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May 27, 2021     Golden Valley News
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May 27, 2021
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May 27, 2021 Golden Valley News Page 5 PUBLIC NOTICES NEWS ‘ Billings County Commission BILLINGS COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 6, 2021 The meeting was called to order at the Medora Community Center Gym by Chairman Michael Kasian at 9:00 AM. , with Commissioners Dean Rodne and Lester Iverson in attendance. Others were present during portions of the meeting: Road Superintendent Jeff lverson, .EMS Directors Mitch Gilseth and Kyle Michels, Fire Chief Kyle Shockley, Maintenance Supervisor Travis Bertelsen, Major Dean Wycoff, Captain Frank Lukowski, Deputy AI Muckle, Deputy Clint Wohler, Auditor. Marcia Lamb, State’s Attorney Patrick Weir, Vogel Law firm Attorney Tami Nor- gard, Recorder Julianna Hammerstrom, Tax Director Stacey Swanson, Deputy Auditor Jonna Bertelsen, Jeremy Wood, Eric Urness, Curt Glassoe, Jordan Kessel, Shelon Cockeram, Megan Quade, Tyler O’Brien, Naomi Rossow, Julie Reis, Scott Hutzenbiler, Ben Si- mons, John Kessel, Gordon Krance, Jud Mork, Kim Colbert, Orest Baranko, Allan Richard, Jonathan Klym, Nellie Klym, Kevin Kessel, Jim Lowman, An— thony Kessel, Joseph Kessel, Ted Tescher, Sarah Short, Dave Short, Don Short, Sandy Short, Derrick Braaten, Jim Fugle, Connie Fulton, Don Fulton, Maggie Fulton, Katie Fulton, Nick Emch, Don Heiser, Wes~0brigewitch, Mike Heiser, Ernie Buckman, Cole Buckman, Elizabeth Loos, Tom Schaf, Sandy Baertsch, Perry Tesher, Robin O’Brien, Dennis Joyce, Doug Ellison, Lynn Arthaud, Jim Arthaud, Kurt Kor- don, Grant Kessel, Garett Kessel, Amy McCann, Donovan O’Brien, Andrew Klym, Lorraine Schant, Frank Schant, Joey Kessel, Diane Weir, Suzy Williams, Richard Volesky. Iverson moved to approve the min- utes from the March 2, 2021 regular meeting. Rodne Seconded. All voted aye. Auditor Lamb requested an addition to the agenda of the Fire Emergency Declaration. Kasian moved to approve the addition and the agenda. Rodne seconded. All voted aye. . Chairman Kasian explained the o process of the Little Missouri River Crossing discussion. Each person will be allotted 5 minutes to address the commission regarding their opinions for or against the bridge, there will be not repeating topics discussed, and re- qusted that the public in attendance be considerate of the speakers. Tami Nor- gard, Vogel Law firm attorney for Billings County first presented an up- date of where the process is currently and how the county arrived at this point. She explained the litigation from 2004 until present. Norgard reminded the public that this is not a hearing, and questionsmay not be asked to the com- ' mission as they are currently in active litigation. Appraisals of the land were discussed, and the board needs to de- cide a fair offer for right of way. Norgard also updated the public on the three lawsuits that the county is engaged in, all brought on by the Short family. Two have been referred to a federal magis- trate and the third was brought last year seeking to overturn the 2021 budget. Chairman Kasian requested that 'those in favor of the bridge speak first. Topics that were discussed included: environmental impact studies con- cluded there is a purpose and a need for the bridge. These studies were done and determined that the bridge could not be put on federal land. The fire de- partments, emergency services and law enforcement need the bridge as a pas- sage to the other side of the river for emergency purposes, if there is a fire or a medical emergency and they are on the wrong side of the river, they would have to reroute back to Medora and it would cost valuable time. The fire trucks and water tenders cannot pass through the crossings that are there right now. A resident stated that they would like to see growth in the community for the fu- ture of our children, we do not want to lose our voice or watch the community and economy die. Road crew would like to see this project go through and the commission has support from them. Farmers and ranchers need the protec- tion for their