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Beach, North Dakota
May 31, 2018     Golden Valley News
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May 31, 2018
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Page 4 Golden Valley News May 31, 2018 Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF GOLDEN VAL- LEY IN THE DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JUDICIALDISTRICT COURT Case No. 17-2015-CV-00041 JOSEPH G. FINNEMAN, D/B/A SOUTHWEST IMPROVEMENT, Plaintiff, VS. ROSEMARY HURT, MJ PLUMB- ING, INC JANDT PLUMBING & HEATING, LLC, Defendants. [1] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, Scott Steele, Sheriff of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, pursuant to the Judgment [Docket No. 37], the Writ of Special Execution [Docket No. 45] (the "Writ") issued thereon, the No- tice of Levy dated May 3, 2018, pur- suant to the Writ, which was recorded in the Golden Valley County real estate records on May 3, 2018, as Document No. 18107239, and applicable law, will sell, as one parcel, the entire right and interest of judgment debtor Rosemary Hurt in the following-described real property to the highest bidder for cash - except that the assignee of judgment creditor, being Majestic Homes, Inc shall be allowed to make a credit bid for all or part of its judgment hereunder, in- cluding pre- and post-judgment interest, costs and disbursements, as it may de- termine in its sole discretion--at public auction to be held at the front doors to the Golden Valley County Courthouse located at 150 1st Avenue SE, Beach, North Dakota 58621, on the 20th day of June, 2018, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. Mountain Daylight Time, to satisfy the amounts due, with interest thereon, and the costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale will satisfy, to-wit: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 5 of Wood- hull's Second Addition to the City of Beach, North Dakota, according to the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Recorder for said County and said State. [2] DATED this 3rd day of May, 2018. SCOTT STEELE, SHERIFF OF GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA /s/Scott Steele Scott Steele, Sheriff 150 1st Avenue SE Beach, North Dakota 58621 Garth H. Sjue (ND Bar ID #03873) CROWLEY FLECK PLLP Attorneys for Majestic Homes, Inc. 1331 9th Ave NW - Second Floor P.O. Box 1206 Williston, North Dakota 58802-1206 Telephone No.: 701-572-2200 Facsimile No.: 701-572-7072 (May 17, 24 and 31) Hearing Notice AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, COUNTY OF BILLINGS IN THE DISTRICT COURT, SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT Case No. 04-2018-CV-00007 In the matter of the Petition of Cody Exploration LLC for an Order Declaring a Trust and Appointing the Billings County Treasurer as Trustee for William D. Hathaway, Unlocatable Owner of an Interest in Minerals underlying Certain Tracts of Land Located in Section 29 of Township 138 North, Range 100 West, Billings County, North Dakota. TO: WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, UNLOCATABLE OWNER OF AN IN- TEREST IN MINERALS UNDERLYING CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND LO- CATED IN BILLINGS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA: [ 1] NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cody Exploration LLC has filed a petition for the creation of a trust pur- suant to Chapter 38-13.1-01 of the North Dakota Century Code in favor of William D. Hathaway, Unlocatable Owner, and authorizing the trustee to execute an oil and gas lease covering said lands to Cody Exploration LLC, the Petitioner herein, said trust and lease covering approximately 53.334 mineral acres, apparently owned by William D. Hathaway, in and under the following tract of land located in Billings County, North Dakota: Township 138 North, Range 100 West, 5th P.M. Section 29: Wl/2 [ 2] The hearing on said Petition is set for Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 10:30 A.M. before the Honorable Dann E. Greenwood in the Billings County Courthouse, 495 4th Street, Medora, North Dakota; and any interested per- son may appear to support or object to the creation of said trust, the authoriza- tion of the County Treasurer as trustee to hold funds payable for said unlocat- able mineral owner, or the execution of an oil and gas lease to Petitioner. DATED this 17th day of May, 2018. FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. By: Lawrence