildren. Keep
personal information in obituaries to a
Finally, many public records are
available at the federal, state, county
and city levels, including census data,
property information, criminal
records, bankruptcies, and tax liens.
Private companies can pull together
all this information on you and sell it
to anyone, and it’s 100 percent legal.
If you think you have fallen victim
to any type of scam, call the AARP
Fraud Watch Network Helpline at
877-908-3360 for guidance and sup-
port, or visit the AARP Fraud Watch
Network at
United States has outgrown federalism
When the Articles of Confedera—
tion proved inadequate for dealing
with the critical problems left after
the 1783 armistice with England, the
leading colonists advocated a na-
tional meeting of colonial delegates
to amend the Articles.
After several years of jerks and
starts, the 1787 convention came to
order and 55 delegates worked
through the steamy Philadelphia
summer to negotiate solutions for the
weaknesses of the Confederation.
The creation of federalism by
granting specific powers to the fed-
eral government and reserving all
other powers to the states worked
quite well for the first decades when
horse-and-buggy was the means of
transportation and most business was
As time passed, the Supreme
Court was asked to take a second
look at the traditional interpretations
of the commerce clause, the general
welfare clause, equal protection
clause, among others. So the defini-
tion of federalism has been expanded
to deal with new unforeseen prob—
lems arising out of nationalization of
the country.
However, the American economy,
society and culture have become so
national that the fragmentation of a
1787 federal system no longer serves
the people adequately. The structure
of the goVerri‘hE‘nt oughtho facilitate,
rather than delay or obstruct the pros-
perity and happiness of the people.
At the present time, groups have
come into existence with the goal of
GOII gadgets that can help
Dear Savvy Senior,
Do you know of any golfing
equipment that can help older
golfers? My dad, who’s 76, loves to
play golf, but‘arthritis in his hands
has made griping the club challeng-
ing, and his fragile lower back makes
stooping over to tee-up or retrieve
the ball a problem too. Is there any-
thing out there that can help?
Golfing Buddy
Dear Buddy,
There are actually a wide variety
of adaptive golf equipment that can
help older golfers who struggle with
injuries, arthritis or loss of mobility.
Here are several golfing products that
may help with different needs.
Gripping Solutions
Gripping a golf club is a very
common problem for seniors with
hand arthritis or those who have hand
or elbow injuries. To help alleviate
this problem there are specially de-
signed golf gloves and grips that can
make a big difference.
Two of my favorite gloves are the
Bionic Golf Gloves (Bionic- that have extra padding
in the palm and finger joints to im-
prove grip. And the Power Glove
( that has a small
strap attached to the glove that loops
around the club grip to secure it in
your hand. These run between $20
and $30.
Another option is to get oversized
grips installed on your dad’s clubs.
These can make gripping the club
easier and more comfortable and are
also very good at absorbing shock.
Oversized grips are usually either
one-sixteenth-inch or one-eighthi
This could be YOUR AD!
This space could include your logo, picture, name, and
contact info, plus details about your services and products.
An ad this size runs in all multi-day weekly N.D. newspapers
for $700 or less! (full state and regions also available.)
By Lloyd Omdahl
changing the Constitution. A num-
ber of states have signed on to the
proposal to have two-thirds of the
state legislatures call a constitutional
convention. Other folks want to junk
the Electoral College for direct elec-
tion of the president.
Then there are others that want to
reverse the Supreme Court decision
declaring corporations people for
purposes of contributing to cam—
paigns. Another group wants a con-
vention limited to adding an
amendment requiring a balanced
budget at the federal level.
Support and oppbsition to all of
these convention proposals has been
bipartisan with the John Birch Soci-
ety and the Eagle Forum against and
the conservative American Legisla-
tive Exchange Council in favor.
States have been so divided on the
proposals that they have been with-
drawing their consent as fast as new
supporters have appeared.
Most of the dialogue about forc-
ing a call of various conventions is
not relevant to the greater question of
redesigning the national government
to manifest the national complexion ,
of our economy and society. National
issues have become more important
than state issues.
The failure of federalism is well
documented by our recent experi-
ence with the muddled management
By Jim Miller
inch larger in diameter than a stan—
dard grip, and cost around $10 per
grip. You can find these grips and
have them installed at your local golf
store or pro shop.
Or, for a grip-and-glove combina-
tion fix, check out Quantum Grip
(QuantumGripcom), which incorpo-
rates Velcro material recessed in the
golf club grip and a companion golf
glove that has mating Velcro material
in the palm. Cost: $25 per grip, and
$40 a glove.
