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June 9, 1932 |
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N. n.. ADVAN
at pc~toffice at Beach. North Dakota on May 8 1908 as seoond
it is not a perfect crop, because we never have that condition on account
~ :: of tile foul things that always beSet the grain fields, but otherwise the ~./J~ ----
~farmers of the valley have good reason to feel quite comfortable so far as
the usual quantity of hay in order to have a hold over as against
~lverse condit/ons.
But the weather bureau says the cycle of dry years has passed and
that the last three years of drouth will be followed by three years of wet
~as0ns, and If this is true we should lay up stores of all kinds in these ~] ~/2/~j~
of plenty and not forget the Biblical lesson of the seven fat years ~ ~ ~ ~ C~~ "~
~nd the seven lean ones that followed them.
The farmers of the county have as a rule learned their lesson of care-
3 work and long since settled down to intensive and conservative farm- ~ ! ~ ~ ~~"
with the result that most of them axe in fine shape and pre-
produce in this happy year an abundant crop. At ,present the'
has reached the lowest figure in years and there is much ~{}0~ .-..~'~ ~ --- "~."~ - --~ x ~ \ --.a~=.~,~--_ _.---
f~ discourage agriculturists, but betterments are hoped for and it is well
that our folks will be prepared with bulging granaries, good live stock _..~ .~/-
poultry, tO profit by the upward trend when it comes, as come it ~"
be "thankful for in the Golden Valley, a leading
the courage and determination of the people to stick on the
~ob until better times and the rewards to which agricultural workers are
~titled came back again.
' (~h~e, but Mayor Walker of New York is the lucky man. Apparently
he has a lot of friends who buy profitable stocks and dump them into
:hi~ bark acm)un¢ to make him marvel at the goodness of the .world. Far
be it from us to intimate that "Jimmy" gave value for this good will in
the way of support of various concessions to the generous contractgrs
and others doing business with his city, as we realize that nobody tied
tl~a~w!th Tammany would even think of such questionable wajs, but G~v-
e:tn:jLtha::fotr°e f r:e" enmmY;::/c ?: i:nSalabcU:Y.=/inghtthl
mean a declaration of war on Tammany, and Tammany is too
dammany in a p~sldential election year to be sneezed at.
' C
Thank the Lord the budget is at last balanced, even if it does tax, us
about every time we turn around. Still, at that, these are the least taxes
We pay, so let's cork up about it and swear by all that's holy we won't
~gain go to sleep at the ~ heel. Or; in other words, let's get it out of our
system that what Uncle Sam, the state or the county spends does not
~ncern us, and that when in financial trouble we restrict our expendi-
tures, not inflate them, as many want done under the guise of helping
divers causes.
The glorious month of June starts out nicely with plenty of rain,
~lowir~ a farewell downpour in May. The country never looked so
g00~ and the hay crop will be the finest in history. June is, with us, the
month in the year, so much more rain may be expected before
~he Fourth of July, which will practically assure a good crop.
The world has always- looked on the United States dollar on the basis
~)f Its actual worth in gold, and when we allow it to depreciate through
Over-issues or other means, we deliberately court disaster which will have
to be ma~e up by those who urge these things because of present needs
Without thought of the morrow, c
4Speaker John Garner is not measuring up to the hopes of his friends
~hen they made him Democratic leader of the House. There are a lot
non are Just fine as privates but who are not worth so much when
noted, to command.
The Wmshlngton Post says if Senator Borah had his way he would
tax business out of business and give the proceeds to the men thus
thrown out of work. There arena lot of wise gents like that down at
Pretzels were stre~ in the .path of the marchers in the beer parade
in New York a week or two ago, which indicates that the-New Yorkers
their imagination, anyhow.
and Leather Reporter says that it is only a question of time
will prevail in congress, which is one of the hopeful
~signs that make us an optimist.
, The aenators and congressmen will soon be marching home again to
look after their fences, and between now and June 29 a lot of fireworks
to know that something can be celebrated for two bits.
to mint quarters with the head of Washington on them.
The right of a party to make charges gives no right to others to
pread them.
evening, while riding for cattle, the eral chalrnmn of the 1932 American
gun, which he had taken with him, Legion Auxiliary° convention to be
dropped from his saddle and acci- held in Portland from September 12
dently discharged, the bullet en- to 15 next.
toting his leg above the ankle. He
was immediately rushed•" to Beach
to a doctor who the wound
., rrrURSDAY 9.
Twenty Years Ago
carried the picture of Tom Hall, I In 1912 Louis F Crawtord
who was then a canal]dance for se- ~r ¢ident o
- . . II e_ f the Sentinel .
cre~ary of state, lust as the Ad-tschoo1 board and gave the gra
vance now carries his picture, as a ~ ing_ cla~s~ a ~end off. Now he
candidate for congressman, i:~ Fargo where he and his son
They don~t do political things [ running a book store, and Louis
now as the3 used to do in Beach. I come out as a candidate for su'
In 19t2 Jim Buchanan, candidate [ intendent of schools for Cuss c(
fcr gcvernor; T. Hall, candidate for[ ty.