Bender, ND Bar #03908 Spencer D. Ptacek, ND Bar #08295 1133 College Drive, Suite 1000 : Bismarck, ND 58501-1215 Telephone: 701.221.8700 Attorneys for Petitioner Cody Exploration LLC (May 24, 31 and June 7) Notice Billings County Board of Equalization The Unorganized Township and County Board of Equalization will meet on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 1:00 pm in the commissioners room at the county courthouse. Each taxpayer has the right to ap- pear before the appropriate local board of review or equalization and petition for correction of the taxpayer's assess- ment. (May 24 and 31) Notice NOTICE ELECTION EQUIPMENT PUBLIC TESTING Billings County will hold a public test of election equipment on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 2:00 P.M. in the courtroom of the Billings County Courthouse. Marcia Lamb Billings County Auditor (May 31) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Regular Meeting May 15, 2018 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES (Subject to review and revision by the board), The regular monthly meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 1:05 p.m. MT, Tues- day, May 15, 2018, at the Prairie School in Fairfield. Present were board mem- bers Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt and Julie Reis. Also present for all or part of the meeting were Principal Shae Peplinski, Assistant Principal Danielle O'Brien, Business Manager Tammy Simnioniw, Mainte- nance Shawn Thomas, John Marten, Dennis O'Brien, Rick Olson, Roger Malkowski, Pete Oderamnn, Anita Adams, and Erika Honeyman. The board, Principals, and Business Manager were given a tour of the facil- ity and grounds by Shawn Thomas. Recommended improvements were presented. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to approve the consent agenda, which included the Minutes from the April 17 regular meet- ing and the April 30 special meeting, the attached check list, and the addition of ten items to the agenda. All in favor. The board reviewed job description committee meeting Minutes from April 19, April 23, April 25, and April 30. Building Fund Check Number Entity Name Amount 185 KLJ 2197.96 General Fund Check Number Entity Name Amount 19276 BCSD 1,240.55 19277 BC/BS 462.79 19278 HORACE MANN ANNUITY 13,265.00 19279 JACKSON NAT'L LIFE INSURANCE CO. 19,000.00 19280 MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 292.00 19281 NDPERS RETIREMENT 5,673.35 19282 NDPERS HEALTH INSUR. PLAN ' 15,607.36 19283 ND TFFR 18,300.52 19284 ND UNITED 479.27 19285 OFFICE OF STATE TAX COMMISSION 790.00 19286 OPPENHEIMER FUNDS 8,936.00 19287 THRIVENT FINANCIAL 200.00 19288 ADVANCED BUSINESS METHODS 251.01 19289 ARMBRUST, LAURA 46.33 19290 BELFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 52,535.10 19291 BILLINGS CO. SCHOOL DIST. #1 24.00 19292 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER 71.14 19293 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD 1,265.41 19294 CITY OF MEDORA419.97 19295 DICKINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3,930.98 19296 DOLLYWOOD FOUNDATION 55.06 19297 DON HEISER ELECTRIC 100.00 19298 THE HORACE MANN COMPANIES 455.89 19299 KEMPS LLC 166.63 19300 KATHLEEN MALKOWSKI 7,303.60 19301 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC 209.24 19302 MEDORA CONVENIENCE 311.25 19303 GARY MEDUNA 6,023.38 19304 NORTHERN PLAINS ENGINEERING 1,000.00 19305 DENNIS OBRIEN 10,054.72 19306 PETER ODERMANN 6,297.93 19307 OLSON'S SERVICE 5,643.00 19308 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB INC 53.00 19309 SW WATER AUTHORITY97.37 19310 SYSCO NORTH DAKOTA 3,196.57 19311 WALMART COMMUNITY/SYNCB 39.29 19312 WEST DAKOTA OIL INC 3,369.19 19313 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES 3,327.98 DD ERIKA HONEYMAN 351.01 DD JAN KUCHERA 75.0() DD JENNIFER MUSCHA 10.25 DD DANIELLE O'BRIEN 220.15 DD REBECCA OSTERMAN 156.62 DD SHAE PEPLINSKI 113.33 DD CHELSEA RAAEN 135.91 DD TAMMY SIMNIONIW 223.42 DD SHAWN THOMAS 45.00 DD MARKIE TOSO 240.59 DD MAY PAYROLL 78,385.03 EFT JP MORGAN CHASE P-CARD 27,425.90 EFT AFLAC 988.19 EFT FEDERAL WH 23,910.82 Dennis O'Brien asked the board to consider changing some of the lan- guage in the proposed bus contract. Discussion was held on the proposed language changes and the board and bus contractors in attendance came to agreement on the language in question. Sealed bids for the bus routes were opened and awarded as follows: Route 1 : Three bids were submitted by Gary Meduna for diesel bus at $2.51/mile; Olson Service, LLC, gaso- line bus at $2.64/mile; Pete Odermann gasoline bus at $2.40/mile. Route 2: One bid was submitted by Pete Odermann at $2.45/mile for gaso- line bus. Route 3: One bid was submitted by Dennis O'Brien at $2.61/mile for diesel bus with a base bid of $3.15. Route 4: One bid was submitted by Kathy Malkowski at $3.06/mile for diesel bus. Route 5: Discontinued Route 6: One bid was submitted by Dennis O'Brien at $2.51/mile for gaso- line bus with a base bid of $2.79. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to award the bid for Route 6 to Dennis O'Brien at $2.51/mile with a base bid of $2.79. All in favor. M/S Stacey Kessel/Joey Kessel to reject the bid from Kathy Malkowski at $3.06/mile. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to award the bid for Route 3 to Dennis O'Brien at $2.61/mile with a base bid of $3.15/mile. All in favor. M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to award the bid for Route 2 to Pete Odermann at $2.45/mile. All in favor. The board de- termined that Pete Odermann had bid both Route 1 and Route 2 with the same bus and drivers. Therefore, his bid for Route 1 was rejected. M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to award the bid for Route 1 to Gary Meduna at $2.51/mile. Roll call vote with Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, and Klatt voting in favor and Reis against. Motion carried. Routes 1 and 2 will be at the base price established on May 15, 2018, at $2.789 for gasoline and $3.199 for diesel. M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to rebid Route 4. All in favor. Mr. John Marten withdrew his re- quest for scholarship funds for student attendance at the International Peace Garden arts and music camps. Arthaud asked the Principals to look into current District policy and bring to the board any recommended changes for these types of requests. Thomas reported on facility man- agement and several issues for consid- eration by board. M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to approve ordering sig- nage per Thomas' recommendation for the DeMores playground to address lia- bility concerns. All in favor. The board also concurred with Thomas that the water tank inside the mechanical room at Prairie, once used for well water, could be disposed of as it was now ob- solete and would need to be dismantled in order to remove from the facility. Thomas reported that Gloria Pflepsen had resigned her position as custodian at Prairie. The board ex- tended their gratitude to Pflepsen for her service to the District. Thomas informed the board that new walk-in freezers for both Prairie and DeMores Schools were purchased and will be installed. They will replace old freezers currently used at both schools. New zero till mowers were also purchased, one for each school. Thomas requested that four freezers and a Troybuilt mower (starter needs to be replaced) be put out as excess prop- erty. M/S Reis/Joey Kessel to accept this excess property listing. All in favor. The board asked that the property be listed for bids on the website and the school update. : Reis requested that the job descrip- tions for Maintenance, Custodian, and Cooks be revisited at the June meeting as a few revisions were made to each. SMART Computers submitted a continuing contract for $36,000 for man- aged IT services for the 2018-19 school year. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to approve extension of the contract another year. All in favor. Mrs. Erika Honeyman presented the 2018-19 technology budget proposal (managed IT services included). M/S Joey Kessel/Arthaud to approve the first draft of the technology budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year for $155,200. All in favor. Honeyman informed the board that some items would be purchased this summer to be ready for the school year. The board concurred. Principals reported that a letter had been provided by Farmers Union insur- ance regarding liability coverage for School Resource Officer; a grant from OneOke in the amount of $2,625 had been received to be used for curricu- lum; -13tie IIA funds for 2018-19 will be approximately $7,000 which can be used for professional development; two grants for loan forgiveness were awarded to the District which will be dis- tributed to a teacher from each school. Eligible names will be drawn from to de- termine who receives the grant at their respective school. Connor Honeyman, a DeMores third grader, won the Doodles for Googles contest for North Dakota and is now in the running at the national level. If he wins national, his school is awarded $50,000 for technology and Connor wins a $35,000 college scholarship. Graduation is scheduled for Thurs- day, May 24 at Prairie School with a supper at 6:00 p.m. for families and staff with the graduation to follow at 7:00 p.m. An interview committee consisting of Joey Kessel, Julie Reis, Principal Peplinski, and Assistant Principal O'Brien provided hiring recommenda- tions to the board. Per their recom- mendations, M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to hire Marina Redig at $18 per hour for the Interventionist position at Prairie School. All in favor. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to hire Stacey Stecker at $14.35 per hour for Para-professional position at DeMores School. All in favor. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to hire Chantel Fulton as a long term substitute teacher at $200 per day for the fifth/sixth grade classroom at DeMores under the su- pervision of Ms. Markie Toso. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to hire Logan Culk as a long term substitute teacher at $200 per day for the first/sec- ond grade classroom at Prairie School under the supervision of Mrs. Jennifer Kessel. All in favor. It was reported that Mr. Marten will teach art, music, drama, and keyboard- ing at both schools. Technology will be taught by the homeroom classroom teachers. A resignation letter from Erika Hon- eyman, fifth/sixth/seventh grade teacher and technology coordinator at DeMores, was read. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to accept the resignation effec- tive as of June 30, 2018. All in favor. The board expressed their appreciation for Mrs. Honeyman's service and dedi- cation. Simnioniw reported that federal reg- ulations are becoming stricter on how food service purchases are awarded to Society personnel and working to get vendors. If purchases in excess of agreement on howto assure shared ob- $25,000 from a single vendor are made, jectives are followed in the future. a formal bid process must be com- Kuntz will prepare a report to present to pleted. An attempt was made to part- the Council. Slauter asked the report ner with the North Dakota Educators also be presented to the Zoning Com- Service Cooperative who conducted a mittee. Kuntz agreed. formal bid process for schools in ND. Monthly written Police, Public Works However, they require a weekly mini- and MCC Reports were reviewed. The. mum food order of 15 cases. Each of City Auditor included an update on tax our schools only orders around four or revenues, revenues have increased. five cases a week. Each school only Kuntz asked if Steffen's role in the tran- purchases around $25,000 so sition to the new City Auditor has been Simnioniw is looking into the possibility clarified. Steffen commented that noth- of using the only two companies who ing is in place. Discussion followed and service these locations and eliminating Attorney Kuntz requested an executive the need for a formal bid process. M/S session for attorney consultation and Klatt/Joey Kessel to call for formal bids negotiation strategy related to HR con- if two separate companies cannot be cerns. N.D.C.C. 44-04-19.1 (5) and used and it is determined that a formal (9). N.D.A.G. 2013-O-13. Kinley moved bidding process is required. All in favor, and Brannan seconded for executive Simnioniw reported on a training session; motion passed unanimously conducted by DPI fiscal staff regarding and the public was asked to leave the changes in accounting coding. Federal meeting room at 6:20 p.m. regulations under the new ESSA laws The Cquncil Meeting was resumed will require schools to break expendi- at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Todd Corneil. tures out per school and this informa- Brannum moved the City engage an tion will be made public on the ND independent agentto review our current Insights website. The new coding re- situation and assure we do not have quirement will be effective for the 2018- any issues with how we support the City 19 fiscal year, but new code mapping going forward. Kuntz to make contact hasn't been completed yet by DPI, We with the State and advise how to pro- can opt out of certain areas that could ceed. Kuntz also to review and clarify be an identifier for special populations any issues related to our HR Policies such as special education, speech ther- and Procedures, Tczap seconded. Mo- apy, etc. and lump both schools to- tion passed unanimously. gether