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June 8, 1950 |
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Music by HARRY COOKE and
. .
i t County Court House at Beach on ling fa, brm m the correct way. next wm, ter. Delphine Barthel of
With Your I' .ne 6. Mrs. Peat showed how important Golva plans on digging a trench
County Extension ]1 Emphasis in the program was t is to follow a definite system silo to store a large amount of
]!placed on how to help 4-H ffirls n sewing, feed for his oattle. Last fail he
Agent l to seleet attraotive patterns, buy'l "Flesh' ' your work on each part raked ..... straw from behind the
By IL M. Millet good fabric and plan practical Of the garment before going on co,Dee at harvest time and
wardrobes. Mrs. Poet showed to the next. Actually, you will even wl~n o~ner rougnage ne stui
SEW WITH A SYSTEM easy-to.make dresses of cotton handle the materia,1 less and the
"Know yourself and know 1or school and best dress wear,
your pattern before you start to together with belts, bags and
sew". was the advice of Ethel J. other accessories that could be
Peet. Extension Service agent in rnade by 4-tI club girls•
elothmg from North Dakota In a demonstration on how to
Agriculture College to 4-H lead- make a simple, one-piece dress,
ors a~ an all day meeting in the emphasis was placed on hand-
You can buy with
confidence when you
buy your O.K. used
car or truck from...
Beach, N. Dak.
finished dress vcill have that
clean, well-made look," she said.
The clothing project is design-
ed to give 4-H'ers working
knowledge and skill in dress-
making. Each new learning is
based on a previous learning,
4-H leaders were urged to repei~t
parts of the demonstration at lo-
cal club meetings. The problem
of sewing in a zipper was made
simple in Mrs. Poet's demonstra-
tion on a girls' dress and the
Peter Pan collar never looked
An added attraction in the ex-
hibit which Mrs. Peel showed
4.H leaders was the official 4-H
club uniform with matching ac-
cessories. It is a trim two-piece
suit dress in green and white
seersucker, easy to make and
easy to keep neat.
Ten leaders representing five
clubs attended the meeting, to
help them lay plans to complete
the 4-H clothing project with
membe,.s,.~ * * *
'Members of the Saddle Butte
Boys 4-It Club finished seeding
a grass demonstration plot last
week. Located on the Donald
Ulfers farm. north of Beach, the
plot consists of 15 species of grass
and legumes. ,~
A similar demonstration on the
P. O. Peterson farm last year did
not do too well, however, several
of the hardier varieties are show-
ing up well this spring.
Last year, another grass plot
was seeded by the Golva Beef
and Grain 4-H Club. It Js doing
exceptionally well this season,
onty one or two grasses failed to
withstand last seasons dry
weather. This plot is located
mile noah of Golva on the Frank
Schouboe land, which is farmed
by Gordon Schmeling.
All demonstration plots are
marked with n~ame stakes for
easy identification of varieties by
• $ * * *
At least one. Golden Valley
County farmer doesn't intend to
be caught short of livestock feed
McCormick No. 125-SPV Combine Ad No. 2530D
lad to buy feed.
Temporary type silos can be
made from either hay bales or
snow fence, are very cheap to
build and are quite popular.
* * * * *
Arrangements have been corn.
plated to transport the Golden
Valley County 4-H agricu,ltural
club members to the Kirseh
ranch at Gladstone for the annu-
al 4-H livestock Field Day, June
!.l. The program will include
leaching the boys to select the
right kind of cattle, hogs and
sheep, a judging contest and
demonstrations on the proper
melhod of preparing animals for
fairs, by members of the NDAC
Extension Service Livestock De-
All boys and leaders planning
on making the trip are asked
to be at the court house in
Beach ready to go by 7:00 a. m.,
June 14. The Sentinel Boys will
be picked up at Sentinel Butte.
Four-H club members will be in
attendance from Dunn, Stark and
Golden Valley Counties.
* * * * *
Robert Minor, Sec.
The Busy Bees met on May 26,
at the home of Roger Barkland
with nine members attending.
The livestock judging trip was
discussed by members present.
The next meeting will be held
h] June at the Lion's Den.
* * * $ *
Self-Propelled Combine i
WITH NEW FEATURES FOR 1950 gro,.,o.k
The McCormick 12-foot self-propelled combine
has always been known as an exceptionally clean
thresher" and "easy handler." Now with added
improvements, this year's model gives you still
greater efficiency and operating satisfaction.
Principal improvements and featm~e$: (1) low
I I~ ~ ll'_l l i lFe~,~i3llXi
grain tank.., you can check on its contents firom ~V-~(i~]/[
the seat; (2) unloading elevator enables ~ to us-
load d3e tank without stopping the machine; (3)
quiet-running V-belt drives replace many of tim Varlable-spand cylinder drive.
Ask us to tell you more about this latest model
McCormick self.peopelled combine. Reane , igs
ia any kiad
former chain dr|vm; (4)variable-speed cyJhld~ 1 ~ [[ -~"
drive permits quick and simple cylind~ Iqpeed1 ~~'~~ ~t[ [~
adjustments £rom 1258 r.p.m, to 488 r.p.m.; (~4
wide-tread rear guide wheels make steerhag easier __ '
over rough or ridged ground.
