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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 27, 2021     Golden Valley News
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May 27, 2021
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May 27, 2021 Billings County Pioneer News/Pioneer Classified Ads: A minimum charge of $7.00 for 25 words and 10 cents per word thereafter. Deadline for all ads: Noon Friday preceding publication date. Phone: 701-872-3755 - Fax: 701-872-3756 - Email: FOR RENT - HELP WANTED TINING Western View Apartments, Beach. Two bedrooms available, all utilities paid, laun- dry hookups, income based. Call Barbara, 701-872—4102. Non-smoking. Profession- ally managed by Prairie Homes Manage- ment, 1-888-893-9501, TTY 1-800-366—6888. $200 Walmart Card (with 12 month lease). tfn LIVESTOCK Registered Black Angus yearling & 2—year old bulls. Replacement heifers also avail- able for sale. Private treaty large sire group. Performance and fertility tested. Delivery available. Trangmoe Angus Ranch, Glendive, MT. (406) 687-3315 or (406) 989-3315. HELP WANTED ASSISTANT MANAGER. PAY DOE, hourly. Benefits. Computer knowledge, CDL preferred, ag background. Resume: Steele Farmers Elevator, PO Box 259, Steele, ND 58482. Deadline July 31, 2021. HEALTH CAREERS SPECIALIST / NURSING INSTRUCTOR, Lake Region State College — Devils Lake, ND. This is a 9—month position with full benefits, includ- ing paid family health insurance. Duties in- clude Coordinate existing health career training and develop health-related work- force training programs and work with stu- dents and other faculty in the Clinical/Lab/Simulation setting and assist with student advising. Minimum qualifica- tions are a BS in nursing. Go to for more information. DIESEL TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCTOR. We have a FT, 9-month, tenure—track posi- tion teaching Diesel Technology in Wah- peton beginning August 9, 2021. Screening begins immediately — applica- tions accepted until filled. Benefits include: Health/Life Insurance, Retirement, EAP, Sick Leave, Tuition Waiver, Spouse/De- pendent Tuition Discount, etc. Interested candidates must submit the online appli- cation. EOE. For more information go to:—our—team COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS. Competi- tive wage and benefits, meal allowance, paid lodging. Traveling position for railroad vegetation control, 60—80 hours/week. RAW (Cooperstown, ND). 888.700.0292 info@rawap- RAPID RESPONSE TEAM GENERAL MAINTENANCE. NDSCS has a FT, 12 month benefited position available to pro- vide the necessary support services for the maintenance and repair of facilities in Wah- peton. Includes full benefits: Health/Life, Retirement, EAP, Leave, Tuition Waiver, Dependent Tuition Discount, etc. Screen- ing begins immediately - applications ac- cepted until filled. Interested candidates must complete the online application. EOE. For more information go to: MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN. LAKE Re- gion State College — Devils Lake. Day shift working Monday - Friday 7:45am to 4:45pm. Responsibilities include maintain- ing facilities, facilities systems, and equip- ment in order to provide a safe, efficient and comfortable workplace. For more in- formation go to www.| nities. CLASS A OTR DRIVER WANTED. Reefer/drive in. Home weekly. Starting .47 to .50/mile, DOE. Benefits: Health Insur- ance, Sign-On Bonus, Paid Vacation. Bill (701) 527—7215. LOOKING FOR THE most complete listing of ND Media? ND Media Guide. Only $25! Call 701-223-6397, ND Newspaper Asso-- ciation. SERVICES LONG DISTANCE MOVING: White-Glove Service from America's Top Movers. Fully insured and bonded. Let us take the stress out of your out of state move. FREE QUOTES! Call: 833—983-0965 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No pay- ments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty professional installs. Senior & Military Dis— counts available. Call: 877-482-4836. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring seated showers. Call for a free in—home consultation: 833-946-2482. SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind pay- ing your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening fore- closure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line! FREE CONSULTATION! 855-399-8165. TRAIN AT HOME TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a Medical Office Pro- fessional online at CTI! Get Trained, Certi— fied ready to Work in months! Call 701-929—9679. (M—F 8am-6pm ET) ATTENTION ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY VETERANS! Begin a new career and earn your Degree at CTI! Online Computer Medical training available for Veterans Families! To learn more, call 701-929— 9679. (M-F 7am-5pm CT). REAL ESTATE ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. Are you selling or renting? Pifer‘s Auction and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer 701-371-8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valuation. YOU CAN PLACE a 25-word classified ad—Iike this one—in every North Dakota newspaper for only $160. It’s easy. Con- tact this newspaper for details. AUTO WANTED DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Re- ceive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions ac- cepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 701- 809-7415. HEALTH SAVE UP TO 80% on your medication! Eliquis, Xarelto, Viagra, Cialis and more. Licensed and Certified. Lowest Price Guar- anteed. Call 