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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 9, 1932     Golden Valley News
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June 9, 1932
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la01YR , I ALLpARTIES DEMOCRATIC TICKET U. S. Senator-- P. W. LANIER, jamestown. Congressmen--- 11. B. MURPHY. BismarcK. VV. D. LYNCH, LaMoure. Governor--- T H, C; DePt Y. Grafton. .... RAN~VOLD A. JOHNSON, Mtuot~ • • Attorney General- : SCOTT CAMERON, Bls- naarck. Secretary of State--- b STANLEY CASEY, Rug Y, State Treas~lrer--- WILLIAM M. SH,%NTZ, Bismarck. Com'r of Agriculture and + Labor-- JOHN M'GILL. l.isbon. . Commisaloner of Railroa~ls-- ! A.:'L, ~HAPMAN, Mohall. State AuditoP-- MRS. ~l~'. E, HoOPES, Car- ' rlngton. : Commissioner of Insurance- : iiARRY BENNER, Diekin- " t on Stx~L, Of Public l~nstrue i 7-- &. E.. THOMPSON, Wasn- ..... + _ i - I$$1] TICKET or',r~ ~erstown. in- CUre.ant. Congressmen-- J. H. SlNC~I~ Kenmare, Incumbent, U. L. BURDICK. FargO. Governor-- L J. MOE, .Valley City. L|eut. Governor-- FR~D CUTHBERT. Devils Lake, Secretary of State-- ' ROBERT RYRNE. Arne- Kard, incumbent. State Treasurer .... AL~D DALI~ Bismarck. State Auditor-*- MI~. BERTA BAKER, now State Treasurer, Dismarck. At~to~'ney General-- • ~AX WINHEK, Ashley. Commissioner of Insurance~-~, S. A. OLSNEN$. BismarcK, I~cumbent. Com'r of Agriculture and Labor -- JOHN HUSEBY, Finley. (~ommissioner of Railroad,~-- BEN LARKIN, Bismarck, , ~neumbent. +Supt. of Public ~Instruetion-- No endorsement. COENTY CANDII}ATEM For Auditor--- A. A. ABEL. CHARLES CHRISTIANSEN MINNIE E. SMITH. l~0r Treasurer-- EDNA J. ALGUIRE. FRANK FAIntER • ELLA C. GASHO. NIN.~k KIRST. E. &. LIVERMORE. GR&CE RAISLER. ~0r States Attorney-- SCHELL. ~erlntendent-- A. WITZIG. :ourt-- Jus~ ice-- ~F,A~H, l~. D.. ~V~ THURSDAY J~,-1932 wen~ up from the throats of the colors the golden hue of the first of the house of Knezevieh. gr~dv cl~ss" rays, and for the other, the red hue Lucille Rose, of the house of -,:i.o:if doth ha n that of courageous blood And they did kowsm. . . .... ppe _ !_ blend together the gold with the Russell, whose surname is ~°:r~u~eta~r2anmYuac~YS~e~:Pf maroon, to proclaim unto the Clenahen. ~ _ ......... world that they did ever mean to Rex, son of Marshall of ~ I many aOllS~rs wnerevnm ~o provloe ~o h.o,,o ~,~.~ ...~¢i,,o .~. ~,~a n~ ~ill~ ~ " • i ht ........... v---~ ....................... " " something by which we m g be • "a '¢ Following are the salutatory of leave you with the thought of our ginning of the second year that a rpmpmhpwae] " an,~ ~ +~+-~,~, +~,~ women m the great land toward Deli , whose surname.~ ~ .tu ,, ............................ ~ ........ In n n Miss Dean Douglas, and the vale- n~otto: ~ ~nig]~ ; w~ launch where new band of youths did come up thi-~s th~ .~.¢~ ,~-ae ~aav a which their steps were d~rected, u e He riett~, of th~ l ~u dictory, delivere~ by Miss Ira Clark shall we ancrmr? from the ad3oinig territory, and, the ~la- and m~ ~.~ --ain to the And they did choose a motto of also . _ • ~ ~ ......... "~ " win f" "" at the commencement exercises of Pausing a moment, near the iClass of Thirty-and Two, m the -,,~;i- ~,~, *ho -rae~- ona ÷~,~lo much worth to hold before their Le , L~st son o[ the house Beach High school Tuesday of last shore before we battle the waves, ] new dignity of their promotion, re- criminal "Cat O' Nine Tails" the steps to challenge them to better OdHlea~d~; ..... : : y: week: let there be breathed a silent, a membered the days of their own man ~,~t~ ,~,,o qvo~ ~,~ r-,~:~vo his ~things. It reads, "Tomght we ega, whose surname is Oml~ ~. Salutat~ry---l~k~2 parting wiah for happy voyages. ] greenness, and as the Sophomores just deserts. And it was decided laurie_, where shall we anchor? Elmer, of the houseoof-Raislm" .