Beach, N. D.
Wibaux, Mont.
and and
and Rosemarie
is Orchestra .
Joan Stecker, Sac.
Fourteen members and two
visitors ,attended the meeting
held on May 8, at the home of
Beverly Rice. Joan Wenberg and
Beverly Rice gave a demonstra-
tion on how to make and sew a
patch. The club decided ,to march
in the Memorial Day Parade.
The next meeting will be held
on June 12.
* * * * *
Ann,nell Bole, See..
Alice Teseher was hostess to
~he club on May 6, with 14 mem-
bers present. Merdythe Cook
gave a tatk on her trip to the
Achievement Institute at Fargo,
as a de!agate from Golden Valley
County. Eleanor Bohn .and Kath-
leen Hogoboom were elected as
a committee ¢o decide upon sub-
ject awards of 4-H. Maxine Bohn
and Kathleen Hogoboom will
give demonstrations at the next
meeting, which will be held at
the home of Virginia Tangen.
* * * * *
WESTERHEIM ........ Denna Brown, Sec.
On May 21, a meeting yeas he{d
at the Vtesterheim school house,
wilh 3 members present. Mem-
bers filled out their project charts
for the year. The leaders com-
pleted the Midyear report. June
18, will be the next meeting at
the Westerheim school.
* * $ * *
C. W. E.
Mrs. John Hollstein, Sac.
"Rug Making", was discussed
by Mrs. Orval Ross and Mrs.
Gene Hathaway, project leaders,
at a meeting held on May 11,
at the home of Mrs. John Hell-
stein. A new member, Mrs. Bruce
Miller, was added to the club.
Mrs. Orval Ross will be hostess
A Giant, Across-the-Top
• 40-Lb. Frozen Food Chest!
• Lots of General Storo3e Space!
• Extra High Bottle Space!
• Big, Deep, 12-Qt. Vegetable Crisper!
,Ye, za/¢..
Afrg e /Nes. .I
Yes! Hero is the longer-lasting exterior beauty of whiter,
better.woaring Permalux... the tong, her, more staln.resis .tam
beauty of titanium.porcelaln interior finish! The endurm8
white beauty of Polystyrene--new wonder material used on
many interior parts. See this great new 1950 value now!
*Prlom shown am for delivery in your kitchen with Five-Year Prot lbm Plan. State
and ioenl razes extra. Priam and specificafio~ eabjeet to chanlle without notto~
See the Big i. the floor space ~d~d~ ~t~'
_;; of pre-war "6's" ~")vqJqJey~
far only ~"~'/"~
Awarded by Kelvlnator to ore" t/S-Star Salesmen" . . .
asm~res you the highest standard of courteous, helpful m~vtee!
(SINCE 1907)
Beach, N. Dak.
Io the club on June 14. [ Lydia Feldmann0 See..
* * * * * I Mrs. John Barkland was
BEAVER ess to the club on May 17,
Mrs. John Brettin. *ec. nine members and two v!
Mrs. Donald Ulfers and Mrs. ,present. The project leaders,
'Fed Hoeck gave the lesson on Howard Vinquist and Mrs.
"Electrical Appliances", ~nd man Stedma.n, led the
"Rug Making", when members'on "Electrical Appliances".
met at the John Brettin home on Making", will be
May 11. Different types of rugs
were shown and how they are
made. The leaders gave advice
on what to look for in buying
electrical appliances. Mrs. Ted
Hoeck will be hostess on June 8.
* * * * *
Mrs. C. H. Slecker, Sec.
On May 3, club members met
at the home of Mrs. Clifford
Stecker with ten members and
seven visitors present. Mrs. J.
M. Stecker presented the lesson
on "Electrical Appliances". Mrs.
C. E. Carlson, president, com-
mented on the county council
meeting. Mrs. Ellis Wade joined
the club at this meeting.
* * $ * *
at the next meeting, which
be on June 21, at the
Mrs. Howard Vinquist.
We wish to thank the
Butte firemen, and neighbors
friends, who helped get the
at our farm home under
it was sincerely appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Move To Apt.-
Larry Sanders, radio
moved *last Thursday
apartment in the
Building recently vacated by
and Mrs. Frank
mother and father from
son arrived at that time,
will make their home here
~oasts 2 slices at a time.
roast turns eve: when
door is lowered.
Has four propellor-fyp~.
wide blades for mc~d-
mum air breeze.
Rubber Coated
8 Cups I
Convenient ~tora~e
Hanger swings out of
way when not in use.
Provides extra storage.
Chrome Plated
Streamlined convenience
~tlxes water at tom-
percduro you wmnt.
Handy for neck
beard trimming.
Weighs only 4 Ibs. Heat
control p r o v i d e s a
steady, even heat. Cool
plaslic handle,
Self - starting m o t o r.
Streamlined plastic cuse.
Choice of 4 colors.
Reg. S1.98
~.n~rlnod walnut
bed lamp with
*red clips.
Prices on West
Up to $2.7'$
*auco pau
tion sauc* pcm: