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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 7, 1934     Golden Valley News
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June 7, 1934
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE BEACH, N. D., ADVANCE THURSDAY, JUNE 7, LOCAL NEWS1 Miller & Wieting have leased the Fletan lots opposite their store mad have had the propel%y cleaned Up for the use of their patrons as a ][Lrklng place for cars while doing t~eir shopping, all of which is a piece of enterprize. Earl Baker is driving a new Ford truck bought from the Johnson Motor company. George Brenzel is enjoying rides in a new Ford sedan sold, him by the Johnson Motor company. Little Miss Joann Nyman celeo brated her birthday last Monday afternoon with eight of her small friends. Games and other enter- tainment were enjoyed by the guests after which refreshments which de- lt~lt the child heart were served by the mother of the hostess. Mrs, A. E, Nyman. Joann was five years Old. -- 1 Olaf Rishoff of Wlbaux was a Beach visitor last Tuesday on bnsl- I hess. He is considering the trans- i letting of his plumbing business to q Beach in the near future. Mrs. Phil Dickinson left for Min- neapolis to make her future home last Saturday. She has rented her llouse to Mr. and Mrs. Roy John- ~, son. Before leaving Mrs. Dickinson I purchased a new Nash-Lafayette car from Roy Haistead. The Legion Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Clay Wiley Tuesday evening. The main topic discussed was the American Legion dance to be given at the Legion hall next L Saturday night. Plans were made ! Io~ the serving of the supper which k will be done by the Auxiliary. 5 ~lal Hour will hold its next me~ing at the home of Mrs. W. C, Bradley, June 12th, hnstead of at the home af Mrs. T. L. Dickinson as scheduled. Mrs. Phil Cook, who recently r~- turned from Bismarck where she underwent an ol~eration for gall stones successfully, is now feeling very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schwagel made a trip to Bismarck last Sunday. Mxs. Harry Halstead left Tuesday evening for Dickinson where she underwent an operation for appen- dicitis immediately. She is doing as well as can be expected so far and all hope that she will continue to improve rapidly and will soon be as well as ever. Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Taylor left Ior Bismarck Wednesday morning to place Mrs. Taylor, who has been on the sick list for some time, un- der observation, The lady's many friends hope she will soon be back and on the road to full recovery. ALPHA (Edna Wassmann, Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Howard gave a dance in honor of their silver wedding anniversary at the Alpha hall Friday night. A collection of sliver was given Mrs. Howard. A large crowd was present, a nice lunch was served by all there and la all had a good time. Everyone wish- them many more happy wedded Le~gie Howard was visiting in the Alpha neighborhood Sunday. Miss Albert Barthel is visiting friends in Golva a few days. Andrew Kohler and A. J. Ziebarth were fixln~ the Alpha telephone ItIie ~o~y. k LlOyd Wassmann called at the |~ Andrew Kohler home Monday. i MiSs Nellie Irons gave the 7th and L Thursday,~ll grade examShome TuesdaYfew days.and 15~i Ralph Odman is visiting at the Louis Tungsvik a | Paul Thomas and family from ~L~ Belfleld were visiting relatives near Alpha Sunday. Daisy Wassmann and Edna, Dor- " Othy Whitaker and Leslie Howard ~k were supper guests at Harry Wass- mann's Thursday evening. ~ Harold Ziebarth Karnus Johnson spent a at the ~[ Aud Nunn ranch. Edith (on the sick list the past few Mildred on business ear repaired. Arthur to Beach Victor guest at Andre$ was allotment tot Lewis and Arthur The ball Alpha and victory for a score 20-0. ~ A1. Irons and\Warren, and Lfllian wer~ urday: Mr. and Mr~ and Mrs. Tom Oldls were visiting at the ]Fritz Fasching home Monday eve- nin~d Mass and father returned from Taylor, N. D., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Oison were Beach visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fasching and famUy were Beach visitors Thurs- day. Mrs. Elmer Howard and children called at the AL Irons home "l~Ure- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sannek and boys, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Kouba and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Fritz