+ Dear parents ~.nd friends: To you Friends and classmates, Farewell! of their day had .dune/unto them, that lights for the gym should be I And it came to pass as they did A .gnu, o~ ~uer..~ the class of 1932 wishes to extend ~'en. so md they .on umo ~nese new purchased, with the many dollars i labor on they overtook four sheiks ~ .vvul~am, ~n~s~ son o~ me hOuse ~a a most cordial welcome to its pro- CLAS~ CHRONICLES ~Tesnma.n, an~., .a~ snow .no mercy thus received and peace again land one fair damsel, who were lost ~cnu . .... a~ram To our friends this may in- Clmd~ter I un~o me,r sunermgs, ano no neea~.o~ ~,,[~'~.,,~ ~ ~o.~ from their caravans, and they did James, wnose surname m ~ deed "be a uleasent occasion - To Now the hlst~r~ of'the class of unto their lamentations until all "~'_~. .... ..'-'-~'-~." .......... -- • cry out unto them to be taken in, whom the class did choose as pr~.~ • - " -- ~ow I~ came ~o pass as 141elr " • n - " - our parents it is an hour of pride Thlrty-and Two of the High school were bruised and full of much nor- l-ride ~rew to a ~eat bi~=~ with I and even so as they asked ,t was de_t. . .......... ~ _ r row ~ ~ ~" ~ .... "I done ~ngenne, o~ me souse I~ wtcm~ and affection. To us it is an hou of the City of Beach, County of • - l i • ourne n them that the class began to Leona Irene thir da h r which we will long remember. Golden Valley, State of North Da- And as. the class, did. ~ Y lwish~or ~-o-~-~o ~'~fi*tin~ their sta [ And as the last rocky path that ........... , _ d _ _ugh~_ r~,,~n~, th~ na~t ~our years wekota is in tl~ w~,~. through ~ne lano oenol(:l inert were .. " "."~ ~"= ~ ~ "I ,~.~^+,. + .... ~,,~+~^~ ~ ....~ wnnam o, me nouse oz wooam ..... "~ - " ," - - ~ " , ....... o .... ~-, .- ,--,-, ann" ann many messa~,es were sen~, ,~u=~,, ~ s-~,-~,~,, ~,,~ ~,,,~ -,,- ~- ,.,- .........~.o+~, have learned manw thinus We In the be~nnin~, in the wear of nve malflens WhO were ~alr ~o ~uu~l. - ..... o °. .... ! ~^ .; ........... ¢~;,.+ v,^,.,,.+~,,~ no ,~, .u~,.> v, uutv ~,., v,~,~ ~,,,~ o-- o, ~ to~ne Dig Cl~les and all one r~owns vu v.vw ~u,..= ~.~w ~..b-~au=.~uu , have learned to love o-I~° school, our Lo~rd, 1928, in the ninth month upon and three handsome young round about for samples of their and thev did lag behind, and would ~hneth~neetawe~ fifty [hat entered t. Our studies, which sometimes of the year, and on the tenth day men wno h.a~ s~rayea lar irol~l I fine +ewelr"" and at last after [ not move ahead unto the gate, and ..a _ e _ty ann.. exgn¢:.only seemed hard and tiresome, we now of the month, there entered into their compames an~ were much.[much consi(lerin- the class ~)rofess I they did beseech the Class to go on wnl aeparL tor v.erny, verily, I o ~orrowful And as ¢ne memoers ot s - " . . un~o you ~na~ vroao 1s ¢ne g~ look back upon with a feeling f this land of learning three and 7. • " ....... led itself to be satisfied with its and leave them behind so w~th_ ._ ' ........... triumph--a feeling of our success fifty seekers of knowledge. Some ¢.ne. class ..too Joo~ .upon tnem m ichoice and rings ~:ere purchased[many tears and much bewailing did anu wine mine wayma¢ lea.acre we owe to others. Many parents, came up from+ the eighth grade, ~ne,r lonenness me,r nea~s,werelwith which they rested well con-Ithe Class of Thirty-and-Two bid [~etn~%nis~c~°lroan.