Upright Tools
For golfers with back, hip or knee
problems, there are a number of dif—
ferent tools that can eliminate the
repetitive bending and stooping that
comes with playing golf. For exam—
ple, for teeing up ,the ball without
bending over, consider the Tee-Up
Foldaway by Zero Bend Golf. This is
a 34-inch long-handled tool that has
a trigger-style handgrip and a jaw
that holds the ball and tee for easy
placement. It costs $70 at ZeroBend— ‘ V
For other stoop-proof tee-up solu-
tions, see the Tee Pal Pro ($70, and Joe’s Original
Backtee ($25, and Upright—
Golf .com also offer ball pickup tools
and magnetic ball marker products
that cost under $15.
Or, if you just want a great all—
around golf picker—upper, consider
Contact the
N.D. Newspaper Assoc.
or your local paper about
the 2x2 network:
701 423-6397
Your name
and contact info
of COVID-l9 at all levels of govem—
ment. President Donald Trump put
federalism to the test when he dele—
gated the COVID-19 pandemic to
the states.
States became enemies as they
tried to outbid each other for medical
supplies needed to fight COVID-19.
Then the federal government got into
the act and was competing with the
Responses to the pandemic varied
radically from one state to the next.
Some states closed their doors to out-
of-staters. Masking rules were in-
consistence, with governors fighting
local governments.
It would have made a great road
show but the cast was too big.
It would be funny except some
experts estimate that federalism and
its implementers caused 300,000 of
the COVID deaths.
A federal system spawns a lot of
piecemeal policy. Because federal-
ism requires the mobilization of a
high level public support, processes
are slow and cumbersome.
But just as in the days of the Arti—
cles of Confederation we are now
faced with problems that are not
being solved in a federal system.
It will take a national government
to develop universal health care, to
cope with earth warming, to respond
effectively to natural disaster, to fi-
nance the infrastructure, to secure
equal rights for all, and to cope with
unforeseen crises.
All of these will require a greater
sense of community.
older golfers
the Graball GrabAll Jaw — sold
through for $10 for a
package of two. It attaches to the
handle end of your putter and chip-
per and is designed to pick up golf
balls, flagsticks, putters and green
side chippers.
Reflective Golf Balls
If diminished vision makes locat-
ing the ball challenging, Chromax
golf balls ( can
help. These are reflective colored
golf balls that make them appear
larger and brighter. Cost: $10 for a
Easy Carts
There are also ergonomically de-
signed golf carts that can help older
golfers tote their clubs around. the
course. If you like to walk, Cad—
dyTek ( and Clicgear
( has a variety of
three and four-wheeled push/pull
carts that are highly rated for func-
tion and foldability. Costs typically
range between $150 and $300.
Or, for severe mobility loss, the
SoloRider specialized electric golf
cart ( provides the
ability to play from a seated or stand-
ing-but—supported position. Retailing
for $10,500, plus a $600 shipping
fee, this cart is lightweight and pre-
cisely balanced so it can be driven on
tee boxes and greens without causing
any damage. Federal ADA laws re-
quire that all public golf courses
allow them.
Send your senior questions to:
Savvy Senior, PO. Box 5443, Nor-
man, OK 73070, or visit SavvySe- Jim Miller is a contributor
to the NBC Today show and author
of “The Savvy Senior” book.
The Prairie West Development
Foundation office will be
closed from Monday, June 14
through Monday, June 21 and
will reopen Tuesday, June 22.
Gov. Doug Burgum renders remarks at the sendoff ceremony honoring 225
soldiers of the North
Dakota Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 1.88th Air Defense Artillery
Regiment, at the Alerus
Center in Grand Forks, June 5. (Courtesy Photo)
N.D. Guard members leave fOr mission,
soldiers of the North Dakota Army
National Guard’s lst Battalion,
188th Air Defense Artillery Regi-
ment were honored June 5 at a send-
off ceremony at the Alerus Center in
Grand Forks in preparation of a
long-year mobilization to the na—
tional capitol region.
Addressing the departing soldiers
were the commander-in-chief of the
North Dakota National Guard, Gov.
Doug Burgum, US. Sen. John Ho-
even, US. Sen. Kevin Cramer, Maj.
Gen.'Al Dohrmann, North Dakota
National Guard adjutant general and
Command Sgt. Maj. Eric Bindstock,
North Dakota National Guard senior
enlisted leader. The unit is com-
manded by Lt. Col. Walyn Vannur-
den and the senior enlisted soldier is
Command Sgt. Maj. Russell Garrett.
“This is the 12th mobilization for
the 1_-188th ADA since 2004, mak—
ing it the most-deployed unit in the
North Dakota Army National
Guard,” said Burgum. “We are
deeply grateful for their courageous
service and sacrifice, and we ac-
knowledge and appreciate the in-.
credible service and sacrifice of their
families as well. North Dakota
stands in strong support of these
families and our soldiers as they ful-
fill their duty to protect our nation
and our most cherished freedoms.”