855-399-6168 and get free shipping on your first order (Open M-F). YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefits if you have are under a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 888- 306-5936. - ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concen- trator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxy- gen Concentrator Store: 701—404-5994. (24/7) HAVE a news release or other information that needs to reach all ND newspapers? ND NewspaperAssociation can help! One call does it all. 701-223—6397. Business And Professional Directory Bennett Houglum Agency All Risk Crop Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 Old Highway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2106 John Germolus Wayne Lee Marisa Carlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider «Mi-Iii; Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872—33 17 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations! Beach, ND 58621 Sue Finneman Licensed Real Estate Agent in ND. and MT (701) 483-6789, (701) 527-8159 cell or suefinneman Real lismte Professionals Manor, IIIC. Vicki Braden, Administrator 0 Flexible Meal Plans - Assisted Living 0 Night Security 0 Activities 7g—4282 or TTY 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. EIIIIS II TIIIIIQS [[9 305 N Merrill Ave. Glendive, MT Guns Bought, Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. 377-3969 Firearms Gun Safes Smart Wool Ammunition Reloading Equipment Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701 -872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 Licensed in ND. and MT Tvedt , Trucking, Inc. 0 Custom Hauling 0 Grain or Feed 0 Livestock 0 Local & Long Distance Roger Tvedt Wibaux, MT 406-796—2968 CASE ELECTRIC LLC 7()l ) 690—7145 3 1269(1) gmailcom PO Box 892 Beach. ND 58621 ( cascy Residential. Commercial, Agricultural. Industrial. and Oil Field ATTENTION: If you or a loved one worked around ROUNDUP WEED KILLER (glyphosate) for at least two years and have been diagnosed with lymphoma, you may be entitled to compensation. To see if you quality, call now: 701-425-0904. NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Pub- lishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 866—331-7577. — King Crossword — Answers Solution time: 25 mins. - There are many fancy cleaners for sale for wood and laminate floors. Truth is, all you need is regular sweep- ing and a clean, damp mop. Never use harsh cleaners on wood, and do not use too much moisture. 0, D.D. in Missouri keeps morning cereal crisp by using two bowls. Bite by bite dipped in milk is the perfect remedy for avoiding a soggy spoonful! - Use white chalk to fill pin holes in the wall before painting. You can also use this tactic to hide holes if you are unable to paint the white walls of a rental. It simply fills the hole, making it “disappear.” Save prescription medicine bottles and use them to sort beads or find- ings for beadwork or jewelry making. Bonus: Store the bottles upside down in a plastic storage bin so you can see what’s in the bottles without having to sort through all of them. o Add chocolate syrup to your cake mix for a deliciously deep flavor when making a chocolate cake. Check your pillows: Press into the pillow at the spot where your head rests. If the pillow doesn’t spring back when you remove your hands, it’s time to replace it. - Add these to the list of items to eliminate the odor-of cooking cab— bage: a heel of bread, a whole walnut or a pinch of baking soda. Send your tips to Now Here's a ‘Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 . © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. Moments in tune THE HISTORY CHANNEL - On May 31, 1859, the famous tow- er clock known as Big Ben, located at the top of the 320-foot—high Eliza- beth Tower, rings out over London for the first time. At night, all four of the clock’s faces, each one 23 feet across, are illuminated. A light above Big Ben is also lit to let the public know when Parliament is in session. - On June 4, 1876, a mere 83 hours L after leaving New York City, the Trans- continental Express train arrives in San Francisco. First-class passengers rode in beautifully appointed cars with plush velvet seats that Converted into snug sleeping berths. Third-class passengers sat on narrow 'wooden benches. flflflflflllflfl flflflflflflflfl JGMSUV I'DIOCI ns “399M — Page 7 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: 9 0 Moderate 90 Challenging 9.6 H00 BOY! © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 Just Like Cats &' 13099 by Dave T. Phipps ’ You KNOW,» I’M STILL NOT QUITE GETTNG THE HANG or THIS.PERHAP$ IFEYOU DEMONSTRATED SEVERAL MORE TIMES l MIGHT CATCH on. ' pe/uasei slum: "v 'our ‘eieoipuxs seinieag Bug» 130m Having toads on your property is very beneficial. '1 hey prey on insects, slugs and snails. While not as closely tied to the water as frogs, they still need a moist place to live, often making their homes under boards, porches, loose rocks, and tree roots. You can provide a “toad cave” in your garden by laying a Clay pot on the ground on its side. and burying the lower half in the soil, or setting a clay a pot upside down on the ground, and dig the ‘ 'earth away from its edge in one spot, forming a small tunnel for the toad to 1 access the inside of his new home. e Brenda Weaver Source: gnrdcningknr-\\1Iu\\.Lnrir NOTHING worms ' “K! NEWSPAPER . ,~ .. museum. for data. Rent this space for only a few dollars . a week. Call 872-3755 for more details today!