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Page 4 Golden Valley News May 27, 2021
Notice ties or assistance, contact the Oil and Golva, ND 58632 ‘ 3982
Logo Magic I 392.00 trict owned housing. The district was Big Sky Passenger
Rail letter— Mary
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Christene A. Reierson (ID 06176) Post
Graduation 500.00 able to hire a K-12 music teacher due Griffin —Zuroff
moved the City provide a
N t. t P 0 Wednesday, June 2, 2021. REIERSON LAW OFFICE, RC. 3984 Reynolds
Market 325.20 to the offer of newer, updated, afford- letter of support for
the Big Sky Pas-
'ce 0 'openy wners STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO: Northland Professional
Building 3985 Rohan Hardware 30.57 able housing. senger Rail project,
Edland seconded.
Property owners are responsible for
keeping their property mowed and nox-
ious weeds controlled. When property
is not mowed or weeds become a nui-
sance, the City will mow and/or spray
the property at a cost of $150 per lot as
allowed by City Ordinance 366 Section
12.0101-12.0105. Your cooperation in
keeping your property mowed is appre-
Kimberly Gaugler, City Auditor
(May 6, 13, 20 and 27)
The State of North Dakota, acting by
and through the Board of University and
School Lands and its agent, the Com-
missioner of University and School
Lands, hereby gives notice that on
March 21, 2021 the following was
processed via Certified Mail to the
lessees of record; not all delivery con-
firmations were returned.
The State of North Dakota owns the
following described mineral acres in
Billings County, North Dakota:
Township 141 N, Range 100 W
Section 16: SE4
On August 6, 1974 the State of
North Dakota acting by and through the
Board of University and School Lands
issued an oil and gas lease for this
property to AI Aquitane Exploration, Ltd.
After Assignment, the leases were held
by Flare Energy Corporation, Bluebon-
net Energy Corporation, Geotech Pro-
duction, lnc., Spindletop Drilling Co.
and Norton Frickey. I hereby notify you
that the lease has terminated for failure
to satisfy the terms of the lease and the
State of North Dakota hereby declares
the lease forfeited and void. further no-
tify you that, unless within 20 days of
the date of this notice you notify the
County Recorder in Billings County in
the manner provided by law that the
lease has not been forfeited, I will file
with the Billings County Recorder a sat-
isfaction of lease as is provided by law.
Furthermore, I demand that you exe-
cute a proper surrender of the lease of
record and that you file the surrender of
lease of record in the Office of the
Billings County Recorder within 20 days
from the date of this notice.
/s/ Jodi Smith
(May 20, and June 3)
Election Notice
, Notice is herebygiven that the an-
nual election of Belfield Public School
District #13, Belfield, ND is set for Tues-
day, June 8, 2021, for the purpose of
electing one rural member. The polls
will be open 11 :00 am to 7:00 pm MDT
and the election will be located at the
school library. Absentee voting is avail-
able by contacting the business man—
ager. ‘
, By order of the Belfield School
Belfield Public School
Belfield, ND ,
Anna Ross, Business Manager
(May 20 and 27)
Meeting Notice
Billings County Board of
Equalization Notice
The Unorganized Township and
County Board of Equalization will meet
on Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 1 :00 pm in
the commissioner’s room at the county
Each taxpayer has the right to ap-
pear before the appropriate local board
of review or equalization and petition for
correction of the taxpayer's assess-
(May 20 and 27)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial Com-
mission will hold a public hearing at
9:00 am. Wednesday, June 16, 2021,
at the ND. Oil Gas Division, 1000
East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D.
At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits. Persons
With any interest in the cases listed
below, take notice.
at the hearing you need special facili-
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701-328-8038 by Thurs-
day, June 3, 2021.
Case No. Application of NP Re-
sources, LLC for an order amending the
applicable orders for the Bicentennial-
Bakken Pool to establish a 320-acre
spacing unit authorizing one vertical
well consisting of the S/2 Of Section
T.144N., R.103W., Golden Valley
County, ND, and for such other relief as
may be appropriate.
Signed by,
Doug Burgum, Governor
Chairman, NDIC
(May 27)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial Com-
mission will hold a public hearing at
9:00 am. Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at
the ND. Oil & Gas Division, 1000 East
Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D. At the
hearing the Commission will receive
testimony and exhibits. Persons with
any interest in the cases listed below,
take notice.
at the hearing you need special facili-
Case No. (Continued) Applica-
tion of Lime Rock Resources III-A, L.P.
for an order (i) determining that it is en-
titled to recover a risk penalty from any
owners of a leasehold interest in the
spacing unit for the State Gresz 3-26-
35H-143-98 (File No. 29399) and the
State Gresz 5—26—35H-143-98 (File No.
