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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 7, 1934     Golden Valley News
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June 7, 1934
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i JUNE 1934 THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE t PAGE SEVEN Paid Political COUNTY COMMISSIONER Third District announce myself as a for Commissioner from Third County Con~issioner let, Golden Valley ~p~tmty, sub- to the will Of the/fbters at the ary, June 27, 1~'4. If nomin- and elected Ij~'omise to faith- discharge ~t~ duties of the of- In a just a~d economical way. deeply appreciate the support vote of the men and women of 52 -to. M. B. HOGOBOOM FOR SHERIFF N THE POLLING PLAC]~S OF GOL- DEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA FOR DISTRICT____/ For Primary Election to be held Ty,/ Powell Precinct -- Comprising Townships 143-144 Range 103. The dence of Ralph Mosser on the Eb~ E½ Section 22, T. 144, R. 103. Henry l~recinct---Comprising Tow] ships 143-144 Range 105. The poll ing place to"be at the Guy Schoo House on the Northeast corner o the NW% of See. 2, T, 143, R. 105. Pearl Precinct---Comprising Town- Your Vote Will Be ships 143-144, Range 104. The poll- ing place to be at the Hoot Owl Ahtrreciated School House on the SEIA Sec. 4 T. 143, R. 104. Elmwood Precinct -- Comprising Township 142 Range 105. The poll- .... ~~ ing place to be at the Donnie View School House on the NW1/6 Sec. 29, FOR SHERIFF T. 142, R. 105. Elk Creek Precinct -- Comprisinl Township 142. Range 104. The poll I hereby announce myself as a ing place to be at the T. D. Schoo candidate for sheriff of G~len Val- R•H°use104. on the SE% Sec. 29, T• 142, !ey county, subject tow franchise Divide Precinct -- Comprising of the voters at tl~,'prlmary and Township 142. Range 103. The poll- general eieeti~ns.~/I have been aing place to be at the Wanagan resident of tl~e~ounty since 1910 and in those ~ears have become Creek School House on the NW1A Sec. 28, T. 142, R. 103. Saddle Butte Precinct -- Compris- hereby announce my candidacy W.R.'SCHELL ing Township 141, Range 105 The Sheri/f of Golden Valley county For Re-election posted with the needs of this office, polling place to be at the Little solicit the good will an~. vote DIsTrICT JUDGE and if elected promise to conduct ~eav~, ~h~], Houi~0eh.on the S~V¼ ur people at the com~flg pri- ~*'" the office with a view to the at- Delhi Precinct---Comprislng Town- ~. I have been a resilient farm- ] Sixth Judicial District .............. ~ ~^^A ^~ A *~ ship 141. Range 104. The polling - -- luv~ ~ullullly ~l~u ~ ~cLw~v..l-~ place to be at the Plain View School of the county for ~'years andI v ........ ~,~ ~.~ vn~ ~111 ho E.A. {CUB) ERNEST Hoflse on the North Easf corner of~ ..................... ~ .~ See. 22, T. 141 R. 104. re never before ru~for an office ] greatly appreciated. - e ~v-T~-~ Wanagan P'recinct -- compri~ any kind. I ~ve_ I_ am qual-] .................. Township 141, Range 103. The d for this office and if nominat-J lag place to be at the Twin :~ FOR REGISTER OF ]DEEDS, EX, -- th "" "or of Gol-'en Val" - School House on the Southwest and elected I promise the tax-] ,~,~,~ ~r~var, v~ ~r~_~ "1o e vo~ S a .icy nor See. 21, T. 141 R. 103. ~rx~x~ ~,~=~ ~,~.,~ Countv" City of Beach 'Precinct No the most economical service -" i " AND CLERK OF COURT ~ *^"^ *~" ..... ~*"-~*~ ~ ~n Compris ng all tka territory an absolutely a square deal- ' I ~ ~= w,~ ~pp~v~v# >,, ~ - in the limits of tke City of ...... ~ ...... ~ nouncing that I am a cart~date for, In Township 140. Range 10~ ill every matter that comes to ±u ~r~: vor~ ~r' ou~.