Fas- ching and family, Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Wassmann and Victor Ren- Strom were dinner guests at Julius ~on's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Oldts and Mrs. Bertha Johnson were visiting at the Fr/ts Fasch/ng home Thurs- day afternoon. ou, and ou Alone Are Combined As Both TheJUD EandJU BE FAIR TO YOURSELF--- PATRONIZE THESE HOME FIRMS ! A. & SON It's with. Sup~mdx "We have for~ Home" / Texaco Certified ~ervice Station Every Servlee and Aec~nmo~on foT_ the. Auto Owner "GOODI~PHOMPSON GREEN GA~S See Our Line of Straw Hat~verything for Men'sWear MILLER & W~TING BEACH BEAU~Y~~ PARLOR In new and Let Gladys do your hair and be assured of the Best. THE STY~- SHOP Ladies Ready-to-Wear a~d alZdthat is Neat and Natty at P~ That Sell BEACH~ BAKERY • GOLDEN ~ALLEY HOTEL / [Caf~ In Connection i~ lt~lern Rooms ~ to the minute s~rvice for your Dry Cleaning, Pressing. ~ : ~ays At Your Service ,~,~ / PHONE 32-M RICE DRUG. STORE The S~re of Personal PHONE $I \~ THE CORNER BAR / "Reere~Uon Center" Our Beer is Always Cool and Fefreshing. A good P ~e.. to spend an enjoyable ~g. Lmwhes - Ci~ - ~i~rs TO THE PEOPLE OF OUR TRADE TERRITORY The undersigned merchants of Beach send ings to their friends and neighbors in what is as Beach territory, and, as the rains have put ne~l~ope and courage into the hearts of the people, so w~e send to you our hope for a crop and a price that will repay you for the labor and outlay that have been~ours, for your prosperity means ours. / Throughout the years that we ha~ resided to- gether the merchandizers of Beach)lave earnestly striven to supply your needs at pric~ that compared favorably with those in the larger n~trts of trade and larger distributing houses. They h~ve carried you in good timgs and bad, and when speCal bargains came to them th~se were passed on to ~ou, because you are both friehd and patron, and becguse of the knowledge that we ~nust live together, b~ar with one another's misfortube~ s, and lend the helpfng hand to one another even to the limit of credit an~{ business stability. No town can live without its properous neighbor- hood, and no farm community can be happy without a town to Wsit for the extradition of pleasure as well as to do the marketing. There is an interchanging debt each owes to the other, /and the business people of Beach, achknowledging t~is situation, ask that trade support the old associations and efforts to please and benefit you would seem to deserve. The dollars that ate left at home to circulate con- tinually around in home trade remain with us to p~y our tax and other obligations. Sent away for goods our businesses can supply, means those dollars are gone from all of us forever. Look ~)ver your home market before sending away. Give us a~ chance to compete with the distant marts, and we ~ Sure that, like "bread cast upon the wat- ers," the Iknefits will come back to you in one form or another.,_ t " a~ ~i h~'B F mers & Mere ank home ~ution of ~'ce~ "~ comm~'ty and for Community Pr~fperity BUTTREYS // Economists for all t~ ~e~le PALACE BEAUTY SH~i~ Equipped of Formanent Wave you maydes~ to give you the best of modern b~uty se~ice. PHONE 126 "/ / BEA'S BEAUTY SHOP / For Lovely Hair Let 'qSea" Do It x~j PHONE 76 Reeves Bldg. SPECKEEN'S STORE Ready-to-~~ Dry Goods -- Notions PHONE 171-W BEACH CREamERY CO. A Home Institution Offering y~e BEST MARKET for your Cream. You Help Yourself When You Support Your Creamery R.'R. HALS~EAD General Insurance and Collections Nash's last word in Low Priced Cars---~Fayatte at $795, Beach / / LOGAN AUTO SERvIcE Eaditor Cleaning and Repairing. We do all Auto Work and Handle Oils, Greases, Ete. K. H. ALTO)~~ wm~ ~G~E O~ COPUlaTiON Mobilgas -- Mobil Oils -- Mobil Greases Always at Your Service / CASH& CARRY MEATS & GR~IES Quality Food Products at Reasonable Attractive Prices H. B. LOVELL IMP. CO. The MeCormick:~)~e~ing/Line When you buy a McCormick-Deering machine you get Repair Service FARMERS~ UNION OIL CO. Handling all Farmers ,~Jnion Products Quality -- EconOmy -- Service F. W. Houck, Manager Phone 1418 J. T. PIERZINA 1 Beach's Ideal Beauty Parlor "Smart W¢~men/Keep~ Well Groomed" For Better~]~auty Service Phone 15 f~ Appointment l "111111111111t1111111111 IIII1111111 ', --j You are assured of a good tt~e when you visit the Big Clde~ Tavern. Comfortable Cabins in Connection. Bus Depot, I