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May 29, 1941 |
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! " e " . . •
r Is Bishop Warner To 35th Anniversary !Mrs. Henry_ Zoph Program For. JPolllng Places
• I ....... r • -- Named In County
.i ed New Head Be Here Frldavl Of ScheffersIs , Of Wlbaux Passes Memorial ] ayl
chL" " I
al j
Ions Club There will be a special meeting inI Observed On Sat. Awav Saturday the program to be giv- For Wheat Vote
e|~ _ the United Brethren church Friday! i d .' en on Memorml Day at 10 a. m. as |
~h Lions night at 7:30 Two of the General .~ --- the Beach city hall, and sponsored| ,,
~nyL~Si, ey met a jovial, offiec rs of the "church wlll be there to i Golva--Another one of those pleas- Wibaux---Mrs. Henry Zopfl passed by the Harley Salzman Post of the/A Plans ,are complete in (}olden V at-
Monaay evemng speak. Bisho Warner. Bisho of the' ant events whmh took place at the away m Beach Saturday morning, American Legion: ley County fur conducting ~ne rezero
ley Hotel for their West C a t p " P home of Mr and Mrs Alfred Schef- May 24, after many years of suffer- Introduction Post Commander endum on wheat marketing q.uo~as
:~s .ue o?~ s ue~ore recessing" for the Williams° s area,, and Dr. Stanley I fer Saturday" evening " was the 35th ind. Opening Prayer' Rev Bo d May 31," says Oscar M. ularm, clmtro
~=:_~ nths Missons will beASSoclatepresentSecre~arYTheseH°me'men~ wedding anniversary of this popular it Effie Porter was born July 4, 1890 Red White and' Blue," BeachY band man of ~ne oomen Valley County
...W~ wa~., host to the players are comino h r ,~m ",ho ~_ ..... }couple planned by their daughters fin Wisconsin She moved with her Solo Mrs Muggli I A commz~ee.
in ~ne 1 o e e fr ....... ~ ..~..~...1 : , . , ~ • , • ! ,,
5~h~ c~l~Lo~zn.O~r~e ay recently spon-conference that closed last week at Mrs. Albert Still and Miss .... Verna'family to Chamberlain, Minnesota, American Patrol, Beach BandIL. Every wheat farmer in North Da-
5 club. These were in- South Bend. Indiana At thi n , Scheffer and nobly assmted by a!when a small child and there grew to Address Rev. Boyd zota, .he pointed out, "has a lax~
- . . S CO - '
_ eszaent Thompson as ference Bisho Warn . large number of friends and neigh-!womnhood On June 30, 1913 she] Host of Freedom March Band s~aKe m the coming referendum
i p er was reelectetd ....
yell, Jane Miller for his f~ur+h a ..... + .... .~ .. bors. It was a grand surprise for only ! was united in marriage to Henry I Star Spangled Banner Sung by the ot only will quotas provide an or-
_..~m/.~h:. Dorzs Moore, Myrtle si~ned to tho P~ ...... v~. ..... t the day before the (}olva ladies came t Zopfi, and to this union a daughter, I Audience. Iderly method of handling our large
~. MJlcLred Tobias, and Dick iams whose hor~e"is inV"Kan~o~'~ "~'it=~ out for a birthday surprise on Mrs i Evelyn, was born. Shortly after mar-I Silence 30 seconds (in memory of ]wheat reserves, but there will be no
~OR Brengle, "Tubby" is one of the finest and mn,~tOint'~r:Scheffer- rlage they came to Wibaux where ex-I departed comrades) Iwheat loans available to hold up the
~*" f'roIesSOrw Wellington estin~o sneak~r.~,__ .................... ~--t-h~--~n'-~n~-~,-''n.I Those attending the anniversary in-tlcept for occasional trips to Minne-! Benediction, Rev. Boyd }Iprlce of wheat if the vote fails to
