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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 31, 1951     Golden Valley News
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May 31, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1951 2 / __ ,,,, J FOR SALE--Cedar telephone poles, 8 ft. to 30 ft. lengths, carload in stock. Hanson Lum- ber Co., .Beach and Golva. 37- tfc :FOOD SALE--At Beach Reynolds FOR SALE--Boy's Schwinn bicy. TWo CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE No ad accepted for less fl~sm SSc ~er insertion. A Nrvlce charge of UC Will be mado for *'blind', ad~ LOST--Largo truck tarp, between my place and Beach, last Tuesday. Jim Johnstone. 36-2tp Food Store, May 26, at 2 p. m. St. Philips Rosary Society. 35-2tc FOR SALE--Dual manifold for '50-51 power glide or 105 Chev. truck motor. Schulz Chev. Co. 37-2tp FOR SALE---¢~ hand, sower pipe and fittings, drain tile, septic THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. FOR SALE--12 room furnished apt. house, modecn trailer court. Reason for selling: poor health. Art C. Huber, Phone 307, Baker, Mont. 35-2tp cle, complete with accessories. Like new; origin,el cost $75, sell for $50. See Edward Ehlis at Reynolds store. 37-1te FOR REHT--Modern apartment. Phole 111-¢¢I. Beach. 37-1tc FOR SALE---Power-lift cultivator for H o¢ M International. Ed- win Buldhaupt, Beach. 37-2tc With and tanks. Hanson Lumber Co., Beach and Golva. 34-tfc WANTED--TO BUY--Two milch cows to freshen soon. Miles Barclay, Wibaux. 35-2~tp will give you more for your money than any It will do your work Faster and Cheaper, and with Less Strain on Machinery and Tractor, and on the Operator. Stop in and See This Tractor. We will be glad to Demonstrate it. Drive it yourself. ]'" Beach, North Dakota FOR SALE---10.20 McCormick. Deering in running order, good tires, $100. also 12-ft. rod weeder, good as mew, $100. C. G. Johnson, Beach. 37-2tc FOR SALE---Early Ohio potatoes. Paul Mogle. 34-2tp FOR SALE--5-roon~ home in Beach. Phone, lights, gas, well. good garden. Priced right. Write box 224 ~r phone 205-R. 35-3tp FOR SALE---6-room, two story house, suitable for moving or wrecking; reasonably priced, See or write Walter Hu,bble or Gene Itathaway, Beach. 37-3tp ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR. IF NOT PLEASED, your 40c back from any druggist. T-4-L is speci- ally made for HIGH CONCEN- TRATION. Undiluted alcohol ba~e gives great PENETRATION powe~-. Kills IMBEDDED germs on contact. NOW at WOODWARD BROS. Beach, N. Dak. 34-4tc Dinner Guests-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonnek wore Sunday dinner guests at the Karnes Johnson home. P. E. O. Delegates-- The local P. E. O. chapter is to ,be represented at the state convention June 6 through 8 by several members, with Charlot- te Keohane and Irene Miller ,as official delegates. Mrs. T. E. Hudson wil,1 also attend as ,past state president. Helen Raisle¢, Charlotte Carlson and I~a Still are others who are planni~g ~to attend the convention in Bis- marck. FOR SALE--Year.old cocker spaniel. Jerry Moriarty, Beach. 37-1tp FOR SALE--25 bushels of Gold. en Viking Seed Flax, cleaned and treated. John Brettin, Beach, N.D. 37-1tc FOUND--3 car keys in leal:her case. Owner may have by paying for ad at News office. 37-1tc FOR RENT--modern apartment. Call 144-J, Beach. 37-1tc WANTED---farm work by ex- perienced young man. See Tom Rathbun, or phone 5F-21, Beach. 37-1tp ANY FENCING TO BE DONE-- See Sid Woodard or Ollie Zin- da. Wibaux. 37-4tp See Ed Susa for your fuel and oil needs. See us for your credit terms. Phone 23, Golva, or 32W, Beach. 33-52tc FOR SALE--Two boats, at $125 each. Richard Nagel, Beach. 37-3tp S WANTED--part-time helper for serrice station. Beach Texaco Service. 31-tfc TIlE MARXET, AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THANK YOUI LAST WEEK WE PAID THE FOI OW- ING PRICES FOR HOGS AT WIBAUX Top 180 to 240 lbs ............. $21.00 240 to 270 lbs ............... $ 20.25 270 to 300 lbs ............... $19.50 300 to 350 lbs ............... $19.00 To Give Benefit Comedy At Golva For the benefit of the St. Phil- ips' church ,building fund, a 'group of young people ate pre- Tobias. The action takes place near the Ozark foot-hills about 9:00 on a stormy evening in Jtme. A rich father has left a large sum of money to his daughters, Marion and Jill, with his sister, Priscil- la Carte~r, as guardian. Aunt Priscilla is definitely opposed to ;Jack Loring and Frank Harlow, the girls' fiances, so she pur- !chases a house in the Ozarks, whic.h is alleged to be haunted, : from the late Horace Hob,good. in I order to keep them separated. Wi,th her, she brings her ser- wmts, Susan Parkins, Delilah , Worts antl Henry Goober. They a,re met at the door by the old I caretaker, Darius Krupp, who with his weird tales of The Headless Phantom and Bluebeard Bronson. try to frighten them back to Spring City. This is an exciting play. full of spooks, that you won't want to miss--so bring your body guards and come and learn how Bill Wil. kins scares the '"hants" away. !