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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 6, 1935     Golden Valley News
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June 6, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE BEACH REVIEW Maid Flour We are exchanging wheat for flour----6 bushels equals one barrel of first grade flour. Bring your wheat to the Dickinson, warehouse. I I I Write us for information. AARON SNOOK, Manager 136 First Avenue East Dickinson, North Dakota Greyhound Puts On 40 Fine New Buses tl Delivery is now being made to the Northlaa~l Greyhound Lines of 25 new buses These new buses, togeth- er wRh 15 buses now being built in the company's own shops, represent a total investment of nearly $400,000 in new equipment. The buses were manufactured by New Telephone Night Rates Now On -ll Beginning 3une 1 night rates on station-to-s~ation long distance tele- phone calls will become effective at 7 p. m. instead of 8:30 p. m. and continue until 4:30 a. m. These rates apply to those calls on which the customer asks to talk to anyone available at the telephone called for iugs Are Designed[ -------I[-- [ Bismarck, N. D., June 6--In read- summer will be six or eight designs for community buildings adapted to Dakota conditions, announced R. P. Wallis, FERA const]~tction engineer, who is drawing np plans nOW. An attempt is being made to make the buildings as distinctive and at the same time as usefu) and inex- pensive a~ possible, he said. Esti- mates vary from $4000 to $8500 and most plans call for basketball courts. Included in the plans are one mod- ernistic building, two uslng native rock and several frame structures which may be attractively stuccoed in white with colored roofs for con- trast. Frame buildings are of Gothic design, he said. Average floor space is approxi- mwtely 40 by 60 feet with provisions made, for seating 100 to 300 people depending on galler3, space, size of stage, etc., he said. Some call for full basements. Copies will be available in the four districts set up under the new works program as suggestions as soon as all plans are complete. ..... I!l-- IMPORTANT S, B. LUTHERAN CHURCH MEETING SUNDAY I - --11 I There will be services of the Trin- lily Lutheran church in the high school auditorium at Sentinel Butte General Motors Co. according to specifications furnished by Greyhound englneers, t~nd they incorporate many new improvements in passenger com- fort and mechanical performance, it is said. Of a modified streamline de- sign, each bus seats 33 passengers ~nd driver. The reclining chairs are of a new and rooster design and af- which the day rate is 40 cents or on Sunday afternoon at 2:30. more. This announcement was made There will be an important busi- today by Roy Johnson, local isle- ness meeting after the services rel- phone manager, alive to plans in regard to. the This change means that the low- building program. All members and est rate for this type of long distance friends who are interested are urged calls will be availabe to telephone to be present for the meeting. users for an hour and a half longe- st than has heretofore been the case, fc;rd more leg room. The big 175' and Is in effect a reduction in rates horsepower motors are equil)l)ed wtih beyond certain distances for this dual ignition, cooling and carburetor class of service between 7 ,~nd ~q:30 systems, insuring perfect perform- p. m. anee at all times. Longer and more Mana~gcr Johnson explained that flexible springs are used. together there are several advantages to us- with over-size Firestone balloon tires ers of tong distance service tlmt will to provide greater riding comfort, result from advancing the night rate ~rider windows gwe clearer vision period, to 7 p. m. It will, he said, and at the same time are easily ad- enable users of long distance service justed for better ventilation. Buses to place many of their calls at a are equipped with Westinghouse air more convenient hour and still per- brakes, sit them to receiw~ the benefit of The addition was made to the the lowest long distance rate. Also, Northland Greyhound fleet ju ~ntic- many long distance calls can be ipation~of a heavy-spring" a~ld sum- handled more promptly because the met passenger business. Bus travel Change will reduce the ii~mber that so ~ar this year is ahead of last have been pltced immediately offer yea~; by 15 per cent, it was said. S:30 p. m. and distribute them mere ---~[lll--~ evenly throught the low rate period. Legion Meeting ......... "~ ............. At ,~Belfield Soon ---,--Alnha News Several carloads of local L,eg~o- ~.~.~.~.~..~.,~.,~.~.,~.~.~¢.~.