Wnatt?e.d alias Guy Cox. He has been instrumental in building!cluded Messrs. and Mesdames And-]sots, or to the west coast, she spent I At the Cemetery-- lcarry•
~W'' -,~roaucea were Mrs L 'hundred of churches This service ls'rew Peterson Tom Wosepka Frank the remainder of her lifo. She and Salute to the Dead, Firing Squad | "It is highly Important that North
~, ,Burton Nelson, Oscar open to the nubllc " Schouboe Guy Curl Bert' Covert t her husband have built a beautifulI Taps, Bugler . [I)akota wheat growers pile up an
,~:; ~rae°~2es~n~ Mr. Lambourn, i .... " ...... !George Hammond Ere Breltenfeldt'ihOmeaJsUstst~th rOfud T~d :fereWhihhe !ar211m:=b:? 1:f the firing squadI;ver~ll~elng majority to help offse~
n~ repre~ ing the "Triple ~ ~ w~ ~ i Albert Still Chester Stewart and ] she J y p , po uniform or Legion Is P egative vote by many
~t Mr. La~boul~ explained ~lt~lll~ ~ K RgllY~" ~John Tsch~da Whist was played a~ spent many happy days and always lcap at the Legion hall at 9 a.m. Jeastern non-commercial wheat farm-
:~ ~.,...A" Pro~ras m ..... zor the 1941 t ~a aura k.~e ~-~e ~u,~ : " " [* me~" ner'- zr'ienas-~- an~u 1-v-do e ones with~] ]*ers
k • J six tables and prizes were awarded as • ,"
:~in~'~ear. He also call- W[--J [.~ W[.e ..... .~... follows: ladies first to Mrs. Tschida, la smile. She will begreatly missed by :~...~ ",r~.~ ¢ .... .,~ J 'You may be surprised to k~w,"
~_~!, to the necessity of I WUU Ill Wl~EOll~lll ladies second -to Mrs. O. Curl, men's ]the whom communiw. I DU~IUII DUy k)UUU[tD ] Mr. Clarin goes on to say, "that zucl~
~:~vote for the program byI r~ • m~ ~, .. !first prize to George Hammond, sec-/ She Is survived by her husband, ! r~ #-x " T w~ . ]states as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virgin-
ia.:are entitled to vote at the| aturaa., [~q~r l|| ond to Andrew Peterson. After a very [her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Fietch-I "|'~ Lamn In Karl I a, orth Caro~, an~ z~di~ ~.v,
:~ ~tter part of this month.{ ~t~ yO lela: ~ nice speech by Mrs. Geo. Hammond, }er and husband of Los Angeles, Cal.;~ "'-" ~ "" ~"~"~ ]more wheat growers than North Da-
~ picture to again hear} ~ tcomplimenting the true friendship ofla sister, Mrs. Harriet Pratt of Beth-[ [ -_J_ ~-:_ £ W[ | [kota. Due to the fact that a large
voice of B S el Mlm~esota a brother Oeor e Por rtion of t e
.L~_~ voice urton Nelson { entinel Butte---Friends of Lloyd neighbors and friends : she presented I , ; ' g "I ~anus ror a week }po h wheat raised in those
,~a~b: v numbers after an ab-!The]sen will be surrpised to learn,, the couple with a nice silver, dons- ter of Chippewa .Falls Wis.; and __ states is used for feed, those grow-
i~¢ve'-ru~ 1 years" He received a 1 that he was married to Charl°tte ti°n" A beautiful chenille bed" spread I n~ny °ther relative sand friends" ! The B c-B ~ ..... /era d° n°t rely °n theLr wheat as a
zor his Dart on the pro- ZieLsdorf in a pretty ceremony per- was then given to Mr. and Mrs. ~ Funeral servLces were conducted J leave SuC~:y m°:rn~Uat~:°°aP ~mm? lcash crop, and therefore are not so
it., . }formed at 9 a. m. Saturday morning, {Scheffer as a token of 'love- and es-~Monday afternoon by.Rev. Grant S. I from the Lincoln sch ..... r - ~- "" ]much. interested in keeping the price