for these types of expenditures. OB Correspondence from NDSBA was Njos has received bids for work on provided to the board. M/S Reis/Joey the Shared Use Path. The County has Kessel to pay dues of $2,810.03 for fis- approved updated cost estimates. cal year 2018-19. All in favor. Slauter moved to approve the bid with M/S Reis/Joey Kessel to approve the new cost estimates. Joyce asked if the second reading to amend Bus and the contractor being local was being Family Transportation Policy IEAC. All considered. Njos responded that this is in favor, not a criteria per current rules. Tczap The board was informed that insur- seconded the motion. Motion passed ance limits for auto and general liability unanimously. can be increased from a maximum of Osterman explained that he is wait- $2 million to $10 million. The board re- ing for.a proposal from the contractor for quested that Simnioniw obtain quotes the MCC roof repair, there have been on the various levels and bring back to delays due to the weather. He will bring board at June meeting, the proposal forward when received. Simnioniw provided the board with a report on the credit card expenditures Request for tree removal at 420 for the past year and informed them that Broadway - Slauter stated that the a $4,105.62 rebate was earned on pur- property owner is responsible to take chases made over this period, care of the problem or the City will and Stacey Kessel gave the RESP re- charge the owner. Kuntz stated the tree port. She stated that with her going off is on private property so the owner the BCSD board, this will create a va- needs to address the problem. Kuntz cancy on the RESP board which she commented that there can be cost shar- served on. They would like to see her ing if mutual benefit. Several members replacement be from a small school dis- stated it may be to City benefit to fix the trict, so Kessel asked that the board problem. Slauterwill investigate the sit- consider sending a replacement from uation more and he will circulate the the BCSD. No action taken at this time. findings The issue is tabled until the Thank you notes were read from next meeting. Beach and Killdeer post prom commit- Quotes to repair the sewer line at tees and from Marie Kremers for plant the Chuckwagon building - Beach re- sent by BCSD for her husband's fu- ported that estimates are in progress neral, but quotes are not completed. Bran- Klatt expressed concern regarding num commented we should wait until adding bus stops along Highway 85 fall. Slauter~asked to see if~ve can get without eliminating any. Assistant Prin- a second bid from another company. cipal O'Brien will look into whether'the Beach commented that a camera.willl Kessel bus turnaround will be used next be run through the lines before the sea- school year and report back to board at son starts. Updates will be provided at June meeting, the next Meeting. Klatt also inquired about field trips, NB the number of rooms being rented, and Joyce moved the City continue the policy regarding having both male and Billings County Pioneer as the Official female chaperones on field trips when Newspaper per NDCC 40-01-09, Bran- both genders are participants. Chaper- num seconded. Motion passed unani- oning procedures were discussed and mously. Assistant Principal O'Brien will research A request from the High Plains Cul- policy and bring back to the board any tural Center to conduct gaming at Boots recommendations at the June meeting, was reviewed and discussed. Slauter Stacey Kessel asked for update on moved we approve the Gaming Site Au- status of four-day school week commit- thorization, Brannum seconded. Joyce tee. Klatt has volunteered to be on the commented there is a video device in- committee representing the school cluded and discussion was that this is board. The board will need to appoint acceptable. Motion passed unani- another member once new board mem- mously. bers are seated in July. The Principals Voter Registration results and the are asked to obtain additional commit- proposed Ballot for the coming election tee membership consisting of bus con- were reviewed. Slauter moved to ac- tractors, classified and certified staff, cept the voter list and ballot as pre- and parents, sented, Joyce seconded. Motion Stacey Kessel asked that an Old passed unanimously. Business category be included on each Roughrider Electric Underground agenda. Arthaud explained that it has Replacement update - Roughrider been included in categories rather than Electric personnel stated