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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
May 26, 1932     Golden Valley News
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May 26, 1932
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MAY 26, 1932 -- TJ~ :B~,~W. D: .~EYV~ PAGE 1~ the evening visiting at the Fischer GIFT OF ITALIANS e held BUTTE GOLVA home• ! h, Frk ., Lorena Hurd, Reporter Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Page were' ~t will OF E. J. WRIGHT ................ ------~Beach visitors Saturday evening. 1 Ende~ friends of E• J. Wright DINNER PARTY Bob Stone and Miss Evelyn Pe- da will I to learn of his death i ._ _ , terson called on friends in Golva,~ for noon at the home of J ire ~eniors o. Golva High Sunday. ! te ' 'Jose-h Wri-h" ~, school were entertained at a din- Roy Gi]bertson of Beach was at ' P g ~ a~!ner party Sunday evening at six Golva Saturdity night. .~ ............ ~o'clock by Mr and Mrs J L Tsch- Rev. Father Lack, Miss Florence u~ceasea naa oven sunermg . ". • • • ay months from a malignant I ida. The appointments of the table Schulte, Mrs. Richard Lorenz and -on the face and death camelwere m green and gold, the class Father Saslovitch of Great Falls, relief from great pain. j coors. . . :.. . were Bismarck visitors last week. ~, h ... , -,,...£,: . IRe guesus crew an arume Irom -- ~- Rig t was be ....... ~.- { ............. " cleat the proper place card formed the BRIEF NEWS He 7:ri d? lname eta lower A t ee course ~'-i-~- ,~7___. , Idinner was served by Mrs Tschida p on .weane~ay 1 " " ' ~l~ ¢~'~l~t~ W,~ ~ .... who was assisted by Mrs.Oswm -~ ........ -- .... *~'" ' r man ~~ : ~ "1 Schmitz and Mrs. Joe G u . Mrs. H. Bares was compelled to go ~ifa~--~-~,~,,,,, ~ ~£~.!Each of the guests were called on to Dickinson hospital yesterday. ~TW~'s~o'~s'~n"Lem~an~'! for a toast. This represented one The weat~her bureau predic~o mat ~emi(~ji, Minnesota and i°f the mostenjoyable functions at- a new cycle of weather is about to ~ Wright of Westerheim be ~enceo vy me seniors tins year. set in; 'that the past three dryI ~host of other relatives" and ~ ....... = years will be followed by three wet / ~. - " ENTERTAIN~ ~.'~ur~ years and good crops. Glory be! t . " ~ Mrs. W. W. Page entertained theDr. Bradley has planted a hedge j Bagdad orchestra of Dickin- ~enlors of the Gotva High schoolof 54 cedars on the north line ofI ~ged a dance here Saturdayat her home Saturday evening in his borne property as another ofi ;. The affair was fairly well honor of Miss Lorena Hurd• his p~ans for beautifying the place, i .'d. Each senior was requested toThey look fine. as does the grounds and Mrs Clyde Polly were brin~ a h-tend making sixteen in in general. callers Tuesday. number. Those attending were: La~:~ week Erick Swing. while L E E Fern Grotte who has been Wilma. Kremers. Oladvs Fahlstrom. h-~ninz thist]e~ burned his leg ,~o the Plain View school the MarceDa Finneman. Leon~ Bares b:4lv t~a~ he will be ~a!d up v:ith term is a guest at tile home Luei!ie Foes. Ruth Hen,: 2-heodera ego troub!e for some weeks, it ~s This line statue of Christopher REfiI!NAL W. C. I.U. PROCLAHATION City vs. Beach. It will be good.. Scch;Cn~ in~::fath~ebe~s?W~e~Sr°f" ! mShereas "art angemen ts have been Blii0~ i~:te u:g~ int:ti~l!?ntinuance in our]~ioOi:D~n~!~ga~i~m~t~Ty%%lihi ( ~%;t~°~ie :ch{edl~e?tefllfn0~i:eaf~y ginty~l°n°~a~lfY!°~~?m~°ss°4r:prtm~: Friday and Saturday an&who ~ill enforce it, if elected. ] ogirVIjllF2:2~unlty2 depah~ed SATuRMTy~A~TINEE also Idfo;L°;~ng resolutionS were ~Id!:rs. Signed, J. G. PEALL "The Beast f It sg theCity,,°f ' -i" i You'll like WALLACE FORD ' aAcnttdn:EAN HARLOW, really to give their vote for enforcemen~ DON'T FORGET rather than repeal planks camou- Monday and Tuesday May 30-31 f!aged a~ resubmission. You will miss a delightful even- ' an ardent worker in Pete Schillo Friday• A large number of Golva people Teacher's college. Mi-~s Elsie Bu!dhaupt of the Beach fi~e of auditor I promise iike faith- One iron grey horse branded drove to the George attended the dance given a~ Phi!i~ Last Friday afternoon Mrs. L. R. High school was read by Miss Wil-l fu~ness to duty and courtesV to the sheep shear on lef~ thigh and Y Tuesday with ~r load of Wicka's barn near St. Phillip on Menke entertained friends at two net. Saturday evening. The music wast~bles of bridge rnos~ delightfully. Mrs. Pericle read a biography of]patr°ns of the office. There is lazy T connected on right shoulder, nothing in the office of auditor weight about 1300. i Mrs. Ernest Chesley of furnished by the Fasching orches- Mrs. Verl Doty won the prize. DeN Mary Anderson, the Swedish emi-, fha~ a woman cannot efficiently do, ~ We will pay a liberal reward for ~cicus refreshments were served, grant who became chief of the i for in this and other states there information leading to arrest of are the proud parents era. [ ~+ub No~es made a business trip Woman's Bureau in the Depar~-,~ .......... Lyman Page and Mrs. Glen Pa.