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~ _ _ York from California, accompanied
~ - by her husband, Daniel Holmes, a
- f well known latter. She was writ-
1~ Wh ing a new novel already named
ay ,e an-- "Tracy Park" and reading proof on
"Bessie's Fortune," to be published
in the fall,
North Dakota Historical Stori No More Stays
When Elizabeth Cady Stanton
From S~ate Net~pnpffrl lectured in Yankton in May, 1878,
the papers splurged with black
headlines. "Stanton! Stanton!" and
EDNA LaMOORB WALDO the editor of the Dakotaian outdid]
himself with comoli~nents. He wrote
"'Our Girls' were presented "to a
~.~hh 1931, Bismarck. N.D. large audience of our citizens at the
Congregational church last night
by the eminent lecturer, Mrs. Eliza-
~O:MEN'S INTERESTS ed." Soon thirteen had joined the beth Cady Stanton. The general
the circle. The ponderous list of subect of the lecture is indicated by
t~.e papers said comparatively books consumed by those brave its title and in illustrating it. the
about wha~ women were doing women during the later '80s includ- constancy, faith, sympathy, and all
days. it was not be- ed the Memories of Prince Maet- the noble traits of the female char-
were no~ busy, Most ternich in two volumes. SHake- acter as well as the faults, foibles,
had not learned about pub- speare's plays,eight volumes ofand frailties of the sex were elo-
quently and humorously portrayed.
"Mrs. Stanton wants women to
yet and besides men in Knight's History of England, Mrs.
and newspaper editors in S~rickland's Queen of England in
were firmly convinced eight volumes. Guizot's History of
Women's place was in the France, Queen of the House of
Hanover, and Dr. Lord's twelve
as the '80s advanced, most o~ volume Beacon Lights of History.
ran columns of territor- The club disbanded in 1906 but the
notes, in wh.ich it was Fargo club has kept going until
strawberry festivals and the present time. joining the state
various kinds were being federation in 1900. records show.
with the object of Before the ladies got around to
or equipping new church- churches, services were often held
were temperance no~es, in depot waiting rooms. Said the
the space formerly mon-Grand Forks Plain Dealer, quoting
the doings of the demi-the St. Paul Globe, "The elegant
md the picturesque citizens [ depot of the Fargo Southern is used
ran humorously am0ck the on Sunday for Sunday School pur-
e. An occasional notice poses. The local representatives of
,*at: ~g or organization of that company are all religious men
xy society or a W. C. T. and do not tolerate profanity in
be seen and most of the any of the offices." That was in
the beginnings '85. At an early date not specified,
rooms almost as soon services were also conducted in a
mentioned churches. For
beneficent pur~ooses, so-
was necessary; gain-
saloon keepers were no-
generous and often the
church fairs ran away
hundreds ol dollars.
were willing to put their
down into their jeans,
Wahpeton depot, the audience seat-
ed on planks supported by beer
kegs. Tents and various empty
buildings which had been used for
strange and wonderful purposes
housed similar meetings in Bis-
marck and other places.
Colleges First
the bill was actually
vetoed. Susan B. An-
aiZabeth Cady Stanton
,'ton, the capital, and
m cities; whether they
t in what is now North
Papers do not say.
give the objects of art Education, too. was not neglect-
to be sold over again, ed. although courses included more
yet learned what wom-lmusic and art than solid subjects,
to do ~o some of~ especially in the embryo academies
enterprises, nor and colleges, and few high schools
women thought much about [ went beyond the ninth grade or
money.,, freshman year. Wrote Louren Dun-
souls were inter-lisp, correspondent for the Chicago
suffrage; Mrs. Linda Inter.Ocean and later commission-
went to Washington and er of immigration for the tar-
in the deliberations of the nmry. Dakota is the precocious
I child of
association, there, the nation and in no man-
in Dakota ?re- her is this more strikingly shown
session of than in establishing a university
before the graded schools were fair-
ly on their feet. Children are sent
to college before they are through
with their teens. But we must
nourish the university now that it
is established." It had in '85 no
college department, eighty students
enrolled in the preparatory school.
the attention
a favorite selection
"Herve RieL" In-
When Dakota Presbyterians con-
vaned August 18, 1885 a~ James-
town, they deCided to erect a col-
had a tremendous lege. Present were C. B. Austin
Only to Shakespeare. of Bismarck and Ray. L. E. Danks
dress as they did in the good old
days of yore. with the 'form divine'
as nature formed it before the arts
of the modern dressmaker with her
stays and trains and pin backs and
other abominations of f~shion were
known. Health is the price paid
for the presen~ follies of fashion.
Women have for years under the
physicial]y and and mentally weak-
ening system of dress carried off
prizes in schools and colleges. If
they could dress properly and keep
their ribs in natural shape, the lec-
turer thought they would carry off
more prizes and be the full equals
mentally of the lords of creation."
The short-tempered golfer had
spent a quarter of an hour unsuc-
cessfully searching for a lost ball,
when an elderly lady seated on the
links called out to him: "Excuse
me, sir. but shall I be breaking the
rules if I tell you where it is?"
"Why does Waitright always refer
to his 'late wife?' She's still living,
isn't she?"
"Yes, but she's always tardy."