29401) wells, located in a spacing unit
consisting of all of Sections and 35,
T.143N., R.98W., Hungry Man Butte-
Bakken Pool, Billings County, ND, who
elect not to participate in the risk and
cost of drilling said wells; (ii) in the event
.there is any dispute as to the reason-
able actual cost of drilling, completing
and operating said wells, determining
such reasonable actual cost; and (iii)
granting such other and further relief as
may be appropriate.
Signed by,
Doug Burgum, Governor
Chairman, 'NDIC
(May 27)
Hearing Notice
The North Dakota Industrial Com-
mission will hold a public hearing at
9:00 am. Wednesday, June 16, 2021,
at the ND. Oil & Gas Division, 1000
East Calgary Ave., Bismarck, N. D.
At the hearing the Commission will
receive testimony and exhibits. Persons
with any interest in the cases listed
below, take notice.
at the hearing you need special facili-~
ties or assistance, contact the Oil and
Gas Division at 701 -328-8038 by Thurs-
day, June 3, 2021. ‘
Case No. Application of NP Re-
sources, LLC for an order amending the
applicable orders for the Beaver Creek-
Bakken Pool to establish a 320-acre
spacing unit authorizing one vertical
well consisting of the W2 of Section 6,
T.142N., R.102W., Billings County, ND,
and for such other relief as may be ap-
Signed by,
Doug Burgum, Governor
Chairman, NDIC
(May 27)
Meeting Notice
The regular June meeting of the
Billings County School Board will be
held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, at the
Prairie .Schooltibrary (east sideof
building) in Fairfield, ND, beginning with
a walk through assessment of the facil-
ity and grounds at 5:00 pm. with board
meeting to follow.
Anyone needing special accommo-
dations to attend the meetings may
make arrangements by contacting the
District Office at 623-4363 or 1-800-
366-6888 TTY, 6889-Voice
(May 27 and June 3)
The Billings County School District
is requesting sealed bids to transport
school children for one additional bus
route in the Prairie School area for the
2021-2022 school year:
A copy of the contract requirements
is available by contacting the District of-
fice at 701—623-4363.
Bids must be on a per mile basis,
and the outside of the envelope must be
marked “Bus Bid” and the route number
5. Please include the description of the
bus to be used and the name of the ,
driver and substitute driver(s) or indi-
cate you will have this information by
August, 2021. Successful bidders who
have not provided service to the District
in the past, will be required to provide a
faithful performance bond in the amount
of $2,500. All drivers and substitute
drivers need to undergo a criminal
background check if one was not done
for the Billings County School District in
the past. Submit sealed bids to Billings
County School District, Box 307,
Medora ND by 4:00 PM MT,
Monday, June 14, 2021, or bid may be
hand-delivered to Prairie School by
5:30 PM MT on June 15, 2021. Bids
will be opened and awarded at approx-
imately 5:30 pm. on Tuesday, June 15,
2021, during the regular board meeting.
The board meeting will be held at
Prairie School Library in Fairfield, ND .
Bidders are encouraged to attend.
The Board reserves the right to
waive irregularities, and to accept or re-
ject any or all bids. Preference may be
given to current contractors who have a
satisfactory history with the District.
By Order of the Billings County
School Board on May 11, 2021
(May 27)
Notice to Creditors
Case No. 17-2021—PR-00007
In the'Matter of the Estate of Clara F.
Portscheller, Deceased.
the undersigned has been appointed
Personal Representative of the above
estate. All persons having claims
against the said deceased are required
to present their claims within three (3)
months after the date of first publication
or mailing of this notice or said claims
will be forever barred. Claims must be
presented to Lori A. Schulte, Personal
Representative, in care of Reierson
Law Office, PC, Northland Profes-
sional Building, 600 22nd Avenue NW,
Minot, North Dakota 58703-0986, or
filed with the Court.
Dated this 29th day of April, 2021.
ls/Lori A. Schulte, Personal Repre-
PO. Box 174
600 22nd Avenue NW.