~ of the non~natln~, c~m-]May 10th at St. Mary's church in teem from their children, Alice Verna | Moore at the M. E. chur0h. Her fay-[ . _ . .. ~ _,u .~ ~-~a~ ]of wheat up,
;,resented by Cb. irman Saukvllle, Wts. by Rev. J. Knoern- and Kenneth. Two very pretty hand- orlte . ymr .... ung by r_L.. a .dsouth of Medora The Scouts- are in It m to the Interest of every wheat
following officers ~ schild, kerchiefs and cards from Mr. and MrS._M. t'__¢, Mrs. A.w. _wars- . " . " grower In Golden • Valley Count to
~ te . . ~ s structed to have their, equipment on Y
!i ~..ted by the committee:] The brzde is the daughter of Mr. Mrs. Ere BreiteRfeldt and daughter en, ~. ~ wa ~tns :and Mr. Moore. bend consisti-- ., +~..:.~ ~. ....... expres~ hls view .on this matter of
i~.Adin R Miller; Ist Vicd~and Mrs. E~ Zleisdorf of Saukvillel and Duane, Yvonne and ~l~ene Sti11!_P.all. bearers, were_~a.vl.d, Dick,.C..A.. mess kit (hie" t~: .... M~=''|marketlng quotas by votl)Ig on May
,~lenn olf; 2nd Vice[.~ .d Lloyd is the son of, Mr. and Mxs. ] ry " - - ...... i and spoon) tooth brush and paste | "
~enn W n 'were ve much appreciated The ~r~ele, ~artm onnr~aa, #axe 4o~ r pla , cup, knife, fork 31
~,~. I~tlstead. Third x~,.,, ~MJke Theisen of Sentinel Butte }guests of honor were then invited]Tom x~ynn ana ~ave ~azra. in,err- ._ ......... : - '| The ,~n= .,~n ~. ~......-.._ . ,.,.
~ ' -- .... " ~ ' " i th 1 al , nauo-~ercmexs, sOg, unaerwoar, soap, v----~ ,,,- ~ ,,~u ~,~a, ~:~
:i'~.O~nd; i~c. Treas., C.[ The bride given in marriage byher,t° sit at a table prett| * decoratedlmtnt e oc cemetery, wash cloth towet , itc X¢ IS o-Uon |a" m. until 0:00 p. m.
-; ,all Twister - with white candles ties w lth pale among mose zrom oz own wno ' .. ,-
/~'~"on "~ ...... , .'17. M_.[ father, ..yore whzte satin and long l.,,~t. ,dhh.m ~ ~ .... *h.,~ H ..... ]came for the last services were Mr Iwhether they take cameraa, hatchet,] Following polling place~ have been
~,~.~_ "2"-~r, ~taurlce F. |~raln wzm lace znserts, and lace in ~.~" "'~. .... ~ ,,.-a,- -,~ ,~,. we?-[.,.,~ ~,~ Nick Zo'~fi ond ~ ..... ,~,~]flash lights, bows and arrows, but [designated throughout the county.
~c~rs for two Years, Earl [ the sleeves and high collar; from her I sing cage,, aria..noneysuczle sprays oz ]::'--~,-'T~'l~esota ~ and ~s.WS'~n~w ] no fire arms are allowed. [ Trotters store for towl~hin" tT l~t
• ,,arl p.. Davis " ro t he ie ~IlO~ ana plV.~ carna~zor~. Tne re- ,~,~"- * .... [ | --"- "---"
~p~rl l~n., --. • Directors }co ne adp ce of pearls and or-im~ind.. ~' H~. bach w~ hvfm~,ht ~,,, ]of Bismarck Mr. and Mrs. Bartley . The. camp ~ a new pavilion, built R-10~); (T-144.R 104); (T 144 ,R 106.
"~--'-'.ur a~not~"u ~r~eve Slelght | ange, blossoms, zeal a long lace edges ~ our ......... oo~" Y~" :'---irlenns-"-An r, ne:: ......... wee small"~" |^'v, .~--#'r .... and ........... r~r~ ond Mro no-~n ivY ~ne go~nt,: ,, a fresh waterI Bonnie View ~hool for township:
,,0 I ar ed a bouquet g-- - " ....... l--,-k Poin i pring, ¢i.tis
• .u~n was in lln i* t nours me guesus rook melr aepar~ure ~'.~ " • " , "
~'~u.~n W. e for the[wn ~e roses, baby breath and fern ......... ". ~ ..... ~play ground thatis really a creditIAttle Beaver School for to~h~,~.
