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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 9, 1932     Golden Valley News
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June 9, 1932
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~9. 1932 ~ BEACH, N. D.. A])VA~ .RS" COOLLY OP£N$ IAT[ fiN[RAt_ N[W$o ......... • , , ~. ~. ~wneaa ot 2Totters District court ! Mrs Florence Meeks and~wo boys I Mrs T ................t ~ POVERTY FLATS ! BRIEF NEWS J came from Buena, Wash., last week fwa ..... 7: . .... I convenes next Iv SlAT[CAMPAIGN land will visit with Mrs. Meeks' fa-~ ~ ~e~n ~zslcor 'l'uesday. Tuesday with Judge Pugh 9resid- Ervin Ueckert. Reporter ::dit---- ........... :?/thor and mother, Judge and Mrs.[ ~- ling. The calendar is one of the A . ...................... E "tor and Mrs. James Cromer',/Kastien .... | Mrs. Carl Sperry gave birth to a lzmallest in many years and court L SI ~~?.fS~IU~DA~ anda carload of friends from Mar-, ---- [girl on June 2nd at the Beach hos. lwill be over in all probabillt b . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith went ~, marth, were in Beach Sunday [ Last week Mrs C O Carlson J pital l t~- -" - :" - ' Y Y co ~each last Tuesday to bring i morning enroute to Olendive to see /drove down to St.' Olaf's "college at ...... . _ ne ena oI me weeg. . ] home their daughter, Marie, who I a ball game between the players of Northfield, Minn., to get her daugh- I • arrived in Beach on number four i that town and Marmarth's crack ~eAVlS. at the close of that school. I NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING irom walla Walla, Wash. Marie l team. . y returnea nome yes~erctay. I ~ ~$ rO!~SON has finished a high school course, -- ____ | Notice kshereby given that the regular artd ann3aal meeting of the S Y in Walla Walla, and graduated last t MAss Louisp 7,rm~ ~.t.v.~ hnm, .Commander Byrd has, _bought theJ ~°CDk.h°nld?~: ~fOthe Beach .Co,-Ol~raLlve (]rain Co.:~l~ll be held in Beach, • o ~rE.~a u~ flyer not having been heard of !~unday She ls going to spend her last Thursday -from Tuttle, this o~1 geoaeuc survey stop gear xrom l a~"2 p M --~ ~n oI ~ne qourt House on 9rtlesday, July 12th, I~82, -THE ISSUES the government for another polar l -."--" - | =,'~ cruise Forty odd years ago the AdII ~ecuon of two directors fzst~rthrar~rn~cethree Ye , amending articles of fR- vance'man made ~' trip to Alaska ~ corporation to increase capital st k an rticle No• 12 relating to eon- theBear, so the old tub mUSt be toilngent capital fund also to flx ro r a dividend per bushel a d suc~ thi~ is the open season for thor business as mar . , - !--- ?---- n the hunting in this vicin- mope oI good stuff, dividend checks will ~e ~t~Yte~IlrbefOre the meeting. Interest mad[ !" .., ., , :. i'. : .' ":BUY YOUR fleES :NOW , il THEJTAX GOES INTO EFFET JUN[ 21ST. ' Speedway Casings i i Pit:!f:"der' 6 Ca£gs ;ii:i z I i!iioi!il Red Husky 'rubes- 6gc to 90c a ..... Lyon, with Mary camps. • . Mi~.s H~ttie and Marie Ueckert and e"~u otner super stars as state party to oe Known .... Mr Elmer Erdm~nn " SiX" tioth " - in:"~pialn'" ano" yen-" • ~ci_.This committee will as tne oefferonian Democracy n~, Eleanor Veckert Miss Marie ""~-J welc°me t° all N°rth ~°een D°rn in this s~ate ~° suPp°rg "Ueckert Miss Mac Smith Mrs Ben ' m~ o~~ ~- WhO take in the Olvmnic ~ne candidacy of Halvor L Hal-~ .....n~* ~h~m~ ~nn,.~n " ~en chrome at advance in price " "- vor " ; .~, ....... 1 .............. n, He, son of Minor for U SSenator I --~ =::.,. ~,^.t.~, =lrner Erd R~- , W. E. Cooke of Harvey and W. D. t mann and Carl Ueckert attended • ~'~'AIRING B . ~ J~yncn of LaMoure zor confess, in nti 1 Butte last UILDING I ........... r the ball game Se ne . anct To,mas wasey oz ulczmson zo ~-nda-afternoon --- :', BEACH, N. D. .~I1, owner of the build- governor. Lynch was nominated f.or This community was sorrowfully corner of Grantand i congress by the regular Democrauc I grieved .by the sudden death of Mr. e o psi • , convention as well All the o~ners;- • pp te the Chris ....... " . _ _~Frank Hill last Sunday afternoon evelabm and Prmti is on the regular tlCKel: are enoorceo II ha • having the structure b .... ' " ~ about five o'clock. Mr. H'I Ford Speigelberg The y ~ne oefzersomans~ been ailing for several years with at the rear has been The lower house at Washingtonheart trouble but was always up part of a new frontpassed by a large majority Tuesday and around. Last Friday he took - With the Interior re- the Garner bill appropriating S2.