Minot, ND 58703-0986
Telephone No. (701) 839-7585
Attorney for the Personal Represen-
(May 27, June 3 and 10)
Beach School District
Unofficial Minutes
Subject to Review and Revision of
the Board
May 12, 2021
6:00 pm.
High School Commons
Present were Kimberly Gaugler,
Robert Sperry, Mike Van Horn, Mark
Lund, Carrie Zachmann, Misty Farn-
strom, Dave Wegner, Taryn Sveet, Lynn
Swanson, Amanda Anderson, and Mike
Visitor were Makiah Hartleib, Dan
Cash, Gary Nelson, and Lindsay
President Gaugler called the meet-
ing to order at 6:00 pm. Gaugler rec-
ognized visitors. ‘
Gaugler reviewed the agenda. Mo-
tion by Sperry, second by Zachmann to
approve the agenda. Motion carries
Farnstrom presented April 14, 2021
regular meeting minutes and April 22,
2021 special meeting minutes. Motion
by Van Horn, second by Lund to ap-
prove minutes. Roll call vote carries
unanimously. '
Farnstrom presented general fund,
activity fund, food service fund, general
fund manual checks, and April payroll.
Motion by Sperry, second by Lund to
approve all bills and payroll. Roll call
vote carries unanimously.
44985 ABM Corp. 823.99
44986 Amazon
Capital Services 2628.79
44987 Aramark 252.29
44988 AT&T Mobility 47.46
44989 BACC 10.00
44990 Beach Food Center 30.40
44991 Leanne Benes 77.70
44992 Amanda Bieber 91.29
44993 Boss Office and
Computer Products Inc. 671.49
44994 Brooklynn Publishers 42.45
44995 BSN Sports, LLC 97.00
44996 Marty Campbell 177.52
44997 Cenex
FIeetcard/CHS Inc. 230.15
44998 City of Beach 998.21
44999 Comfort Inn of Mandan 179.80
45000 Dakota Dust-Tex, Inc. 189.85
45001 Elite Card
Payment Center v . 683.09
45002Endurance Coatings . 175.00
45003Everspringlnn and , .
Suites of Bismarck 172.80
45004 Farmers
Union Oil Corp. 2004.21
45005 Sue Feldman 10.50
45006 Free‘ Spirit
Publishing Inc 196.33
45007 Golden Valley News/Bilings
Co. Pioneer/ALBN Inc. 26.86
45008 Great Plains
Directory Service 53.00
45009 Sonja Groll 45.50
45010 Hoarding Porter LLC 192.50
45011 Home on the Range 3500.00
45012 Innovative Office
Solutions LLC 1060.81
45013 Jandt Plumbing
and Heating LLC 3999.79
45014 onod Sports
Flooring LLC 1838.00
45015 Jadah Kerr 336.24
45016 Logo Magic 101.00
45017 Mandan Public
School District #1 125.00
45018 Karen J. Maus 350.50
45019 Sarah Maus 260.97
45020 McGraw—Hill School
Education Holdings, LLC 17.96
45021 MDU Resources
Group, Inc. 11830.60
45022 Midstate
Communications, Inc. 784.24
45023 ND Center for
Distance Education 149.00
45024 ND Council of
Educational Leaders Corp. 250.00
45025 Eric Nikiforoff 185.00
45026 Madonna Oech 216.58
45027 Pamela Popiel 34.67
45028 Prairie Lumber Corp. 291.30
45029 Preble Medical Services 91.00
45030 Productivity
. Plus' Account 173.57
45031 Ramkota Hotel Bismarck300.00
45032 Red Rock Sporting
Goods Corp. 1501.40
45033 Region X Music, Speech and
Drama Admin 120.00
45034 Reynolds Market 208.84
45035 Rohan Hardware 174.21
45036 Roughrider
Health Conference 400.00
45037 School Specialty LLC 787.30
45038 Shiloh Christian
High School 28.00
45039 Smart Computers
and Consulting LLC 39.99
45040 Robert Sperry 485.52
45041 Kinzetta Steiner 36.00
45042 Teen Truth 1900.00
45043 Total Safety US, Inc. 4.44
45044 University of
North Dakota 245.00
45045 Valley City
State University 40700
45046 West River
Student Services 8521.90
45047 Wex Bank 28.25
45048 Wex of Fargo 1.80
45049 Wibaux Public School 75.00
45050 Wild Vines Market LLC 4000‘
45051 Workforce Safety
and Insurance 130.00
3973 Alzheimer's
Association MN-ND 165.00
3974 Beach Food Center 97.40
3975 Braun Distributing-Queen
City Candy 74.56
3976 Coca Cola Bottling
Co. of Dickinson 247.35
3977 Display Sales 1974.00
3978 Elite Card
Payment Center 154.00
3979 Farmers Union Oil Corp. 322.88
3980 Misty Farnstrom 78.89
3981 FBLA National
Membership Dues 260.00
3986 Wild Vines Market LLC 442.46
7467 Beach Food Center 38.67
7468 East Side Jersey Dairy 1651.69
7469 Food Services of
America of MN-CWD 9499.89
7470 US Foodservice, Inc 691.61
9846 North Dakota Bureau
of Criminal Investigation 41.25
9847 Riverwood Golf Course 45.00
9848 Sonja Groll 234.00
April Payroll 376309.74
Wegner presented communications.
