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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 31, 1951     Golden Valley News
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May 31, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT I I :)~nate Laboz-- .| "~" f~K'-~ A I |' Several farmers of ,this com- | | U b.'~k L " | ~nunity came to town tills Mon- |. ~ _ [ (!ay with their tractors and a,t- ll=~ NEWS [ t.chments to level and prepare I.d~ 4W&.9 Y¥ 0 |tthe grounds of tile new Fi,rst s| ~':u-= here |1 Lutheran church for seeding | nm~s of Interest picked ~up hereI~i, |' ~J~lt mere byo~ N.e~ s~rl~'L | 1 grass. | Wo 8ze always glad to get youz | l | m~m Uems. | ' Visits Parents-- | PHONE S9 J George Wrigh.t left last week • "" Wn to visit his -ar ~or umon, .. ' " p - $ees New Granddaughter-- ffdrs. Theo. Kunick left last Thursday tor Lewistown, Mont., I to see her new granddaughter, I born to her daughter aoann and hm~band. Kor~rad Braaten, *here' on May 20. To Alaska--- ~Irs. Ray Still, the former Joy Wright, daughter of Mr. and ~Irs. George Wright of Beach, left last Saturday via plane to join her husband at Anchorage, Alo_ska. where he is stationed wi,th the army. She flew from Billings, Mont.. to Seattle, Wn., and then to Alaska. They were married last fall in Colorado Springs, Colo. tCay is the son of ~rs. Hubert Still and the late ~/Ir. Still, who owned and operat- ed the Beach Hide and Fro" Co., in this city for many years. Seek Incorporation-- Orrin B. Lovell is one of sev- eral ,persons named as directors ior the Dakota Petroleum cor- poration, of Ashley, N. D., which has filed articles of incorpora- tion fo~ $600,000 develolymem. It is authorized to deal in oil end $as leases, .to develop oil and gas properties and engage in other business. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Andy W,right, and several brothers and sis- ters liviag in that community. New Son-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Malkow- ski of Eugene, Ore., announce the arrival of a ~.on. James Wal- ter. on May 13. The couple is well-known in this community, where he was 4ssociated with the News; he was also treasurer of Billings county several years ago. From Kalisl~ll--- Mr. and M~s. Earl Gilman and children are planning to returm home to Kalislmll, Mont., this week end after visiting for ,two weeks with his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. A, J Gilman, ~here. Eaa'l is manager of the men's depart- merit in the Kalispell Buttrey's store. . Here From Wn.-- Mr. ,and Mrs. Al, bert Allen, )r., and Mr. ,and Mrs. Stan:ley AUen, all of Spokane, Wn., arrived in Beach this Sun. evening ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Juste- sen and family, for a two-week visit there, and with other rela- tives, and see '~hrandpa" Alle~a, at Ser~tinel ~Buffae. All Spring and Summer Coats, Suits, Slack Suits -- Makes Your Worth $1.33-I 3 When You During This Sald Spend a dollar, get $1.33-113 value. This sale merchandise is our new spring and summer apparel, including fine gabar- dines, pastel, plain and checked. Speci- al reductions on other women's and children's clothing. SALE SAT. Beach, North Dakota , J r 1/ ', At Your Frozen Food Headquarters Finnan Haddie ............. lb. 53c Springers, Birdseye, cut up, a box $1.69 Springers, Swifts Premium Tender Grown, whole ............ lb. 65c I pkg. Young Green Peas, reg. 27c l pkg. Cooked Yellow Squash, reg. 23c BOTH YOURS FOR ONLY 42c ICE CREAM--pints, quarts, half-gal- lon, gallons, 2½ gallons, and 5 gallon containers, flavors. Order from us for that next party or picnic. ) THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEV)S. BEACH. N.D. , THURSDAY, MAY 31, " ospital Notes I From California---~, , , To Annual Conf.