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May 31, 2018
Golden Valley News
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The Billings County Commission will
hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June
5, 2018 at 10:00 AM in the Commis-
sioner's Room at the county court-
house, Medora, ND to consider the
approval or denial of the following
amendment to the Billings County Zon-
ing Resolution No. 1 :
Ordinance 6.16 Medical Marijuana -
Compassion Centers
The proposed amendment was rec-
ommended for approval by the Plan-
ning & Zoning Commission hearing
held on Thursday, April 19, 2018.
A copy of the proposed amendment
is available for review on the Billings
County website at www.billingscoun- or during regular office hours
at the Billings County Courthouse.
Dated at Medora this 17th day of
May, 2018.
Stacey Swanson
Zoning Director
(May 24 and 31)
Notice to Creditors
Probate No. 04-2018-PR-00009
the undersigned has been appointed
personal representative of the above
estate. All persons having claims
against the deceased are required to
present their claims within three months
after the date of the first publication or
mailing of this notice or the claims will
be forever barred. Claims must either
be presented to Christy Paulin Clark,
personal representative of the estate, at
4355 Newland Street, Wheat Ridge,
CO 80033 or filed with the Court.
Dated this 18th day of April, 2018.
Christy Paulin Clark, Personal Rep-
4355 Newland Street
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Gordon H. Hansmeier - 04653
Rajkowski Hansmeier Ltd.
11 Seventh Avenue North
P.O. Box 1433
St. Cloud, MN 56302
Telephone: (320) 251-1055
License - #04653
Attorney for: Christy Paulin Clark,
Personal Representative
(May 24, 31 and June 7)
Request for Bids
':" The Beach Public School District'will
accept sealed bids for managed IT Sup-
port services.
Sealed bids are to be marked "Man-
aged IT Support Services" and ad-
dressed to Beach Public School
District, Attn: Misty Farnstrom, Busi-
ness Manager, P.O. Box 368, Beach,
ND 58621. Bids must be received by
3:00 PM MT, June 8, 2018. Bids will be
opened and awarded in the Superin-
tendent's office at 3:00 P.M. The Board
reserves the right to accept or reject any
or all bids, and to waive irregularities. A
Request for Proposal is available upon
request by calling 701-872-4161. All
amendments to the RFP will be avail-
able at the Beach High School office
and it is the responsibility of interested
vendors to frequently call to determine if
there are amendments to the original
Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager
Telephone 701-872-4161
(May 24, 31 and June 7)
The North Dakota Department of
Transportation (NDDOT) seeks sealed
bids for cutting, baling, and removing
hay on designated sections of highway
right of way along 1-94 and 1-29. Bids
will be for the 2018 haying season.
NDDOT will accept sealed bids in
five district offices. Faxed bids will not
be accepted. Interested bidders can
contact the respective NDDOT district
office listed below to obtain a bid docu-
ment, copy of the Risk Management
Appendix, and sample certificate of lia-
bility insurance. The REQUEST FOR
BID document must be completed,
signed in ink, sealed in an envelope
marked, "Bids for Standing Hay", and
submitted to the respective NDDOT dis-
trict office prior to the deadline. The
awarded bidder will be required to sign
a contract with NDDOT agreeing to the
terms for hay harvesting.
Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks, and
Valley City offices: 1:30 p.m. CDT
Thursday, June 7, 2018.
Dickinson office: 1:30 p.m. MDT,
Thursday, June 7, 2018.
NDDOT district offices:
Bismarck: 218 South Airport Road,
Bismarck, ND 58504-6003 Ph: (701)
Fargo: 503 38th Street South,
Fargo, ND 58103-1198 Ph: (701)239-
Grand Forks: P.O. Box 13077,
1951 North Washington, Grand Forks,
ND 58208-3077 Ph: (701)787-6500
Valley City: 1524 8th Avenue
Southwest, Valley City, ND 58072-4200
Ph: (701)-845-8800
Dickinson: 1700 3rd Avenue West,
Suite 101, Dickinson, ND 58601-3009
Ph: (701)227-6500
(May 3, 17 and 31)
North Dakota Century Code 15.1-
07-26 requires districts to engage in a
long-term planning process during each
even-numbered year. We, the School
Board and superintendent of the Beach
School District have completed the data
gathering outline in NDCC 15.1-07-26
and held a public forum to receive input
in the planning process. This public
input is reported as part of our com-
pleted plan, and this plan is available at
the high school district office or upon re-
quest by contacting: David Wegner,
Superintendent or Misty Farnstrom,
Business Manager at the high school
building (701-872-4161 ).
