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i I
Mrs. LaMeres and Mrs. Walte r
Carson of Belflower, Calif., ar-
l*lVed Wednesday to visit at the
l~ul Wehrman home. The la-
ale~ are mother and sister of
MI~ Paul Wehcman.
Graduation exercises were
hQld May 24. at Che commumty
hall at Golva. The seniors from
l[~DOlva hi .are Loretta Fischer,
Matt Schmitz, Marg,aret Rising,
l noon at the Kenneth Abraham
home in Beach visiting with the
Adrian Wicks family who arriv-
ed Sunday morning from Haw-
thorne. Calif. Mcs. Wicks is a
sister of Mrs. Schillo and Mrs.
Mrs. Madison. Mrs. Bert Co-
vert and Mrs. Gee. Gearey were
Wednesday afternoon visitors at
the A. Scheffer home. Mr. and
Mrs. ,Rudy Rising and family
were also evening guests, help-
ing celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Sch.
effer's anniversary.
Our sympathy is extended to
relatives of the Fcank Kreitin-
anne, Kenneth Scheffer and
Yvonne Still from ,Billings. A
number of lovely gifts were re-
ceived, including a beautiful
corsage for Mrs. Scheffer and
carnation for Mr. Scheffer. The
tables were decorated with
dainty decorated place cards. It
was a beautiul day and one to
be ,long remembered. The only
missing link ws the absence of
Verna Scheff~r.
Mr. and /Mrs. Joe LaMere of
Marmazth were Sunday guests
of Mr. and "Mrs. Paul Wehrman
and family.
~VIr. and :Mrs. Gee. Gearey
DOnna Mac Fulton, James Nist-
,and ,Rudolp~i Rising.
Mr. and Mrs. John Tschida
~tertained the Jolly Whist
~lu, b at their home WIonday
eVening at their home Mon-
day evening at a fine dinner
,and cards. Guests were ,Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Schouboe of Bill-
ings, Mont.. Mrs. Edna Ham-
mend, Rienzi and Scott. lVLr. and
Mrs. Gee. Gearey, Mr. and (Mrs.
Bert Covert, and Mr. and Mrs.
Afred Scheffer. All enjoyed the
pleasant get-to-gather. It seems
like old times to have Mr. and
lVl~rs. Schouboe back with us
again. They will visit a few
days, then return home.
~Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schillo
and family spent Sunday after-
ed away on Tuesday and was
laid to rest at Golva Saturday
The Burkey school held their
picnic Thursday down on the
rive¢, parents and pupils a"~-
tending and enjoyir, g the fine
lunch and outing.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Still an.
tertained at a dinner Sunday in
honor of ,,Mrs. StiH's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Scheffer, the oc-
casion being the~ forty-fifth
wedding anniversary. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Erve Breiten-
feldt and, Beverly', Mr. J. M.
Still and Robert, Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Still and Laery, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Barrow and Day-
Take One
Harem Todayi
were Sunday visitors a~ the B.
ger family, Mr. Kreitinger pass. Covert home.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Anton Schillo
entectained Mr. and Mrs. Adria~n
Beach, North Dakota
Cub~c.|nch engine. 5 forwacd
tN*dJ, 12-38 r4;~, tires
O A different kind of Diesel farm power, the
Massey-Harris 4-cylinder 44 Diesel brings new
efficiency, economy, pulling power.., new money-
saving field performance to the Diesel farmer. It's
the result of an amazingly simple engine design. A
special firing chamber--.called a I)yna-Cell-- eatea
a cyclonic rotary turbulence of the bundng fuel on
every power stroke. Burn/nq fuel swirls the full length
of the stroke exerting equal pressure throughout pis-
ton travel. Fuel burns slower, smoother.., delivers
a pushing force. It's cush/oned power. Dependable
Power. Greater lugqing Power because there's full
pow~ on every stroke of every piston.
See us soon for complete information.., be sure to
ask about Cushioned Power and Dyna-Cell design.
Wicka~ Vinneva and Denn2s,
Mrs. Kenneth Abraham and
daughters at dinner Tuesday.
Mrs. Pete Schillo of Beach
was guest of honor to a fine
birthday dinner Sunday at the
home of her sister 'Mrs. Ed. Kre-
mars and family a,t Burkey.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanson
returned the i'irs'l part of the
week from their honeymoon
and are now located in their
home at Golva. Our congcatula-
tions are extended to them.
Kathleen Nell underwent an
J, Robert Boggs, Jr., Pastor
Sunday School at I0:00 a. m.