-- ! Week End Guests-- [ GARDEN CLUB TO ! p Mr. and Mrs. 'Skeets' Wieka Rex'. and Mrs. J. Robert Boggs. ;~h'. and Mrs. Mike Goodale ]MEET JUNE 7th anal two chilcbren are spending/jr., left Wednesday morning, and two children were guests at l Members of the Beach Ga~r. irth : at)out two weeks in the commu- I May 30. for the annual confer- ' t~:e home of tl~eir daughter and ] den Club will meet Thursd'a~ Mr. and YDs. James Rathbtm, nity, arriving thisweek firomLoslence at Mlnot, and planned to husband, the Ewaht Baishes. in,evening, June 7, at the home of ~it.ti~iS!bLe~lD~!!~!! Angeles. Mrs. 'Wicka is the for: / return by next Sunday evening Bismarck, this past week end. ] Mrs. Ida Thompson, starting .at mer Helen ,Blair. ~ or Monday. A number of laymen | 7 p. m. Mrs. Dora Kuniek will } and lavwomen will attend p~rt Visits Here-- | be in charge of the program on Girl, Scouts To M~t-- . - t of the'conference meetings. Duane Easton of New Ply.- ~ ,,National Parks". Exhibit will • me tseacn gm scout ~roup mouth, Idaho, was a guest thin| be "'Vines In Interesting Con- General: ' " will hold its next regular meet- Visit In Bismarck-- week of his uncle, *Mike Easton.| tainers" ing Monday, June 4. at 7:3D .p. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson and family' in Beach. | "" __ Mrs. Gene Uelmen; J. K. Amos; " FATS CARLSON AT Mrs. Clarence Evenson; El~bridge m.. at the Beach Legion hall. At were in Bismarck Sunday corn-Home From Cony.-- Sherwin; Dorothy Knopp; that time they will make plans JACK'S THIS SUNDAY for their activities program for Rev. G. Hinz. and Andrew By popular demand, Fats Begger; Louis Hovland; the summer. Carlson and his orchestra, will John Nelson; Mrs. ft. V. Klehl. Teacher Visits-- Winona Olson, a former teacher 4t the Beach grade school, visited with Reva Klein over the week end. She is now at home in Almont, after the dismissal of school at Halliday where she ,taught the past year. Plan Dinner-- The ladies of St. Macy's church in Golva are planning a ,benefit dinner, to ,be held 'Sunday, June 10 Although arrangements are not yet complete, the ladies em. phasize that everyone will be welcome. New Secretary-- Eleanor Smith. a '51 graduate of the Wibaux high school, is new secretary at the extension office there, replacing Mrs. Effle Irvin. Visit At SL Phllips--- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sokoloskl and family of Circle were re- cent Sunday guests of ~Mr. and M~s. Stanley Sokoloski of St. Philips. Mincrt Business Trip-- C, G. Johnson, local Allis-Cha2- mers farm implement dealer, and Lloyd Weir4reis made a business trip to Minor last Friday, return- ing home that night. Charles Hayden and Joe Popiel accom- panied them. House Redecorated-- ~VIantilla Butterfield. support. ing the clean ut>--paint up ea,m- paign, recently had her town house ~edecorated inside and painted outside. To Dickinson-- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor drove to Dickinson Thursday, where he assisted in the changeover to the dial system. Dickinson telephone patrons were able to use the dial phones Sunday m~rning. Gordons Write-- In a letter this week, ~vlr. and Mrs. Glendon Gordon informed the News tha~ ,they had ,moved f~,'om Des Moines to Gri~nes, ~a., and are all well. Theatre BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA FsL - SaL Saturday Matinee "The Fireball" MICKEY ROONEY, PAT O'BRIEN. The story of a boy that makes • "good" action melodrama. One for the whole family. Shorts -- News Sun. - Men. - Tu~s. Sunday Mattm~ "To Please A Lady" CLARK GABLE, STANVeYCK. A car racing story that is given ,a "Very Good" ~,ating. Short -- News Wed. - Thurs. "Right Cross" JUNE