~ aires expect to drive to Bellield next Wednesday evening to attend a Pro- Adolph Nistler left Friday morning Convention District Lc~giou meeting, for his home at Eden Valley, ~iinn., flair will be for a short visit. A sl)eclal feature of the a Mr. and Mrs. Nred McManniga! the participation of th(~ Dickinson Dr~n' corps and the Hebron Whisker were guests at George Stulls Monday. club in street maneuvers at 7:30, Carlyle played baseball with Alpha Just preceding the calIing of the reg- Sunday at Alpha. The score was 25 ular meeting at 8 o'clock, to 4 in Alpha's favor, The object of this meeting 3une 12 Mrs. Carl Otremba and Denny is to discuss matters pertaining to called on Mrs. Bury Sunday afteP- the State Convention which will be ,noon. hehl at Orand Forks June 23.25. Leg- Mr. and Mrs. 3. K. Brauch and ionaire 3is Boucher, dlstrlct deputy Alone were Beach vlsit'ors Monday, for the eighth district, will preside at Fay Lundblad is woz~king for H. the Belfleld gathering, and other A. Bury. 'state officers to be are John Clara Wassmann is spending a Kennelly, Nationa~ Vice-Commander few days visiting Edna Wassmann. fram Mandan, Ed. Tobin. Department Joe Tort left Thursday morning for Vlce-Commander, Gervais Manning, his home at Bottlneau after eo~nplet- DepartrKent ExecUtive Coihmitteeman ing his spring work here. from Dickinson, and Thee. Mar~, Roland and Gordon Gronnlng went DistrictAthletic Officer from Hebron. to Bismarck Thursday for an extend- In addition to the business meeting ed visit with their sister, Mrs. Ed- tbe Betfleld boys are promising an ward Flanagan. interesting program of music and 1111 entertainment, followed by the usual iFOR SA~One cement mixer, 300 Repast tn the basement of the Legioli new brick, porch swing, Edison H~I1, Which is under the supervisionI phonograph, Mellotte cream separa- of the K. P's who, according to the tor. Albert Anderson. Beach. invitations, know how. fill' At AN APPRECIATION II Upon severing my connection With the Farmers and Merchants Bank af- ter twenty two and one-half years of service, I feel that it is only Just this .means of of the courteous treatment accorded me by the patrons of this institution dur- ing~ these many years. I came to Beach in the fall of 1912 to begin my duties with the bank which have continued without inter- ruption through all these years ef war, of drought, of bank failures holdups and depression until the present time. I have at all times heen able to furnish the required surety bonds, which, during the greater part of the time. have been in the sum of $10.000.00, that beiug the maximum CARD OF THANKS -li We wish to extend our th~-n[s to the Sunset Lodge, and to our friends and neighbors for the kind sympathy shown us during the recent sick ness and death of .our mother and grandmother.--MRS. AUGUSTA SI- VERTSON, MR. AND MRS. ANDREW SWANSON AND .FAMILY, MR. AND MRS. ARVID $1~;ERTSON. NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE --11 A new schedule for trains No. 3 and 4 went into effect Monday of this week. Eastbound train No. 4 now ,~rrlves at 10:28 a. m. and westbound No. 3 arrives at 4:34 p. m. It[ S. B. LUTHERAN LADLES AID The Sentinel Butte Ladies aid of the Trinity Lutheran church will meet i with Mrs. J. D. Davidson Thursday, amount required by lay:for this po-~ June 13. sition and have had no difficulty in obtaining such n bond. I feel that I have had the trust! and confidence of the business and professional men as well as other citizens of Beach and vicinity. I have the .~atis~action of knowing that it has been my constant aim and endeavor to be fair and impartial in my dealings with the public as well as with my recent employers. I deeply appreciate the many kind words and expression.~ of reuret that have come to me since my retire- meat and I hope that I may in the future continue to merit your good will and confidence. Sincerely, C. O. HALVORSON. EVEN THE CHICKENS? __fi-- While eating chicken dinner Sun- day at the Charles Heckaman home. a dime, worn real thin. was found [n the gizzard of the chicken. Can it be that the chickens, tee. have tak- en up the chain letter fad? ITHOMPSON S [ Holder of Ticket NO. 201 wins coaster wagon I CA- E-'FLQOR [ GA LARGE PK,25¢ I COCOA 2 LB BOX 19c J MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 2t8S 58c [ MARSHMALLOWS 1LB Pg,, J P&G SOAP 5 LARGE BARS 23c i CAI DY BARS&,GUM 3FOR l Oc ] GREEN OR WAX BEANS 3 CANS 99c j BISQOICK LARGE 40 OZ, PK, 33e ,! PEAS. ,2 NO 2, CANS 25c ,| PABST ETT CHEESE PER PK, 15c PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 BARS 19c II NEW SPUDS, Good Quality, 7-1rounds for 25c !I CHERRIES, Fancy Bings, per pound 27c | LETTUCE, Crisp, 2 large heads 19c | LEMONS, Sunkist, Per dozen . 