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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 26, 1938     Golden Valley News
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May 26, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r'AGE 4 Wibaux Hi Seniors Enjoy Pleasant Out- ing, Also Skip Day Wibaux--The Senior class, accompan- by Supt. of Schools W. A. Scott, their slxmsor. John Dtmckel, and Co. ~perintendent Ray Eisenbart and his wife, left about 8:30 Tuesday morning for a real outing, which was to replace Olass Day. After a short stop in Glen- dive they went on to visit Buffalo Rapids. Shortly after arriving in Miles City they enjoyed a fine dinner, and then visited the Industrial school. Much interest was shown in the dif- ferent phases of the work at this School and some were surprised at the oportunitles the boys in the school have to learn different trades. Twen- ty-two seniors from here were surprised to meet the same number of seniors from Jordan who were also celebrat- ing Class Day in a different way this year. All visited the Milwaukee R.R. roundhouse and shops and learned of many new things in this line. During the afternoon they visited the Miles City Star printing Office and the Ar- moire creamery where they saw a chug of 1500 pounds of I¢utter. At th~ place they were all treated to doll~us ice cream bar. On ~he way home l~rt of the class enjoyed~ supper in Glendlve and arrived home late in the evening, tired, happy and much wiser for thtn4~ they had seen and heard. Then on Thursday the seniors pro- claimed their annual "~teek Day" on that day and none appeare~ at the school. A few went to Sentinel Butte for a picnic, but on accour~ of the rain part of ~ "sneaked'~ at home. Sund~y evenl~ a laxge/~nd atten- t/re ~gregatlo~, listened /to a fine baccalaureate m~ss~ge, d~ltvered by Rev. Kenyon of t.~e O~ I~i church, at Be h~h ~®~:~.$~ A oho~ of about 90 p ttpils ~ some selections and an octet~ sang t~o:~cod numbers. Rev. O. l~nath of 'the Methodiat III I SENTINEL BUTTE - ~~ :~: : Mrs. William Wlrtaffleld and I0 day old baby left the home of Mrs. J. J. Hess Sunday for their home north of town. Mrs. Tangen was down from Beach Tuesday visiting her daughter: Mrs. A1 Wosepka. After spending a vacation vl~t with the MOen family west of town, Miss Carrie Moen left Monday by!bus for] Rochester, Minn., to resume ~er era-] ployment at the M~yo hospital. Ole Waldal, who has suffered with a[ rupture affliction for some time, suf-} feted a severe a$f~tck $uncla~ and was~ to the Olendive h~spital to ,~ undergo an, operation. At the Sentinel Butte Theatre M~y 28-29-30. "WEIK~ FARGO," the great- eat picture of the year. Bob Burns and Frances Dee in a wonderful per- :[ormance. E. H. Mason, Ivar Ne~s and John Hougen drove to Dickinson MOnday on a business mission. Owing to a heavy downpour of rain near Berl~ald, they were unable to~retttrn the ~sanqe day aim were forced\to detour ~hei~ way] back the f011owi1~g day. ~ ~ ] The dance held at the Ol~a l~ouseI Friday e~ening at which Sam~an~l HisI City Fellel~ were the entertain~ wasI one of the best atter~ded of the season. John Stoddal, d and Leo Brown re- turned to Medora Monday to resume their employment with the Monson Construction Co. The grading crew of the road con- tract east of town is moving in and is establishing a town of trailer cars. The Play Day which was scheduled to be held at Sentinel Butte Thursday in conjunction with National Air Mail Week was a grand success from the standpoint that it was preceded by a three day rain which lasted through- ou the scheduled play day leaving everybody happy over renewed crop prospects. MARJORIE FULLER GRADUATES The News has been informed that ~Mtss'MarJorle Fuller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller, will this week on Friday night, graduate from the Montana Deacone~ Ho~l~al at Falls. Her many friends here congratulations. TAKE HOME--- A Q~ART OF OUR DELIC'IQUS SUI~ER ~ ~ED Maple Nut Strawberry Pineapple Orange The family would like a of FROSTED MALTED Only ............. 25c WALL DRUG CO, PHONE 31 ~K~ GOLDEN VALLS Y NEW~ Tillage Demonstra- tion At Dickinson A t',llage method demonstration wllli be held at Dickinson on June 2nd which should be of interest to many farmers in Golden Valley county. Soil management in southwestern North Dakota has become a serious problem. Thousands of acres of crop is being destroyed each year and the soil is becoming depleted by wind erosion. Gullies are being washed out in the fields by dashing rains and are becoming larger each year. An average of 40.000 acres of land is summer fallowed in Golden Valley county each year, Much of it is class- ed as well managed and has given this county the distinction as being or~e of the most productive counties in the Souhwestern part of the state. How- ever, there is a considerable acreage that has been very poorly tilled and allowed to become wedy during the fall months. Such a practice is manyi times worse than no tillage at all. i W~nen the weeds axe removed in the i spring the whole surfaae is swept away and causing damage to adjoining farms, Where improved tillage meth- ods can not be carried out it would bet much bet¢~er standing idle for a year. The deraonsration at Dickinson will begin at I0:00 a. m. Accrediting Board RETURN APPEARANCE I "The