~he cast includes: Darius Krupp, Louis Dobrowski; Miss Priscilla Carter, Margaret Zinda; Marion Carter, Lucille Forster; Jill Carter, Elaine Begger; Frank ttarlow. Al Beg,get; Jack Loring, ttarry Begger; Susan Parkins, Irene Bcuski; Henry Goober, Bill Zinda; Delilah Worts, Rosie Mar- cfniak; Bluebeard Bronson. Rich- ard Miesaloski; Bill Wilkins, Lou'is Begger; The Headless Phantom, Jean Goroski. After the final curtain falls, a dance will ,be held in the hall, with good music provided. Pleads Guilty To Grand Larceny James Clark of Billings, Mont., entered a plea of guilty to the charge of grand larceny, before Judge llaevey J. Miller, at a special term of the district court of Golden Valley county in Dick. inson last Wednesday, May 23. He was held in the Beach jail until time of the trial. lie was sentenced to an in. determinate sentence of one to Lwo years m the state penitenti- ary at Bismarck. He was ap- prehended in Dickinson the next day by police officials after hav- ing stolen a 1949 pickup here flrom the .Hardy Motor Compa- ny's car lot Sunday, April 28, and was returned to Beach to await trial. like the food, w service, and Extra Heavy TOP 330 and down LIGHT SOWS $18.50 $18.50 PAGE FIV, LORENZ PUPILS TO GIVE PIANO RECITAL About eighteen small music students of Mcs. Gwen Lorenz will give a piano recital Sunday aflernoon, June 3, at the Beach high school auditorium, starting at 2:30 p. m. The g~'eater share of the stud- ents participating have or~ly been sludying piano since the first of December, 1950, and much of their instruction was in class piano work, and not in- dividual instruvtion; their ages range from six-year olds to about twelve. Tl~e public, is in- vi,ted. Th(~re is no admission charge. Home On Vacation--- ned to leave this week end to! return to Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rojic of the Sentinel Butte rural com- BOY SCOUTS SLATE FINAL PAPER DRIVE With collection of waste paper this Saturday, June 2, the Beac~ boy scouts are winding up ~he paper d,rive they have sponsored for the past few months. As in the past, scouts are ask- ing that paper 'be tied secure.1T into bundles or boxed, and on front curbs. Pickup wilt ihe~ gin at 9 a. m., under the di- rection of Les Freesc and Roy Tabor. At the end of this collection, the paper, which has already been sold, wilt be shipped to the Twin Cities. Twin Daughtem--. Mr. a~d Mrs. Charles Scher- man of the Sentinel Butte rural community are parents of daughters, born at the Iohr~ stone Memorial hospital thb~ Tuo d::y ni/ht, May 29. At Hebron Graduation--- ?¢~. a,,, ,:._'~5. John Brettla and family motored to Hebron, Friday ior the graduation of their nepilew. Marvin Brettin. Robert Olson and Herbert Chru. dimski accompanied them. Advertisa in the Golden Valley News New style leadet in Armstrong's Quaker Floor Covering • 40% more wear with new K-99 baked-on enamel finish • Has the rich appearance of hand laid marble-geained tile-- at a fraction of the cost. • Eight beautiful decorator colors • 6, 9, and 12 foot widths only SQ. YD. DISC On Steel Wheels -- $615.00 -- $675.00 ( Steel Wheels-- $675.00 crowd. If you like fine food served with finesse, a congenial atmosphere, and reasonable Prices, you'll like to dine here I. Treat YOurself and your family tO a refresh- change! Eome in this eveningl Daily 7 a. m. to 3 a. Sunday--noon to S 8. m. m. in banquets and luncheons, eali for ap- Potntment, We can serve any number. 330 to 350 lbs ............... $18.00 350 to 400 lbs ............... $17.50 400 to 450 lbs ............... $17.00 Heavy .............. $16.00 to $17.00 Light Stags dock 40 lbs ..... $16.00 Heavy Rough Stags, dock 70 lbs. $15.50 Will pay all market will stand this coming Friday. Rubber Tires -- $750.00 3-16"-- 4d4" -- 4-16" -- 5-14" Used 15' Single -- $100.00 "l Bixby & Orgaim mgr ALWAYS PA{'ING HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Wibaux, Montana PHONE 191 ngAtm, N. Beach, North DakotB