business and without the access they could lose that to a fire in a matter of minutes. Putting the bridge in would give the ranchers on the east side a quicker route to access markets. An oil company representative spoke regarding the importance of the bridge due to accidents that happen on job sites and needing the quick response from emergency services. After a 5-minute break, those op- posed were asked to come up and speak. Topics that were discussed in- cluded: The location of the bridge is not in an ideal spot for the land owners. Asked why weren’t the residents in the area asked if they would like a bridge. The two families of the land that the bridge will go on do not want it and feel they have property rights to say no. Tax payers potentially have to pay for the bridge if a loan is taken out. The family still has a personal connection’to the land by sharing family memories even though they live out of state. They have asked that the county not take their land by eminent domain and to look for a dif— ferent area to place the bridge using the county’s own money. Statement that the Environmental Study required by NEPA and KLJ, the engineering firm gave false information and that the county should be able to put a bridge where ever they want without federal or gov— . ernment support. Felt that involuntary eminent domain should not be used. Putting in a road for public use- should be on public land not private. Chairman Kasian asked for a motion to go into executive session to discuss negotiation strategy and to determine a fair offer of compensation to the landowners at 10:23 am. This is allowed under NDCC §44-04—19.1 Iverson made the motion to move into executive session. Rodne Seconded. All voted aye. The board adjourned to the R00— sevelt Room in the Medora Community Center as opposed to asking the atten- dees to leave the gym area. The indi- 't l viduals present during the executive session were Commissioners Kasian, lverson and Rodne, Auditor Marcia Lamb, States Attorney H. Patrick Weir, Attorney Tami Norgard, and Deputy Au- ditor Jonna Bertelsen.The board exited executive session at 10:56 am and moved back into the Medora Commu- nity Center Gym. Rodne moved to make an offer of $2,500/acre for per- manent easement and $500/acre/year during construction for temporary ease- ment to all landowners. Iverson sec- onded. All voted aye. , 'The board adjourned to the Billings County Commissioner room for the re- mainder of the agenda at 11:00am as noticed in the agenda. The bid opening for the 121st road project as advertised at 11:00 am was held with Auditor Lamb opening the bids. Six bids were received: Hlebechuk Construction Inc $423,733.81, Baranko Brothers Inc. $683,582.36, Wilson Construction Inc. $445,200.00, Edward H. Schwartz Construction Inc $448,983.90, Martin Construction Inc $448,383.45, Dakota Dirtworks LLC $434,166.53. Rodne made the motion to accept Hlebechuk Construction bid at $423,733.81 contingent on KLJ review- ing and approving the mathematics on the bid. Iverson seconded. All voted aye. 'Road Superintendent Jeff lverson gave his monthly report. They are cur- rently reviewing spring frost restrictions. They are setting four frac tanks to re- place the fiberglass tanks that were de- stroyed during 'the wind storm. There was a gas plant fire yesterday in Fair- field that got put out quickly. Road crew is in the process of getting the trucks back to the shops from the fire in Medora. Noticed that the ETA road has a bad culvert that needs replacing. Iver- son got an estimate for the replacement pipe for $15,000.00. Due to the severity of how bad it really is, he feels it should be done this year and the commission agreed to get it done. There is more gravel that could be crushed in the Krehlik pit. Jeff Schmidt was given an offer of $15,000.00 last fall to buy the remaining gravel from from the stock- pile on his land, it it is ok with the State's Attorney, they will write up an agree- ment. Fire Chief Kyle Shockley gave his monthly report. The commission re- quested that he send a letter of thanks to all departments and surrounding communities that helped with the fire. They have not been assisting with the fire up