~:~lre_election to the offic~of County ~e~t ~n~de F°a~la~dwS,~U~en. o~ sheriff's office. *in all other VALLEY COUNTY: ~ne OilZce o~ Auditor. / ing ~lace to be in the Co ~z on tge second floor of t I pledge efficient and faithful County Judge and Cl~Yk of Court ...... e-tin'-" so'~t your votes at ~ . . ~" _ • reap u ~qF ~#t;~ y~u~ ~ House Bl~ilding located on [~ Your vote will indeed be have, by Initla~eaj~neasure passeo the June Prim~J~nd General Elec- 5-6, Block 6, Original To ri 51-to by the peoule oGr this State, been ......... ish~o say that m- re the t:ity of Beach. HOWARD STOCKWELL mo~o~ ~+h~tl~office of ~oo~o+o~ u~u, ~t~u w~l, ~ ~ ~ " City of Beach Precinct ..... ~ ....... ~" ........... ~" election will mean the continued, Comprising all of the t within the limits of Deeds, I hereby announce myself careful attention to the duties of Beach in Townshi FOR COUNTY AUDITOR a candidate for the combined office, this important office, as well as a on the north Second Street If nominated and elected, I pledge continued economical policy, the The pollir~ been urged by a number to give to that office my undivided saving of taxes for the taxpayers of Fire HaL1 In both town an~'coun- me a candidate)St coun- time and conduct its affairs to the this County. Very respectfully, 4-to for Beach I herewith an~'ounce my best of my ability as I have in the CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN 1---Comprt~ ' for that offi~, subject to past. 52-te. lO5 and ' Range 105. Will Of the voters ~ the primary A.E. KASTIEN FOR S'HE][~-YFF the west cor~er June 27, I j~elieve that mY FOR SHERIFF I beg to announce my candidacy of Son,ears as county and oth~'r work of a pub- for sheriff of Golden Valley county, Say h With Twolips • i The occa~on was one that de- mandsd more than words, so Miss' Helen Fisher, of Annapolis, came! st~hrough in the approved manner as • cgn~tulated Ensign W. F. Cas~ddy on receiving his sheepskin and being commissioned ensign at graduation exercises of U. S. Naval Academy. tion--1932. 112. Bees and their Care---1932. 113. Marketing Activities in N. D. Agricultural College. 114• Lamb Feeding--1932. 115. Farm Poultry Equipment~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANT ADVERTISEMENT RATES All orders for advertising under this head must be accompanied by Cash. The rates are two cents a word wlth a minimum charge o~ ~ cents per insertion. No such advertisements phoned or mailed In will b~ . published without prepayment unless the party has an establtshe~ account with this office. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ~" mediately. Bt~ Advtmce. >.if. - sAL - 20/ b pacity re- WANTSV--Cl frigerator. Jamd~,.~Donaldsom 4-2p POSTS FOR SAL~At ~'cents America's Champion ~d Man : Who Went Wrqn~! J~¢'One of the each, or will tra~e. ~harley A1- Ma~y Interestl~ S~FICs Ap~ lea, last house s~ft'heast corner in.The America_ ~eekly, the ~=, of Beach. 5-2p. asme, Distribut~ith NEXT S~N- FOR SALE--Baby chic~ay old or DAY S CHICA~rO HERALD AND started. Also tur~j~ poults, for EXAMINER. ~-Ip immediate del~. Write or call THE DAK-MONT HID~ & METAI~ ken Hatchery,'Dicklnson, North Co. will load cas~#f~ron again at Beach, N. I~ Jtl~ 9 and 11 an4 Dakota. / 2-5p. at Oolva, Ju]p~/ll and 12. $2.00 FOR SALE-- r go/ 0r per ton.wiZ be pald t tho [ es cheap if tal~etfat once. Miss I Elizabeth Accar~rclo Mrs, A. O, NOTICE~I will no~e resp0nSlble Roof, Beach. 5-1p for any debts ~o~racted fly Will- iam Clark. Te~ Sheldon. - 5-11~ TYPEWRITER RI~]~:~NS, plain and two color, ~ Advance Of- : ........ rice. 2-2t. LOST " LOST OR ST~f-L Auto license Oldest Methodlst School plate No. ~T57. Finder pl~ Randolph-Macon college at Aah. leave at Beach Advance. . land, Vs.. Is the oldest Methodist LOST~Gold medal Fo~fln school in America. It was founded In 1830. with J. K, ~ratley~id letters on it, in t~e~'~of Beach two weeks ago. ~,*~dvlse J. K. Tatley, Management--1930. Ollie, Mont. 238. Cooperative Marketing of D ~i~. Products--1930. Veal in Variety--1930. 