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Beach, North Dakota
May 27, 2021     Golden Valley News
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May 27, 2021
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Page Golden Valley News May 27, 2021 Insurance public notices Don’t fall for the Manor News By Mary Barthel 93521 ‘ Abstract of Statement May 13 Exercises were held at 10 Golva-Medora Mass was watched. winner. E d, '3" the It"; 2020 am. on Thursday morning. The bingo After that, the Beach First Lutheran May 19 Wednesday morning ex- " mg eggwle r crowd gathered for the afternoon and service was watched. We are so for— ercises were held at 10 am. In the Coefficient Insurance Company In the state of South Carolina five second rule enjoyed games of their favorite activ- ity. Delores Olson was the lucky tunate to now be able to attend our worship services via live streaming on afternoon, the residents went on an outing. They toured around the towns Total Assets. 64412573 “ , . blackout winner. our large screen smart TV. We are of Beach and Wibaux and ended up X‘sglegggl'fifiems for 2495720 Where 3911‘” natlonal award I May 14 Fr. Berg held Word & very blessed and grateful for being stopping at the Tastee Hut in Wibaux Special surplus funds 0 WERE“ you‘ my dfaUghter aSkefi‘ Communion at 10:30 Friday morning. able to worship in the comfort of our for ice cream treats. They truly en— Common Capital Stock 7387400 3' Plaques?” 11" the boxes 1“ The Friday afternoon movie was home, share with each other and feel joyed the outing, and have been visit- Preferred Capital Stock 0 my Closet, I sald~ Jun, Gammnobmso" "Hachi: A Dog's Tale." connected to our faith families. ing among themselves about the fun Aggregate Write-ins for Othern than Special Surplus Funds Surplus Notes 0 Gross paid in and Contributed surplus 59690268 Unassigned funds ~5160815 Total Capital and Surplus 61916853 Total Libablities, Capital and Surplus 64412573 North Dakota Business Only I think I might wrap it and give her the plaque this year for her high school graduation. She and the rest of my family certainly have inspired me many times in the years I have written this col- umn. I should have guessed my daughter would go on to enjoy the— Food 8. Nutntlon Specralst searchers considered the bacteria- transferring properties of several types of flooring, including carpet, wood and tile. The materials were inoculated with salmonella and al- lowed to stand 24 hours to see if bacteria would survive. The carpet May 15 On Saturday morning the residents did their walk routine out- side the grounds of the Manor. Dori read the newspaper to the residents at 2 pm. while they enjoyed their coffee hour. May 16 ~ Sunday morning, in the Chapel, the Litany of the Saints and the Rosary were prayed. At 10 a.m., In the afternoon, cards and games were enjoyed. May 17 The morning walk was well attended. It is a great way to start our Mondays with a walking routine to help us stay active. May 18 — Exercises were held at 10 am. In the afternoon, bingo was held with Deb with Earl and Fern assisting. afternoon. We had some pretty awe— some bus drivers — Steve Raisler and Warren Maxted who drove the Coun- cil on Aging vans for the fun getaway! Our days are slowly returning to "normal." It feels like our world is opening its doors to us again and we are loving the freedom and blessings of these days. We are off to a great Life Annfivhe Year 202° afer £0165 andfcfimedy iglpr9Vi§a' retained the most bacteria, but all the Tri-Parish Church of Beach— Edie Abraham was the lucky blackout start. . tron ecauseo t IS awar -w1nn1n . Total Direct premiums “scene ” I’ve u dated the foofi the materlals retained thousands of Written 0 ‘, p bacteria per square centlmeter of Total Direct Losses Paid 0 Safety UPS' flooring material. Accident & Health Total Direct Premiums Written 0 Total Direct Losses Paid 0 ‘; STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA . OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER r OF INSURANCE I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of In- aurance of the State of North Dakota, ‘do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Abstract of Statement, as offi- cially filed by the Company in this of— fice. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal oi this office at Bismarck, the first day of May, A. D. 2021 (Seal). Jon Godfread Commissioner of Insurance “Would you like pancakes today?” my then-4-year-old asked as I entered our living room. “Sure, that would be nice,” I said. “What kind of toppings do you have?” “Today we have blueberries, raspberries and strawberries,” she noted as she pointed to an imagi- nary menu on the wall. ’ “I’ll have two pancakes with blueberries,” I said. “We’re all out of blueberries,” she announced. “Okay, I’ll have raspberries,” I said. “The raspberries fell on the The researchers dropped bologna and bread on the contam- inated flooring material. Within five seconds, the food picked up thousands of bacteria. Yes, the food that was on the floor longer picked up more bacte- ria, but don’t take that as evidence to retrieve your cookies, sand— wiches or other foods; For some types of bacteria, only a few cells can make you sick. As we’ve learned from spinach and lettuce foodborne illness out- breaks, washing doesn’t always get rid of pathogens (disease-caus- ing organisms) on produce. The i. Award , (Continued from Page 1) there recovering, somehow he got missed. Alvord didn’t receive his Purple Heart until 2005 when a friend helped him submit paperwork for it. In August 2017, he was fea- tured on KX News for National Pur— ple Heart Day. Solper served in the USMC in WWII and was wounded on Oki- nawa. As a forward observer, he was behind enemy lines directing mortar fire to destroy enemy emplacements, ammunition, etc. He saw What he presumed was a Japanese soldier dressed in Marine clothing, as he Pieces of the Past 50 years ago; May 27, 1971: The Arts and Crafts Show held in Beach on May 22, amazed most viewers. The show was dedicated to the memory of pioneer Sentinel Butte artist Einar Olstad. Holtan’s Super Valu grocery V sales: Shasta pop, 12-0unce can, 10 cents, (case $2.29); corn on the cob, 6 cars, 59 cents; Cheerios, 10 ounce, or Wheaties, 12 ounce, 39 cents; sugar, with coupon from flyer, $1.29; Van Camp's Pork & Beans, five for $1. ’ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA floor,” She CXCIaimec!’ wrinkling best advice; Don’t take chances_ If knew he should be the only Marine : OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER her nose. “They’re dirty. Really, you drop food on the floor, toss it behind enemy lines. As he laid down , COMPAfiilgiléw-i-fichA-m OF ’ rea‘l‘ly duty! , in the trash, his automatic rifle to take a closer Shown is the Purple Heart AUTHORITY When was the 1a“ “me “"5 Cross-contamination is the look with his binoculars,he was shot that was given to Everett WHEREAS, the above corporation duly organized under the laws of its State or country of domicile, has filed in this office a sworn‘ statement ex- hibiting its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 2020 conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state regarding the busi- ness of insurance and . WHEREAS, the said company has filed in this office a duly certified copy of its charter with certificate of organi- zation in compliance with the require- ments of insurance law aforesaid, . NOW THEREFORE, I, Jon Godfread, Commissioner of Insurance of the State of North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby cer- tify that the above named company is fully empowered through its authorized agents and representatives, to trans— act its appropriated business of au- thorized insurance in the state according to the laws thereof, until the 30th day of April, A. D. 2020. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hefeunto set my hand and seal at Bis- restaurant was inspected, any- way?” I asked. “You can have strawberries,” she said, ignoring my question. “They didn’t fall on the floor, did they?” I asked. She grinned and left the room to get my food. I’d have to say those were the best imaginary pancakes and strawberries I ever had. I was happy to hear that my young daughter had not fallen prey to the “five-second rule.” Accord- ing to this often-quoted rule, you have a few seconds to pluck food from the floor before it becomes contaminated. Think again. Several years ago, a high school student from Chicago put the rule to the test during an internship at an Illinois university. She surveyed people and learned that women were more. likely to eat food that transfer of harmful bacteria from surfaces to food or from one food to another. Cross-contamination is one of the leading causes of food— borne illness in the US. Consider these tips from the US. Depart— ment of Agriculture: - Use hot, soapy water and paper towels or clean cloths to wipe up spills or kitchen surfaces. Sanitize kitchen surfaces with a solution of 1 tablespoon of chlo- rine bleach per gallon of water (less than 1 teaspoon per quart). Or use another cleaner according to the manufacturer’s directions. Test a spot before using a sanitizer. - Wash cloths in the hot cycle of your washing machine. Use clean cutting boards. Use one cutting board for fresh pro- duce and a separate one for raw meat. by another Japanese soldier. He was able to kill both before they killed him. If you or someone you know, whether living or deceased, was awarded a Purple Heart, please take the time to get enrolled. There is no cost involved, no membership to join, just a little of your time. An es- timated two million Purple Heart medals have been awarded. The Roll Of Honor database comprises 10—12 percent of the possible recipients who may have received the award Solper of Bottineau. (Courtesy Photo) since its creation in 1932. They need our help to collect and preserve this important and historic information. You can download the information and enrollment form at www.thepur— or call 845-561-1765. If you need assistance, call me at 263-3 136. (Lois Schaefer is the state Ameri- canism chairman for the Department of ND. VFW Auxiliary.) RUNNING ur Did you know? T he Billings County 1 Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared ‘ advertising and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 50 years. rznogpghisl)first day of May, A. D. {Sgt on t1}? figs; 052111113 ilvstESaglger: 0 Separate meat, poultry and ° ea coo 1es . _ , seafood from other foods in your I M E Thls the égggglgfla; 0* Insurance tiilyirfagienreeihfived than vege'ta' Shopping cart and in your shopping I . . . ' ' b . Wh 'l bl , I (May 20, 27 and June 3) She sterilized ceramic tiles, in_ ags enever am a e p ace of your ad isn t limited to oculated the tiles with E. coli bac- teria and then dropped candy or cookies on the tiles. The bad news for food retrievers: Cookies and candy instantly picked up bacteria. In another test of the famous rule, Clemson University re- meat packages in plastic bags be- fore placing them in your cart. - Keep raw meat, poultry and seafood in containers 0r sealed plastic bags on the lowest shelf of your refrigerator to help prevent their juices from dripping on other foods. For subscribers, your subsoription’s expiration date is on your address label. It’s time to send in your a.» payment if your expiration is 3 weeks away. just either county! Our , primary coverage area is western County and west to the Montana border It pays to advertise! 