in the north yet due to the drought severity, they need to stay around the local areas. Shockley asked the commission to put out a resolution for a total burn ban. This will ban all per- sonal fires that produce any sort of ash and also no off-road travel. Kasian moved to put out the resolution for a total burn ban. lverson Seconded. All voted aye. Asked that Shockley get the information out to as. many sources as possible. All agencies during/the fire came together amazingly. Jeff lverson stated that NlMS is great and need to work toward succession training. Burn- ing coal seam on foundation property needs to be taken care of. Three spots of coal seam are still burning. Iverson and Shockley, will get together to come up with a plan to dig the coal seams out. Lamb requested that we continue fire emergency declaration to end of the year. Rodne made the motion to con- tinue the Fire Emergency Declaration to the end of 2021. Iverson seconded. All voted aye. Jay Brovold’s abstract files are cur- rently in the courthouse basement in a storage room. As they are personal files and the county cannot have the liability for them and that the room will be needed for the HVAC project to com- mence this summer, it was decided that the files will need to be removed by Jay by May 4th. Kasian moved to send Jay Brovold a letter stating this. lverson sec- onded. All voted aye. The EMS monthly report was sub- mitted in writing. Commissioner lverson informed the board that a financial re— quest will be made of Stark County at their next meeting and he has been working with EMS to give a presenta- tion since a majority of the calls are from there. EMS will update the board at the next meeting. lverson will not be present for the May 4th meeting, so the board agreed to move the May meeting to the 6th at 9am. Since the dates for the regular commission meetings are already posted, this will have to be a special meeting with a set agenda. Commissioners recessed for lunch at 12:10 pm. Meeting reconvened at 1:05 pm. Tax and Zoning Director Stacey Swanson stated there were no ARW’s or zoning applications this month. Swanson brought forward the domestic fowl amendment that needs commis- sion approval. This gives residential areas the ability to keep domestic fowl under the specific guidelines laid out in the amendment. The public hearing was held at the last zoning meeting and no one showed up for or against the amendment. Rodne made the motion to accept the domestic fowl amendment as presented. lverson Seconded. All voted aye. Swanson then gave an update re- garding the Chimney Butte Environ- mental Waste permit. The 'amended permit changes the slope of the waste site. Chimney Butte has a 7-year permit through the Department of Health. Curt Glassoe, representing the Maah Daah Hey Trail Association was present to explain the the maps that he brought for the sheriff’s department a few weeks ago. The sheriff’s depart— ment asked for 20 maps strictly of the Maah Daah Hey Trail for emergency purposes and the wrong ones were brought down, Major Dean Wycoff re- turned them to Curt and asked that he check with the Forest Service to provide us with those maps, biking season is starting now and we need them as soon as possible for emergency services. Engineer Ken Schwartz,-represent- ing GT Architecture, presented the bid opening for the HVAC mechanical over- haul. There was one bid for the project, Central Mechanical - $583,800.00. This bid came out roughly $20,000.00 higher than the engineer’s estimate but there is enough money in the building re- model budget to pay for this. Kasian made the motion to accept the bid from Central Mechanical for $583,800.00. Rodne Seconded. All voted aye. Ken will send them the notice of award letter. Schwartz discussed that there'are two issues that may come up during the project that may need some contin- gency money set aside for. The air ducts will need to be cleaned, and while .the project is being done, there will need to be NO units throughout the building to keep it cool in here during the August/September heatwaves. Ken brought some examples to look at for temporary A/C units. There will be a prebid meeting on April 20th at 