'/s/David Wegner
Signature of Superintendent
Signature of Board President
Dated this 9th day of May, 2018.
(May 31)
A public test will be held on Monday,
June 4, 2018 at 10:00 A.M. MST for the
Model 100 Precinct Scanner that will be
used for the Primary Election. The test
will be held in the Commissioner's
Room at the Golden Valley County
Courthouse in Beach.
(May 31)
Billings Counb/School
Minutes of Special Meeting
April 30, 2018
A special meeting of the Billings
County School Board was called to
order at 4:00 p.m. MT, Monday, April 30,
2018, at DeMores School in Medora,
North Dakota. Present were Lynn
Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel,
Mike Klatt, Julie Reis, Principal Shae
Peplinski, Assistant Principal Danielle
O'Brien, and Business Manager Tammy
Simnioniw. Also present for all or part of
the meeting were Eric Bock, Lynn Pe-
terson, Liz Odermann, and Jessie
The purpose of the meeting was to
consider revisions for Business Man-
ager, District Secretary, Office Assistant,
District Principal, and Assistant Princi-
pal job descriptions, negotiate Principal
contracts, and consider revisions of
The District Principal job description
revision was presented and discussed.
M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to follow
guidelines recommended by ND School
Board Association in utilizing their stan-
dard checks and balances and working
with them to make adjustments accord-
ingly ~-Roli~ c~ttl ' qOte~,W~th ~'-ReiS~ and
Stacey Kessel in : favor and Joey
Kessel, Klatt, and Arthaud against. Mo-
tion failed.
Arthaud asked if anyone wanted to
make a motion to approve the proposed
District Principal job description. No
motion made for change; current job
description will remain in place.
Arthaud asked if anyone wanted to
make a motion to approve the proposed
Assistant Principal job description. No
motion made for change; current job
description will remain in place.
Business Manager's proposed job
description was discussed. M/S Stacey
Kessel/Reis to change language in
Business Manager's job description to
be solely responsible for payroll, ac-
counts receivable, and bill pay. Roll call
vote with Reis, Joey Kessel, and Stacey
Kessel in favor and Klatt and Arthaud
against. Motion carried.
Further discussion ensued on the lo-
gistics and quality of internal control
procedui'es with this directive. Arthaud
stated that since the motion passed, re-
gardless of differences in support for
the motion, it was now to be considered
a board decision. The next step was to
give direction to the Business Manager
on how to manage with sole responsi-
bility of these duties. After discussing
the logistics of this action, M/S Joey
Kessel/Arthaud to amend the previous
motion removing the word "solely." Roll
call vote with Joey Kessel, Stacey
Kessel, Klatt, and Arthaud in favor and
Reis against. Motion carried.
Question was raised regarding su-
pervisory change for Maintenance Su-
pervisor and DeMores Head Cook
positions in those job descriptions.
Those job descriptions were previously
revised to move supervision from Busi-
ness Manager to District Principal. M/S
Joey Kessel/Klatt to revise the District
Principal job description to include su-
pervision of Maintenance Supervisor
and DeMores Head Cook. All in favor.
Arthaud asked if anyone wanted to
make a motion to approve the proposed
District Secretary job description. M/S
Joey Kessel/Reis to approve the pro-
posed job description as presented. All
in favor. It was noted that the status of
the expected number of months was
not determined in the proposed job de-
scription just approved. M/S
Arthaud/Klatt to identify the District Sec-
retary position as a 12-month position.
All in favor.
Arthaud asked if anyone wanted to
make a motion to approve the proposed
Office Assistant job description. No mo-
tion made for change; current job de-
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scription will remain in place.
Negotiations ensued with District
Principal and Assistant Principal for fis-
cal year 2018-19 contracts. The Princi-
pals proposed going from a 215 day
contract (current) to a 210 day contract
with annual salary remaining the same
as in current contract. In addition, keep
sick leave days at 13 and add two more
personal leave days, going from four
days to six, with any accumulated per-
sonal leave over six days at end of each
fiscal year paid out at daily rate. Board
asked if the rate paid out for accumu-
lated sick leave when leaving the Dis-
trict could be changed from paying out
50% of daily contract rate to a flat rate
of $75. Principals countered with $150
flat rate.
Joey Kessel needed to be excused
from meeting at this point (6:45 p.m.) as
he had prior commitment.
