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June 9, 1932 |
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Tempemtm, e
Sunday the Beach Indepen-
JOurneyed to Willis~on and
~et the strong Williston club.
by a score of ll-0. The In-I
exhibited the most piti-
of baseball yet shown this
booting the ball about as
Scenes ~ "e~son~ ~n ,~o Co~on, Ne~ ~""~'0"~""~"~ W"L~,~,~,,I '~'' co~o~.~, ~ ~, "', '"O"~~
ii ,i:::i:> :..!/:i- THOTS: ::,:i:E:E~Li~o~UE:TED /DA Y, BUR~[D ~[SD~Y
[ . 24 YEARS
Arrangements have been made by
the Lions club agriculture commit- There was genuine sorrow lrt
tee and farmers for a visit by all County when the news went aroul~
who care to go, to Williston to in- that Frank J. Hill, one of the
spect the big new creamery there l ty's earliest and :a~t beloved pJA~o
and have an inside viewpoint of the I eers. had been ned to his
were a football, and in all I working of such a plant along the, ome~eted reward after several y~
ng commed to his home by
the worst they have so far. lines many farmers hope can be fol- Admiral Richard H. Leigh, who a heart affection. He died at
startedin the forfirstBeach,inningbUt washy eryl°Wedcompanyhere whenis organized.finally a Consid-cream" relieves Admlral Frank H. Schofield farm home Sunday afternoon and
Madison, 3rd baseman after erable interest in this tap nas veen ...... eet.
. . . as commander In chief of the fl was buried from the Congregation.
• xumlral Sehofield ha
runs had been scored. He expressed and it is evident quite ai s been ordered anlchurch, in Beach Tuesday aft~
the Williston team in good party will be formed to make it, and to duty as a member of the general ~uon, wnn Roy. C. G. EIlinger of-
- ,. the creamery people at Williston: 0oard, Nay de ar. ncmting. He was buried in l~
for the remainder of the _. 1--3Iaz:y l~. Douglass of Wisconsin presenting the flag to Midshipman Kirn for his conmanv wlfich was ~av they will ~ive th~ crowd a r~,A~ :--- Y P tment Beach cemetery.
until the eighth inning, when a ...... - - ~ .................
ras replaced by Teed, who a J.uaged the Pest at Annapolis .Naval academy. 2--X~ew of Memorial day parade in Detroit, which was western welcome, which will make l MR .......... A splendid, sturdy son of Malm~
the last inning. Schafer[ypmal or the parents need in nearly every city in the United States. 3--American Davis cup tennis team it nice all around. I " t~. ~u~._L'~ ~IOTIIER DIED and the West has gone. ~ but his
o~ the mound for Williston,: ae~eanng the Australians at the Philadelphia Country club, If those who will go will report l TL:ESDAY kindly disposition, honeaty
.eater replaced by Cartwright, I" " to either A. N. Eliason or County] Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Stubgood neighborliness will long 1i1~
after him. We are all better
theWn°m pitche~ fine ball, and I[FN ~]'~'| _ ............... Agent Russell,. arrangements, for [ No~-es received word of the very his having lived among us.
