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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 26, 1938     Golden Valley News
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May 26, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN eA.LI,EY NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1938 BASE BALL BENEFIT BEACH AUDITORIUM D "IF YOU. N CAN'T DANCE TUESDAY JUNE 7th THE FOUR COUNTS COME AND VIBRATE KFYR RADIO BAND / Z GENTS 75c LADLES ! CkASSIF~D ADS " !~()R S~E OR RENT - Bartley home f~ h~ Beach. ,See M~S. Nora Bart~. 33 -~tp i~UO ~FEAV=INO--I weave rugs, aj;y ilSize. Call or write Mrs. Covert, ~va • U-2t !'}FOR SALE--We sell seed corn and oth- er seeds, have a good supply of ~t Fodder Corn. Occident Ele~r. Beach, 32 -Zrtp FOR SALE or RENTm Benson home, Inquire at the News office. Sift FOR SALE-- $ tube electric cabinet radio. Inquire at News office. 31tf FOR SALE--2 registered Hereford bulls, one coming 2 yrs. old and one ¢xaning 4 yrs. old. Also black stalliqri 7 years old. Hammervold Bros., C)f~r lyle, Monta~. 3 F-4tp FOR ~Furn~hed modern apart- ment. Minnie Smith, Beach. 31,if BABY CHICKS Day old or started chicks from blood tested hardy northern flock~. We have FOR RENT--My building, known+as| the former Fair ~tore, Write or ~] Ralph Stacker, Beach. 34-2t/j~-tf] at~rt~en~ ~!~t" the vetz m~t hOUr. FOR l~Fr~2 furnished rooms, with gas stoves. C.H. Clark. 34-1tp FOR SALE~Prof. Hanson's Siberl~ millet. $2 per hundred. Win. ~Ird- man, Sentinel Butte. 34-1tp GARNER Everyone is rejoicing over the fine rain we had last week and everything fat 8e~a~l~)el Butte Tuescla$ evening and reports It very nice time. them ready for lmme41ate or _£ttture Mr,..Itl~l Mrs. COle Mattie, Mr. ai~ delivery. All common breeds./,We do Mrs, l~red McManigal visited at the ' OedOtull home on Sunday. " ~tom hatching. Send or" ~g e~s St any time and in any quaxttlty. Write or call, ~ ~I~TOHERY, Dick- ~. No D,k ~-me Dr.. Sch~l~s Fogt Happiness Caravan This tnWeling unit of Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Service, staffed with factory experts of Dr. Wm. Scholl, world noted Foot Authority. comes here today. These experts are conducting a one day demonstration at -~ ~ ~ i'-- -~-=: - the Knezevich and Thompson store, with the complete line of Dr. Scholl's Scientific Shoes, Foot Comfort Appliances and Remedies. Hhis is the most unusual and complete Demonstration of its kind ever looks very fine now. held here. I Mr. and Mrs. George Stull and son ~o r-~m~ /Paul and Fred Wa~smann were Beach I visitors Saturday. Dorothy came home We all hope he can soon be out. with them after spending th~ week Mr and Mrs Geo Stull visited their ........... . ". . ' - " ..... warlyle---Mrs., A. ~. ~cnezler was with her sister, Mrs. John F~kler. daughter ~rs. eTea £~tlcManlgal on l s 1sur~ris Monda even" • pea anty s ed y mg I Joe Dietz, Vick Renstrom/ and Ed Sunday PSul returned home with his ..... /: ....... ' " ~ h' when oar. ~nct mrs. ~'ranK ~enouDoe folks after spending a ~eek with is ;Shoen were out looking ore the road i '/ and dau~ter and Mr. and Mrs. sister to see where they needed/some work ' ~ A, II Cheste~ ~ewaxt arrived to help cele- Mr Her n Wass ann and faro y done.~ " / . m~ ~a~ . brate h¢~ birthday. Cards and jolly were Beach ~ callers onday morning MatlrIce Wassmann toot~ in the prom , ~]IVIo~ ' visiting/were enjoyed until midnight We were all sorr to hear that Solvig . I ...... r].to h ...... when the ladms served delightful re-I vanwg had veen azen ~o me Laczm ~]cazen " freshments including a bautifully dec-' son hospital 'f~r ~n ~ppendicttis opera- orated birthday cak~ ~nf] ~. ~w~v tlon We aB ope he will be horn t . ,~ ~5ope he gift They departed at a lat~ hotlL again soon. . wishing Mrs, Seheffer many happy returm. ~1- Mrs. Win. Kremers of Golva was Beach caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deltz and family visited ~'t the Underwood ~e Sire- day. , # / ~, ~n.~an~ yrs. Fred Wassm~n a~ D~r0thy~ r$.'. and Ma's. Johp Fakler called at tlSe Joe Dletz home Sunday evenifig,,i :|~ , _ • Mr. 