- Thank you for the donation from
Post Prom.
-Thank you for the meal and all that
the board does from Carey Zook.
- Thank you for the plant from Tan—
ner and ShaLee Tescher family.
Wegner did not have public partici-
pation to present. Gaugler inquired
from the guests in the audience. Gary
Nelson indicated he had some ques—
tions. Gaugler reviewed the school
board public participation process and
invited Gary to meet with or submit
questions to Mr. Wegner which may be
answered before or at the next regular
meeting. ‘
Wegner presented personnel.
Resignation from JoAnna Jenkins
as assistant cook was read. June sum-
mer school contract for Amanda Bieber
was presented. June summer school
contract for Jackie Farstveet was pre-
sented. Contract for Arielle Billing as
fifth grade teacher was presented. Dis-
cussion. Motion by Zachmann, second
by Van Horn to approve Bieber and
Farstveet summer school contracts.
Roll call vote carries unanimously. Mo-
tion by Sperry, second by Lund to ap-
prove resignation from JoAnna Jenkins.
Roll call vote carries unanimously. Mo-
tion by Lund, second by Sperry to ap-
prove teaching contract for Arielle
Billing. Roll call vote carries unani-
mously. ,
- Julianna Wolff has been offered a
contract as the K-12 music teacher.
Wolff has indicated she has signed the
contract and it is being returned in the
- The fifth-grade teacher position
has been filled by Arielle Billing.
- Interview was conducted for the
day treatment teacher position that has
not been filled since the beginning of
the 2020-2021 school year. Discussion.
- Drivers education may be offered
by a teacher from the Dickinson Public
Schools. Classroom hours and behind-
the-wheel hours were discussed.
»- No applications have been re-
ceived for the high school science
teacher position. Discussion. Gaugler
inquired if the district can operate with
only one science teacher, and offer dual
credit and distance education classes.
Discussion. ’
Wegner presented new business.
vThé RFP for technology services
was published. Five inquiries were re-
ceived and two bids submitted. Bids
were fonNarded to a third party for re-
view to.determine if the minimum re-
quirements of the RFP were met.
Current phone system at the high
school needs to be upgraded in order
to be connected with the new phone
system being installed at the elemen-
tary. Wegner reviewed a one year and
five—year upgrade option. Discussion.
Motion by Lund, second by Van Horn to
approve the five-year upgrade. Discus-
sion. Roll call vote carries unanimously.
- New ESSER funding was dis-
Wegner presented old business.
- Policies BCAA Board Meeting
Agenda Pre-Meeting Preparation,
CAAB — Superintendent Evaluation
Procedure, CAAB-E5 — Superintendent
Evaluation Timeline were presented for
a second reading. Motion Sperry, sec-
ond by Zachmann to approve both poli»
cies, with exhibit as presented for a
second reading. Roll call vote carries
unanimously. ‘
Wegner did not have a RESP report
to present.
Gaugler did not have a RACTC re-
port to present.
Farnstrom presented business man-
ager report.
- The Beach school board election
will be held June 8th, 2021 at the Beach
High School with one precinct. Recom-
mendation is to appoint Raynette Szud-
era, Sue Feldman, Sonja Groll and
Kelly Peterson as election workers.
Motion by Zachmann, second by Lund
to approve election workers as pre-
sented. Roll call vote carries unani-
- The Beach school board election
poll hours were discussed. Motion by
Lund, second by Van Horn to approve
opening the polls at 9:00 am. and close
the polls at 7:00 pm. Discussion. Roll
call vote carries unanimously.
' Inventories have been submitted to
all staff and will be submitted to insur-
ance for coverage.