Worship Service at 11 a. m.
Wed., 7 p. m., Choir. 8 p. m.,
Bible Study.
.Monday, June 4, 8 p. m., of-
ficial ,board meets.
Worship on June 3 in charge
of M. Y. F. and Chohr.
Worship Service 9:30.
Sunday School 10:30 a. m.
Thua's., 7:30 p. m., Bible Study
and 8:15 p. m., Cho~.
Tues., Jtme 5. 8 p. m., church
boards meets.
Rev. James Cornforth, Pastor
P"eaching Service 10:15 a. m.
Sunday School 11:15 a. m.
Preaching 8:00 p. m.
Youth Fellowship Wed.. 7:00 p.
Prayer Meeting Wed., 8:00 p.
Union Daily Vacation Bible
.School June 11 through 22. each
appendix operation at the .forenoon from 9:00 a. m., to
Beach hospital on Tuesday. She
returned home on Friday.
Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Ray Pop,el mov-
ed to Miles City Saturday,
where Ray will be employed at
the elevator under Allen Chat-
EarJ Fischer, who is in ~he
service at Fort Lewis. Wash,
gave his relatives a very pleas-
ant surprise when he arrived
Thursday, ,/May 24th for a shoat
/Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Nist-
let ,and family were callers at
the ,Fred Nell home Saturday.
/Mrs. James Lorenz and sons
fa'om Washington state arrived
Thursday, called by the death
of her father Mr Frank Kreitin-
[Mr. and Mrs. Marion Thiel
and daug,hter of Mandan, N.
D., are visiting with paxents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schmitz.
Plans for the 22rid annual
meeting of the North Dakota
Stockmen's association are com-
plete with a th,ree day program
convening June 7, and continu-
ing through the 9th, tteadquar-
tars will be at the Gardner Hotel
in Fargo.
Registration will get underway
June 7, at 10 a. m. The conven-
tion will officially open at 1:15
p. m.. with an address of wel-
come and the annual re~)ort of
the president, followed by the
,secretary's annual report.
Thursday afternoon a,t 2:30 p.
m., wil.l be the discussion of
the G. I. Keeder project by Wal-
ter Hunt, assistant to the dire~
tar of the Northern Pacific rail-
way, St. I~Ul, Minnesota. Hunt
will show picture slides of some
$~ :the G. I. ,ca,ttle taken on the
G. I. Feeder toua', and discuss
Lhe results el this year's G. I.
h'~eeder program.
A panel discussion will be
h~J~l at 10:30 a. m.. Friday on
:'qPriee ContrOl as it Effects the
Mea~ Industry"..
Kenneth Ford, with F. H. Pea-
vey and Co., Minneapolis. will be
panel moderato~r. ~Mr. Ford ,was
for a time head of the Hvestock
divisRm of ,the Didkinson experi-
ment station. Others on the pan.
el axe: ,Don Short, rancher of
Medora. N. Dak.. a G. I. feeder;
Don Ctmningham. ~ecretaxy of
Sioux City livertock exchange;
Mrs. Irerm Burington, housewife
from So. St. Paul, :lVlinnesota;
.a:nd a packer representative yet
to be nameti.
Beach, North Dakota
Presents Recital---
.Mrs. Lucy Cullen presented
several young students in a re-
cltal at the Wilbaux Methodist
church Saturday evening.
Wedding Gifts
We have many
things that make
very acceptable wed-
ding gifts, including:
53-pc. set china dish-
es, very attractive
pattern only $42.50
i Sentinel Butte i
Sunday afternoon callers at
the Frank Boyce home wece Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Clark and Mr.
and Mrs. Spike/Mocks of Sidney.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Jim Dixon drove
down from Wilt,start. N. D.. Fri-
day to attend commencement
exercises Friday nite, when Jim's
sister Marilyn was a member
of the class graduated.
Mr. a~d Mrs. Otto Pet~rslie
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yates.
Mr. and Mrs. RusseLl Ahlberg
and ,boys of Wolf Point, Mont.,
and Bill Meyers acrived for a
visit with their parents, Mr.
.and Mrs. Clyde Mayors.
Mrs. Esther Gustafson of Cali-
fornia ~s visiting her sister. Mrs.
Taylo~ Cook and other, relatives.