aceordedgreatsupporLsome_l ............... I~[~I~N,~ alia lall~ II|nn IiiHlil cCarsb:nmdadkee.e%ngidexP~tn~es aown sermus sickness at Warm Springs,
Beach twirlers ]acl.:ed ,|.|., LGUIKL AH, .... " , desired,Mont w~ereshe had:one f - Frank& Hill was born Aprtl ~
lost their one opportunity/ I ~~"~{['~'~' t , • ~a~v wvn~ t by the Willtston peepm to be in- benefi't of th~ "-" ..... ~ __ or ~ne 1852 at Blngham, Somerset Courtly,
I:CI D SCH{}~[ Di~[C[ / ~U~fiA C[[[BRA 1[ g er 'at .... once ~prmgs el Mrs O
Jt ,~IDINDii/TIIIM. I~o~ D~¢orA ! !formed how many will be in the Meres mother ' • e-
. ~LC~'~~~C~ t part~ so arran ements for ent , of Mrs. Noyes. They Mn~lne" Herehe grew to manhood
,ad'rele singledandwas avoid acaughtin theoutShutcUtseventhby a widewhenin"/[ ~ ! ||UI~M ~ tain~ent may be made Please re-" t thet nightsetbv°Utcar fOrbutWarm S rlwere ov ePr~ankgS, smith,na marneOworkingtnewithtradehis brother-t~,°f bla~k-
[GNS VDINU :a,~ na~a~dl~en' he::~g:~r 2~undsdg! law. At the age of 21 he went to
pasta'°mps°n followed with a hardSec°ndin firsta°n footishbasean errorthatattempta~.wasfirSt,onlyaSt° ..................... iAi - IJ 0 """ W[:'"''''" ^ port tO:dartsd~illthe gentlemenben~ad:bY neXtartet6ur3OaM°n" I~a:~i°ion by a cloud burst up the line and inCalifornia1873 ~ent to Waltham, Minl~,f°r a few months, t~hel~
, sofa, where he took up farmir~a~l
a doub,e because it hit some i t that evenin y' : lag ~tati " g a wire was received here
t'ked in deep rio~t field. ~ ! ~,,~^~, ............... , i over .~rall" 16.g" The route will be tha~ 7 :ngmorningthat MrS.sinceDeMereSwhl had died on March 20, 1880 was marrl~:i to
PREVIOUS QUIET WATERS: Rl[~]i:f/ RIi I WI/HINI ESTEEMED ST. PHILLIP PION- ~ ...... ,. . "Ch time no ~e~ss-Laura ~.rmth of Augusta, Wl&
ompson was the fie.dine sta. ~ I IIlM%IILI rILL [| I|i111| ~ --- 'ocu has come as to :uneral ar- e nveg. on ~ne ~arm for about 10
day, making four difficult R[ FFLED AS MANY VOTERS / EERS DULY CELEBRATE THIS WONDERFUL RAIN rangements, but it is surmised that Y~l~rs' then moved into waltham
in left field that brought ~OUR Afl[R PA~AG[] age where ne took up hBI ~rlt~l~
applause from th, e ~tands~ WENT TO POLLS ' HAPPY EVENT lntheDenverlady wlllwherebe buried at her home of blacksmith In A vii
of Williston =mas*,~.~ - ,-^--= I Around an inches of rain fell Sun ....... '.. she has a hum- with h~ ....~- .... P 190~, ll~
• .~, a .~.c ' . • uer ol relatives The ...... ..~co~ came ~o
the • . • . ---- . day night and Monday givlnT, the - sympathy of N~tlh
,,.. - first Inning with one l ....... a ^ ,, ........ " ..... ~_. the community, i~ ~..* ....... Dakota, MrsHill coming, *~. ~*--,
~av ' f r the be~-~ h~t ofI What looked, the day befcre l,.ke - A notable and pleasant event storm was meeornn~*~i,~,~ h,, *~.,.*.~^- Noyes in her grief _ ng year and they have lllr~d
ct'Sunda- the ........ I one of :he .q.uietest school e!ection_s SENATE AGREES TO (~ONFER- i ha~pened. over at St. Phillip on and lightnin-g-a"n%-'ha'il,~%u't~ere __ _~_.___ nero continuously since. ---
~e'~,-;- f ? ~.'mepenaenas$e~ redo.a, t~a~ event ~uesaay at- _ _ .. ....$~aay ~, oz wnicn none let us ~now being no wind the hail did little or HAD BIG CROWn~ _!'o tnls umon were barn
t, he,,~ ~o _Pray a re!urn ga~ ~ ternoon brought out one of the, ENCE REPORT; S~EED~ ~L [ until we read the interesting story no damage, but perhaos made the __ "'--~" cnnaren, one of whom, Iola Blan
~Usly earn o~ that city, na.ving I Gig:go st votes in such an election in ~ TO WHITE HOUSE m me Wtoau..x Gazette, so we has- farmers think of insurance for the William Lemke, candidatefox' died at the.age of 7 years. He~
'Jd h--u~'~eu .~ne.m nero. [recent years: and there was litt]sl ~en to copy it, which runs as fol-tmagnificent crop that seems to be, congress on the League ticket ~,~ ~o mourn his_loss his widow
h--uwever~ aandmUcna Improve2. ~vanyn°°',. out a iot of wor~ on the ,i lows: i in sight.. The rain was ~Ireneral two very well attended meetings' he... ~_our cmiqren, Earl, Scott ami
ht. On t'h~ f~, real game ~s q uet. !BIGGEST MONEY .a,~rar~_ ~,~a One of those notable events in I from Wllhston to the South Dakota Tuesday, at Golva in the after- of this place and ~.ly4e of
l0 *,-- *--: .... -yw.n~ runway, L.J. Alguire was reelected to ~ ............ " the life of a married couple is the I line in the shape of local showers noon, where a large crowd ~ ,~,o~ a pous ann. ~wo grandchildren.
tr~l~e~nae_,penaen~ ~'ill meet succeed himself, having received SURE EVER PASSED IN celebration of their Golden wedding l that reached all sections pretty l him, and at Beach in the'~e~rn~n~'~ [ a~so survives one sister, Mrs.~
lye ~^v-,~rslty .~a.- ~eam o~ 96 votes to 58 for Ottie Douglas i p~A~ ,rrM~ I and we herewith chronicle the Gel- t thoroughly. Acco~llng to the aver- I notwithstanding the rainy weat-~.' / nunneweu on Klngfleld Maine,,
t~l,,~jff a~_ ~eacn. ann an- with four scattering. At one time[ ........... den Wedding which took place at!age we should have around three lor. He was accompanied~ by Sen-' For the past four years Mr.
._game ~s ~co~'ea tot. Mrs Peter Golliet had been placed l the home of Mr. ~ Mrs. Jolmlmore inches of rain this month a~or oust. Wog who also s okelhas been in poor health aline
~,'~Z-~_ _ on the ticket by her friends but a I [ Kunda who reside in the St Phflli ! __ " t brleny on his candidac P ~ able to .be up most of the u~th
• ~u'r OUR FIGHT " • ' a hi " . p r ' Mr ' Y" [on Frl a time but
__ moment before the tickets were,~W s ngton,. June 6. -- The big- I neighborhood, on Tuesday May 31. t DON T FORGET JOE o . Lemke s address was largely ~e" 1 d y evening,. June 3rd.. ~d-
• ., ...... printed her name was withdrawn, ! gest collectmn of taxes ever enacted The day began with services at the __ n the merits of the ' t _ n y became ill and
~uvance is no~ at all inter i a ~ t ~ t which he Fvaz~r billJune 5th at passed &~
,,. . " - e vine the field between Douglas : by the United States in peace-time i Parish church where High Mass, Joe A Kitchen is th~ only ~-~,n felt confident would h~,' 4:45 p. m. ba~.t~
~ue outcome of the lawsuit and Alguire no reason bein~ as- I became law with a scratch of Presi- t was said by the Roy. Fr Kopanski I resentative Gold-,- x~,'5~-~"~-=~,v~- passed eventually if not soon -~,(; lreaehed the age of 80 ~a~'-'~-~"~
._. ounty comm~ssloner~ stoned for the withdrawal and dent Hoover's pen at 5 p m Men- The vrocession was accom~an~ ! the state administration ~~ in his own forceful way and lan I month and~six days
trvmat~er,a~nougn some many. friend.s of the lady were dis- I day afternoon while .the senatei by the wedding march played by ;commi~ioner of agriculture and la-i guage, d~'elt onpolitlcal conditions ! Mr. Hill was well known tn
-¢~.'-~^~.~-,?:~2u~ cuk~- appointee intreat having gone ~I pmngect a.n.ead w.~m tne na.~lo.nal,i Mrs Harry Kunda, a daughter-in-'oor, which he has acceptably filled ..... c, a_na natmnat, as ne saw] county having held the offieLtJaof~~
~.=uau~ ut bile UDI1 r 1 them frOm his ~1 asse
_ .. P - the polls to ~ o~e for her. her with- i economy viii, neeaea to ~in sn me i law." Following the church service but he is also a member of the In'-' ] w ' ewpoin~ and there ssor ancl county commts~
storyof ~ne suit. Pains drawal not being generally known, budget balancing task. ! a sumptuous dinner was served at dustrlal commissioner, the most ira- ~. as no question abou~ his remarks I for a number of years. Always of
~a~e ~ne story ~as , elder ortant commission in state uelng well received the evazier bl t a genial disposition h
-' M.P. Lovgren was unopposed for I The' chmf" executive signed the ' the home of the ly bride and P afairs, being, clo~= ..... ~u ~ne~ ' nearts- " of the'll ! ...... t,~ ,~o+~, ano- a~ter-~ hlse w~. healthPlei~lmtdid
on I~
,ll- I
t ews..i.t_em to which.the SChOOl u'easurer and therefore re-, $1,n8,500,000 revenue measure less l groom, at which there were 25 on which he has also become one rsf! ._ _
]er~ u~un_~ry were entmea, ceived a fine vote. I t~an an hour after it passed Its I guests present. Owing to the storm its best. member,s. Commissioner i narassea farmers. I not permit him to be out to