240. Chemical Composition of the Soils of McHeary County, 241. Making Use of Our ]~1rd~-- 1930. 242. Standardizing Methods of Roatsing Beef in Experimentol Cookery--1930. 243. North Dakota Weeds--1930. 244. Control of Quackgrass by Tillage--1930. 245. Harvester Stacker Metho~l of Harvesting Grain in N. D.~1930, 247. Impurities Of N. D. Bromus Inermis Seed~1931. 248. Wi]liston Substation Report ~1931. 52-t~ eks New Conquest * fully equips me for this which is primarily a cler- and has no elements in the a woman cannot do and she is not fitted. I ask of the voters and and elected I promise service to the public and in office. 3-te MINNIE E. SmTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT NOBEN, Beach, N. Dak., Valley County. PLACE, Bowman, N. Dak., ANDERSON, Cascoyne, N. County. men were endorsed by the Nonpartisan of the in These for efficiency They out Progressive are not dlegmntled po under false colors and pretenses Of being Vote for these men legislation favorable to and continued econ- government. Mr. Noben and fought hard during the of the Legislature and In cutting appropriations more than (50 percent). Vote~for best Interests by voting men on the Republican June ~, 1-to. OF SCHOOLS of Golden Valley to myself Supertn- solicit your the Standard Dickinson State and have been in the Chan- September 1931. If office I promke to service to the best1 at the coming primary appreciated. 3-te WILSON OF THE DISTRICT Counties. -announce ourselves as the on there- (Anti-Larger.) all which of the and the state. and vo~e Primaries. Golden Valley Slope County, C.T. OLSON, • 50-te To the voters of Golden Valley ~ounty: I wish to take this n~eans~ of an- nouncing that I will "]~ a candidate for the office of shej~ff in the com- ing election. I ha~ been a resident of Golden ~alle~f county for the past twenty-~' years an~! will deeply appreci~e your vote and sup- port. If nominated and elected, I pledge the best of my ability to the fulfillment of the duties of the of- rice, to the beat interests of the peo- ple. 52-to. H. C. THOEMKE HARVEY J, MILLER . --for-- DISTRICT JUDGE FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT subject to the will of the voters at the June primary and general elec- tion, if I am one of the two high candidates at the forager. I came to the county in 19~ dividing my time in farming A~nd business belieVe/at I am qualJ town. I for this importbfht office and if elec- ted will certainly devote all my tim/ and energy to the faithful perfor. I mance of its duties. Your su~ ~and vote will be greatly appreciat- ed. 3-to JOHN BARKLAND FOR SHERIFF I am seeking the office of Sheriff. First, because I am tol0/by friends I have the necessary quflifications for i that office;, secondlY, because, if nominated a~ ele#d I will give my undivided attA~flon to the office and will conduct it economically and give all a fair deal and every consid- eration possible. I will appreciate any assistance the voters may give my candidacy, l-to. El). G. SHOEN NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECtIoN I, Chas. Christlansen. County Au- ditor in and for Golden Valley Coun- ty, State of North Dakota, do here- by certify that candidates for the following offices are to be nominat- ed at the Primary Election to be held in the several voting precincts of Golden Valley County on Wed- nesday, June 27, 1934. and the polls of said election are to be opened at 9:00 A. M. on said day and to re- main open until 7:00 P. M. PARTY NOMINATIOI~ To be made by the Republl Democratic parties. Unless otherwise specifJ candidate to be nominated of the