~,u~ ~eclined _-~, • • wmnmg Mr. ana ivlrs. ~cnelzer many ~ "-'" ~'-
~,~..~ ue( giving several[ ~-q with white satin. ~ .... [.,-. ~ ~r.l~ ~to this district i~,~mo n,,~o o.,.~ r~,.~ "
ne could not ac { happy re~urns of tne say which event " "~ ............ '~"""
~-~ ne c¢ cept the The maid of honor Miss Mary l wllI lon~ be remembered a- one of *'--[~0V. Moses Will tThe encampment will be under the I Court House of township" Beach '
&ther nnm'- -- I .~:lsoorf, sister of the bride, wore I nlcest and" brightest slmmts in the,~ .-. . • .... t supervzslon of five well trained scout | Sentinel Butte Hall for townships:
• E,~-'~., -vauaauons were call- I b:ue chiffon over taffeta organdie, } wedded life For after al" --'-:'~| ~.~r.~ I. • 41- | ||~[ ~41- [ executives headed by Roy Swenson, |(T-143-R-103); Divide, Wanigan; and
~vzc Thompson non~inated]with puffed sleeves sweetheart neck w ..... t'-- --- ............... ~-" ~-"~]| k.~)~d~ T]kL ~U~l%[ J~L" [superintendent of schools at Dickin-[~entlncl Butte.
a Ior ' ( u~a l~v wurlu ~v ~v wlbllou~ gooa 1
~=t2e office of Offl-]l'-,ne, flared :kirt. whites sand:lloCld, friends? I • l~* • .w IsZ, and they haves well rounded | Strahon School for townships: Oar°
~_', "~-~e . [ ribbon headp ece. She d a i ..... ,. -, l'lCnP 11 I p ogram of scout activities in which ]ner; (T-138-R-103). '
ing tlo fur I our aeepes~ an(1 S Ceres .'-.anF~ J~.~ ~.~ 1-, ~.~.~
~emg no ,. ther nominations ] bouquet of baby breath: pink caxna-,. .. I I the scou~s will participate ail during | Golva town hall for townships 0f
as re • ' ~ all.
as Presented by the co,,, I tans and blue snapdragons tied withi I ]the week u~ to Sunday June 8 at Lone Tree and Bull Run
- Una "~'| ~ ' ' ' ' " "
ea a2 o ly ix-m e rm~on, i .... " J The committee in charge of the!whlch, time they will be brought[: Alpha school for townships: 137-
~t~r.~l~tte £or Official bt~- 2"he.; bridesmaids, CIara Bauer, .l~:thpl Kn rman , -]aXmazal ~DRte.:~ttlers Ptcknicke forJh~e. |i03; 136-105; Bullion.
~':~ cousin of the groom, and Ruth Zlels- [Golden Valley county annonuncet The total cost of the week,s en-t Vote In the d/strie¢ where your
t~v~ and Leverson reported I dorf, sister of the bride, wore pink I l~r _ _* J ~_ r~___ [ that this year they have secured a ] campment to each scout is three [ tsnd is located. If yOU will not be in
~tt Zone Confe ...... i chiffon organdie and pink net over uarrleu l O ]L~O][l" ]real attraction zor the event, in ob- dollars, and the scouts have been dfl- the county on the day of the refer-
~ever, tllat the;'~wTl~e Z~Itaffeta styled the same as the maid ) .... • --. Italning Gov. John M-- of North [igently earning this fund for the ~t(~du~ you may obtain a ballot fro.
~,.COUld give no report"onjof honor's dress. : ~md I/,,~ 'm'h.r~ID ko as tht featured.speaker of(four weeks under an "earn and save" ) the . county office,mind vote any time
~"~ as Lion Enderle the Donald The]sen attended his bro-} msut vLa a~ £aa~we|the say, ana ~ney are ¢o De con-]plan but the boys that have not been}before May 31.