25c | Berries, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Radishes, | Carrots, Etc. I WE DEI~VER ,, , PHONI~ 55 I Fine Memorial Exercis- es At Sentinel Memorial Day was fittingly served at Sentinel Butte last day afternoon when exercises conducted at the Opera House. Lee was featured speaker and an interesting address In with the day. The complete program follows: America ................... Sung by Band Silent Prayer ................................... What Little Children Can Do ....... ........................................................... Orville Vocal Solo .................. Mrs. Lyle Address ................................................... Reading ............................ Eugene Selection ....................... S. B. Town Reading ...................... Kathleen Natlonal Anthem .... Town You seed the same t|re protection that ~a©e drivers demand KELLY PETILLO on May thirtieth won the five hundred mile Indi- anapolis race on FIRESTONE tires, breaking the track record and driving the entire dis%ance at a rate of 106.240 miles per hour. This record is an astounding demon~tratlon of tire To go 500 miles in less than five hours on this rough and 26.year-old brick track demonstrates the strength and protection that Firestone builds into their Gum-Dipped Tires. AB JENKINS ALSO RECENTLY DEMONSTRATED 1141 stamina, efficiency, and blowout protection built into Firestone Gun~ Dipped Tires. He drove his 5000 pound car over the hot salt beds at Lake Bonneville, Utah, 3000 miles in 23~ hours. This was an average speed of 127.2 miles per hour, and although temperatures were high as 120°, he had no blowouts or tire trouble of any kind. These records are made possible by special construetlon built into Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. Take no elmnces--proteet your life and the lives of others bY letting us equip your car with Firestone Tires. Before you buy new fires ask yourself dmse ~m quest~on~ the fmad give me 0m" Answer N6~ 5--lhlvemity te~ greatest traction end ~aow Fhmt~ne 23t~ stop yea" prote¢~onege|ndsJ~dd~ng~ 'eat, IS% quicker than b~t ~--*'Are th--. built Io sdve me ~ Answer No~ ~ --Unequaled p~" mreates~Jowou~,,..~...~.,..#:, ~ormanee records prove that Gu~" - - r ............ Dt--i~p rig- $tEtves the s,~mtest blowout protection known ~b'-~f'dhout sacrificing these two " " imporiantsefetyfeatureswUI Answer 14o, 3--' owner¢ they give me longer mileaga~ re~ u,,Mm,led ~lea,,e veeord~ thus makinl them the most of th~--e lon~e---~--r" wear an~ grantee aconomical t~res J can ~?'m ceonomy of Firestone Tires. • Volume-- Direct Purchasing'-- Straight Line Manufacturing anJ Efficient and Economical System of Distributin~ ~l~Nk~N_ f__~. our SO0 S~ores end to 30J Dealers, enabla¢ you greater va|ues at lowest priccJ Ck'NTURY OLDNB,D TYPE SENTINEl. TYPIE COUR~ TYIq PROGR~S TYPE Equal or,upe- ...... Equalorsupe- rlor to any spe- uarrles the uarrleS the tier to any 8o- sial brand tire ~h.eatone name Flre~tmle called First mztnufaetured mndguarantoe--- and "suax'antee. • ,rade,~u rot for mass dis- e ual or su e Sold as low ms DeLuxe ~ei~es tributors with- pc- " - ior re ardles f out th to any tn'e many Inlet g it0 e lfl~t~nu- . tO ham • made an this tires made e. brand or faeturer s name by wbom man- or guarantee. I~iee clam. sell at a prlee. ufactur~l. II S,ZE I ..,cE tl II s,~E ! ,'.,c~ tl s,= I ,.,,CE tl- " BIG CEI.F.RRATION I[=, $'$~:3"0".~. ,, ,,=, ...5 ,, u.-~z, S6.~[, and cold again forced post- II*.~s-z~l 7.75 II Ils.eo-tpl 7.55 II *.~-ipl e.4o II ponement of the baseball game sched. II~-ael 9.~o II lls~-~-zsl~.4o II s~s-xel II .led here for last Sunday between II~*',sl *°'4°-II IIs'~-]rl "'~11 s.~,01 g.TSll Beach and Fairvlew. Next Sunday !1 orH~sur~ II II OTS]EItSIZFJt- II OTHtrSSIZr'~ tl AT GOLVA JULY 3 4 Beach is booked to go to Glondive and meet the team from that city. AUTO SU LIES AT BIG SAVING The local team has been unusually Jinxed with bad weather conditions We save yon mmaey .every utomq~plymeedfm, m~;ear,,m y~ have the added ¢onvemenee mzd economy of ha~btg ~, tp ilie this year and have not played a single I _ . , ~ m., game as yet this season, but hopes " [ _~__~,.o~_ iBATTERi ES tnnw .... are high that the Beach boys will be!1 e,.~,~,.~ i-:~;-¢_.. --l....n Ptlli$ in their ill'St LOW- ~AMM ]7~~~DE~ ~i~ND:a~RED BY "|E.AD.fl; I'||.E,' /~~'''" Qutl~k- League game next IItsaarnvvr lU*Ul As ¢ E~I ~ -- wlthatand - -- 1111' Johh Rice returned to Beach TueS- trip, expecting to be gone for about . ALEC LA SOTTA or more at various pot~ ,,.,, X.~m to t~ I~ ,] ~--~__~_R~d ~ ~l Dakota and Bowery Dan each night-Traveling Orchestra J~ireston¢ Raymoltd Wieka accompanied Col- ce N FOR YOUNG AND OLD, FU WatchforfertheruuoRcemem Johnson Motor Mrs~ D~nigan did not go with previo~ly reported. money for the Oakes pool project, more than BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA