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May 31, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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May 31, 1951 |
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THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1951 "
~mmnm~m,nn.l.,iml6ummu.....iJunom...nmml..n and the Sperry family. He left I PAGE SEV :
N. D. Outdoors To ~.y estate or interest in, or ) reject any and all bids ~ Gel ......... ----~ -- -
| ~D iv - Sunday for an Eastern camp. F .~n or encumbrance upon ) Dated this 91~+ ,~ ^.' ........ ~n va.ey County at his o£'rl00
the propert described i ...... y -- ,.my, ~al. me t=ourt House at Beach N
" alUttUl m ¢LlF" *' l~Ha"r~191TD =ill Mr. and Mrs,. Clarence Smith Feature Badlands I Complaint y n the .} STENER EKRE, kota " , orth ][~-
I -[ and the K~ le Sperry family ' ' eAdan~n~tr~)~& °jfothh:son theNOtt~e iaSn hereby further given
~liniiatlllll~ZlUlll,~ ~l'e visitors, atthe Gene Gunkel
me one mgnt last weeK.
(Crowded Out Las~ Week.) Mr. and Mrs. L: P. Hall, Don-
A fair sized crowd attended the ['ald and Martha Lou, were Mon-
~aeeting of the Union Aid on day evening visitors at the
Tht~rsday, May 10 when Mrs Crook ,home and Tuesday eve.
Greenup and Mrs. Lloyd ning visitors at the N. E. Neller-
.~tealf were hostesses. Afterrace home.
~e business meeting, a delicious Webbs Workers will : /
it~eh was served meet at the church parlors on
, The Gene Gunkels spent Thursday afternoon, M,ay 24. Mrs.
~0ther's Day with Mrs. Gunkel, Lloyd Metcalf and M~rs. Chester
Ue~es mother Gasho will be hostesses.
'Mr and M;s Phill" "" Ronald Nellermoe visited the
~ent Mother's "Da ~'Pth~W~°re Trotters school on Monday.
t~laLtUgwCasla~nng7~a dYfamll?t ~" interesting article on the plant ,that the time and place fixed by'the| W L'~'~K~ ' /this notice to the County Judge of ' (May 31, June T-14)
da hter Carol n " v Norman Nellermoe, John Nel- life of the mrea by North Dako- I C~°urt for hearing, and adjusting such ] Aitorney for 'Plaintiff ] ~ .......
~iatt.h,, ~erm%:~de tMhr:" 1,~tesF'fl:rv°~.k ta's rankin~ botanist Dr n ~ I~reims 3~n hay. of September°| Office and Postoffice ' I ~~..::::::*r~.~::.>:ii~i!:~..;::``::~i~!;~!;~:.`~`..!::~.!~;~!~`:;~;~!;;~?:!`~!:~
::drMrS" o ....... 1,,. ~., ,v,,, a~ m o'cmck A. M in i Address i~:.;::::::~:~.."-:.";i~'.'~i~;~ii;:i:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:~:i:;:~:~:ii:i:i:~ .... i:i:i:~:i:i:::i~!!i;i~!;!
Stevens of the North Dakota I the Court Rooms of the County Court | Beach North Dakota l ~;iii]}~!!!}~:;~~1~i~!i!i~iiii}i;i;i;i;~i}~i;}ii}):/~:~!!!~:i~ii;!;iii;:~T=~i~:~i~i~i;iii~i!i;i;iii;~;;i
• tims. .~..~o,,~t .... ~ ,~.1~..,~.. [ in the Court House in the City of | NOTICE " i~!~!i.".:i~'~ . %"~'~ ii.i~ iii iiiiii'i!~: ~/. ~.L-~::::!:i'i~!~
Week ago, where Clarence i ~, '~,',',,, ,-,,,,=s= " - :::::::::::::. " =========::=:::==:::==:=:==;==:=:=:=====::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.`~:::::::::::::::::::`::::::::*:::::::
.... "~" . Beach, ]n the County of Golden Val- TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- .:" ...... ~" • ~,---....~x.:.:+.+:,v...-...-...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ................ ::: :: ============================================= "~"~]'~"'~
his furlough .with his wife i Advertise in the Golden Valley News North Dakota Outdoors is not I lc.y and State of North Dakota, at I DANTS: 1~~ =====================
which ~ime ann place all persons in- You, and each of you, will please "~t~"~} ~i:ii]i::ii~i::iiii::!iii ............ ; .............. i:i{:~: "!!iiiiii~.:'.-"."~iii!!iiiii~
sold on the news~nds. There I i l?m shall show use 1 notice that the above enUtled [~ :i::~::i::iiiii::ii!ii::i]::. imP'.: il ::.:J:~i~i~.