that the Park specifically under an "Old Business" Service, County, and DOT have signed heading, but future agendas can list it easements. One property owner (due separately. Kessel asked for follow-up to mailing issue) and the City have not on June agenda regarding Student signed easements. Cable will be bored Council requests made at previous in to minimize disruption. The new rout- board meetings and the status of the ing will split up the town power supply use of the Glade School building once to limit broad outages and allow faster the expansion is completed, recovery of any outages. Roughrider Stacey Kessel asked when Busi- will do the work in sections so that any ness Manager evaluation would be pre- disruption is limited. Roughrider will try sented to board. Arthaud stated that it to stay close to existing lines and they is slated for the June meeting, will stake proposed routes and have the Due to scheduling conflicts, the June land owners agree to the final routing. regular meeting was changed to Beach will work with Roughrider on the Wednesday, June 20, 2018, at 4:00 routing across the city lots. There was p.m. at DeMores School in Medora. much discussion on the issue of sign- M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to adjourn. All ing the easements and previous input in favor, from Kuntz on what is needed. Kuntz The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. has recommended a Franchise Agree- Lynn Arthaud, President ment be completed and specific terms Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- incorporated into the easement before it ager is signed. Both the Franchise Agree- (May 31) ment and relevant terms to insert into the Easement have been provided to City of Medora Roughrider. Roughrider commented that they are responsible for any dam- ages and they will work with land own- City of Medora ers to assure proper location of lines Minutes of Regular Meeting and work is completed correctly. May 1, 2018 Roughrider stated that they will work to (Subject to Council review and include what the City wants in the Ease- approval) ment and have the revised Easement and original Franchise Agreement pre- Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pared for execution by the City to move p.m. by Mayor Todd Corneil. Present forward. Kuntz stated it is acceptable were Councilmen Denis Joyce, John for the City to sign an Easement that Tczap, Ben Brannum, and Kinley has the required points from the City Slauter. City Engineer, Mike Njos and covered. Brannum moved that the City Attorney, Sandy Kuntz were also Council authorize the Signing of an present. Easement for the Roughrider work if it is Minutes from the April 3 regular updated with all the changes requested meeting, April 3 Board of Equilization, by the City, Joyce seconded. Motion and the April 26 Special Meeting were carried unanimously. reviewed. Slauter made the motion to Swimming Pool Update - Joyce approve the minutes, second by Bran- commented that there have been no num. Minutes were unanimously ac- summer hires made. Streitz stated life cepted, guards are certified and management Njos presented his monthly written has a pool management license, and Engineer's Report. Berger Electric is the Red Cross program is followed for preparing a bid on the lighting along the lessons but Red Cross certification is Shared Use Path. The lagoon borings not given. Last year 110 took lessons, are in progress and a draft lagoon plan including persons from surrounding will be presented at the next meeting, towns, an increase of 30. Bonnie asked Corneil recommended the City Engi- the status on getting the concrete re- neer and City Attorney attend and rep- paired and stated that the building ex- resent the City at the May 14 Public terior needs work. Njos stated that the Hearing on the proposed street change pool repair project has not been ap- request, proved, he will talk to the contractor Kuntz is discussing changes made about doing the north end concrete at DeMores Park with State Historical work before the season if there is ap- proval to proceed. Njos will talk to the contractor to confirm the quote, Auditor will confirm the funds are in the Budget. Slauter requested Streitz bring a pro- posal to deal with the building exterior problems and suggested we confirm the money is in Budget before pro- ceeding with the cement. Streitz will proceed with advertising for life guards and move forward. Dean Rodne requested the City pay two bills totaling $740 for sewer line