1 I I I I I I I I I I l I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J SEASON DEER BOW OPENS September 3 (12:00 noon) Attention Hunters 2021-2022 Deer Hunting Proclamation Summary CLOSES AREAS Rosrdonts ~ Any debris legal. No unit momma. Nonmsdems - Restricted to species at deer described on license No um restrictions. Statewide The deadtirre for submitting applications Is June 2, 2021. (v RESTRICTIONS gtnd 90v - General Information Applicants tor repulse door gun. gratis, youth and muzzietoaaor licenses must apply mime through the Department‘s memo at ' ND Newspapers work for YOU! Orange clothing required at all how hunters dorms; regular gun season. - Th0 deadline tor submltttng eppllcatloru ls Juno 2. mr. Resident use: new bonuses are 959.500 by the Department’s Blsmarck office. rmouqn zoo Department‘s ancestry. authorized swears or by titling £6004th 6400 ‘Exception See intermatmn on Special Herd Reduction Deer Seasons. Nevember 21 All units Your“ DEER HOURS OF HUNTING are coal/tall W2) hour before sunrise to oneself p.12} bow alter sunset except when season opens as noted above. Homers must cease any hunting actuary. leave any stand or blind. and must be m the process at teavxng the hold at the close or shooting hours (ottoman {1&3 from after sunseti. All season openers am Central Time. Reamtadtotypcetdeermdmneesmbedonmoiyoe oldeer mludesspocsosam Mamet momma mtiered rat least one Visible antler). Note exceptron for whitewater! deer hunters in mats 48, 4C. 40 and 4E. Orange clothing required. to 1/2 Day Season Nonresident crown! see! new licenses {to Whitfield/ed deer are November 5 (12:00 noon) “ L J argued by the Dt‘pgytmw'. 5 Bowen office tract;th Wows website, authorized vendors or by cmsng 1-800 4065409 Nmrusrdml arr, door bow licenses (which .mlude mule deer) are sealed by lottery on mm the Oceanmont's 8mm once. Deer gun and rr' ‘0?ch licenses are issued trya weighted zoom: procedure livuug': (no [Iewrt'no‘u s Bésmarck office Restricted to whitetail“) deer only and type of dear described on license. No unit restrictions Orange clotbmg Wffid. ‘ Rescem gra'vr. f‘m'i’Sldttll are issued rhrougn mu Comm» and youth (leer licenses it by Dec 32.12,; 13 was cm 4 MW Mite—two] deer only "l‘ 9W" 14(byDoc.3li&tsyearoidstmildeorisiogailimtswl. 382.4A. 48. 4C. dDAEand-Waspouatlmsmqmred tomanttwednuledom Mmtmomsmmmmngmlm rmbmmmwmmnmwmmmw Orange clotting required. > Of those North Dakotans planning to purchase goods and services, here‘s how many read newspapers: ' Boats and other RVs Home Appliances" - Real Estate ...... .. Jewelry/watches .. ' Automobiles ..... .. Htsalth/Mcdiml . - Restaurants/ha ' Sporting Goods .... .. D Every month, 863/0 of North Dakota adults read a newspaper r Resrecrtt deer {Xi/r Izcezisn inldeIS.’ / raw and wssess one fleet of any type per season except as CDth-DC‘G 'or the spasms hero redecth deer Seasons September 17 (12:00 noon) Nuxrusidcnt dew UM 55.61251: spiders may mice and possess me- doc: 01 the type described on size: name - Deer gun lKJOfISG holders may take and possess one deer oi the type described on their Mouse. 88%‘or adults in North Dakota read public notices in newspapers ' 76% of North Dakotaus believe they should STAY in newsprttmrs ' 949/0 of adults in North Dakota feel newspapers are the most trusted source for public notices Muzzlolcadoa amuse WHIIU'IEEIKK’I den! of 100 m rs may take and possess one «I on raw license a - Rasmis ages. 1 ! new season may I.) .306 ititun m: sq thoywm 31‘» one senseless awed deer Youth door 50. con holders ages to {by Do: 31; and to may take and past one deer of any secretes, sex or age except that in nuns 381 382, sit. 48, SC. :30, «2F. and 4F a soecrai lrcenso is (aimed to hunt notions: mule deer. - Readout gratis and hammered hearse mkst may take and possess one one: of my type ascertained on that: scenes. Gram IKMSQ mums may not take a mafia cost sharing muzzleéoooe! season In no case ‘5 3 legal to possess or transport a doe: mless l: :5 chpoity ragga: Summary of Changes from Last Year ~ The 202! North Dakota deer hunting season 45 set «an 72 200 Monaco amiable. 3,150 more than last yea: A one: carcass or boned-out meat insist be cadmium by the hand to me fun; place at storage. With the following “comm: tag as currently too-mm, then take two pictures using; a cell phone with iccnmn. date and emu stamp turned on One picture 01 the 9mm: ammo! at the to: we was: tag attached, and a sec'ood picture or CW'“? 