secretary of state, and P. D. Nor~ ~ The "Mop Stick club" made a
ton candidate for congress, were] on the Burkey church and cle$
here to address the voters. The] it np with the valuable assist~
townbeople gave them a banquet/ of Tony Beltmont and Nick Barl
before the meeting, whereat At- ] The Advance editor and
torneys Gallagher and Jones made IBrinton were going good in t
the welkin ring with praise of the lrespeetive papers over the m
visitors and the assurance of vie-land demerits of certain candid:
tory (and Hall and Norton did pull] those for the state senate cot
through.) Today, no matter how[ in for the most discussion.
prom!nent a man may be nor howl others things the Advance man
we~t ne served the sra~e, onl3 amitted he's bowlegged, roundsh¢
handfull of people turn out to hear ered, skinny, with pants bagging
him or her, and it does not makethe knees and that his coat did
a particle of difference what party fit. and wants to know what in
or faction the speaker represents, that had to do wi~h the election
This shows the folks know more the man he favored for the seni
about the political-situation thanR ~ ~~ ~r ~f P.hie~a~ wa.~
........ II ......... o ....r
the ~peakers or else they don't gwe 'stared t th~ .~tat@ I,In~ ho
a whoop to hear him, having atreaay at m n was
• . . L er he for a y years ca~
made up thmr minas, ier of the Golden Valley bank, s
The Advance notes the prepare- is now an insurance man located
~o her home after having taught a
successful term of school at the
Indian Hill school.
Luther Hodgin has a friend from
tion of plans for the local water- Omaha•
works and discussion thereon by the J.S. Ulfers was in 1912
council, farm implements as well as
Miller Brothers & Witting an- auctions, and in his
nounce they had gone on the cashhe breaks into poetry. Now
basis and ran a goodly list of bar- would think of that old
gains in an adv. in the Advance.spouting poetry? Anyhow just
The coming.of A1. Barnes' circusten to the way he told of his
was announced in the Advance andvirtues: "As an auctioneer
all the folks went into a huddle to has 'em all on the run. and
• ccnserve coin so they could see the sell anything salable made
show. the sun. If you've never heard
. Rex,. Adams was busy organizing call 'Going, going, gone!' Be su~
i I a Sons of Veterans lodge and a be present at his next auction."'
~ Woman's Relief corps, don't know how he was at se
The Beach Giants trimmed the machinery, but we do know he
Glendive baseball aggregation in a and still does cry auctions to
Sunday game and all hands in queen's taste.
' Beach were tickled pink• .____.~__~_~
The Advance of M~3~," 1912 .~fl~
_ published twelve pages to accom-
- m = module nearly t~o pages of com-
A.L.A. MEET CHAIRMAN a delicious lunch was served, All munications from Attorney Gal-
l who were in attendance agreed that lagher and reply by Jim Waters, the ~
BONNIE VIEW [ ..... , it was a fine meeting. The next ruction being over a law suit. Them
Mz~ry l~IcUaskey, lteporter .... ::~" , I
will be held in July at the home of were the days when the folks used
................... %. Mrs. Geo. Moore. All are cordially _ [- ~~]~ ~
"Bill Middleton returned ,o t~el ~il/l~~ invited to attend. ---
I she is far from well. We sincerely
Oluf Winger home Tuesda after[ [] [] I Monroe clasno- "------was ass s ing .... JhOperecnv^rthat she /Will soon completely
spending a few days in Dickinson: [ [] [] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ii~ " k " ~ ~ "
I Crook with ins farm wor the let- 1~ v ~ngra a i ns
Thomas Moran of Beach came [ ~ [] [] ~ ~ ~ii ~!~ We extend earl c ....tul t o
out to the Frank Nehis farm Sun- I [~ [] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:.~i I ter part of last week. . to Mr and-l~Irs. Kyle Sperry. who
Attendance at Sunoav scnool 30 " s of in ab"
[ ........ ... ., ~: are the prot~d parent a f e b y
day' where he has taken empl°y'[ ~ ~ i ~i~~I Roy-Kmaer anti ms laoy Irmna .......... ,o__1, w..~gir ~hn ~rriv~d nn .T,m~ ~,.. .................... .ot._
ment. [ ~ ~!~ ~ i ~ ~i~ ~ were ws~mrs a[ 'tTo[[ers on e'rmay, er and d~ghter are doing well but
Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Abraham [ ~ ~ i~i!i~ ~ ~ ~ii~ [@i
! Mr. McBurney has returned toI we hear/t't~at'"'Grandpa" Sperry is
daughter Betty Lou and son Ken-~ ~ ~ ~i~.'.'..i~!i:::: :ii~i~ii:. ~~!!i his home feeling much improved slowly ]ecovering.
nethwere visitors at the A. F. Dob-[ ~ ~ ~!ii i~!i!ii~!~(~~i~ [but still not fully recovered. He is The/eBach U. B. Sunday school F R E T F U
lar home Thursday evening [ i N Nii ::!::::::~i~ ~i::i:~!::~i , able to walk around some and we land ~he Webb Sunday school of
~'$:i:$,q: :iL-':!:~:~: :::?;:i:::i!;i:i ",.
Albert Johnson of Trotters spentI ~ In ~i~ ::::::~::~i~i~:::~:~'~ ~ ~ hope he will soon feel O.K. i Trotters will have a joint meeting
a few days last week at the B. J.l g mm ~t~ k::i!i!:/:!;:iii!i!i:~i!!i::!i!::~~ Mrs. Andy Simonson of Clark at ~he Beaver picnic grounds near R E S T L E S'
• ~. " ~!!:i!:~::~ ~,fi"i~i~ ";:::i:~?.