will not 'be any extra copies for [ y y g t said estate shall action ls brought for the purpose of | ~i],~, ~ .~,.~ !!!!ili!~i~i~~ .............. >::::~:::::~:.,:
:~19 95 dist:ribution It JS,bv/n°t~be.,an~°wed; ...... [quietingtitletn t~hePlaintiffandde-]g~?.:~'xx ~-,!i~iiii!iiii:iiii:!iiii:i!:i~.::. ................. ~!
..... " .... ~ / ................. ay o~ May, A. D., I pricing you, ann each of you of I ~ ~ ~ ..............
subscription only at me nominal / i~)bl. 1 any and all interest in and to the fol- ~ ~ ~ -- ~]#~ ~J~/~ ~J~ /]J~ .d ~'~A~tJ~
• cost of fifty cents D~r vear or[ P.~J':_SCKILLO. ..... [19wing_d.escrtb.ed L~nds and premises ~ ~..| r~g#~* FYFF.~ • ~ ~V~ ~ s':'-qk*v~g~ g~l~
~..^ ~_ . *- ~ ~ / ~u~m.~ra~or o~ me ~sm~e t slmar~ea m me t=oun~y of Golden /
~.c uu.,~r ~or two years. [ o~ ~ari ~, ttalvorson, , Valley and State of North Dakota, / ~. That's rzght Ada - for a copper penny you
You may subscribe .to the ma- ttOWARD ~kec/~I~UC~M. viZ:Northeast Ouarter cNE~ of[ ~> can tell 40 million housewives all about
~lVS YOU |~m~4~v'~A~ { gazine by sending name, address Attorney for the Admlnistrator, S~flon Thirty-four" {~'4")" In / dairy products
" h0w nutritious, they ar~
• - • • ~eacn~, r~orm u,a~o~a. Township O~ Nundr~d how heavenl delicious, and yet how eas on the
~lnd price of subscription .to the . F~rst pubhcat]on on the 24th day of Thirty-seven (I$7) North. of [ Y Y
b[a[e t, ame ann l,lsn uepart- .~v~ay. A. D:. 1951: .... Range One Hundred Six {10S) | pocketbook. I
WONDERFUL ment Bismarck North Dakota tmaYz~-~l, June7l Wast, of lhe Fifth Prh~h~al / --da ............ • t |
' ' ' -- [ Meridian In Golden Valley ] a , me aa=ry cow. ~uys tnar aavertising in \ | I
NOTICE AND CITATION [ County, North Dakota, | newspapers magazines radio and on truck posters I
KNOWLES TO LEAVE ACCO~AR~IqNg OF FINAL ]and of determining'adverse claims] ..... :' ..... ' ........ " .X\~ /, /
- PASTORATE u ND DISTRIBUTION thereto and that no personal clelm [~ne GUyS it wl[n [ne cent-a-pour~ cneCKOli outing ~%\ ..,:e~, .
REFRIGERATiONI o, jis made aqaist.79u you appear [ June and July. For 60 days. in North Dakota and ." ~," I~;,
~ev. Walter Knowles, who has STATE OF NORT--H-DDAKOTA anu uerena m ~U~. the nation creameries cream stations and milk ~'~ -~o
served *as pastor of the Wibaux county of GoldenII~an~YNTY .... RT I WttoL.r~aey. for 'Plaintiff, [ -plants collect this cent-a-pound. Those pennies,= ~/2l"
Chris .'a u ~.uu ~:~eacn, ~orm ~aKom. .
. tl n Fundamental chtEch Before Hen. Guy Lee, Judge I (May I7 - 24 - 3I) [ gathered from 40 states, help tell America about / ~ff~
ior the past year, will leave this IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE [ __ [ dairy nroducts ~"n. ~d~ ~, ~o t~,~ ........ ~, . _ ,
week • OF ROBERT KRUGER, DECEASED. NOTICE OF SALE --. ...................... ~ ~.v~ ---/, ,
for Longvlew, Texas, Frank Kruger Executor ) [ Ada m AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION the [
where he will ,become directorof ' Petitioner, ) [ NOTICE is here-~y given that under advertLsing, merchandisin~ organization ~wn~ =,,a /
• , . -vs ) authorit of an order of sale granted run b 5 million dai far~ner~ ...................