~eporter had all the 'n,~=* ] ther as best man, while Earl The]sen, ! [gratulated on lining up such a not- I able to accumulate the entire three I
I~__not_present. ~'~Icousln of the groom, and EdwardI (}olva--A very pretty wedding tooklable for the .occasicnn.I "'I .... ).do!lars will be.enUUed to b_orr~.thel.~=~~ i~mrA ~mur~,~r]
~Master Lion u ..... ~Thelsen the groom's brother, were *-laco at the United Brethren church, Ants year me p c o wn De nem ltmmnce zrom me t~enerax ~oou~ zunaI~U~SD £dl~kq:; kJUUUII~LI
~enty-two--'~.=o~m~s"~.anCXzad reportedrecel ) ~.~.~,~:,::~n_ . Ushers were Melvin .~ ................ ~oo,-h i~ ,r~,,,-~,~o~, ---~r°~" 22, at ] on Sunday, June 22hd, and will be ] and repay with earnings, later in the t * .
~d'erf~t? ~.+ . vedlziesldorf and Hilbert Theisen. Flow- _~..~o ~ m when Rev Westmoreland/at the Elllott ranch, about eighteen[summer. The scouts spending moneyl I~ ~lC~a-~ M~.
..... pm~ ana .......... ~ I~l
~/ve for c~ ..... [ er eirls were little Helen Bares of nf Wibaux united Miss Ethel Bos~er- J miles north of Beach, also known as } at the encampment will be limited i 111 Olbl l~L, Ib £Wl~w~w¢9
,. .,,~ap next ~un~y - - "
~to be gone for a ...... }Sentinel Butte and Martha Dickman man and Donald Vlrts in holy wed-!the Lions Den. This is a. very p!c-lto 10c per day. [ 11"I I" T ~ |
~ located ..... ~_~'~" xne [ of Orafton Was | lock As Miss Dean Dm~las nlayed ] turesque spot and is ideal zor plc- [ The scout troop Is sponsored by ) ~ll~:J~"z In ~p#,ara¢
~on ,tate ..... :) A wedam, breakout w,, ser~ea at} the -~no sore "Melody in F" the [ nics. The owner, T. E. Hudson, [ the Beach Lons club, with Gap Bry- ( ~ ['~
andn~--" ~m~ parenm oz [ ..... [ l has nt considerable time and] ant s o
and bride and later in r ape a Sc ut Master and Charles
members of t the home of the , bridesmaids led the way to th alta.
=, ,.e .eo'- -- moooy o..,r,.,Mo... oo.t ter, Bea o... o - ood
~tmPon'~, e~Joy a dinner[ tv~flv"~ ~zests at the Wee-Go-Inn at}ffim~'~,,~'~,=~o'~n ~ln~v ~'wne(ll beauty spot, and this year it Is re-]They have their own general fund l in the annual district track meet
b M&r;~ esd~y evening, | Saukvllle The recention in the even | ~. ,,,hit° chiffon over moire taffeta ~puted to be prettier than ever. { and also each patrol is building their[ with 33½ points while a high geared
announced that he " r " ........ I
~uc't'~vljes ~t p_ . ling was held at the Zlelsdorf home. [with floor length veil and carried red l Another attraction on the books~own reserve fund. Altho the troop ]Dickinson Central team piled up 47%
~k Stu~da~" -- " ~ue camp a~ t The new'---eds will live at West Bend | ..... f h n-- M~ss Clara I for that day will be a baseball game, ! has been organized only six weeks I pomts. Elbowoods was third with
~ay morning ~yw roses. The mal~s o0 or,
_~ ~y,uay . ( r. th~ k.remm 131 ve in a l r, o~, .... n . ~ . ~ lue Iit IS understood between two fast ithey are making good headway in all 10~' Killdeer fourth with 9" (}lad-
me~ u• ~e~, .... whe ......~_____ is em~ o_ d ............ r~ _ Alk _fiver and b , , I ' '
~. ~_-'_~'~ m the Regina[foundry and the bride at the West] q.~. lon~th ~own and carried an arm]teams, and that alone should prove [ scout activities including their "good}stone fifth with 8 points, and Mott
w~ next in "~' . w. ~ ~, ~ , ,, ,, ,
~e~td:Z n e Order. P,e-|Bend Aluminum Co [ ~,~uet of daisies and sweet yeas IInterestl~ indeed. I deed a day, earn and save,' signal-}sixth with 7.