1:00pm for the window project that will also be taking place this summer. Bids will be accepted until April 29that 2:00pm. Maintenance Supervisor Travis Ber- telsen gave his monthly report. The courthouse museum project is ongoing, hoping to have the inside done by tourist season. The roll off dumpster used to clean up the southside was completely filled in two hours. The transportation of the roll off cost $312.00 and waiting on the bill from the land fill. They were not informed that you could not dump metal, so the land- fill had to sort through the dumpster. It was requested that we get another dumpster in there right away since there is a lot more that needs to be cleaned up. It was approved to get another roll off. Travis could talk to Continental Iron, Robinson Recycling or Blue Sky to re- cycle the metal. Ecolab came a few weeks ago and sprayed the interior of the courthouse for bugs and will be coming back to spray the exterior. There are 22 or so canned lights on the exterior of the building that need to be replaced because they are burning the bulbs out after a few days. Would look nice to have the exterior lit up at night, so Travis will get a quote from an elec- trician for that project and bring it back to the next meeting. Major Dean Wyckoff with the Sher- iff’s Office gave his report. Reverse 911 information was discussed. They went in and found out that Dickinson dis- patch, in order to have them provide that function for us, Billings County will need to purchase 6 units. The total price for the purchase would be $40,446.86. $1 ,500.00/radio. Auditor Lamb presented the quar- terly pledge report. lverson moved to approve it as presented. Rodne sec- onded. All voted aye. The following claims were approved for payment: Blue Cross Blue Shield of ND 19423 $3,860.60 ND Public Employee Retire System 19424 $881.61 3D Specialties 19425 $184.42 Advanced Business Methods Inc 19426 $1,133.16 American Welding Gas “119427. . ., . $580.08 Aramark 19428 , . $162.70 Belfield Automotive Supply Inc 19429 $365.10 Billings County Historical Society 19430 $4,710.17 Billings County Pioneer 19431 $45.82 Billings County Rural Fire District 19432 $54,339.75 Billings County School District 19433 $721,376.76 Boespflug Trailers Feed 1 9434 ' $200.75 Boss Office Products 19435$1,023.41 Bound Tree Medical LLC 19436 $704.63 Brooks & Associates, CE 19437 $1 ,904.30 Butler Machinery Co 19438$4,695.67 Certified Power Inc 19439 $1,161.83 Chimney Butte Land LLP 19440 $1,423.80 Corneil Todd 19441 $50.00 Creative Energy 19442 $142.37 Crowell Moring LLP 19443$5,177.50 Dakota Sports 19444 $210.65 Deans Distributing 19445 $1,796.00 Dickinson Public Library 19446 $3,365.90 Directv 19447 $122.99 East End Auto Trucking 19448 ' $535.00 Electro Watchman Inc 19449 $377.20 Fastenal Company 19450 $582.96 Four Corners Cafe 19451 $500.00 Gallagher Benefit Services Inc 1 9452 $580.00 George‘s Tire LTD 19453 $9,586.00 Gooseneck Implement 19454 $1,859.57 Hlebechuk Construction Inc 1 9455 $487.50 IAAO 19456 $220.00 J and J Operating LLC 19457 ‘ $3,630.20 Jeff‘s Towing VOID $426.08 Kasian Connie‘ 19459 $83.60 Kasian Michael 19460 $81.76 Kevin's Auto & Truck Repair 19461 $100.24 KLJ Engineering LLC 19462 , $93,205.37 Klym Steve 19463 $66.80 Kohler Communications Inc 19464 $200.00 Krebs Machine & Repair 19465 $2,282.82 Kuntz Sandblasting Painting LLC 19466 $4,199.91 Kutzler Marilyn 19467 $71 .12 Ladbury Jim 19468 $600.00 Little Missouri Restaurant Saloon 19469 $635.00 Mac's Inc 19470 $803.05 Malkowski Trucking 19471 $700.00 Medora, City of 19472 $43,415.33 Menards Dickinson 19473 $535.10 MGM Rural Sanitation 19474 $268.50 Midstate Communications 19475 $2,297.21 ND Association of Counties 1 9476 $97.39 ND Association of Counties Engineering 19477 ND Attorney General's Office $100.00 19478 $310.00 ND County Commissioners Assoc. 