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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 7, 1934     Golden Valley News
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June 7, 1934
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-x 2 JUNE 7, 1934 T'~'g, PEACH. N. D.. ,~r)VANCE PAGE FIVE WRITER ON FARM ;IMENTATI'N following article by Mark who is known as one of most astute writers of affairs at is taken from the Fargo as it treats of what is in for farmers if the Department has its way and get the legislation now before This legislation means thing: The regimentation farmers on the Russian plan and ultimate direction by the gee- of what and how farm shall be raised and the of each, with the farmer all the independence which made this section of American the backbone of the country. article follows: June 2.~The request of agriculture for powers has significance as standing alone. It has even significance if the even~ be as one of a series, as a marking a trend, a trend in this ease is running strong rapidly. the department made its re- expressions of alarm and op- from Democratic Senator of Virginia and others have led to make informal that It would be willing le~s than it asked for. It is original request, however, that the state of mind of the de- and shows the trend. is said here deals with the bill as it still stands before bill consists of amendments existing AAA statute passed a ago. In the AAA statute is a which provides that the sec- of agriculture may make with and pay money to to reduce their acreage of crops called "basic." These now familiar "acreage re- agreements." section of the statute the now proposes an amend- and extension reading in par~ ("acreage reduction' may include . , . pro- requiring the producers who are parties to such to reduce or lirr~t acre- , , of agricultural commodities than basic agricultural com- as well as of one or more agricultural commodities." Involved and circumlocutious about "basic" and basic" commodities will BONNIE VIEW Mary 51cCaskey, Reporter PARTY GIVEN _ , _~ Cpon invitation o~ Mrs. Ed Fcld- "BEGIN W I T H T H E BACK, When searching for a perfect figure," counsels Bryant Baker, sculptor, who won the $100.000 "Pioneer WorrY- an" award. This model passes w=th flying colors J Baker's reguirements that 1 shoulders and back be in / the same perpendicular | plane. Al~o, she's a 1934 | example of the classic | Greek ideal of loveliness,l, ILLOYD N. ~COTT. well known New York attorney who, in a re- cent address at Hunter. College, New York, proposed an Interna- tional Grand Jury of citizens of everyciwlized country, to sub- poenathe of 15oials of nations en- dangering World Peace, and to make indictments and present- meats to the World Court which would render' Judgments and des- tgnate ~atlonG to enforce these. ma~n. a number of friends gathered at [lle Bonme View school house i2"/'u:sday evening and tendere5L M~s. "Spud" Adamson a part35,,WlSe idancing to music furni~gd by Frankie Fleisner. Abo~midnight a delicious lunch was served, after I which dancing was resumed for an- I other hour. Over sixty guests we1 oresent, which includes besides 1~ qnd Mrs. Adam~rn, Mr, and [Mr Ed Feldmann a~d family; Mr.l an Mrs. J. S. 8c.hauer. daughters,tA~ nes and Maffon, sons, ~obext, Ray, and Mrs. t~rank Dunder ~tpai fam fly; Mr. ~hd Mrs, A. Do~ar~ M~ and Mrs. / Chan. Woolworth ~ an¢ dauhter, Colleen, Mr.,and Mrs. ~acl Still and son, Merton].Mr. ar1~ ~Irs .l~ck Fmwa daughter ~lona ahd sot Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. I-Iollis Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sperry and daugh- ter Clara, Henry Feldmann and daughters Lorna and Elizabeth ,~ EIGHT HUSKY AND HAPPY $ONSand daughters