~t-'A:~ ~nompson and Pres-] Conmmtulatlor~ and best wishes are|~--~-: ~a~ri~n Brekke wore a ue" ach~ Start planning right now for a real~llng hiking and general youth ac-I High point man of the meet was
~'~tl~a~1 M~er, IAozts I.~ver-Jextended the newl~eds from their| ..... 111- ^n-~ lace floor len~+h ~c~n~plcrdc day filled with attractlorm, J tlvitles ]E. J. Anderson of Dicki~n with 3
• z~oyes Ore ~" ]and~~xu~ ~ ,, ~ u ~" ~The!al0ngthe banks on the Beaver, Sun-~ " the '
~d~.~'- -Z= . ~'" ~""~ I I o-~v~m ......... was attired__ in dark blue serge_ [ ~ay, dune ~. |roomers ana zamers oz zne ~couts are ) jump aria s~m~ pu~. ulm~an ol ~eacrl
~'--~._~. ~ta.l~y were ch~n~ 1E~ l~I.| . ~ [o.,~ +ho h~+ m~n nalnhin Virts } Watch for further details. [invited to the camp Tuesday evening|was second high point man with 12
~;~tuese" egates .er. cv-I tree itllfl e[ t ........ ..h,~rs w,~r,~ Mr Wm | /at 6 p. m., June 3, for supper and)points, Sill of Beach and Erdahl of
E~.~"._~u appoint alternates in[ -- "--~-- -- [ ~;~-":'ff---='-~" "~'-'-':"-~"-"---'~----'-n who]c~ | ~'~ | ]1 | then a party at the dude ranch !Dickinson tied for third and fourth
I~ they are This week the Ci nnounced ~aram axm mmyu ~w~erm~ ,
ra~ lI the unable to at-] ty Drug a |" .... V" +~" h.,,~ ...... ~ur little |~unoav ~cnool / -- !wire ten each, and Doerner of Beach
~,~ ] that they would give away a fine| "~" ~ ............. ~" "" W [d,~l | l was fifth wlth 9 points
"on h ne mi t car flower girls, daintily attired in prettyI •
E~-:n has been granted to l w dge auto racing car. The |.~h,~ .,,~. ~o.~ o.~ ~,~,,-uets ~'~.n.,~.|~l.. T. ]~ |.olva Ball Club Two Bucs bettered exlstlng records.
~m-azz~ signson th,~ "~h~"h~"" .... | is a two cylinder model and has pneu-I -i-.::-. =-'" ....... -~- "~.~ "-.-": ^_ I ~t.~aa • ~aa~,~t~t~aa ~.u l~,~ | ] Sill bested the ~Izly uubllcized Fein-
to a ~' t t ol nlacs. '~'ney were ~.xme ana ~,o.- . . -- - -
~. to a report, by Lion Gilman ma ic tires. It is now on display a | ..,... = ............... , ....aI w n ! C~ ! ) of Dlckimon la the halfmile,
~:_~'~ vera Helm was hre-] . -." - " ....... |~arlor~ ~rm~n [ Ill DUdUII ,-. ,~ p~=~,*(running the distance In the remark-
mm a ladi~ purse as---anI ~ccoramg m manager ~eve ~.ezgn~/--_f -- _='~- .... -: ._ ......... [ j | , -- v |ably fast time of 2:05.7 for a new
tlon the car will be yen a on Mon Mrs wesumore~ana sang ~n~c©
~ce~ to ~ club d~],_~Y'.ve~vS~nt" .1. A free tlc~.e~ on I~ wm|~v~.-ride is the "Gun eat da---'-ter[fofThr: ~Aa~Yt ~n~°~m~P~|thlrd game in as many starts l~t!]°as f~r the Dickinson boy in ~ rung
|~ gz en wzcn every purchase. | "£'ne n ~ g u~ | y Un y |Sundav bv downtn~ Wibm,~ hv a la)nlng career. :
~ta! ~ded -- { NO one over 15 years old can win]of Mr. and Mrs. John Bosserman|Conventlon, which will- be held at|+~ i'of~',~ ~'.,o ~,~"-~:'~,,=,..~=) Rex (}llman set armther di~tri~.t
~4uzd--"r.~-.~_~ __ ~ ! the oar. | and has grown to womanhood in the ] Beach Methodist .church, next Sun-| ~,+,n W,h,,,, ~.~ a ot ~h ...... ,~ | cord in the 220 yard dash In 22 8 sec,
~i ~ "~'~... e~_ow in tl~ ] See their ad on another page, or] Golva community. The last few years [ day, June I. | ~'~='~'~,~.:.=-~:,':'-' ~'~. ~'__'-'2P'~ "'=- I ona* l~,,~h +~,, L~ .... ".' ....