- The Beach Area Chamber of Com-
merce will be having the Beach city—
wide rummage sale June 12, 2021.
The district has supplies and equipment
at the bus barn that will be listed for
sale. Policy ICCB-Disposal of School
Equipment and Supplies will apply. Dis-
Wegner presented superintendent
-Amending the district owned hous-
ing rental agreement to include a pet
deposit was discussed. Service ani-
mals were discussed. Motion by Zach-
mann, second by Lund to amend the
rental agreement to allow pets, with a
$500 non-refundable pet deposit with
the damage in excess of deposits to be
paid by the renter. Gaugler called for a
roll call vote. Yes vote-amend the
agreement with a pet deposit. No vote-
do not amend the agreement with a pet
deposit. Sperry-no, Van Horn-no, Lund-
yes, Zachmann-yes, Gaugler-yes. Mo-
tion carries.
- New ESSER II and ESSER Ill
funding was discussed.
Fire Marshall report was dis-
. Gaugler discussed the pet deposit
fee for service animals.
Sveet presented high school princi-
pal report.
- Thank you to the board for the dis-
- The Beach School District and
area schools have received a $10,000
grant from the Burgum Foundation for
mental health services. Discussion.
Thank you to the board for the so-
cial during Teacher and Staff Apprecia-
tion Week.
- Graduation day procedure was dis-
cussed. Graduation will be May 23,
2021 at 2:00 pm. at the high school. A
parade will follow the graduation cere—
Anderson presented day treatment
report. ' '
- Two vacant teaching positions in
day treatment were discussed. Adver-
tising in Montana was discussed.
- Summer school program that will
be offered through the N&D grant was
Swanson presented elementary
principal report.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Grant
has been submitted for the 2021-2022-
school year.
Elementary student activities were
- Thank you to the board for the so-
cial during Teacher and Staff Apprecia-
tion Week.
Zier presented activities director re-
port. '
Two applications have been re-
ceived for head volleyball coach. Inter-
views will be conducted.
- Advertisement for a head cross
country coach has been published.
- Purchasing new Buccadawg
wrestling singlets for regionals and
state competitions was discussed.
Gaugler called for a five-minute
break. Gaugler called the meeting back
to order.
Motion by Sperry, second by Lund to
retire into executive session as per
NDCC 44-04—19.1 to discuss negotia-
tions strategy. Motion carries unani-
mously. Board entered into executive
session at 7:26 pm. v
Gaugler called the meeting back to
order at 7:49 pm. Gaugler called for a
motion to adjourn. Motion by Sperry,
second by Zachmann to adjourn. Gau-
gler adjourned 7:49 pm.
Kimberly Gaugler, President
Misty Farnstrom, Business Manager
(May 27)
City of Medora
City of Medora
Draft Minutes of Regular Meeting
May 4, 2021
(Subject to Council review and
Meeting was called'to order at 6:05
pm ,by Mayor Todd Cornell. Present
were, Council members Gary.~ Edland,
Doug-Ellison, Tracy Sexton, and DenNin
Zuroff. Mike Njos also attended. Sandra
Kuntz and Gary Ridenhower were not
Minutes from the April Council
Meeting and Board. of Equalization were
reviewed. Sexton moved to approve the
minutes from the April Council Meet-
ing and Board of Equalization, Edland
seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Department Reports
City Engineer Mike Njos — Njos re-
quested approval for concrete work on
the MCC north parking lot, not to ex-
ceed $50,000. Sexton moved to ap-
prove proceeding with concrete work on
the MCC north parking lot, not to ex-
ceed $50,000, Zuroff seconded. Motion
passed unanimously.
City Attorney Report — Updated Ex-
traterritorial Zoning Maps and a draft of
the Joint Powers Agreement were pro-
vided, these will be discussed at the
next meeting. No report given.
Ambulance Report — No report.
Police Department - a written report
was reviewed and Chief Lapp gave a
verbal update on the June Car Show
exhibition parking. Radio upgrades
have gone well. Three new AED’s have
been obtained through a state grant.
Chief Lapp will look at possibility of en-
abling an existing loudspeaker at the
old fire hall for emergency announce-
ments but there is no interest in spend-
ing much money on it.