t"-~am~e pomtsWereDroughtta~:en outt° ....... ~ final legislative test with senate up- r many who had planned to be pros- ! voteKttcnenin hisnaShomalways receivednt a a heavy THE BIS / hisPe°P~efrlend~ne was never forgotten kY
facts set forth ~,,, *~ -~ POLITICAL INFORMATION " fpr°val of the conference report re- 1 ent were prevented from attending, t. J. ....... e cou y nd there~ HOP WILL PREACH t _ "
b"" .... ~ ~*'~ ~=- . conclling differences in tne measure All the cnildren were present ex- is little oouo~ cut mat he will do so .... tie. was a member of th
~.,ma~,a jur~" would de-.~ .~ . . !as passed by the senate and house. Icepting one son who lives at Win-lagain this June and in the fall t ~xsnop W ehrle will deliver t~ tWooclman of America and%Ml~°~r~
",~*~ ~nereoi We are ine Advance, being more rater one inn au elections [ sermon at St - bein a m
run'-- a real newspaper' and "i Re~'ular~ levies in the bill will be-, , M' . one d ghter who lives ' " on u" . Mary's church Oolva~. I r~_~ g ember of the Sunseet'.'7
r~ .... .' . . f ested in giving its readers all the ' .,~rne effective July 1 at the be~n- I at Kalispel, Montana, and one oth- ---------- | . une 21, when Father M.'I Lack o. 88 of Beach.
,,,'~¢~r'a-~,r i organ, not navmg / information._ .......... it .... th,n it is in :In~n~g Of the 1933 fiscal year. ~'~le / or. daughter who lives at Detriot, : Mrs. Dan Cafferty returned homel' cexebrates, his 25th. sacerdotal. J. ub-I~ "-'~" ~"
S eleYctionnSUCn~news :~ems. ! partisan politics, will run in its i the excise taxes win begin to bring Mich. t fro.m the Bismarck hospital last llee, and in many ways it will be a A HAPPY BUNCH
apn entl'- I columns, from now until the pri-, in their revenues June 21, 15 days There were ten children in the wee~ and is reported as recovering in.°table occasion for ~he kindly !
row, and thero ~:(~'o'" i mary election, the national, state ] after signing, family and all are living. Three ! nicely from her operation, i .m-~es~ of tnat cnurch. In this con- Monday _mornl'-'~-g two ears at-
- ~ and le lslaUve candidates of the hatedaughters and seven sons After* nection Father Lack desires us to!tached to ,~o 4 carried a b
-- - ..... g' " " By a vote of 46 to 35, the se . . i state that all , , une~h
GOT A PATENT i several parties, and a list of the accepted the bill in its final form the gaylety of the day was over the ! Charlie Meyer went down to the I ~lll be .welcome at Shriners from .A.1 BadGe Tom e at
--'- I candidates for the several c0unty~aft~r sa ~h~rn debate in which an guests presentea th:s esteemable 'C. H. Hall ranch south of Carlyle thisservice, whether, or not they are t Bilhngs to the Gig Shrine ~Imt~
............ r -- • • -- ,w~t~nOllCS ana ne no es at D -- --:~--
Mrs .......... ~n~t.,~+ van .... nora [offices. As a rule. all these candi-I u,,ou~,.~oo,,~"l effort ~as- made to couple with gifts of gold. . to take over the. mana=ement, of ms .... zrmnus" outs:" .. P . many of . uluth The party also -,,~,~a-ina]n~l
w~ Monday from *~ / dates are good c:tlzens of the state, I have it sent back to conference for I Mr. and Mrs. Kunda were plea- : the .place and things like that, un- ~ wi 1 ~a ae of_ his church e~..a number of Butte nobles. The
t,1 cho 1 1 him the honor of attending Shrine bane patrol a
n Sentinel "Butte"~-a~~ /s°me better fit than others for the[revision of a section imposing a 3 eers of the St. Phillip country and, : s o calls him in the fall.the celebration ,~, ....... , _ nd other ~i-
..... ~,,, • ..~u,~ o~ ~ne orcter went a ng
=u horn snowed us the ~ lo
of a patent scafford !