• .'~. a~'lCtlllRIr~ COlltllXt~ ~ , - • ~,,~ ~,~m ~x,S a~ ~rOlVa Zl ~O ~. . ~,- .... ~-~.. ~,~ ~o~. ~m,.
E:~[O~ f~n.:,~ .... ., v.-.,.~_ [ .. ~mmarcK ner Dnaesr~a~ ~uu I ~:au. vile o: me mgr~W, nm w,,, ~ [ ~:~h ~d.v .¢ thl..~t- x..., ~^-- I the ]~t five v .
also __ ,. _~,.~l~e .~.~ Vacation .B1b~ ~oo.l with her. Ethel needs no Introduc Sunday School, t~h, ~.ion a " next Sund~ Golv's t taken by3~ach bOyS"
L~'-~,~_ ted to..¢.o, nt~tl.u oe neld at the ].ancom ~It~on ,lien.. /of Children', Yifork. Y~ ~'eople',!~mge~:ame--Ii ~,Y:T .... n,va.~x,l Pole.Vault=qlft "1st Rex t~,Im.n.
~ont'~ relatlve to B in Hil i s VacoJ~lon " "~" -'--'-"
B= ...... .:=/ _ Be ' : "°ndaYl The Is the son of MRS..-[Work, AduZt ble _~,, . "[ ~er Lefor'or ~Acl~ard~tol"" of th; ]srd oa on. :/' point. -"
~. - - -,-~,~•* m ~a©~ mo.rm~, ,J~e 2. at 9 o'clock. C1 .a~es j met Lindstrom, has attended oo..lV~| Church Schoom, "l.vamed_ Teachers: I Q~ieen Oity ,league. This is strictly an ]. Shot PUt: Deemer° 2nd. "3 points.
i, .. sn&Z m ll! .amateur .league with four teams en-: l(~yard.__d~h: (3_flman.~rd. 2. po. In t.
---- ~-~mts, their ladle~ and to Parents are ............. ~ ........ ~ ............... r~red--4P~iva, Ricl~dton, Lefor and nagn oump: ~n uarlson uea ]or
L~__~--~rS~Sf 't~e ..~. ....... j_ urged to send their chfl-[for the immediate families was served[ to the church. ]south Heart }3rd. Half a point.
_.~ at a~j~l~,~ ~_m ~j~ren, _al~! ~ will be cla~ses for allJat the home of Mr. and Mrs. John| Pot llwk supper at 5:30. J J 440 yard dash' 54 sec Sill 1,t. g
~te for wl~c~a~';_"°n. me ~ea~er ] a~ .zr~m rout years through high J Bo~erman, after which the happy| The evening meeting, starting at J ~r I | • ~ J points. " .....
I and ---- m m De aeter-|scnool age. }COUPle left on a weddin~ trin to the|7:30 P. M. will be devoted prlmarlly~ ~i//a~1£1|130" Broad um • Doerner 2nd. .
n_, ~"°unced later. | ~ ~=~. ~,,,, ........ ~__. i_ ,~,,'~ / + ........... ~o There will ~'~ shor~ (~v ~uu~aa~ JL-Maa~-~ J _. j nLO. _ . _ _ .3 polnts~
they .the} DANCE AT ALPHA J Best wishes from a hOst of friends talks by several young people, spe- Tonight Thursday May 29 there .8 po ts .