M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to approve
the changes as follows for District Prin-
cipal and Assistant Principal contracts:
210 day contract with annual salary re-
maining the same as current contract;
13 days sick leave with maximum ac-
cumulation of 95 days and payout for
accumulated sick leave when leaving
the District at a rate of $150 per day; 6
personal leave days with payout at end
of each fiscal year for any accumulated
personal leave days over 6 days paid
out at daily contract rate. Roll call vote
with Arthaud, Stacey Kessel, Klatt, and
Reis in favor (Joey Kessel absent). Mo-
tion carried.
Reis and Stacey Kessel had pre-
pared several policies for review. Due
to length of meeting, review of policies
was tabled for a future meeting. Reis
and Kessel advised that several policies
were outdated according to ND School
Board Association templates.
M/S Reis/Klatt to adjourn. All in
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Lynn Arthaud, President
Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man-
(May 31)
City of Medora
city of Medora
Minutes of Public Hearing
May 14, 2018
(Subject to Council Review and
The Public Hearing on the petition to
vacate a street was opened by Mayor
Todd Corneil at 7:00 p.m. Present were
Mayor Todd Corneil and Councilmen
Denis Joyce, John Tczap, Ben Brannum
and Kinley Slauter. City Engineer, Mike
Njos; City Attorney, Sandra Kuntz; Russ
Lapp, Chief of Police; and Dell Beach,
Public Works were also present. Randy
Hatzenbuhler and Clarence Sitter from
the TRMF were also present. There
were 31 signatures of attendees from
The Public Hearing notice that was
posted for four weeks as required fol-
Public Hearing
Notice of Petition
Notice is given that Theodore Roo-
sevelt Medora Foundation has filed a
petition with the Medora City Auditor to
vacate a street between 6th Street and
Broadway. The petition is available for
public inspection and the City Council
will conduct a public hearing on said pe-
tition at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 14,
2018 at the Medora Community Center
in the Roosevelt Room.
Dated this 6th of April, 2018
Carla Steffen
City Auditor
Medora, North Dakota
(April 12, April 19, April 26, May 3)
Randy Hatzenbuhler, TRMF, opened
by explaining the proposed project and
read prepared questions and responses
related to input he had received. Some
of the items included:
-the project is to provide a number
of attractions to make Medora more at-
tractive to families.
-6th Street would be closed off and
have a cul-de-sac at the end for turning
around, the connection between 6th St
and Broadway would be closed.
-in response to Fire Chief concerns
the cul-de-sac will be large enough to
turn around a fire truck, and there will
be an alternate emergency exit via a 14'
wide walking path for smaller vehicles
(such as ambulances).
-the number one concern is public
safety, particularly related to children
crossing the street.
-signage would be added to assure
drivers are aware that it is not a through
street, etc.
-TRMF will work with the Car Show
people on a new location. Open Discussion
-Public safety is the number one
concern of everyone. This includes:
pedestrians safely crossing the street,
emergency vehicle routing and access
to Pacific, impact of a cul-de-sac on the
ability of some vehicles to turn around,
residents not being able to turn left onto
Pacific safely from other streets when it
is busy, increased parking problems,
-Parking in the area is a big concern
as it is a problem now and it is expected
there would be more additional vehicles
looking to park than parking spaces
being added. It was suggested that the
lot behind the MCC should be looked at
for upgrading to provide more parking
-Access to and from town is a major
concern as the current route is heavily
used to get on Pacific (particularly in the
summer) and it is often the most direct
route for emergency vehicles.
-Generally agreed that adding more
family activities is good for Medora but
the location is a concern for the public.
Suggestions were made that alternate
locations, including west of the river be
looked at. Randy commented that their
history and guest surveys show that lo-
cations west of the river don't work well
due to concerns about walking across
the bridge, needing to drive, less con-
venient, etc.
-Stacey Swanson, Tax and Zoning
Director for Billings County, presented
maps and written comments, and made
verbal comments. Her main points in-
cluded: the street as configured is a
long-standing route, closing the con-
nector will impact the response time for
emergencies, the proposed change will
negatively impact public safety and
property values, and careful considera-
tion needs to be made to ensure that
the decision is in the public's best long
term interest.
-Police Chief Russ Lapp indicated
that he has discussed concerns about
emergency services impacts several
times with Randy.
-Sandra Kuntz and Mike Njos com-
ments included: if the decision is made
to move forward a development plan,
easements, and various other plans
would be required, and there is a City
Ordinance that will be followed.
-Sandra Kuntz challenged everyone
to be creative in looking at possible ap-
-How can we improve Public Safety,
and traffic flow now? Look at stop
signs, other?