ALLYSON, DICK Pew- ELL. A prize fight picture w~lth special audience appeal. Shorts I r THE Golden Valley News ~n~red as 8eeoad ~he P~e a~ OcWber T, ~M~eh K 18~ k, bining a business trip with a visit with relatives and friends. House Ransacked-- Mrs. M. Butterfield reports that she and some guests found her house on the farm north of town broken into this pest week end; the culDrits obviously entered through a broken window. The house upstairs and down was ransacked, but a quick survey showed nothing missing. Several neighbors a.lso report seeing the d,amage. Guests Of Aunt-- Mr. and M~'s. F. Huebner and son of Billings, 'Mont.. and Rod- ney Bueche of Ogden. Utah, were guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. M. But,terfield. Mon- day. They were returning from a trip in the east. • Visit Here--- Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ratph Samuels from California are Mrs. Victor Renstrom, South Gate, and her sister, Mrs. Chry- stal Sims, ,Downey. They arriv- ed • Saturday, .and are planning to depart Fa'iday for Port Arthur, Canada. and points in Michl- gan. Helm returned home from Minot last Friday p. m. after having at- tended the Missouri-Synod Luth- eran convention held the latter part of the week. Mr. Helm was a guest of Wm. Gayer and fami- ly. a brother of Mrs. Helm, and also spent some time with some old classmates he hadn't seen for many years. On Fishing Trip-- The first fishermen to leave for bac La Ronge this spring on a fishing trip were Carl An- derson. "Red" Nitzy, and '.',Re- pie" Reece. The men left Beach by Monday of this week and plan to be gone about a week. Sevemal other fishing parties are in the making and will be leav- ing Beach soon for northern Saskatchewan. CARD OF THANKS Please accept our thanks for helping with the driveways ,~t teh cemetery! it was an encour. aging sight to see so many will- mg persons working so industri. ously. Members of ~he Cemetery Boaed return to J.ack's Club this com- ing Sunday, June 3. for another appearance. His orchestra hails from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and they made a tremendous hit with local dancers when they played here before. Special en- tertainment is scheduled for Saturday evening at Jack's. CARD OF THANKS Our most sincere thanks to all ou.r friends and neigh, bors. for their many kind deeds and com. forting words, spiritua,1 offerings, flowers ,and cards we received during the illness and loss of our loved one. We especially wish .t@ thank Rev. M. I. Lack. the Rohan Bros.. pallbearers, choir, and the persons who brought food and served the dinner. Mrs. Frank Kreitingar, sr. Leo Kreitinger Mr. and Mrs. Hugo ,Krei~inger and family Mr. and Mrs. Frank ESreitinger jr., and family Mr. and Mrs. James Lorenz and family Catherine Krei.tinger i AND UP ~CROSLEV 5HELVADOR ® Remember - - IN 2 TO 10 MINUTES this sensational Shdvador Refrigerator defrosts itseff completely! No muss, no fuss, no bother. Nothing to turn off, nothing to watch, nothing to empty. Frozen foods and ice cubes in the 50-pound, full-width freezer don't even beg/n to thaw! Vegetables in the roomy ~ stay dewy-fi'e~I And Crosley's famous Electrosaver Unit is quieter, economical than ever. It's bac&ed by a 5-year warrant. Come iu today and see a// semational new Shelv lom ' 11 life PACE-. TTING D SIGNS ARE COMING FROM CROSLEYI A stitch in time saves nine and a policy with the Sta~ Hail Insurance Department saves worry when the hot weathe¢ and hail season or- rive. .Play safe -- plan to insure Now, before it may be too late. Make application with yotsr Township Assessor or County Auditor State Hail Insurance DepL A. I. Iensen. Cemmlssios~ R. O. Iageson. Mcmag~. Bismar~ N. Model SAC-9--9.$