THE BEAOH. N. D., ADVANC~ PAO~. T~r~w'~-
:- .... - ................. I join his family at Fromberg, Mont., rison home. [ ADVANCE ADS GET l~'~'l~
~,t T ~T~ !for a short vacation before attend- ~ue to an abundance of rain the[ ........ _ -~
Ul.~J~ll~ i ing summer school at Mtssoula.prospects for good crops in this vl-[~___. ~ ..~ ~ _. ' ,- ~ .~
~,Ina ~overson) , Mrs. aPrker will be back in the fall cinity are encouraging. [ [-~'~-'- : _ -
""~° " "" I to resume his work as principal of Marian Buckley returned home on I ~ J|
-------- _ : _ =- : =- - = -: - -- the Ollie school. Friday, after spending two weeks in [ ~'( .......... (~
....... i Mr. and Mrs S. E Zollinger spent Baker and Mound, Beryle Strible[~ ~ ~t~.~D 1~ ~}!
Mrs. Clause Baser en~er~aineo az Sunday with fri~n&~ in ~akor of Marmarth accompanied her [ ~{ ~ ~,a~v [~
e " - ...........
h r home Friday afternoon for the ........... home to spend a couple of weeks. ~ ~\ ~ aa~a*~z %~I~
...... , ..... . ,. _~ rne ~umeran mU was en~retaln-
u. is. ~.aales Ala ~ &ovei~ m,~,, ed by Mrs Christ Sherva at her
was served to a large attendance home Thursda A lar e n - Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Buckley were/!/ ....... (~
and a nice sum realized for the Ai~ I attended an- ~" i g umoer Sunday guests a week ago at the C. |~,~ f~--l-]---
H. Hall home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.|l/ ~lUlUyp v.aney {/~
a n ce sum was ne~- Strible and daughter and Mr. and |~ 11 . -I ..... ~ ~
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Strong came ted
from Long Prairie Minn. Thurs- ~/r. and Mrs. L. Mollne and son Mrs. DeLa~ng and son of Marmarth,l/ .~Ote_l ..~
day to take the remains of Mrs. of Carlyle were dinner guests on and Mr. and Mrs. N. Williams were [l( -..-.,-.L~,-/||!
Strong's zather, Ed. Beach, bacz Monday of Mrs M A Zeltin~er also Sunday callers there. [}} ~ ~ _~ }]l
with them for interment besides1 Mr .'and Mrs" F T', Morris-and Commissioner Kelly and Mr |[( ,~,,,~~: ..... ~
that of Mrs. Beach, at Long Prairie.i children were Sunday "guests at the White and son of Marmarth were [~ ..... ~,.~um~ta-~ ~
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beach and faro- I Vincelette home Walter returner Sunday guests at the Buckley home. ,// ~'~
fly were old settlers of this corn-/hume with his" uavents after a Mrs. Parker Greiner and Mrs. [ ~ --_ _ _ ~_ _,,~
munity. Mr. Beach passed awaY.weeks visit with his grandparents.- Alvin Hoverson Were business call- - :--_"
about fifteen years ago and Mr -. ....... ers in Baker Wednesday.
- "- *,^, * ~ -- ~- - ;: ~"r o,~' I .~ mr, ge number o~ cmlaren Irom
~eacn a~,,~ ,~ ,,onto ag ........ I "" " • Mrs. H. Ouaen and Mrs. Chester
........ " ,J.~_ Olhe are attending the Bible school
mrs. ~trong smr~ea nome ~'rmay, beinJhold i,~ '~a-l, ~ ,~ ,, ~ Oas were business callers in Beach
~.. ~' . ...... ~ .. i weeks. Lawrence Greiner takse a on Saturday.
Alma and Eona ~erg naa o~n~al ~ tr~eldoad f n (2,nrlvl~ ovary Haw ~ I
work done In Beach Friday. \ ~es"-a carload of little folks is tak- I Mrs. Complain (to grocer) --
The Big ill Homemakers club et '~n uP in Ray yan' v
~bch~.~ _ . R_ s car. A ver~ :Why. Mr. Smith, you grow dearer
Wednesday at the. Berry ,/fine course is being given and al]iand dearer every day!
~atn a tree .a~ten~ance. A ,~O~e~" the children are greatly interested.; Orocer---Sssh! Here comes my
nine was enjoyeo oy me memoe The afternoons are being spent by wife.
until the heavy rain decided all to the girls in doing handwork of dif-
rush for their homes. Slx new ferent kinds and the boys are being
members were added to the roll. given a course in manual train-
Arnold Rust and friends were in ing by Ray. Roan. Friday evening,
O/lie from Medora for the week June 10. a demonstration and ex-
end. Elmer Rust returned to Me- hibit will be given at the Carlyle
dora with them for a weeks visit, school house which all parent.s
Mrs. Goerge Johnson is suffering should see. as they promise to be
from a bad case of Poisonings from fine.
ivy. Sunday guests of Elmer Wang's
Yzna ga--Didn't you like that
saxophone you had sent on ap-
Zweig--Yes. but my neighbors
didn't approve of it.
Mr. and Mrs Bert Hudson and included Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wang, My wife. Mrs. Lyle Ortner. hay-
children took Mrs. Edgar Ma.~sie to Mr. and Mrs, Harming Steen and ing left my bed and board. I will
her home in Wibaux Thursday. son. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wang not from this date. be responsible
Mrs. Massie has spent two weeksand family. :for any debts or obligations she
visiting here. ~ Mrs. M. A. Zeltinger and chil- may incur.
Mr. Alfred Parker left Monday to~: dren spent Friday at the R. E. Mor- (6-3p) WILLIAM ORTNER.
served at
i ,1~__.
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What is your car to you? A mere machine to get
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Have you taken the Treasured Trails... to woods
and mountains.., to lakes and streams? To other
places--other towns--other scenes from those in
which you live?
Start now--this week-end--to go to places you've
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It's so easy to gol So inexpensivel So pleasant
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