the LlndaJe Boys ranch. His re- Ida Kruger Harry Kruger ) [by the ~udge of the County Court in y r~ .
signation from the Wibaux Mrs. Anna Kruger. WiLliams; ) I and for the County of C,.olden Valley
............ ~mmett l~ruger, Mrs. l~ooert ) and State of North Dakota, dated the
chUrCh will ~aKe eliec-~ JUly i. Kruger also known as Mary ) 14th day of l~7 1951, the undersign-
Rev. Knowles was in Long- Link, P~illip Pallus, Margaret ) ed as the Adm~nistPator of the estate
~eers. ~:vangencal Mission- ) of Otto Johnson, deceased, will sell at
view last week, and will move ary at Cleveland, Ohio, and private sale to the highest bidder for
his family ,there ~bout June 1. all other persons interested in /cash, subject to confirmation by the
the Estate of Robert Kruger, ~ Judge of said County Court, the rol-
e Since coming to Wibaux two Deceased, lowin~ described real estate, to-wit: _~
years ago, he has been a partner Respondents.) The Southwsat Ouarter (SW~/.) [ j ~=y=====~=~==~b~~1
THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA of Section Seven (7) and the
in the Knowles meat market and TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- Northwest Quarter (I~1/4) of
locker plant. DENTS: Section Eighteen (18) in Town-
You. the above named respondents, ship One Hundr~t Thirty
GRAN~ are hereby notified that the Final Eight (138)North, Range One
Account of the Executor of the Last Hundred Five (105) in Golden
Will and Testament of Frank Kruger, Valley County, North Dakota.
$8,000 FOR RESEARCH late of the City of Tacoma, County subject to the right of the
of Pierce and State of Washington. tenants l~m. hut giving the
For continuation of research in deceased, has been rendered to this buyer on~-third of the 1951
cancer Dr. Elbert Ruth, ,associate Court, therein showing that the es-crop. L
settlement and distribution, and peti-after the llth day of June, 19~1.o jj~ ~j[.~~ j
'professor of .anatomy at Che Uni- tate of said deceased is ready for final That said sale will be made on or • I~%,a,~,4~,~
versity, ~.eceived a grant of $8,000 tioning that his account be allowed, All bids must be in writing anu may
the residue of the said estate be dis- be filed in the office of the Judge of F R A M E L E S S
from the North Dakota Cancer so-tributed to the persons entitled there, said County Court, or delivered to the CR!!ENS i]~~!
MODEL NB-8 ciety, to. his administration closed and that I undersigned. Stener Ekre, personally.
he be discharged; That Tuesday, the [ The undersigned reserves the right Io
The award is for a study en- 12th day of June, A. D..1951 at ten]
I o'clock in the forenoon of that day.[
~--==~= titled "na,ture of cell ,activities at the Court Rooms of this Court, inn
i " "
n bone tlssue, the Court House in the City of Beach, [ 'r~e completely modem window JJ ~ J~~~ J
h " ' County of Golden Valley and State[ screensl Never need painting. No [J~ J ,N~ ~ ~ [
• S op ~mong the ads in the of North Dakota. has been duly ap-[ sw~nrrTE
pointed by this Court for the settle- I bul~ frames, yet automatic ten- [J ~ J J~'~ ~ ~ J
Inl ~m1~l]ni~]~[~ T0R [[ News and save money, ment thereof, at which time and] sion device keeps wire evenly j[~[ I /~h~.~ --J
place any person interested in said[ taUL You can install easily--no II ~ ~--~( ~" "f':::~r'.,~J
• • • estate may appear and file his ex-[
' i vertlsed In Life eeptlons in writing, to said account, frames to plane down. 0utla,t .~ i-~"','~ / ~--]1
and petition and contest the same. I W ordinary screens many times, COst J] ~ ~ ~ / ~ J
cited and required then and there to |
][~ s a big G-E Space Maker---8.l-cu-ft--that actua~ be and appear before this Court, and[
show cause, if any you have. why| "Wash wind0 • Simple f00perafe
holds b~j more food than most refrigerators now in mm... the account shall not be anowed, the l
residue of the said estate distributed, ]
~{~[ O~UplCS 110 ]argcr floor area. • ed.the administratiOnand Frank Kruger,el said ExecutoreState clOS-ofl | Diamonds .... . ¢uslpr00t alum,num'Wilh°ut rem0ving. . . *
w., and o..o,
._ Powered with the famous O-E s aled-m system that assures bert Kruger, Deceased, discharged. [ throughout • N0 bulky frames
Let service be made of this Cita-
you dependable servic and low operating tion as required by law. G1 . Never need painting * Belier visibility
- Packed with all the worksaving features PINEAPPLE MINT Dated this 21st day of May, A.D., asses F"nofl.... Iocksscreen,iohfly ......