~aWyer fm-~.*.~.. ~lons ~mzgnt~. Attention is called to the dance tO|go with them. cialvocal and instrumental music, t
• ----~ wmcn . , , y d dash: 22 sec. Gilman 1st.
will be a wedding dance at the Beach 5 points
ended--o~"~" ~ _ _ . lye pu~ Gnat the Alpha hall Friday,[ -- and an address on "The Claims of city hall, and a good crowd is antic- 880 ard run 2" 7
-,~ u~ m y 05 Sill 1st
!the Lions h ...... ~e .~st mee~-|~une om~.~.Is ~elng sponsored by the CORRECTION theKingdom" by Dr. L. R. Burgum ipated. The dance is being put on ints
..... ,or a ,o l pn e,u . .z st woek the News was a bitpre- of Fargo. . ....... by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hardy, who po~lans are alnder way to send Sill
"-----~ | ~-~-~"",~-"~'--A--__._-L-----_ |wons m announcing the renewal of| The Public is cordiany mw~ea r,o~ are expec~ea oacz today from their|Gilman and Doerner to the sta~
GARDEN CL~ ~ ~^~-~,ffi~ ~a v~N~]z'8. | the Pot o' Gold drawings at Sentinel[ attend both sessionS. ) honeymoon trip to the west coast J meet at Grand Forks o~ Mnv .~ - T-~
]~eacn Gardenv-]"'~-u~ meem .... nex~ |'is ""~ ~'~ o...~. ~enney ~o. zorce|Butte every Saturday, stating they June Mills, Good music has been secured for order to enter ........... a bo must make~'.~r"cer
~lay, Jtme5 at th~ ht~m* --" |....~ a ra~ner novel event tl~[would begin last Saturday. 'j Secretary. )the occasion and all friends of thisl thin mtntm.m ~?Y~,m~nt~ ~..,~o~:
• C Rtm~ell' The fo]''~" ! - " | The weekly drawing Will definitelyI popular couple are invited tooin firs
• . uowmg Mmmg~r Glen Wolf will be on his be hel J[ t or second in a district meet.
will be ~h'en. J vacaMon an ......... J ....d _the. coming Saturday, Ma3q SELECTIVg S.~ZW.C~ NEWS . j the fun at the city hall tonite.
and IAlie~ra~ ]~)uek j ...... u .u~_ orae~r ~o .m~ as go~. j~lst m sen~Ir~l Butte, and attentiou[ The News has been informed mat J " ~z ~A~a ~nm~ ~r~av
~tification of Wild 1flowers j-, ,,~,-=-~ a~__poum~e aurmg ~ aD-[oz everyone in that area is directed]hereafter the office of the Selectivel Re¥. and M.~. J K Stron- --~[ ..~_-~f.== .~..~.~ ....u~?
~lt of ~ ~,~ .--- tu ~Y ~ve prepsre~ special bar-lto thst fact Born- *'n- ---~- ,..~..-I,.--_~__ ,____~ ..~. ..^+ h........~ ..I~..~..- ~, .... ... "__ ~ ~uu[ ,uv ~e~ ~'om~ry uo. m aoaalla4~ On
hn.e o~.~--~-,L_-~.-~ ;gains that they are offerin~ thts~are h~tn~, ,~;e.,~,a"~...",~ --~-'--~--'"~--12~/~-¢ , Marne, ar-| the track at Beach today, May 20th,
f%Z.~_'~_ ~p.o~, "~.~t~ ~ alw~k. ~ th. ~ ..... -~..~l_. ~ 7='2". ='T:~" ~: me mez~m~[mummay ar, emmme. ,. _ . [xzveo, ~m~ :rue~l~ay and W~ll SDe!land i~yina a lzood m'h~ for old h~na
°-,~u~."- , -'~ -~,~ ~ ~ ~ ox ~ntl~l Butte - ; " " -- --~ .... ----"~--- ............
Jt ue f r J ..... wao are spomoru [ Also that on W nmday, Labout two weeks With her t,/ Htw . #m. v.
~m w ......... ul ~ ~ ff more