'and ]~rs. Geo Stull and boys, /~eo Ntstler;-Orville Peterslllie, and Walter [Wassmann vlpited at the Orstad home Saturday nigl~t. t John Mensoh~ was a Oolva visitor Monday and so~ was Leo Nistler. Thorvald Vleland was ouC again Sat- ttrday making a trip to Beach. ~We are glad to hear he is improving so rapid- ly. Sherman Ekre called at Fred Wass- mann's Monday afternoon, (Omitted Last Week) Vicrtor Rermtrom and Bill Wasamama Renew Your Subscription Now wen~ to Fairview on Saturday to visit ............... ~]~t ~ have for s~le 80 acf~ m ~Kl~s south 9f Beach, known as ~e ,,~NK of the SEK, Section ~1, i~t wnship 139, north of range 106. ~ W~I II ~hea~ ~or cash. This tract /s\pa~ [ the Mogle estate. Call on B. ~. .eMk, Beach, N.D. 28-t~ ~RY QUART OF OUR MILK 18 Pa~tue~ before it goes to a cu~- ~omer, Thac means It Is ~afe~ If you are not a regular customer, start to- day. Beach Creamery. ~OR RENT OR S&LE---My resldenc¢ ~Beac~.~ Z. Vlasoff. 29-~fc [ • Am~ cArr,-~me of g.od ~.t Oo0d Coffee at all times. Also I~eer, pop and lunches. ~tf. Fred Wass~ann called on Nick Lundin Monda#, morning. Mr. arid " Mr~. Olaf Orstad and children were dinner guests at the Shoen home Sunday. In the afternoon (, the Shoen family, Or~tad family ~ _ -- __ _ : Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wopseka all visi~,d ,the Iner Omtad fami~r at the ~e~l PRIM Valley Ranch. • Leo Brown spent Sunday with ~ ~PAINT CLEANER folks. Dorothy Wassmann is spending a lew No ~Water days with h?r sister Mrs. John Fak- No Rinsing ler. No Drying Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Shoen called ~t~!', Removes dirt and grease in- :he GOd StuU and F. Wassmann homes'! stantly. Saves time and work. Monday afternoon, school1:' GOLDI~N VALLEY Nick Lundin was putting up election notices last Saturday morn- LUMBER YARD ing. Beach, N. D.. i wlth the Imer Howard family. . T. Reynolds Co. WEEKEND SPECIALS i'., BUY THEM NOW! 18K Coffee...... ;...../~ fib. can 29c ~'' k '1 [ " [ r " ~' Nectar, asstcd, flavors, 2 !/. bottles 35c i~p ri,:ots, fancy dried, 21bs../.... 35c ~ EAT DELICIOUS " ~'~'- IGA CANNED ~s...?_. ~~c IGA CEREALS /:. ~i..~!c MEAT IGA Corn Flakes, 13 oz pkg. ~ ,Raisins:'sedless: 4-lb. ~k]J:/' ...... 32c ~GA Riw~eeatPuffu~fsS'~ :z pkg i C°rned Beef Hash' 16°z 17e IGA Krak~sp Wheat 1 Sandwich Spread 3 oz .... 9e flakes, x~ oz. pkg. i Sliced Beef 2 Vz oz glass 14e 4 Pk~s. q~ I Veal oLaf, 7 oz tin ......... 15c Salmon, Del Monte Red Sockeye, ~of_ ~a~h O~C! V~enn~ Sa~,, 3_~or 25~ 1 pound can .... ,~,, ........ 32c Orange Slices, fresh ....... per lb, 10c Tomatoes, fc Utah, 2 No:2]/~ cans 25c Bisquick ............ large pkg. 31c .~Matches'. 6box carto~ 19c_ Genmne Jello, all flav~s, kg. 5e ' : P ....MilK; 18K.. ......... 4 large Cans 25c Sehiling's Pure Spices, all flavors, ~' .... .. ...... .31~ 2~ 2-oz. can for .............. 7c La~, Swift's Or Cudahy, 2-lb, pkg. 25c Snider's Pork And Beans, 3 cans 25c Sugar, Holly brand, limb. sack 57c New Cabbage, Solid heads 4c New Potatoes, 6 lbs. .............. 21c Phone 75 Friday andSaturday Only O 3-1b.can 53c ~uper cure 2- =. box 4% Gooseberries,. A-1 quality No 10. can 69c I~~ Butte Friday evening. ALPHA • Mr. and •Mrs. A. J..Ziebar£h ~ " _' ~ . " ~. ~ , ,1~~ callers at the :Wm. Carew Nels Langdon and A- Johnston at- day. tended the stockr~ten's,']conventlon at Gordon Oronnlng spent ~u~day Keneth Sonnek. Dickinson Tuesday and,Wednesday. :'~ ::' Jens Oronning was a Sentinel Butt~ Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dre~k visitor Saturday.. : Shirley were visitors, at the Otremba home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H! A. Bury, M~;. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner and T. A. Carl Heffner were Sunday dinner were callers in the Alpha guests of the C. P. Sehoubee family, hood Sunday. Karnes Johnson, Eddie and Elmer Kouba attended the dance at Sefftinel DICKINSON'S WEEK END DRUG SPECL 60c Alka Seltzer ...... 50e Aspirin Tablets _ 50e Antiseptic Mouth Wash ~ .............. --___ 35e H R 1[t Hair Oil ....... 50c pine ~ Shav{r Cream 4 Dozen Kotex"~= .... 1 Qt/Ho~ water Bottle Large Ovaltine .......... 3 Bottles Pur~ang '_~_$ 5lb. bag Epsom Salts __= WALL-DRUG £O. Reeve Buidfng Pohne 31 Beach, N. SINCE 1907 It',~T,~¢C.r¢.ncd . 3~50~ LUX FLAKF~ • %.'-~" • ,~o~ 2~ LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP 4~-25¢ LUX TOILET SOAP • • g~ RINSO R~:kSu&i.Softo~ HerdWet~ 23~ ~Di~t~ See Our Large 2-Page Circular f~r Many More Timely Holiday Foo~ Sugg~stmns at Real Sawngs! ~