The Harmon Olstad family
were Dickinson business vim-
tors Thursd,ay.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk-
)atrick are the proud parents of
a baby daught¢~r 'born to them at
the Beach hospital Sat., May 26.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cornell and
Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Roberts enjoved a picnic din-
ner and fishing on the Little
Bea~er Sunday. ,
Jean Cook ~ho has been
tearhing school near Ollie ~'e-
tuined tO her home for a short
vacation before returning to
summer s~hool.
Mas. Jacob Strietz spent seven-
a/ days last week a,t the home
of her scm :Joe and family.
'Mrs. Agnes Hogoboom ~as
hostess to the Get-Together club
at h~,r home Wednesday after-
noon, when several ta,bles .of
bridge were ~n .p~a.y,.
The Lutheran ~Bible school
open__e~t 2VIon~ay in the chuxch
basement ~for a two weeks ses-
siam with Mi~ Charlotte DOl-
thorp .v:f Wi~bau~ and Marilyn
Dixon as toachers and ,the Cath.
alia sm~me'r ,~atechism class
,also s}arted Mo~day with t~o
nuns as ~:eacher~.
,Mr. ~ .Mrs. ~rnest Nelson
drove up from Bismarck to
spend severn days visiting and
looking ,after business interests.
2Vlrs~ CIv=r~ Brow~ on, retrain-
ed at a l~ch following com-
mencers.hi ~xorcise$ Friday
evening in honor of her son
Wayne and Dale Wyckor~f~. Those
present indu ded the Robert
Wyckoff family, Mr. and 2VIrs.
Joe Downs and Shirley.
Thursday evening visitors at
the Arlo Huber home included
Mrs. Taylor Co~k, Rella and
Joe, Mrs..Esther Gusts|son, Mcs.
Ed Cook and Jean Cook.
Walter Cooper of Culbertso~,
"Mont., arrived at the Chas. Bo l~
home to visit his wife and son
over the week end, ~Irs. Cooper
has been staying ~at hoe par-
ants home, while she is ,taking
treatments from Dr. Bush in
.Bobby Olson, son of Henry
Olson, accompanied "Mr. and
Mrs. John Brettin of ~Beach, to
Hebron, N. D., Friday to attend
graduating exercises for thek"
cousin and nephew, Marvin
The Lutheran Ladies Aid
were hostesses to a miscellane-
ous shower for Mrs. Julian
Shield on Tuesday evening in
.'the church parlors. &bout 40
ladies were present to enjoy an
evening of visiting and stunts.
A short skit on '"rile Bride's
First "Meat" was given ~y Mrs.
FArmr Waldal. After t~he bride
opened her many lovely gifts
luaeh was s~-ved ~y the aid
members. M~s. Shield will-leave
soon for let. RHey, Kansas to
join *her husband.
: Emil Scherle of Bismarck, k
~,~trl of Terry, Mont., and Paul
of ~Belfield attended commence-
exercises here ~. nigl~t,
Fostoria glassware
Silverware, Commu-
nity Plate
Beach, N. Dak.
,12:00 noon, five days each week
,and for two weeks, at the Meth-
odist church.
Sunday Sc,hool 2:00 p. m.
Preaching Service 3:00 p. m.
EVANGELICAL ~U't r~ ,~*~J,
O. L. OLSRUD. Pastor
Secvices at 11 a. m., Sermon
,theme: 'WChat's the Use?"
For the Sunday School picnic
meet at Church at 2:30 p. m.,
to leave for Peaceful Valley in
Roosevelt Park with supper
there at 5 p. m.
Services at 9:30 a. m.
Vacation Bible School wilt
continue through next week
with Charlotte Dal,thorp and
Marilyn Dixon as teachers.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Business meeting of the con-
g, regation following the 3 p. m.
services on June 10.
Bt. Rev. Msgr. ]oi~ J. Heinz,
Evecy Sunday
Early Mass 8:30 a. m.
High Mass 10:30 a. m.
r~ tl-: CONGtl I=.GATIONAL
CtlIllN'l't]\~q (71-~ [1 T~(jI~ q
Hey. h. ~. -- Inez Lac~/, .-~aslors
10:00 a. m.. Church School
11:00 a. m., Morning Wor-
ship, chimes, special music, ser-
Wednesday our Pilgrim Fal-
low'ship meets, followed by
All Sunday morning services
are completely recocded, and
will be replayed for all who re-
quest them, at no charge in
your own home. We wish to
serve the absentees, shu.tins and
others interested.
9:30 Preaching Service.
Thursday is the Laides Aid
Meeting, June 7th.
8:00 a. m., Preaching Service.