testify that FrOntal SOll Walter, Franz Bceler s~Yran- Lee Barton's pot.and.pan-prowess is not Just theoreticall She conducts~nle and Bill "~;t~'-~-~skey and the Cooking School of the Air, broadcast at 9:15 a,m. central standard i family, Mr. and Mrs, Mahlon Steck- time Thursdays over an NBC-WEAF hookup, er and son Larry, Cicero Hartse_ Herman Feldmann. Rosia Beeler. Frankie Fleisner. Shirley Herr. Roy Brown. Paul Still. Alfred Green. • .:-.. Bill Middleton and Clement Geyer. MRS, WILLIAM H. BIESTER, JR., Philadelphia, national ores dent Of th~ American Le~bon Au~h~y, pr~pg,~e5 ~,~. 1 glass of jelly ~n the campaign for 1.000000. The 500,000 Auxiliary rnenlbers mav~ been asked to reach the mHhon- c~lass quota by October 1. All jelhes and jams made in tins campaign will be dis- tr'~buted to the needy in 0rp~a-~age$, hospitals, and to private famihes. SCHOOL PICNIC iA fairly large crowd was in at- t2ndanee at the picnic held at the Beaver bridge last Sunday for the pupils of the Bonnie View school. A pfcnic lunch was served to all at- tending about two o'clock and the rest of the afternoon was spent in various amusements, as playing horseshoe, swimming and fishing, as well as dancing on the new bridge which was enjoyed by a num- ber of persons to Frank Pleisner's music, Mrs. Adamson closed her term of school at Bonnie View last Thursday. Miss Margaret Adamson returned to her home near Sidney last Wed- nesday, after being employed for about six weeks at the l~'ank. Nehls home. ~eve:'al from bert ~ttended the ;uneral of Mrs. t;'u~i~ Chaffee in Ecaeh ~Cnturdey afternnon, news of her death coming as a slmck to the community, and sympathy is extend- ed to her family. Mrs. Chaffee *~.~:~:~ f!'e ~'-~-'!~ V'.'~w c~ ., , . Kityy McCoy. the year prior to her marria~:e, and gained many friends in this vicinity, who wiN] miss her greatly, M;~s Fer~dc,~ SDer,'v. who hr~s been employed at the Jahn McDanold homo for sometime past returned to m relatives. Lydia Dunder. Marian Schauer, Paul Feldmann, Joe and Pat McCas- key, wrote their state examinatiol:~ at the Bonnie View school Thursday all being seventh graders with the exception of Joe McCaskey who was an eighth grader. Robert and Raymond Sehauer and y who have been at- el in Beach during the past year hh,~e returned to their homes to spend their vacations. Mr. and Mrs. Li~e Baker and Mr, and Mrs. "Spud" /~lamson drove to the Sunny Side cer~etery Wednesday afternoon to atter{d Memorial Day q was a visitor at the Franz Bee!or home Sunday. GOLVA Ed Fischer took his relatives to the gas fields Monday night, which interest~V[hem very mtmh. The wedding of Miss Laura Meyer of Beach and Norber~ Bares was c~]led thre~ ~imes at the Catholic ~he UrCh Sunday. The wedding ~o be sixth. ~ " services there. La~er they drove to Miss Millie Funk returned from the Art Adamson/home near Sid- her trip to Williston and Hebron, ney, taking Mis~/Margaret Adam- Monday• Miss Funk was in an auto ~on there. / ,accident while away, but none of FrJ~hz Reeler/received word from lthe occupants were injured. Wibdux, Monahy, that his mother, Miss Helen Oearey and her bro- Mrs. Bill Bej/lcr of that place, was[ very ill. MYs. Beeler has been inI poor healS21 for sometime past. ~ Don't Like Sul~or~ng Little/~ooleen Woolworth was on[ The growth of the sentiment the s.~< list Saturday night, but was I against suffering Is tremor today ~Ming better again Sunday. than In any previous period of hu- Miss Gladys Petersilie of Chama man history. BARGAIN DAY AT REYNOLDS CO. Dakota Maid Flour, 98 lbs.... $3.89 Stock Salt, 100 -_::: :.. $1.25 \ Coffee, 3 bs , speoal ......... 61c Soap, Laundry, Bars ....... 25c Palmohve Beds | ............ / 5c Oranges, do: only / 3% ,4" Stray∨ ......... -/ ........ z .te / " ~. i /7" Tomatoes, r pe, und ........ 15c be clear to many readers• " .................... --------=-:=~--:7-:-~:-:------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: her home near Trotters.Wednesday " -Head e"u-e, aro-e 10c it will not be clear to ................ ~ ..... spent six months, evening. 9 ......... farmers. What it means is lliTTTOrl~DD![ll~I~tff" ..... .,~,~--~T Miss Francis Brewer returned Albert Cooper and Alex McCaskey l theCr°ps departmentthat a farmerof raiseS,agricul_ _ ~ v,:h~l'~_he had been nursmg a head Caskey home ~unday, returning to ranennt l?l b e vv r~l~r~n~xu ,~ITN,~NT NEN'I'INISL from the Beach hospital Saturday were supper guests at the Roy Me- o = ......... ...... -==- . ........... 77.4-~¢6i~nd {h~, past week. the road camp. where they are em- ~ -r ...... ----~ -a.spoon, for""l,e ~akes an agreement with a ~ and pays him money to re- Several salesmen have been can- - .... ~-~ r~arlie Smith ~ [ Miss Ila Hayes and, Miss Beth ployed, that evening. " " = _ 1 ~ .... ~1~ acreage of any one crop, easing in our neighborhood, bug fail- .^~,~-~"-t~'en~lecl'" Commen;,~:7~';.~? Redington of Dickinson were week- . Bonnie Brown is staymg at the .... !~Ythewheat'farmerthetodepartmentsubmit to die-Can i~:%f~i~tt~hi~irT:e~n; i;~!ht ~xi~ri!ses ~L~I~ Beach last Yu~y"ev: ~lndhk!U~22:f Lla;e:~s :12~ ~i!~l:lS/i~shos~aiiii%th~rW~C~l~! ~ T O~i,m . ii1~ ~IL ,J~,~ ~ _ by the department about all . ' Mr and Mrs Wm_..~slerj M~[sler Mr. is visi ' ' r~ / ~age and allhis crops. "All Allen Brosarehauhngashposts^ " • " r'and had been postponed for. ssverall tin g her sister, Mr. Chester i nuyllUII] 150 "" means literally everything out of the bad lands. "Fney have and Mrs,, Le~ arSSre~d.~l~ar~e, ~eeks due to sickness was neld last,O~. ~n~_ ,~mhy. __. __ _ __ --__IS te~ for m~rket, wheat, corn, heavy loads to, or near Beach, and Krame~"Mr and~Mrs~ff"Wm-"{Je~'~iS -u~-day June third at the Ever-l_."all.Y {Jauaw. who has been era- I~e/~ It.l:.,..--1~___ n. ..-- hogs, milk--everything.A farmer last year raised ~ii ~L~u~I~!!~ I~~!: ~~~ ~e farmer raises chickens for , the requirement would cover ' typical example can be ~t. ~I i,-- • ~if'ght, an- r daughter El of wheat. He now makes tment with the department a went~ fL~ing'~,l*h cake and/ice cream to Lop i tlltureacres oft° wheat.raise neXtAs aYearre- ~~ Ha&OMr~:r~Bro~!ii~iguhMMat~ ~~K~nndtoH~eU~tc~ei! ~@~wlr~m~men~r~eea:~::I Betteradt ck 1 tt of that contract, the de- elUe~kue~ i-~ nm;~?ohn h~:~ 1~2!e Otd T,,e' be~"~ could, under the pending ~| each and every acre of his U~l a esdaeYet! c i many acres of corn, how .......... . Wednesday morning to -a~.~rTheld in DeSart, , - ==-- L am, All II alfalfa, how many catt~ ~uen nose ~a~ ~Tmay. • " • ~r~morial services at the Opera ', marth. They will return Wednesday _ II __-= ~l~|~.~r~ 'Vv 1=" ,Y hogs, how much milk. :in J.E. Cook snd so~ we~ I~sz- ~:~'~ °e evenino. . ~l~_~ff Nl~li~--~ -- by the word "limit' in the ness callers at~Beaeh and~e~tinel "~_~ • _ ................. ;s! ~' IIm=vo _ .,~k "tires ~,,ito l~t 1Vrnndnv ~ / Mr. unarne l~ramer ,nuV~u **.* _ ~s~Mt" ~w~*"" department could and tin- -7~:7~d~;.~OT-~;ro nf tlie ~erious plowing outfit from the Carlyle w-! Briar Root for Pipes Hat road$ .,v ._ WOUld require the far~- m~-~-^;~-~Tt~:~-~l~h--~r and oinity back home last week. The production of briar root tel "'-- ~ O O D Y E A R a certain amount of his ....,~ ~....