following offices: United States Senator Representatives in Con two at large Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State State Auditor I hereby announce )my candidacy state Treasurer for the office of Cou~/ty superInten- Attorney General Commissioner of dent of schools, subject to the will Commissioner of of the voters at ~e June Primary Labor Commissioner of and goners,1 elec~on. Am graduate Members of the of the ~j~ ~eachers college at sentatives, as Dickinson, ~ which time I have terprectnct7. Sessk taught school two years. I have llved in the county all but two rears of my life and understand the needs of our county schools. I re- spectfully ask the support and vote at the coming election, l-re, HERMAN F. DIETZ FOR SI~ERIFF I hereby announce my/candidacy for the office of sher/f~ of Golden Valley county subjected the will of the voters at the Ju~ primaries. I have in the l~st trl~ to perform the duties of tl~Aoff/e tO_the best of ,Coroner my ability and~,~l~hout fear or favor County Commission, and promise t~at if elected I will sec. 3257 C. L. 1913 District Assessors Third fiG< of of Sen~ ¢itr Sentinel to be in Village of lot -- Comprising 13~ ,rid 140, t~a~age.~ 103 104. The place to be in p Building lo- Block 2 Hunt- 1932. 116. ~Veed Seed Facts~1933. 117. Care of Mare and Colt--1933. 118. Soft Water and the Cistern 1933. 119. Steer Feeding~1933. 120. Artificial Incubations1933. 121. Sweet Clovcr~Best Pasture Crop--1933. 1"22. Potato Culture--1924. 123. Brooding and Chick Manage- merit--1934. 124. i,'eedin~ Dairy Cattle--1934. to the Village 24~. Potatoes for Dairy Cows 1931. 251. Rural Community Clubs in N. D.--1931. 252. Wool Marketing--1931. 253. Flax Production in Argen- tina-1931, 254. Classes and Grades of Cattle and Calves Marketed from N. D. in 1929. 255. Diseases of Grain and For- age Crops in N.D. 1932. 256. Experiment Station Progress, of Sentinel re. 94. Swamp Feever--~.91L Lone • -- Comprising 106. Chemical Studies of Townships 137 and 138, tcanges 105 and ~q~eat--tgl3. and 106. The polling place to be in 114. Chemical and Phvsioal Con- the Town Hall in the Original Town- stants for Wheat and Mill Products July I, 1929-June 30, 1931. "" -- 297. Corn in Its Northern Home BULLETINS• EX PERI.~,IENT ~1932. ,] STATION 258. Buttercup Squash Its Ori- gin and Use~1932. " " Flax I 259. (T~chnfcal) l,'ung-i of Flax- site of Golva. Garner Precinct ~ Comprising Township 138, Range 104. The poll- ing place to be in the Randnsh School House located on the SW~, Sec. 30..T. 138, R. 104. Bullion Precinct ~ Comprising Township 137, Range 104. The poll- Ing place to be in the Caret School House on the northwest corner of Sec. 20, T. 137, R. 104. Stoddard Precinct -- Comprising Townships 137 and 158, Range 103. The polling place to be at the resi- dence of Win. Marquette located on --1916. 120 North Dakoia Wheat for 1916. 121 Soil Survey of Dickey Coun- ty (15c except to residents of coun- ty)-1917 122. Milling and Baking Data Ior 1915 Crop of V~rheat--1917. 123. Other Grains than Wheat In Bread-Making -- Milling Value of Barley--1917. 137. The Bread Value of Wheat-- 1920. 140, Grass Fat Cattle Warmed up on Corn Fodder with a Straw Shed Shelter. Sec. 2, T. 137. R. 103. 144. Cost of Producing Crops in Willlams-l~ll Run Precinct __ N. D.--1920. Comprising Township 126, Ranges 156. Northern Pig from Birth to 105 and 106. The polling place to Market--Revised--1927. be at the Moore Ranch House on the 157. Livestock Judging Contest~ 1922. Crops--1918. 15. The 1918 Flax Crop. 24. Brome and Other Grasses for N. D.~1919. 25. Selection and Care of Tex- iles~1919. 27. The Rural Hot Luneh~1919. 28. One Period Cold Pack Can- ring Guide---1919. 29. Child Feedlng~lglg. 30, Home Nursing--1919. • _34. Marquis vs Kubanka Wheat --lS~0. 