Ladies Aid will meet on Wed-
nesday, June 6th.
G. HINZ. pastor
Missouri Synod
Services Sunday, June 3rd.
10:30. Holy Communion.
Walther League Wed. 7:30.
Vacation Bible School June
4th, 9:00 a. m.
[ Alpha News ]
Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Tharnton of
Glendlve are visiting at ¢,he
home of Mrs. Bertha BraT.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Karnes Johnson home were Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Sonnek, (Mx. and
Mrs. Art White, Mr. and Mrs,
Ernie Maus ,and family,/Mr, and
Mrs. H. Kemp and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Jesok and gixls,
Mr. and Mrs. FrRz Fasching,
Mrs. Ida Johnson, ~Vlr. and Mrs.
Leo Nistler and girls amd (Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Wojahn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fa~ching
and daughter were Baker shop-
Lpers -Wednesday.
Edi, th Carew was a visitor at
~e Ray Pop,el home, helping
them ?pa~k to move. Their me~r
home will be Miles City, Mon~a-
l~r. and Mrs. F¢itz Faschin,g
and ,tlaugl~ter ~mere visitors at
the Cole Mattie home last Wed-
The Birthday club me~ .~ the
home of 'Mrs. John Irons on May
22. with 9 members and 12 vis-
,.tars present. The next meeting
will be with M~s. Orstad on June
,Mrs. Karnes Johnson was a
Wednesday caller at the Oscar
Clarin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hagen, Mr.
and Mrs. A1 Zimmerman. and
Mr..and ,M, rs. A. J. Ziebarth were
Saturady callers at Miles City,
Mr. and Mrs. Chat Danis of
Sidney, Mont. were Sunday call.
ors .at the Ziebarth home.
Notice is hereby given
sealed bids for the
of a sw}mming pool will ,l~
calved by the Golden ValleY
maria} Park Association
Beach. North Dakota,
o'clockP. M.,on the 15th
of June, 1951,at the o~lC¢
Natalie J. Adamson its
in Beach, North Dakota, at
time and place all bids
will be opened publicly
read aloud. Any bids
after that time will be
Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and ed to the bidders unopened.
son wore Wednesday supper Plans, drawings and
guests at the Ronald Schouboe
Mr. and Mrs. AI Zimmerman
of Randall. Minn.. were visiting
at the Pete Hagen and Ziebarth
hulTles the past week.
M:. and Mrs. Ed Schumacher
of 2cranton ~,\ere Sunday callers
at the Zieba~-th home.
Notice is hereby given tha.t
sealed bids for approximately
2000 sacks of cement will be re-
ceived by the Golden Valley Me-
morial Park Association of
Beach. North Dakota. until 8 P.
M. on June 15th. 1951. at the o~-
rice of Natalie J. Adamson, its
Secret~ry, in Beach, N. Dak.
Bids will be based on the
price per hundred pound sack.
f. o. b. warehouse in Beach, N.
The C~lden Valley Memorial
Park Association reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
The Golden Valley 'Memorial
Pm'k Association by:
(May 24 - 31. June 7 - 14)
cations for t~he construct~o~
the above mentioned work~
be on file and may be seen~
examined at the office of
Secretary, and at the office
M. L. Lovell. City
Beach. North Dakota,
The work ~nall be
net later than August 10,
Each bid must be
by a oertified check draVe~
a solvent bank in the state
North Dakota in the amouI~t
5~'$ of the amount of the bi$
Golden Valley Memorial
Association will furnish all
and gravel, cement, form
watew, reinforcing steel and
mesh, and will rough exc
the site. Bidder will
labor and eqmpment re(
pour an approximate
two hundred and ninety
yacds of concrete in place.
The Golden Valley
Park Association reserves
right to hold all bids
for a period of thirty days
the day fixed for the
thereof, the eight to r.
and all bids and the
waive irregularities.
Golden Valley
Park Association,
(May 24 . June 7 - 14)
- But Your House Leakin
Yes, your house is leaking valuable
in winter and letting in the too-hot
of the sun in summer, unless it
has been insulated.
- Heat seeping through your ceiling
side walls--that can, and should be
outsideit's so easy to remedy this
uation and so inexpensive, with
Homeguard insulation free
gladly furnished just call us,
Beach, North Dakota
. We have a complete line of car and truck
twos, batteries and oil filter cartridges. Oils and
greases for all makes of tractors.
Our new building is not quite complete,
but we can change oil and lubricate your car or
truck. Come in and try us.
Beach, North Dakota