-o. ~= v "~'~r~ ' ~-ed' - that she was to be taken%o;the hos- Mr. Albert Ramsey and rT ] smoking pipes dates ~aek to 1860. Million Under Contra~t pit*! at Bismarc]k. We hope she will Smith were business snoppers m ! when a French firm found it to b, ALL -WEATHER of farmers already getlrelief there and gets l~etter soon. Beach last Thursday. ' of excellent quality for that pur. Contracts ~ith the de- ~em~ge Wright, Taylor Cook and Robert Latterall returned ~rom is about Te~ Pock/were rounding up horses in Bismarck last wok where he had pose. on ~eae~r Creek la~ Friday, and " " is nearly half the in the United States. True, the pond- WOUld not cover contracts But the whole theory that these contracts shall and also extelided to farms. Unless this is ceases to exist. The Would of course apply and all new con- by other provisions in measure, the secretary would have similar farmers not under con- of the condition of the the proposed measure is to be found in of Agri- himself used in con- of farm- "Every plow- have its permit stick- Post." act easy to understand of a parent saymg me more than it does P and down the land regimentation. At 1 makes this request enabling him to regimentation. For Byrd of Virginia accuracy in a made about the pond- Whole. Senator Byrd legislation secretary the czar called on their oi¢I Yriends, Mr. and Mrs. AI. Flanagan. Mrs. J. E. Cook and daughter Jean and grandchildren visited at the Ellis Sleeker home last Saturday. Albert Allen left for Fargo last Sunday where he will undergo an operation for hernia, Ernest CheMey and Dan Morris, were Sentinel Butte visitors Satur- day. Burton Mellius had infection in his hand. caused from a wire cut on his thumb. He was taken to Beach Friday for medical attention. Gee. Gas. foreman at the O. O. Carlson sheep ranch made his usual week end visit m Beach last Friday. Frank C. Morris was a caIIer at the Ed. Cook home last Saturday evenmg. Clarence Sathre and Ober~Peter- son rounded up cattle on Elk Creek one day last week. J, R. Ra~hbun was a caller at Ted Cooks Monday. Sun Long Way From Earth On an average, the sun is 93,(~)0 000 miles from the earth. step toward a new form of society forces the second step, and thc sec- ond forces the third, and so on to the end. What would be the next step af- of America will ter the present proposed one is mat- liberty than the ter for surmise. A hint may be found in two sentences of a speech bY Wallace's assistant secretary, Prof. Rexford (3. Tugwell. Spea~ng] of what is atempted so far he said: "What is done is merely to keep a] part of each field of each farm out of use." Then looking toward the' RUssia 2' On By Setup of the what Wallace and his pres- for the pro- Part, but only a explanation may some of Wallace's and earnest- The larger is that Wal- the forces which set in mo- Wallace's future, Professor Tugwell said: "It seems to me obvious that this can- not be the characteristic feature of a permanent policy." Professor Tugwell obviously meaffs that the control of farms and farmers, ac- cording to his theory, must go even farther than is yet proposed and must be carried out on a univerr~l scale. , PROTE(;T YOIJR EYES i We'll .era and prescrt GLASSES If troubled in the least with your eyes . . • if they smart and feel strained after short periods of reading . . see what a help glasses can be. To neglect your eye needs is to invite possible com- plications. MODERN GLASSES ~ Designed in the latest frames and fitted to become your features. Dr. W. C. Bradley s Offme NAN MAGEE, Refractionist WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Evenings: ~ :30---9:30 o'¢!o¢k -Call 29 for appointment ===_:_~:_..~ . -_=-= __= _--=== _---_ =-====- ...... If you've tires, thank put on new by patented Let us show LIONS more Try our real trouble / 43~~More Non-Skid M41eage... Flatter ,Wider Tread . . . More Non-Skid Blocks ..... Wider Ridin~ Ribs . . . More & Toup, her Rubber (average of 2 pounds more per tire) at NO EXTRA COST! i " on thin have ~8 protected