36. Wheat Grading for 1920. 40. Practical Pointers ou Farming--1920. 44. seed and of Flax-sick so11--1932, 261. Pregnancy Disease of Sheep ~1932. 262. Carload Shipments r,f Liw~-I stick from N. D: Farms--1933. 263. Wlltshire Sides~1933 264. Barley Production in N. D.-- 1923. 265. :Poisonous Plants--1933. 267. G oo,~eberries--1933. 269. V(ild Flowers of N. D,--1932. 270. Some Edible and Poisonous Mushroc~ns--1933. 266. Leafy Spurge~I933. 271. Incomes and Cost or Living ~1933. 273. Farm Reorganization and Management in Eastern N• D.~1933 274 Lamb Feeding Trlals~1933. 275 Cattle Marketing in N. D.-- 1929-30-31--1933. 276. Tomato Breedin{f--193~. CIRCULARS, EXPERIMENT SW~ Sec. 6, T. 136, R. 105. 168. History of "Swamp Fever" STATION Polls open from 9:00 A. M. until Virus Carrier~1923. 4. Extermination of Ground 7:00 P. M. In witness whereof. I have here- 169 Winter Wheat in N D-- Squirrels, Gophers, and Prairie 1923. " " Dogs zn N. D.--Revised--1917, sealant° ofSetthemYcountyhand ofandGoldenthe officiaIValley, 170. Perennial Flowers for N D 19 5 Marketing the 1915 Hog Crop State of North Dakota. Homes--Revlsed~lg|$ ' " -- 1 . Dated at Beach, North Dakota this 171. Cash and Sha~e Renting of, 19115. Practical Milling Tests 26th day of May 1934. Farms--Reprint~1932. I 7. (Seal) CHAS. cHRISTIANSE'N. 172. Dockage in w]~eat In N. D-- 19. Kota Wheat~1922 . Auditor Golden Valley County. 1924. I " I 26. Flax Facts--1925. (May $I; June %14-21) -- ]9 , -I i " I . W eat in N. D.--1925• vlsl:~, iOn/on Growin~ in N. D--Re-I. 3332 Twh~teSow Thistle--192,. , - 178. Flaxseed ProdUct|on--lOG4 I 9237. Potatoes; Seed Production~ 180. An Economic StUd# of Farm- | 1 9. pUBLICATIONS I~EE TO C/TI- ing in Southwestern Nd#~)f--1924 ~ 39. The Tale of the Prise Win- ZENS OF NORTH DAKOTA 185. A~dvertlslng F~rr~ Produ'cts /ner--~o. 187. Vegetable-Varies for N. D 40. _]~ang~ Dl~ease~1930. ~Revised~1930. ~ ~, " ~L unumant Fever in Man~ Addre~ Publications Department 188. Fruit Cultu~ for ~ D~Re- 1930 North Dakota Agricultural College,' vtsed~1930. .~ | ~ ~ " 42. Insect Pests of Trees and Fargo, N. Dak. . 189. Dickinson ~t~ul~station Report Oardens_~Reviaed~1933. and 1923--19~. ~- ' 43, Early Varieties of Corn, CIRCULARS. EXTENSION . Fact F: ~g ~ Northwes- Rate of PlantPng~1930. DIVISION North Da ~ta~-19] 4.4. Feeding Low Grade Wheat 14. Control of Disease of Farm Protein Co, ten of N. D to cattieand Sheep--1930. • ~. wneat to a~eat~1931. Flax Cropping--1921. 47. Dipping Vats. 55. The Extension --1922, 57. Farm Costs ganlzationS--1925. 55. N. D. Farm den~Revleed~193~. 61. Some Applications on Costs AccountS---1924. 67. Trees, Shrubs and Pla Revlsed~1930. . 69. Sheep and their Care---Revis ed---t930. 71. Farm Busines Analysis Score Card Method~1926. 80. Hog Raising In N. D.~1928. 82. Turkey Production in N. D. --Revised~1932. 230. Northern Pig: Its Habits 86, Alfalfa the Best Fodder Breedtng and Management--1929. as per Cro1>---1929. 231. Varietal Resistance of Spring 87. Incuhation and Brooding of Wheat to Bunt--1929. per Sec. Poultry--1929. 232. Prices of N. D. Farm Pro- continue the same policy. 2125 C. L. 1913 Justices of the Peace~as per Sec. Your vote and support will be 3257 c. L. 1913 and 3258 C. L 191~ County Constables--as per Sec. 3257 C. L. 1913 and 3258 C. L. 1913 46. Spring Wheat Varieties for N, D.~1952. -- i , MEAT~ON THE FARM SERIES1 47. Part 1 -- Pork SlauKhteving, Cutting and Curlng~1933. 48,~ Part 2 ~ Beef SIanghterlng and Cutting~1935. 49. Part 3~Lamb Slaughtering and Cutting~1933. 50. Part 4--Poultry. Killing and Dresoing~1933. 51. Part 5---Cook and Canning Meat--1933. 