office to which they .aspire, and percent tax on electrical energy to have established a large family fol- i w ....
the voters should familiarize them- be paid by the consumer.I lowing there being 31 grandchil-, Some of the hard boiled spor~s of I! Owing to the cheaper freight rate I at'*~nthea aoZenzemthOrcitmore other temples .
selves with the names of the candi- _.-- ,,,,~ ..... ~t ~,f t~em, dren and threegreat-grand hil- the city are forming a kitten ball obtainable • ~ ~ I ^ y that old tOWn
and the thing looks • . ~ ~mven l~ep ......... ... ......., ~ ~ by so doing the Ha~k~ll was no duubt a
dates and the partms to which t ,~,~,~ n~ ~h~ i~don~nd~nt win~ dren club and have been out for practice Auto Co of r..~,,m ...... , .....t + ...... ,gay place for the
they adhere, so as to be able to .kU; Mr and Mrs Kunda are well with varying results They are i car of Che .... ~,'--',,,j~j,~aue~ a .~ff_? nay session Tuesday and W~:
make mtelhgen¢ choice when vet- l ........... "~- --e--bet a~ainst ~ known m Beach and the folks here thinking of adopting one of those and droxe them ov" ,
ing. Everybody has his or her po-I v~,.barm~:~,,c"e re,,ort join with other friends is wishing big "sure grip" play balls at Rlces! home station erland to the
anlitical~eaffiliati°nS'beheve' theaSkeepmgWe have. of°UrS'all ~'~v::'~'~'~="~i'fff':n~°~"~v'~ ~,,~ =, , a N"e, voted this esUmable couplea everything store as the standard ball of play! f tmMiss Borgne Thompson has re-
d " . . . " . ~ . t a~ainst the adoption of the confer- good and that they m y be spared for this nice genteel sport, i The Saddle Butte . 'ned for the summer vacation ~f.
= ~- Homemakel
the candioates veiore our reaaerSlen~~ _e~.%r~ - to celebrate their aiamona weddingt ------------------- i club will met l"_s ter .:pond!rig the last year at .
will prove an accommodation, both l ~ • vv . day twenty-five years hence. A district meeting of the Farm-~p 0 r~*~°"t, home of M,-~,, cordm cortege Moorhead . :~ola
to the candidates and to the voters, I .... - -- - era Equity Union will be held at'noon" ~.-~-~=-'~'~,Y" ~..nursnay after-I .......... '~' ..... '""
as we have no other desire than to.' Stub Noyes and family motored Mrs. E. M. Enderle and two Bowman next Tuesday and Wed- urged ~o"att~end' asA~hmem~ers are iEach rain makes the frogs in the
.... ,--~many ponds sing a song of glory,
and that will fill a
~t for such a thing that
portable. The ~ffair
of iron save for
will be used at the
on, It consists of a against
supporting a ratcheted
to raise and low-
affair can be used
an ar-Fr°m the to!) of be fair with all conce,'ned The list I to Williston Sunday to attend the youngest daughters left Wednesday nesdav and it is expected large ~
m extenas so that . . " " ~ I - . • - 1 errant meeting. .
' against t~ h,,um .... a of candidates will be found on page ~ ball game. for a stop at Minneapolis and oth- delegations of farmers from sur-, __ or maybe xt is the echo ~ .
'a Platf-o~~. ~'wo'~'~C~"= four. i ..... er points to visit relatives, rounding counties w!l.1 attend.. A I Mr and Mrs .. I mers' song coming- in fr°Lth~ ar
[ so that a '~'la~'-v:~'~'-' i Mrs Ole Thorson celebrated her fine program o~ speamng oy noted of the J b P=L--R-°mstad' manager rections. ~l di-
e- v ,,~- ~, u~ ~ ' "-- ~= -- ~-a- ~^e- "-re-are~ . • wm~y s~ore a~ Minot
ae to the other As the Ray Hathaway is suffering with~ birthday Saturday wire proper core- _ .......... me,, ~, ~ uv u p p u. N Dak., were mid week callers a7
,r . carpenter ~'ork pro- a ca~:bunckle on his leg. /monies. I YANKEE TWlRLI~R j _ ~ the Eliason's home ~. Ranflal Thompson graduated in
' the h,mm,~ o + ...... ~ 1 ~overnor ~nazer ann several _ - ........ _ ! arcmtecture Irom the Uni ty of
~gth: aP~n~fo~:2 ~hrin in%hHe.cHyll2~esOl~y was a shopper/JusEtdegsear Ju,sTSenuS~nre~f EodW~dl ~ I ~th~]~ed~g~tari~stth:ve pbie:n~c:nViatedd i we?e~S.hG;~nrn:ia%daS%nFO~daWvibaux, Mien~es::ael~?te~°nd~ye, :~t~et~
the contr~ .... ~ ~,, ~,o ' [sick list last week ~~ while they are all politicians of dif- Ganna is . ~,~ ~,~ + ." y. Mrs.t fore returning home
..v ........... | " ~~~d~, " I " , ~ork...~, ~.~ ~nck in the "
a s ferent clans, no po itlcs will be ~ de • -~-- -
mall space for tlans 12 I pot at Sentinel Butte
, being w,~ ~,~ ,,o~i There Wi!l be no services June| H L McDonald and son Gleynl ~~ preached. Other. features are be: -- .~' I The Park Board has set out a
1,..,,t.~ _='",- ~'.'~' .!~ let St. Pain's ~,utheran cnurcn. |,~+ '~-,,'~o- rida,, for Minneapolis f _ /
' ing arrangea tnat wm ma~e the ol~ In m " • number of Black Hills a r
,hh~__ -..tha+ W0UI"lg" V.ln I |::,.^~w .... = .... +~'~,,~ ,will visit for a short! ":~:" !pioneers have a good time whether I Lyman Page asg leW'~ml Odland and_I in the railway park which, with
;l~and wl~--- ~a ~ .. I Mr and Mrs Harry Rice ddrove to/time ~~ I they want to or not t dates f, om thio co~nt ative candi the steady mowing 'of the gra~
~n pmcec~ o,, " ' • . , o Y we oh,,~ld ma~e
' at a mode .... ~Bismarck today on business I i ~~,.ii~ t -- !also have mention~ ~o~ ..... s that part of town look
ra~e pnee. " ~ • , , - ..... ~ r. r~o~en very
• ~ I -- ! A large crowd from Beach attend-I [~~!, I We. _ Wedn _e2~dayl who is the Nonpartisan chot~ ~,.,~' /nice'
~-- a~SSES FOR JUNE, I Mrs. John Mooney left today forI ed the dance at the Phil Wicka I ~~' 1 morm ng .~rom wmmm .Le. m~e, ~en: I this county for the lower house~of / -- _.-----T-'----------~
A'Tn,r=.- I Green - h Minn visit rela Saturday evenin It was a' amr oust wog ann trana the legislature . _ t ne mJou mea er has been
v.~,~,a ~ ' "' ~ " ....... g I ' - . so. in all this cou.-
_ e su I I e in home candidates
"-------- I fives t ~ronoune d cce,~ ~ Fryberg, Mr. l,emKe and Senator ty is to the for _ ing a string of fine pictures and _ •
| ..... - I ................... - i Wog being old acquaintances oil this election :he management tel~ us they have !