1951. BY THE COURT: al~Ni.savt~matlcequoitens;o.. • cosy storage • LOSI Jess
could want, BIG freezer--BIG fruit and ff GUY LEE,
~gctable drawer--BIG bottle-storage spac ICE CREAM W.L. ECI~Es,JUdge Of the County Court.
"-"and the nem Redi-Cubc ice trays! Perma- ~ Beach,Att°rneYNorthtor Dakota.EXecut°r at
color Shelve l (May 24 - 31)
Come In Todayl
I Sealed proposals for the construc-
tion of Federal Aid Secondary
Project No. S-347 (12), will be re-
ceived by the State Highway Com-
missioner in the offices of the Since 1911
state Highway Department at Bis-
marck. North Dakota, until 9:30
Beach, N. Dak.
Authorized Dearer
No Doubt About It!
Spring is here and
everybody enjoys those
evening rides. Next
time plan a trip to Wi-
baux and stop at
Where you will always
find the crowd and a
hearty welcome.
Door Prizes of
At 5 p. m.,--9 p. ah, and 12:00 Midnight
On Monday and Friday Night.
L wrenee Hoffman, prop
o'clock A. M., June 8, 1951, at
which place and time they will be 36-2tc
t publicly opened and read.
2. Proposed work consists of 10,638
miles of Gravel Surfacing and - - ~ _
Incidental Items located on County
Road from County zinc near Trot-
ters southwesterly, in Golden Val-
ley County, and involves approxi-
I0,938 lMlles Sul~grade Prep-
14,045 C. Y. Gravel Surfacing 4
Grado 2G.
3. A certified check on a
North Dakota bank in an amount
equal to five per cent. of the bid
shall accompany eaen propom~
submitted. The checks of the
lowest bidders will be cashed and
staff the work. b
~L The right is reserved to reject
any and all proposals0 to wa/ve
technical/ties, or to .accept reich u
may be determined to be for the W
IUMMoIq8 4
~m'a M. Biatlro
Phone 74 Beach, N. Dak.
the moneyretaineduntilthecon- W h p lift l 1
tract has been executed.
4. Proposal forms may be obtained e ave o cians to so ve our nationa
up to 5:00 P. M., the day preceding
the letting from the State Highway bl d ak 1 o.u ~!
--epartment at Bismarck, North pro ems, an rain m ers to so ve r rain
Dakota, and will be given only to
contractors who have complied
wlththepre-qualifica.tlonrequlre. B h e ! gy ::
ments. Plans andspec~tueatio, are pro e ut w en it com s to so vln our
on file in the Division Office of •
the State Highway Department at
D~ckinson, North Da.ota, and the t p bl p rt li
partment°ffice of attheBismarck,State HlghwaYNorth De-Da. automo lve ro ems we are ex e s in our ne.
sol !
5. The attention of bidders l~ d i- S dri dl ; ':
rected to the specifications cover- 0 vein, an etus ve now
ing sub-letting or assxgnlng con- al
6. The attention of bidders is in-
vited to the fact that this Depart-
ment has been advised by the
Wage and Hour Division, U. S. De- WE SPECIALIZE IN:
partment of Labor, that contractors 4
engaged in highway construction
Work are required to meet the
provisionSdards Act ofOf 1938~he Fair(52 Stat.Lab°r(1060.)Stan" Ignition,generators and starters,
7. The minimum wages for labor
employed on this project shall be Lubrication, washing and polishing,
as follows:
Skilled labor Ona doll~ top •
cents ($1.10) per hour.
,nter~.d,at. ~or Nin.~ Wheel balancing, body repairing & refinish,
conts (90c) per hour.
~-.~lled ,~or S.v.n~-..o ef nd b '
oan,- pe, hour. Valve r acing a ing
Zt may be nece~a~a however, to ~ ear fitting,
pay wage rates c erably great, g .rln e.m 1
er than this mmunum to properly Reborm and g replac ent,
Front end alngnlng, electrical.