~ many~nere looking forward to this hour have where they had for many months surreu m p,~y zor_ mem unu .urn tent /them farewell, and sorrowfully pass ~- ~'~ "" ~: ....... ~Y ..... ~.~, sacrificed greatly, and are happy been busily engaged in storing their open. wine un~o ~nem ma~ mey . " ......... / on its wa~, without them me ga~e ane narrow ~ne way m .... L,.. ~_ .~. .... ~-^*~^*...~ +~.~1~ --,-~- -.:-,- *~.^ ~- ...... - --~^--. snould be garnered in I Ann it alSO aicl nappen ~nat a cer- ] ' . ~. . . ' . ~eadeth to graduation and J Lomg~*~ m ~ ~,,,~-~,,,,,, ,,, ~,,~, .,,,u.~ w~ ~,~ ,,v,,v:¢ u~ w,~v,,, " ~- • - " - ~- ~ -~ -,--- ~--- ' So tne wnole numoer at the enu ........... ass that durin tam ialr mcmwr o~ ~ue c~a~ nay- : mere oe ma~ Ilnd It dreams. Our teachers have help- some were green and fresh from aAnd it came to p g .............. of this fourth .,ear is thirt,, and ........ ed much by their wise and careful far country; some came from farms the second year, that ten and two I mg ~een me ~.a!en~ oz making t three which arethese" ~ . ~u~ l_e~ us no~ ue weary m -. ,-' .... +~-.-, .......... -~ent and-.~-^-^ *~^-" ~'~ ~^^- +ill .... f theo- the beloved membershad de-irnyme one wl~n me otner was oe-i , • aoingfor in cme season we sr ~umau~.~, ~,,,,:*, ~,,,.,.,,.,,,~,~,,, w,~ ~,,=~ ,,a~ ~=~,, ~ ~'° ~' ~ seeche the class with man Laura ....... : " " advice The time is now at hand soil• and some were from other halls parted from the fold _ d of ...... y .. .~.'ueen o~ the nouse ot Abel. ~'eap.ff we faint not. And now~ - ' ..... st --rt _ .' .. _., ........... i woras ol suppnca~lon' "t~o garner [ veronlca ~:mel wnose surname is tne oiesslngs ~na~ ever a~ena ' when we as ~ Class mu p~ • of ms~rucb,un An(/ so oy me ann ot tne secona~ . ' - ' r " " paper and penciland bottles ozBlair noble and good and true fol~ Close and dear to our thoughts a eAnd it came to pass as they did year the whole number was fotryl .: . - , . • ] " - ............................. " ............ in~ ano write tor us corns tha~ we I El~ie ,.ouise first daughter of the and abide with us each and ~ne many nappy uays w~ ~v~ enter ~ms mnu ~na~ ~n~y w~r~ ~- ann mx ' ~ ' ' ........... ,^~--a+es , ...... ~ _.,,~. i'~,~ _.^,_^_, ..... .~ • _ ..... shall sing that the air may ring lhouse of Buldhaupt. now and forever more. Amen. ...... -, .~-^~^ +~,~ ~,,-~o~* ,,~ ~om-],'o+,,+,'+,---+,,, +~, ..... ~,,, ++ ~,o~ ~o_ . fw~th the music of our rejommgs, t Marjone Lomse, of the house of (Adapted from Commencem ,.uuu.u ~,~ ~..~ -,,-.~ .... • ....~ -~.,.~-.t~ ~*: ~-.~,- ...., .~ ,..o ~ Behold it didlikewise come to + ~.~ ~ .~,~ ~+¢+~.o~ ,,,~+~ +~o~ ~ ~m~v ~.. ~, ,, ~. ~.~+~. ~+..+^.. a e hink] h m ...... thethird t [ ~' ..................................... ] ~. ,,.-.u~,~y ~,.,.,,.. ~..,,.,,,v.., orles will ever cling, nd w t creed should henceforth lead t e " ar ofi s • • ..................... he"' ............................ pass during ye supphcation and stud unto the Ethel Margaret, whose surname oI ~nem w*~n r~g,-c~ v~,~u:~c ~ ~'l up ~**e ~upperyuyw~y~ u~auuw- histor" that the class did aspire to -- , ..... ~ ..... .... a- so soon ' led-e ~, i~ause '~.e~ ~nere oe a song." Ana l~s ~sosserman. ""-"--'~'~--"" .... "~'"'! nave passes aw y ' • [ ~ • dramatic honors and did nresent to ~+ .,:~ .... a ,~ +~ ~+oo~ ~ o~,~ r,,o r~.o~,~o ,,, +~,~ ,. ...... ~ uu~u~.~x~b ~u~ Tonight is our commencemen I Likewise it also came to pass that the neonle a ~,reat and wonderful l-.~+*, .... ~, ,,,o+~ ...... ~ .,