8"3^ [ .... ' ...... rson went home Sat-~ ~~~' l the Advance man. Mr. Lemke ex- | 1.o~ more coming along, inclu
• u a.m. Mrs. P~hyner ann children leI~ on ~,'ve~yn Fete such -
10"rm _ __ [ ............. ,o~o I ..flay far a week or more as she I ~/~ /pressed great confidence in his oleo- t The dance~ ~,~ ........... | famous ones as Grand HOtel "
1.30~ alto. [:~.uesaay zor herren ~o v~,~ ..... I ~a~da'fl~-she-d her duties' at the t "~V~/~ ~ tion and Gust was too modest, as t place are so'~uouul~,~ ~': wieka_'s |and others now playing large city
~.ona~ n~ [~lves ann Ir,enas. ~ ~ .... ~,, a~,~n*'.¢ office ! "~~~ ~ usual, to say such things, even if ~ one is anno, n'~-'~ ~,'~ ~;:."f- aj~u~ner I nouses at $2 per, but which will ~0~ :
k\~ ,~. m. / / ..... ~ ....... I ~~~ij~~m~ - /he was certain of the result. We~in~ ad ...... ~"=~" "Z; ~u~e_r~ re-[cost as muchmoney here--it
~:uu a.m. Maurice Miller and Marie Ziels- . ! '> '~::~i:~ were leased to swap views with the p ~ -~,,~=u :rein me zutn. The hoped % la
0.1~: [doff were auto trippers to Glendive/._Mrs. John Ba_ykl~n:na ~ioS~Cekr t~I ~ I gentl:;en !s~U:fPl%n~erbies will do their best/ "
:uu a m me nome o: ~ar~. ~u ~ I t " ~ne oance willcost 50 .
~Friday een The monthly meetm
8:30 a m " /the present time until she is able " I l _~.----T-- .I ts and the supper25 cents yo.I ..... g of the
, ,^ " " ~ ................ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vice Fresloent .~. A. ~owman o~ ~ will mi ....... ~ ....... ' . ~ I J~eacn W. C. T U was held at. t.~
uuua m sOD~Upana~ruunu I~ I , ~ ,, ~uuu ~nne n you mms Moth i -
aha and General Mana r od st E Isco
:300 :" ram." at?el~ivL:g~acht~sPl~lnted?°metVrery/ Herber~e Mont COmlt for this a~ea Of the Nort~-;this affalr. -.. 6-1p ~vening Orf MaPy 30P~1. A~tt:~e~ ~.
5th" " " tnhis yard ,l lss' Moll Brennen' of" ~~'" .._.., |western Bell Te ephone company| WISEKRAX g P gam was givnb~y~va~io~
~- ....... paid Beach d call last Fri b of the orgamzation ,
• . Mass at Beach ' is making M y I ~..~:. a hurrie ' mere era • '
e a ' !' :~::*~:~:.'-,
ntmel B this cita v:sit Mr Wurst is ~ Fools h~e oor to
r ~ ...................... . ..... day they g a spectmn . po business was tra~cted and
utte 10 00 Y ' " " " ' :~ ~i:~!:!i:~~:- bein on n in " " "' p die rich rtant "
- i Mrs. A1. Gilman was numbe ed nephew of Mms Brennen. t
• .--v .................... ,,, the Union went on record-~ f^'~E-
~'ather Hake. on the sick list this week, but is [ ~~son wereI Johnny Allen, former hotel clerk ~this state They were much pleas ! Doubt is a rudderless boat ing only bone dry enforcement of
----~, not able to be out.. J leW~lal.n~%d?:~ce calle~ las~ Thurs ]and late of the Toronto Maple led with the outlook and Mr Low-[ An eel "~y ~ not--" t ficers at the coming electio~ A
come home to P .... th- old timeI Leafs, is doing fine work pitching man said this end of North Dakota ~ caught ye~ I comm. ittee was appointed b~ the
after bein Mrs Henry Treater gave birth to nay, ne oemg one .o~ e -'~ ............ fa ahead in -eneral c n-i'i '~ " president to in .....
g[ • . ......... ~. ...... +h~ ,e Sen~ne]~ror me New xorx ~an~ees or me i was r g o a t ons~ __ ~ ] ....... tervlew cand~ ate~
g the young I a boy on June 1, at me ~eacn nos- [ ran? ..... - b"e~o~'l~e left"oined the ! American league ] of many of the states he had via- [ Keep your temn~r' ~-~ ..... I .w~m the m~;entio.n of. suppo ting
name is utte, ana vel J
over at ~ew I pital. The boys Y tf ........... o, r, uw,,~= .re"ders. [ " ited. |wants it ..... u uue eu~e t ~nose only wno stana for law a~
Dale. ] no~ " ' " ° oraer