53. Refrigerator Ice Creams--- 1934. SPECIAL CIRCULARS EXTEN- SIGN DIVISIO'N Roundworms and Tapeworme tn Sheep. Blighted Barley a Seed Problem. The Contracted Wheat Acres• TEACHING DIVISION Genera1 CataIog. Dated at Beach, N. D., this 31sl C . CHRISTIANSEN, Auditor Golden Valley County greatly appreciated. 51-re. I~ J. EKICKSON TO THE VOTERS AND TAXPAY- ERS OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY I hereby announce my candidacy for election to the office of Register of Deeds, and ex-officio 01erk of the candidacy Voters at the June will of a resident and there- conditions and elected of an administration m eye to econ- "Your help election to be held on June 27th, ! ~. ~ NOB~ Official, Newspapers--See Chapter 172, Session Laws 1925 The following proposed Initiated Measures will be submitted to the people at this Primary Election and a Publicity Pamphlet will be issued in corripliance with Chapter 213, Ses- sion Laws of 1923: INITIATED MEASURES Initiated Measure relatlhg to In- toxicating Liquor. Local Option and Anti-Monopoly 88. Wheat Situation--1929. 89. Profitable Egg Production ~1930. 90. Flax Facts--1930. 91 Grow Healthy Chicks--Re- vised~1932. 92. Poultry Houses--1930. 93. Silage and the Trench Silo --1930. 94. Distillate as a Tractor Fuel --1930. 95. Canning Meat in the Home-- 1930. 96. Roast Beef- Rare, Medium and Well Done--l~930. 97. Flax- Facts Supplement -- 1931. 98. Trebi Barley, Yield and Li uor Control Bill. Dlstrict Court and C~unty JUdge, ~roposal t~ ~eoSt~rroel ~on~ ~o~lrodl~" Feeding Value--1931. which offices were asp ted ~0£ gree ot ~oca ~ " lng Smut) in Wheat--1931. ........... ~d{~.2, Oli~t~__.__ tionin poviding support of mlnimum 99. The Control of Bunt (~tink- the vurpt~ o, ~ vmg ~l~fl~_• educational facilities=, • ~ .... her~- 100. Emergency Pasture and Hay If chosen by you ~0~f~ th~ office • ~n witness wnw v~, ~ ...... Crops--1931 (Revised 1924.) ,nip set my hand and affixed the 101. Salads for Every Occasion Will endeavor fla c~nduct the duties t ~fftctal sca[ of the County of Go l- ~1931. as mention-t den Valley, State ot .~orth ~agota, Treatment-for Seed Potatoes ~1931 (Revised 1934.) of the combined~)jrices . lot the County Seat in the City of 102. ed above in the'same careful ana]~each this 26th day of May, 1934. 103. Sewage Disposal for N. D. have the (Seal)" cHAS, CHRISTIANSEN, Homes~1931. 105. Selecting Show Corn in N. economical manner as I . in Auditor Golden Valley County D.--1931. office of the Register of DeeRs N. Ddk (May 31--June 7- 14-21) 106. Livestock Losses from Sweet the previous years. ~ -- ~ C10ver~1951. I am thankful for the support you .... .. 107. Community Clubs Factors have given me in the past and will Differ in ~..n.--, o, ~m.U I • Individual~ differ so In geonne~[ i09: Ergof in ~rain & Grasses--- appreciate yOUr vote at the primary of ~mell that ~mme flowers, mlem[191~0(R~we~ln~9~t)at¢~es fn N. D.--- fn~rant to Rome people ann pact. t 191tt " less to other~ 1~'1. Culling and Breeder ~1~- ducts--1929. 233. Experiment Station Progress July.l,234 1927--June 30, 1929, Hettinger Substation Report --1929. , *~ 235. Williston SubstatiOn Report ~1929. 236. Chemical Compos~lon of Some N.D. Pastures a't~d Hay Grasses--1930. 237. Ranch Organization and Glasse~ fitted for dist~mee and r~tt~ and ~n~tug. Thread First door east of Ove~tad'~ Hardware. Look for sareet Rice Drug Co. Prescription Dreq~lsts K C, RICE, ]~ FII. Beach, N. D. KEOHANE & KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT LAW Beach, North Dakota Phone 158 DR. FRANK C. Gener~ Surety Offlee ~Hth Dr. Ellason M. M.D. and Surgeon Butte _ - w - - W. C. BRADLEY, M. D. Mrs. Nan Cushing Marco, GI~s Fitting Phone 1~ Beach, N. D. DR. O. R. NIECE Dentist All Work Guaranteed BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA '%et us fill your next Pre, soription wherever it comes from. 23 Years of Unbroken Service