Public Works report a written re-
port was reviewed. After discussion it
was agreed to have a letter sent by the
City to all restaurants, the DeMores
School and the Convenience Store re-
garding unacceptable buildup of grease
in City sewer lines and advising them
that punitive action, per City ordi-
nances, may be taken if the problem
persists. We will compare previous
PACE sewer video with new PACE
video already planned for next week to
see if we can identify sources of grease.
MCC report — a written report was
reviewed. There was a discussion on
moving fonNard in a timely manner on
the MCC exterior siding problem. It was
agreed we should get estimates on the
exterior siding project. This topic will be
added to Old Business on the June
City Auditor report — Written Rev-
enue and Expenditure reports were pro-
vided. No further report given.
Old Business
Changes in dumping of leaves and
tree debris; Discussion on possible Roll
Off dumpster — Ellison will renew dia-
logue with Kyle Shockley on obtaining
a roll-off dumpster for the City. We will
also check with TRMF on any options.
Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Li-
brary update — Doug Ellison — recent
email provided.
New Business
June 6 Medora Summer Kick Off
Event — Joslyn Tooz — a written
progress update was provided.
Home on the Range request for ND
Cowboy Hall of Fame Gaming Site Au-
thorization Ellison moved to approve
the application for a NDCHF Gaming
Permit for Home on the Range, contin-
gent on Attorney approval, Zuroff sec-
onded. Motion passed unanimously.
Safe Drinking Water Act Certificate,
ND Department of Environmental Qual-
ity — Thanks to Dell Beach, Mike Njos
and all who have worked to maintain
these high standards.
Motion passed unanimously. .
Carriage Ride Permit — Lisa Gin-
gerich — Sexton moved to approve the
Carriage Ride Permit for Lisa Gingerich,
contingent on the applicant providing a
current insurance policy before opera-
tion begins, Ellison seconded. TRMF
has no objections to them using the
same parking space again. Motion '
passed unanimously.
Other ‘
— Sexton and Edland are working on
filling the Pool Manager and Lifeguard
positions. Beach is working with a pool
company to evaluate and complete re—
pairs. June 18 would be earliest start
date if we have employees and repairs
completed. Direction is to move forward
with staffing and repairs with May 31
being the target date for final decision
making as needed.
There was discussion about the
continued excess deer population in
town and possible remedies. Dialogue
with State Wildlife officials will continue.
Miscellaneous Business
Financial Statements
Financials — Ellison moved to accept '
the financials and claims as presented,
Edland seconded. Motion passed unan-
3152 305 PUMP SYSTEMS LLC34.20
5303 333 RUDY'S
LOCK KEY 162.00
18239 523 AT&T Mobility 456.42
18240 229 MIDSTATE
18241 805 AMAZON
18242 815 BOSS
18243 60 BRAUN
18244 73 CHILLER
SYSTEMS, INC 1145.76
18245 683 CORDOVA
18246 99 DAKOTA
DUST-TEX, INC. 166.25
18247 135 FARMERS UNION1622.34
18248 146 GALLS, LLC 884.69
18249 530 GRAINGER 202.71
18250 444 HIGHLANDS
18251 169 ITD 44.95
18252 268 NEWBY'S
18253 813 NEWMAN SIGNS 759.36
18254 344 SHARE CORP 572.49
18255 364 STEIN'S, INC 1892.58
18256 816 TAB
RENT 225.00
EFTPS 3476.38
PAYROLL 4/16 11983.19
i PAYROLL 4/30 10815.58
The Deadline for Council Agenda
Items is Friday, May 28 @ 12:00pm.
The next Council Meeting is Tuesday,
June 1 @ 7:00pm (Note change to
summer start time).
Zuroff moved the meeting be ad—
journed, Edland seconded. Meeting ad-
journed at 7:22 pm.
Attest: Todd Cornell, Mayor
Attest: Gary Ridenhower, City Audi-
(May 27)
city auditor
Faith Van Horn, city auditor for
the city of Sentinel Butte, completed
the Auditor’s Certification Program
with the North Dakota League of
The program is an education re-
quirement for city auditors passed
during the 2017 legislative session.
As of Jan.- 1, 2018, state law requires
new city auditors to complete train-
ing based on curriculum set by the
North Dakota League of Cities.
Training must be completed within
one year of assuming office.
The certification program consists
of five courses focusing on essential
auditor skills, taxes and budgeting,
meetings and records, human re—
sources and communications. All
five lessons are completed online
with additional information available
for auditors for reference.
The deadline for
submitted copy and
stories and all ad
orders is noon on
Fridays. Call
872-3755 or e-mail