-Randy commented that he doesn't
believe the street needs to. be closed to
put in a zip line but this will be evalu-
ated. He stated that adding a barrier to
prevent pedestrian crossing and adding
a pedestrian bridge may be an alternate
approach to closing the street.
-Randy thanked everyone for their
input and indicated that all input will be
Sandra Kuntz commented that the
City Council will take the input under ad-
visement and the request will be ad-
dressed at the next City Council
Meeting on June 5 to determine if it will
move forward or not.
Hearing no more comments, Meet-
ing was adjourned by Todd Corneil at
8:40 p.m.
Todd Corneil, Mayor
Gary Ridenhower, City Auditor
(May 31)
City of Medora
city of Medora
Minutes of Special Meeting
May 14, 2018
(Subject to Council Review and
Meeting was called to order at 6:45
p.m. by Mayor Todd Corneil. Present
were Councilmen Denis Joyce, John
Tczap, Ben Brannum and Kinley
Slauter. City Engineer, Mike Njos, and
City Attorney, Sandra Kuntz, were also
present. The purpose was to review the
Kevin Holten - Parade Permit request,
discuss a Consultant Agreement with
former City Auditor, and review the Out-
door Dance-Music Permit for June 8 re-
Kevin Holten-Parade Permit Re-
quest- Slauter moved the City approve
the permit request from Kevin Holten for
running horses on June 1,2 contingent
on a Certificate of Insurance with the
City of Medora named as an additional
insured being received by the City Au-
ditor by noon on Friday, May 18. Tczap
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Consultant Agreement with former
City Auditor - Brannum moved the City
contract with Carla Steffen as an inde-
pendent contractor to support and train
the new City Auditor. Pay rate to be $50
per hour with 75 hours authorized for
the year. Tczap seconded. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
Outdoor Dance-Music Permit for
June 8 - Kuntz and Lapp are in agree-
ment with this request. Tczap moved
the City approve the request for an Out-
door Dance - Music Permit for June 8.
Brannum seconded. Motion carried
Slauter moved to adjourn. Brannum
seconded. Without objection, meeting
adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Attest:
Todd Corneil, Mayor
Gary Ridenhower, City Auditor
(May 31)
by Linda Thistle
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1 9
4 1
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numbers from one to nine.
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This weekly puzzle is brought to you by:
T&A Seeds
Beach, ND
(701) 872-3248
NDGOP to support an independent
candidate for secretary of state
The North Dakota Republican onSaturday, June 16.
Party intends to support an independ- NDGOP will begin crafting proce-
ent candidate in this fall's election for dural rules for the June meeting. Can-
the office of secretary of state, didates are asked to contact state
Independent candidates who in- party headquarters for more details.
tend to petition the Republican Party The NDGOP's announcement fol-
for a letter of support should appear lows the decision of its endorsed can-
before the Republican State Commit- didate, Will Gardner, to withdraw
tee at a meeting to be held in Fargo from the race.
Billings County School District Honor Roll
4th Quarter Honor Roll Jayson Morel, Shay Burian, Chris-
Highest Honors: Prairie School: tine Palahniuk
Dillon Reis, Shawna Burian, Tacy DeMores School: Jesse Lapp,
Palahniuk Kaitlyn Sitter, Abby Talkington
DeMores School: Emma Bock Honors: Prairie School:
High Honors: Emmet Reis, Tanner Wanner, Mor-
Prairie School: Brianna Klatt, gan Vesey
Golva School
Honor Roll
Fourth quarter:
Fourth, fifth and sixth grade:
Slater Gunkel, Emery Noll, Grace
Bosserman, Carter Sarsland, Kinze
Seventh and eighth grade: Cassie
Bosserman, Griffin Gunkel
Golden Valley Courthouse
Golden Valley Courthouse
State Capitol
Unorganized Twps June 5 1:00 p.m.
County Equalization June 5 1:00 p.m.
State Board August 14 TBD
your local
"Each taxpayer has the right to appear
review or equalization and petition for correction
before the appropriate board of
of the taxpayer's
Signed and dated this 25th day of April 2018
Henry Gerving, Director of Tax Equalization, Golden Valley County
The Billings County
Pioneer and Golden Valley
News have shared
advertising, and have been
sharing the news for some
of their inside pages for
about 50 years.
This means the coverage of
your ad isn't limited to just
either county/Ourprimary
coverage area is western
Stark County and west to
the Montana border. It pays
to advertise/