19479 $1,280.00 ND Cowboy Hall of Fame 19480 $200.00 ND Dept of Transportation VOID $11.50 ND Planning Association 19482 $305.00 ND Recorders Association 19483 $200.00 ND State Treasurer 19484$13,097.59 NDACo Resources Group INC 19485, $391.48 Nelson International 19486 $650.77 Newby's Ace Hardware 19487$363.53 Northwest Tire Inc 19488 $1,668.63 PB Electric 19489 $616.25 Praxair Distribution Inc 19490$124.29 Premier Specialty Vehicles Inc 1 9491 $278.90 Pump Systems Inc 19492 $773.38 Putnam Karen 19493 $51.12 Pyramid Communications 19494 $66.42 Quality Quick Print 19495 $30.00 FIDO Equipment Co 19496 $1,652.66 Red Rock Ford 19497 $188.88 Rodne, Dean 19498 $466.80 RELX 19499 $57.84 Roughrider RV's 19500 $146.41 Runnings Supply Inc 19501$1,278.39 Sanford Health Occupational Medicine 19502 $11.50 Sanford lnpt Pharmacy 19503 $45.00 Sax Motor Co 19504 $2,583.12 Share Corporation 19505 $302.85 Southwest Business Machines 1 9506 $1 55.60 Southwest Water Authority 1 9507 $423.30 Southwest Water Authority 19508 $12,609.99 Southwestern Dist Health Unit 19509 $49,677.94 St Alexius Medical Center 1 951 0 $472.88 Theordore Roosevelt Expressway 19511 $8,000.00 Thyssen Krupp Elevator 1 951 2 $564.99 Tltcomb, Olivia 19513 $283.00 Tom's Heating Service 19514 $2,100.00 Total Safety US Inc 19515 $443.96 Uniform Center 19516 $1,129.98 Verizon Networkfleet Inc 19517$64.76 Verizon Wireless 19518 $2,282.61 Vision We'st ND 19519 $750.00 Wal-Mart Community 19520 $227.83 West Dakota Oil Inc 19521 $3,334.43 Westlie Crossroads Truck Ctr 19522 $7,214.83 Jeff's Towing 19523 $177.35 Verizon Wireless 19524 $50.10 Verizon Wireless 19525 $2,258.41 Charbonneau Car Center 19526 $18,339.00 CenturyLink 19527 $955.75 Directv 19528 $129.24 Information Technology Dept 19529 $1,000.45 Kasian, Michael 19530 $76.16 Medora, City of 19531 $426.75 Reservation Telephone 19532 $40.23 Rodne, Dean 19533 $101.92 Roughrider Electric Coop 19534 ' $5,073.82 Verizon Wireless 19535 $43.20 Visa 19536 $2,072.32 Visa 19537 $290.96 Wex Health Inc 19538 $63.00 ND Public Employee Retire System 19539 $11,114.00 ND Public Employee Retire System 19540 $42,933.89 ND Public Employee Retire ' System 19541 ‘ ~_ 1 $650.0 Discovery Benefits 19542 $2,579.61 NDFOP State Lodge Treasurer 19543 $25.00 Prudential Service Center ' 19544 $14.29 State Dispersement Unit 1 9545 $71 7.00 ND Public Health Ins Trust 19549 $72,565.12 The board approved the revenue vouchers for the month of March: Recorder $19,541.20; Zoning $100.00; Court $80.00; EMS $2,436.29. Revenues for materials and/or serv- ices rendered in March: NDIRF $40,391.67 road crew time to remove damaged tanks and replacements; RobertSOn Metal Recycling $737.20 metal; Denver Tessier $2,700.00 cattle- guard replacement; Stark County $38,812.33 Belfield Paramedic Share. WEED SPRAYING: Cory Smith $27.56, Kevin Kirsch $245.09, Curtis Schaff $272.99, Curtis Talkington $70.81, Bob Chruszch $20.87, Dave Adams $36.35. Revenues for the month of March: Sheriff $13,190.03 permits, Highway Distribution $11,842.14 ; Oil Gas Pro- duction Tax $341,447.04; Royalties $21,745.56; Unorganized Oil Gas Production Tax $22,763.14; Interest $9,325.59; Sheriff 24/7 $500.00; ITD $10,500 SIRN; Telecommunications Tax $24,310.85; BLM Mineral Royalty $48,122.03; State PILT $5,869.68. Payroll in the following amounts was approved for March: General Fund $173,614.21; Road and Bridge Fund $129,070.70; Weed Fund $9,901.43. With there being no further busi- ness, the meeting ended at 4:00 prn. . Michael Kasian, Chairman Attest: i Marcia Lamb, Auditor/Treasurer (May 27) Did you know? The Billings County Pioneer and Golden Valley News have shared advertising and have been sharing the news for some of their inside pages for about 50 years. This means the coverage of your ad isn ’t limited to just either county! Our primary coverage area is western Stark County and west to the Montana border. It pays to advertise! Golva School Honor Roll Fourth Quarter Honor Roll: Fifth and sixth grade: Sophia Gunkel Isabelle Zook *Andrea Bosserman Alyson Callaway Isaiah Dobbs Miley McGuire Sawyer Noll Seventh and eighth grade: Slater Gunkel Jasmine Booth Emery Noll An asterisk signifies the “A” Honor Roll. Two from area graduate MSU MINOT Minot State University awarded 656 degrees including 576 undergraduate and 80 graduate to 648 students as its class of 2021.. MSU honored its 2021 and 2020 graduating class at a ceremony as 2020’ event was cancelled due to COVID-l9. Area students included: Jenae L. Orluck, bachelor of science in nurs- ing, Beach; and