- a sickness of a differen~ nature Place will make a fine 300.000.000 for public works and era- and it is from this that he died. some business, thereployment relief under gag rules the ille was about 80 years old and one that it will be pc- most severe for many sessions. The of the oldest settlers of the corn- Whom it not stated, bill gives an additional billion to munity ~ad county. He always the reconstruction finance corpora-I -- took active part in all county affairs works for you. ABOUT er for immediate relief of distress. , The Senate has its own relief mea- sure and if any such bill is finally agreed to it will be a compromise and pro- between the two. the man l A record crop of beets is predict- led for Montana this year. drink. It Smith W, Brookhart. the radical and erratic Iowa senator, went down to defeat for nomination, be- tion to broaden its base for loans, l uo until the last few years. The more than a billion for a public neighborhood extends deep sym- works program and $100,000200 to !pathy to the bereaved family for be administered by President Hoov- the loss of a husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ueckert were pleasantly surprised Iast Monday night when MisS Myrtle Berg and Mr. Carl Crippe of Velva, N. Oak.. drove in the yard. They will visit for a week or so before continuing their journey. ing beaten by a popular seedsman named Field in the state primary last Monday. Chili in South America turned its government out in one revolu- tion and now the new regime is threatened by a counter revolution to restore the former government. d t'~e living always fools ~ith whiskey. "I do not eye.". drink. nk. ~aan fired and the last Is ~he man who drinks, makes a man sneak alley while others go we re- in ev- against booze while are for it? is Sold uncler pro- want really man who only, he is in pos- but whose been impair- United States. 25 and universities in- lment from 156.286 in 1930--an in- Percent in 10 years. POpulation was on- Prohibition "and helped send people to col- Just suppose been spent for back booze What kind we increase drunk- highways, we more M. P. Lovgren Jeweler WhoninNoo " Mesh/ OF DEPENDABLE HARDWARE COME IN A. D SEE US. THE BEST ~AsSOIT~ED STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THIS SECTION OF THE STATE. "FL~ i)l~D" PER PINT, 30c. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LET THE FLY BUZZ AROLrND NOW. ON~ 6-()Z.CA~N'~ : OF FLY DED AND ONE SPRAY ALL FOR 29c. SMART ALL STEEL WITH BACK REST KITCHEN STOOL $1.12. LARGE SIZE SPUNGES JUST THE THING FOR CAR WASHING 12c. / REAL QUALITY 6-1N~[~ePLIERS, 15e. 2 BOXES 22 SIIOR~~q~ARTRIDGES, STANDARD QUALITY, / 12X21 S~AMO~ POLISHERS ONLY 59c. CORD I~I~T GARDEN HOSE, 5c PER FOOT. THE BEST HOSE VALUE, WE BAR NONE. O "v- w:.v:.v w.'..'. ~:i:i:'~::!. z~::::::::- "E':%':?: STANDARD WOOL SACKS, 45c. AND A THOUSAND AND ONE VALUES YOU WILL"FIND WHEN YOU VISIT OUR STORE. ~ ~: They are one of the new thrills of the summer season! Don't wait 'til doctors, more and more that the kin@ of SHREDDED WHEAT BEACON COCOA.. WAX or GREEN BEANS SALAD DRESSING Kraft OId-Fashion~l goil~l • • BUTTER CUPS New Ghtdae RolI Fine Table Granulated • • 19c ,,) Pom~d • " ~.. 25c •.. 25c ...... PEI| PI' (; Lbs. LB B %{ $5 lO - • ~ ......................... ,o WATERMELONS, Florida, per lb. 7 I-2c CANTALOUPE, each 14c CHERRIES, per lb. 19c TOMATOES, 2 lbs. for 35c ~J, iehwhat ab0Utdo theythe, the weather, is really too hot to CALUMET BAKINC POWDER 25c firStever read17 amend; ,them. HARDWARE & JOHN DEERE IMPLEMENTS discover their breezy coolness.., SUGAR WAFERS e~ 19c by Beach ; KOOL-ADE BEVERAC~: ~,:L,,~ ,,=~,~, 9c ') Panties and Step-Ins, fitted front S P I N A C H Sa.~ Ca,~. :,,~, ~:~z 15C and back, flare bottom, NORTH DAKOTA NggDS J. H. rOE [OR HIS Ills RECORD IS ,OO Advertisement) IN ~CONGRgSS °" ........................... White Eagle So~ i ~0~"21C