work at 455 Broadway. Dean stated that the sewer line was plugged, cam- era work showed roots in what looks like the junction with the City sewer, the line has been jetted, and the line is now working. Slauter asked if we know for sure where the problem is at. Beach stated we don't know as Pace couldn't get their camera to work to check the City sewer. Pictures provided by Dean were viewed. Slauter commented that if the work being billed was on the pri- vate side we don't want the City paying for work on private lines. Joyce com- mented that if we find it is partially City then maybe we should cost share. Tczap stated that the City should per- haps pay for the porta potty. Dean stated that we should leave it alone at this time as the sewer is working, un- less something else should come up. Tczap suggested we wait for the cam- era work to clarify the situation before any more discussion. All agreed to wait for the camera results. Kevin Holten gave an update on the upcoming Rodeo, he thanked the City for their continued support. He asked for approval to again run horses down main street. Kuntz asked if state regu- lations on disease are being followed. Holten replied they are watching what happens at a Dickinson event and else- where and are watching the situation closely. Holten said the horse run went well last year, Russ Lapp commented that the riders did a good job and there were no issues. Slauter stated that a permit request and proof of insurance are required. Holten said he will submit both. Slauter suggested the permit re- quest be reviewed in a Special Meeting before the Public Meeting on May 14. Corneil will set up a Special Meeting at 6:45 p.m. on May 14 to review the per- mit request. Slauter moved we ratify the appoint- ment of Gary Ridenhower as City Audi- tor as of May 5, Tczap seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Requests for a $.50 per hour in- crease for Becky Hild and Barb Bokin- skie were reviewed. Slauter and Joyce requested more information on when Barb received her last increase. Joyce moved that Becky be given a $.50 per hour increase as an annual increase, Slauter seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Slauter asked we look at more details related to Barb's pay be- fore proceeding with the requested change for her. Corneil agreed. Tczap asked if we have contributed to'~he Rodeo in the past. Corneil replied that to his knowledge we haven't. The Auditor will advise what was recorded in the past. Slauter stated that the City wants to thank Carla Steffen for four years of great service to the City as City Auditor, Corneil seconded. All agreed. Slauter moved financials be ac- cepted as reported, Tczap seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 2896 ONE CALL CONCEPTS 3.00 2897 THEODORE ROOSEVELT MEDORA FDTN 18500.00 2898 Wally Owen 844.75 2899 WASTE MANANGEMENT99.99 5171 HIGHLANDS ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, PLLC 465.00 16474 * ALLEGIANT EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. 5850.00 16475 APEX Engineering Group 10275.15 16476 Ben Brannum 215.41 16477 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER 416.48 16478 CHILLER SYSTEMS, INC 1722.89 16479 CLEAN SWEEP VACUUM CENTER, INC. 79.97 16480 DAKOTA DUST-TEX, INC. 155.90 16481 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANCE, INC. 891.00 16482 FARMERS UNION 2180.10 16483 HIGHLANDS ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, PLLC 13112.50 16484 ITD 44.95 16485 JOHN TCZAP 215.41 16486 MENARDS-DICKINSON422.31 16487 MIDSTATE TELEPHONE COMPANY 670.26 16488 MITCH GILSETH 66.89 16489 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACADEMY 25.00 16490 POSTMASTER 100.00 16491 RAMKOTA HOTEL BISMARCK 367.40 16492 Russel Lapp 45.00 16493 SOUTHWEST BUSINESS MACHINES, INC 105.57 16494 TODD CORNEIL 215.41 16495 Total Safety U.S Inc. 195.00 16496 Wingate by Wyndham 167.40 16497 HEIMAN FIRE EQUIPMENT 207.35 Payroll and Other Pre-pays: April Federal Payroll Taxes 5830.77 Payroll 4-6-18 10980.40 Payroll 4-20-18 11710.34 16469 Aflac 417.60 16470 Ameritas (Dental) 693.29 16471 Avesis 75.29 16472 NDPERS Retirement 3153.66 16473 NDPERS Def Comp 704.00 16508 NDPERS Health 7743.87 2850 ROUGHRIDER ELECTRIC COOP, INC 884.00 5170 ROUGHRIDER ELECTRIC COOP, INC 31.00 16459 ROUGHRIDER ELECTRIC COOP, INC 2886.17 16460 AT&T Mobility 135.74 16461 AT&T Mobility 403.20 Brannum moved the meeting be ad- journed, Slauter seconded. Motion car- ried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m. (May 31)