Their mission involves collabo-
rating with other Department of De-
fense agencies forming the
integrated air defense system pro-
tecting the airspace around the
Washington DC. area. The soldiers
will contribute to Operation Noble
The air defenders supported the
Operation Noble Eagle mission
twice before - from July 20l3 to
April 2014 and March 2017 to Feb—
ruary 2018. Soldiers from this unit
deployed to Kosovo as part of a
NATO peacekeeping mission, six
times to Afghanistan and twice to
The North Dakota National
Guard also has about 70 soldiers as—
signed to Company C, 2nd Battalion.
285th Aviation Regiment, serving in
the national capitol region. They de-
ployed November 2020 and are ex—
pected home later this summer.
Funding allows North Dakota to
enhance its rent relief program
BISMARCK — In the final days
of the recent North Dakota legisla-
tive session, lawmakers authorized
access to almost $352 million in
federal resources to transform the
state’s Emergency Rent Bridge into
a more comprehensive rental assis-
tance program.
Called ND Rent Help, the pro-
gram will aid more North Dakotans
with the goal of helping restore their
economic well-being and housing
1 Phase one of ND Rent Help was
Free Alzheimer’s virtual presentation set,-
DICKINSON The Alzheimer’s
Association will offer a free virtual
presentation titled Effective Commu—
nication Strategies.
This presentation will take place
on Thursday, June 17, from 1 — 2:15
pm. The webinar is free and open to
Jerkovic selected
to Jamestown
Dean's List
Jerkovic of Beach has been selected
to the University of Jamestown's
Spring 2021 Dean's List for main-
taining a semester GPA of 3.50 or
Kubik named to
Dean's List at DSU
DICKINSON Cheryl Kubik of
Sentinel Butte has been named to
Dickinson State University's Dean's
List for the 2021 spring semester.
Eligible students must be enrolled
full-time and must earn a 3.5 GPA or
implemented June 1, 2021, and re-
places the state’s Emergency Rent
Bridge. According to the North
Dakota Department of Human Serv—
ices, this new, enhanced program
can now assist households at higher
income levels and for a longer pe-
riod of time. The program’s income
eligibility was increased from 60%
of area median income (AMI) to
80% of AMI, which equals an an—
nual income of up to $80,000 for a
family of four depending on the
county in which they are located.
the public. Registration is required.
This project is supportedby funding
granted through the North Dakota
Department of Human Services,
Aging Service Division.
Call 1-800-272-3900 to register
for the class.
RELATING TO enforcement of fed-
eral out of service orders in order to
comply with the Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration’s Motor Carrier
Safety Assistance Program grant.
North Dakota
Highway Patrol
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed changes to the N.D. Admin.
Code 38.04.0102 at'
NDHP Conference Room
State Capitol Building
600 Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND
Tues., July 6, 2021
2:00 pm. CDT '
Acopy oi the proposed rules may be re—
viewed at the office of the North Dakota
Highway Patrol. 600 E Boulevard Ave.
Dept. 504, Bismarck. ND 585050240.
A copy of the proposed rules and/or a
regulatory analysis may be requested
by writing the above address, emailing or calling 701-
328-2447. Written or oral comments on
the proposed rules sent to the above
address or telephone number and
received by Monday, July 19, 2021 will
be fully considered. If you plan to attend
the public hearing and will need special
facilities or assistance relating to a dis»
ability, please contact the North Dakota
Highway Patrol at the above telephone
number or_ address at least 5 days prior
to the public hearing.
Dated this 3rd day of June 2021.
Colonel Brandon Solberg
The assistance terms were also ex—
tended from six months to up to 12
To participate, at least one mem—
ber of the household must have
qualified for unemployment or have
experienced a reduction in income
during the pandemic and be behind
in rent or at risk of homelessness or
housing instability. Households with
incomes below 50% of AMI will re—
ceive priority. Renters can begin the
application process at https://porta——rent.
your local
Standards and
Practices Board
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed adoption to the
ND. Admin. Code 67.1.02-02. 674—0203.
67.1—0203-07. 67.1-02-03. 674-0204.
67.1-02-05. 67.1—02-06.
Education Standards
and Practices Board
2718 Gateway Ave.
Suite 204
Bismarck, ND
Wed., July 7, 2021
3:00 pm. CT
A copy of the proposed rules may
be obtained by calling the lfdum‘ilion
Standards and Practices Riléli‘d (701)
328-9641. Also. written comments
may be submitted to 2718 Gateway
Ave. Bismarck ND until July it), 2021.
If you plan to attend the public hearing and
will need special facilities or assistance
relating to a disability. please contact the
Education Standards and Practices Board
at the above telephone number or address
at least 3 days prior to the public hearing.
Dated this 28th day oi May 2021
Rebecca 8. Pitkin. PhD
Executive Director
Education Standards and
Practices Board