Brett N. Hlebechuk, bachelor of science, international business/marketing, Belfield. Remembering the town of Ross Dakota Datebook A few miles west of Stanley, N .D., is Ross, which technically existed as a town site as far back as 1887. It was really just a Great Northern stopping point back then, consisting of a sid— ing and a water tank. Then, around the turn of the cen- tury, deVelopment began, and on June 3, 1902, a post office was estab- lished. Ross has a couple claims» to fame; it was the home town of Ruth Olson Meiers, who was the state’s first fe- male Lieutenant Governor. Historians state the Ross community also had the oldest known Muslim group for organized prayer in America. The primary ethnic group in that area came from Syria, starting with a pioneer named Hassen Juma, who settled on 160 acres in 1899. Nearby was Sam Omar, and by 1902, 20 other families had followed their path from Bire (Bertie) and Rafid, Syria. These families ran into problems, because the US. objected to their nat- uralization, but in 1909, the govem- ment withdrew the ban, and Syrians were able to apply for citizenship. As the Ottoman Empire blurred territorial boundaries in the Middle East, Arab settlers were variously called Turks, Syrians or Lebanese, depending on what country presently claimed their homeland; While as many as 90% 0ftfic-Srfim-whoem— igrated to thi's‘i‘COuntry were Chris— tians, the group at Ross were Islamic; their North Dakota neighbors called them Muhammadans. To give a little background, Mus- lims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and leading up through Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus. Muslims diverge from Christians at this point, believing God reconfirmed his mes- sage through one more prophet Muhammad — who began receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel in the (Christian)-year 610. The Muslims in Ross prayed five times a day and gathered in each other’s homes for Jumah — a prayer service held on Fridays. The leaders for these meetings were educated lay- men, as there was no iman — or Mus- lim prayer leader — in the community. In 1929, the residents built a Jumah mosque which is said to be the nation’s first. Accounts differ, but it’s generally agreed that other Muslims around the country organized their mosques in rented spaces. The mosque at Ross is said to be the first By Merry Helm built specifically as a house of wor- ship. The building itself was not an at- tractive one. It was long and low, sunk into the ground. There’s a rea- son for this; it was intended to be the basement of a structure yet to come. Unfortunately, the depression hit soon after it was built, and the transforma— tion never happened. The building was used as late as the 1960s — by then, intermarriage had led many to join Christian churches. In 1983, author Francie Berg wrote: “The potential significance (of the building) went unknown for many years. However, a few years ago, the North Dakota Historical Society began some research into the mosque, intending to submit it for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places, in order to preserve it. Re- searchers soon were disappointed to find out the building had been'tom down a year or two earlier}? While the mosque is gone, the Arabic cemetery remains. You can spot it by its arched gate adorned with a crescent and star. “Dakota Datebook” is a radio se— ‘ inipartnership with the State Historical Society of North Dakota and with funding from the North Dakota Humanities Coun- cil. See all the Dakota Datebooks at prairiepublicorg, subscribe to the “Dakota Datebook” podcast, or buy the Dakota Datebook book at shop- prairiepublicorg. I'llBllG TIIIIIISPIIIITITIIIII Van or, Bus Service Billings County Golden Valley County Distance of 160 Miles CALL: 701 -872-3836 Our board meets at 9:30 am, first Tuesday of each month at 22 S. Central Ave., Beach. The public is invited! Celebrate with us! Darrel &Mary Lou Marlia Retirement & ‘ 50th Wedding Anniversary Duane & Essie Martian 50th Anniversary 6W , Saturday,]une 12, 2021 Golden Valley County Fairgrounds ' Bar open 5 pm Supper 6 pm Live Music 8:30-12:30 provided by Pistol Grip featuring Lisa G