0' "it 10.6 50 that 139 information is readable. it you teavc the doc: hood II" the trek: at the lull me. after taking pictures and saving mom. the ea: or antler With the tag attached must be cut of! and accommy the We! or carcass while on transport tho photographs of the logged on: must be shown to any game- wolden or chm éaw onlorcomom ollrcer upon request b Almost two-thirds of North Dakotans traveled on vacation in the past 12 months, here is Where they went: - Visit famin ........... .. Business trip - State or national parks. Shopping .................... .. ' Historical attraction. - Sporting ' In loin; .ulyrontkided humans “creased by 3,500 From last yon: arrearmwlnss by 1.250. antiwar: whltolasl by roe whom»; whitetail by 100. antierlegs «we door by p Newspapers reach 88% of voters in North Dakota 200. and enlisted mule deer iwreos mounted the sane. Your neat-loader Itconsox . inclva by 60 and restricted youth antiwar minke deer (2654525 [Walrm the some. “real newspapers are relied on more than other media for information on local governinent tin-nuance «or been» hum-warm 43 and mmmmmwmmoumam anWanMm-mumw. Special Experimental Herd Reduction Deer Bow Seasons (Me mason: shall run 1mm Sealamber 7. 2629 live-ugh imam 2t. 2022; c‘ we Ca» :2 Beirut» {fact some mam. Hum-a. “my deem to as more the Bxiirtmtx Chief or spam: menus are areas open to marry; wt ea esteemsz by the C (y o: Fm», Hank’s :ma: scored. muons its me (3ka office aim; math 2) orgy cl the-r Sarge Foam lane in Bodega Cm! ’ located swat» ma non: mmm the City r. s or 86mm). mus? ] Asmm mat ow DJW sessions I IF, r An add-twat 5rth oh? boa. W1 w be head a: w: lfiOAVARS? limearcr Lao r- Maman A acme-d member or Memes {morsels in ma n-Jl be issued mutation rev the iottevy {or mesa dream we be in .murotam~yea'rrwdanm’ngpd The bag sum emu be one mamas arm-mango dew ~rx m0: Wm! now am team a Peirce mu Wt 2,» A army—a numb” 0! Raw YAAIJDIB tor-1M (mamas whom» an be new foobar; mm mm nu ma «ammo v. 1es-r forearh 5%” my 0ch tom) mummmmmwa mmmmmmmpmsmam (Newman's-1}. memmummm m,mnymym&thlrumm l b 9094’} who are shopping or intending to buy a new vehicle in North Dakota read newspapers gun mun. my my hunt shooter bottom L l ’/ 7 ' P 88% of these Vacationers read . . . . . B I Mdmcmfl was one: Dow seasons wares w on cam we to smart (hunt, roamed ne“ spdpers ’ norm of the {lay 0:1 Wk. is maan a: 40:3 optimum. acacia: door by» women 30mm (ammo m the Womam‘k “reams; we: be issued the bag rm yore r1.» me ammms ‘5‘ I” is it .“ 1% i t”"R£u<,trr whlmmm N ml each a”, Cami-5%}? Irdfllwna vac; deerbahseaamsm salience struth am.) no 0 8: Warm 0t 35 mm Dem-ts one modem; to new f‘v‘fQErG‘. mm NLXJKX‘ a. wrote: or 1% am more some Mom‘s awaits] wsll be sow Il‘xx mo . . .. .- oro ammo mute-tam com web We: ova bow more i C ; Alflttm‘d we: cm; $54350?» M; [c not: on aware and r: Meow Camry mam aneni to the Cay or warms, A limited wow of masses {mamas an IM westwards. 3 Wet writ be meow, '02 mg tum she! be om saunas «Mews-d dos: tor we seem: I l I l LICENSING EV COMPUTER OR BY PHONE QUICK - COWWENT — EASY You can purchase linens“ —- 24 hours a day 7 any: a week. Vin. Dtecow. MasterCard and Amman Express accept-d. “on” G ; Mdlm spec-cl deg bow seam we: be nerd m portions or the City or Minor madam; D immoral sweetldi new wwwmwrltbeneta :1 Wu dine on of Force and Mom . arms. muting ornate» om ram. Name's me new to hunt hm the may at Fargo wrecde bow Whom“; (mm 0: its: Wm woth leDo em, 5 M ream-a n Samar, Deer Passe: tram the my :3! Taryn {$01 .1437). A mum! oi no dorm .m we open to hunting «a be mam m rho Olly or Mm! Hume's must v. meadow wood Gm optimism a» {)apar‘mt 59.10928}th be 5m Wistth to the Departments Brennan ditto ruling was 9 copy of the: Mme! NORTH DAKOTA NEWSPAPER-ASSO(TIO NEWSPAPERS: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Source: (odd Ventures Market Study 20% Vin the Internet visit our website at gladgov By Phone 5irnply call toll In. Row ens mm cc: son/r: adder: l l