County Chairman" is in town Appears Pleased {Will to know that people still turn out With. Ilniv Aff see his show and chuckle at his • clowning. Nor does pain or grief tone ___. airs down our mirth.., he'd like that too. HIS wit, his ~l-iendIv eve, his genial Grand Forks, May 17~University of I grin have perishednot. Amid the North Dakota faculty members and sham and din of make believe-- he held students al~e are of the general opln-I his poise, fine, true. real. an authentic ion that the three members of the American by any standard. Better far board of inquiry for the North Central this hour of greed for vo~es, position, Association are favorably impressed wealth or power could spare some with their school, s~erner, more ~mpor~am man. The three men, resident Charles Fri- No man who ever lived made more ley of Iowa State college President folks laugh - be that his glory, that Thomas Barrows of Lawrence college, his epitaph. and Dean C. H. Oldfather of the Uni- versity of Nebraska, completed their ATTENDS SHERIFF'S MEETING day and a half investigation of the University of North Dakota campus on Howard StockwelI attended the state Thursday, May 12. SherifY's convention which was held in Not definitely known on the campus Dickinson on Tuesday of this week, is the effect the legal suit instituted He repor[s a well attended meeting by Governor William LaRger will have which was also very instructive. The on the accrediting proceedings, A day's activities drew to a close with hearing has been se~ for Friday, May a barbecue which was held in the 20, in the federal court a~ Danville. badlands out of Medora. He was ac- Illinois. copanied by Mrs. Stockwell and Mrs. Ordinarily the NCA status of the Cub Ernest. University would be dependent upon the report of their board of inquiry and TO REMAIN HERE action by a board of review. I The governor seeks to have the North Miss Shelland of the Home Econom. central Association re-admit the North ics department of the Beach high Dakota Agricultural college which was school will remain in Beach for three dropped from the list of accredited weeks after school, conducting an adult schools early in April. A temporary class, if it is so desired. FEEDS FAMILY OF FIVE injunction was also granted to preventt The nuruose of this is to offer assist- ................. he accrediting organization from/ance with on- ~,-rt- th-~ ~o -'~-~ts ~aame Dut~e--wara ~utterneld ~ndtits r^n,.. ~ .. ~ ~ ........... Vincent Vo~esky dug, out a famfll~ ofI = ~. may WiSh. . ....... .. . ~ . .~ - . 7_ . .~ snor~ meeting ior all mose wno rive coyote ~nups ~a~ week ena./Tne 4 H CLUB TO MEET a ..... o¢" .............. ,'I,1- r ~ -- - re m~er~o~eo W~u oe zie~u ~ue~-.~, li~t2t:~e°WcSa~r~h:~j~um~t~:o~:r~oY1 ~ M~y ,1, at 2:30 in the home economics • , .. Jt~,~ pc The 4-H Clothing club members of deuartment at the high school and feels them as if mey w e her - - " ow~.besides caring fOr her Z~chnef 2:2rd:nh:tL.~ley:impty ~1 o~ee2tuie~s::; ST P ~ " it n • • . AULS LUTHER N young k tes. Mrs. BUtteffi/d-ha-s no May 31 Mr Russell is to exnlain the particular love for the captt~ed family lan¢tscape project being carried out on English services at 9:30 a. m. .as.. ~e was unfortunate enough ms~ the court house groumis, after whichSunday School after services. ra4~ to ~oose an ner ~un grown turkeys t • he girls will visit the creamery and St, John's Lutheran services at Wi- by these prowlers, the hospitM. Following their visits baux at 11 a. m. This service will be }there they will be shown piece goods in English. FOR SALE--One McCormick mower, at the J. C. Penney store and ready- 5-ft. $6.00; one P. &~. O. ~ng plow, to-wear garments at Dickinson's. 12-in. $6.00; One disk, ~-ft~ $2~50; one The afternoon should be both pleas- John Deere sulkey plov#~-in. $2.00. ant and instructive. At the Joe Dletz farm, 1~ miles south of Sentinel Butte. 34-2tp Have you registered at the Bijou? At the Sentinel Butte Theatre May 28-29-30. "WELLS FARGO," the great- est picture of the ~year. Bob Burns and Frances Dee in a wonderful per- formance. HIAWATHA STREAMUNED AIRFLOW BICYCLE Sensational new 1938 model. The most outstand- ing bicycle on the markeL SalePrice includintt Merchandise... M~let ........ YOUR CHOICE Value Wrist Watch or $1,00 value Certified League Baseball and $2.50 wdue Horsehide Fielder's Glove at no extra charge with this bicycle. "B" BATTERIES REG. Roy BLUE "B" BATTERIES .... 98c TIGER HD "B" BAT I:ERIE~ ....... $1.69 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1938 This Week In Glendive AT EASTERN MONTANA'S FINEST THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED BY " CARRIER" ROSE Matinee Sat. - Sun. 2 p. m. ONLY 10c ...... 40e Kiddies 15c Sat.-Sun. Nites THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY! PLUS! MUSICAL Pete Smith Spe- cialty Shows at 7-9 p. m. Paramount News SATURDAY ONLY! ~CAR "SLICK-UP" SET 1 Pt. Auto Enamel, Pt. • All for.. IBLE-SCREW "OUR GANG Paramount News :S OF 1938" Shows at 7-9 Mat. Sat. ALSO SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY M-G-M's star-studded romantic smash...of a beauty who Iought with Savage freT... for a love another woman had stolen] Imlnt odor. R, d CUT PRICES ON PIDGEON BASEBALL SUPPLIES RED HOT MUSICAL ACT- CARTOON Latest! Exciting! "Paramount News" at 7-9 p.m. Matinee Sun. 2 : (7¸