~e ~ j ment of Interior at Washington D ; ~e a number oI women satislactor- the parties who took the stock. born on Tuesday. i and Miss Edna Peterson were six ' -- -" - the dist"~ conv'en'" 5 " g office, even though I Mrs. M. A. Tovey en- to Dickinson last Thursday ll, filhn that a dinner party on i o'clock dinner guests at the W.W. Mrs William Stager was haled ~"t~mns zor o ~.~ ~., ~.^" I au effort may be made to reoresent L.C. ROSS, • t, - ' "" ' i" board last tmn at Haze,, wer~ diseuss~u uc-lthere re - ' .... t - I Sheriff of Dunn County, :N. Dak. 1 -*ni~ g in honor of Dr. Page home Sunday. oelore me lnsan ~y ¢ .... ,h .... ~,,~. ,~,~i,,,Irn,~,~ a Clutles l~nal; only men can (May 26) tic ~c ~ of Fargo. Mr.I~ouis Fasching and son Bert Thursday on a charge by ne~ghb s i ,~.~ ~,,,~..~ ~,, u¢ ,,,~vt ,o~,,,~, ,-~ form. The work of the treas- • A. J. Norem were also went to Bismarck Thursday, where el threatemng to burn down the s~efnn ,-~n t~Tnnd~v ev,~ninw ~,,!mer s ofhce ~s ~o Intimately con, Bert took examinations for barbers h~me of Mrs. Ro~aha Dodge. After nected ~th that of the work m 23 at the home of Mrs Hudson the a ~i~or ..... closed on Tues-license• They returned to Go!ca an examination the board warned~ ' .. ered b ' -'I uu ~ s ~na~ my experience in g exercises elos- the same day. / Roll cau was an"-w y reports . • l of Inaian lile Mrs. *~eonane reaa~ . . theIheri against any more such per- . .o =-~ .. _ _ )theone ofhce gives me a good work.wednesday.The teachersMiss AdvanceBY an errOrforce it°f wasthe sJ;~[edWri~r in°r last IpromisefCrmanceSto andkeepallowedthe peaceher ......... to go on ia very ]nteresung Pakotaa-ep r on .... cus- tt' erkn°wledge. I wiP. Ofwr,~the# dutles..~,.aa~,, m~,v,~,,~o,~,~,~thc oth- Items el tne r~orm u inulans th ....... r" ~" "'- ........... ~lusky, Miss Hansonweeks naoer that MIrs. Tschida Miss Wagennais piayeu a prong so~o t count ........ I ............. Miss Dahl to Graf- served luncheon for~Jrs. Ec~. Fisch- The formal announcement of her ' ' - ..... 'i c .~uppu ~ u~ the pe,apJe 0I .... Lod es an- "" y. ~wz~,~ ~ e., ozvl~,~n, uu z@ menetsky to Tuttle,er's guests Sat~'d~ay night. The candidacy for county auditor by entitled "lnaiang " a leers. to Fessenden, Miss Ms- writer wh~ w~(one of the guestsMinnie E. Smith will be found on Menke sang "The IndianLove " ' --- ............. 1 and Mr. Opland tocan vouch to, he lovely apple sauce another page, and the little lady Call." FOR STATES ATTORNEY Tovey will leave in cake Mrs.~Shoen made and the says She feels that her experience The annual club picnic will be ------ in the treasurer's office for the past held on the Keohane lawn, Satur-I wish to announce that I am a Mont., where he rest of the delicious hmch served four years gives her an intimate day, May 28th. Mrs• P. Gisvold. candidate for re-election to the of- Mrs. A. R. MlIIer and Mrs. Milloy rice of State's Attorney of Golden were received into membership. Valley county. During my three r and a half years as such officer the Attention is called to the" dress expenses of ~ office have been the announcements being made in this lowest in the" history of this coun- issue by the local Buttrey store, ty. My re-election to the office The reading of these attractive ads will assure the conduct of the at- almost makes us sorry We haven't fairs of this county with the same a nice wife to buy a dozen or two] honesty and economy as hereto- of the "glad raiment" for. I fore. W. R. SCHELL. June 23p summer session at by Mrs. Fischer. knowledge Of the duties of the au- Principal A.M• Carlile, Miss ditor's job, that being the argu- left Hong Loretta Shea and Miss Ruth by car on Men-I ment of the friends who induced Fails, S. D. where motored down to the Joe Myers her to make the race. parent~i He was ranch Sunday afternoon. on tl~ triy by Mrs. Among those who visited Beach and s0n Eu~ene~ who Saturday were Gunnar Fahlstrom and relatives in and family, Miss Lillian Maanum• and other points in W. W. Page and wife, Miss Ruth Hong, Glenna Doubles. A. M. Pet- erson and daughter Edna. Miss left Helen Dunston. Miss Cecelia Miller where and Principal A. M. Carlile. home. Tony Kreitinger and family and have been Ed. Fischer and family drove to the A trench silo 150 feet long, 9 feet deep and 12 fee~ wide at the top constructed by A. J. Sylvester of Mandan last fall furnished 200 tons of good silage. Mr. Sylvester is strong for corn silage and alfalfa. past several i river Sunday afternoon on a fish- tham was agent ing expedition. Their many Several cars of ladies were in to see them leave Golva Monday enroute to-the At- Wish is extended tofred Scheffer home to het0 Mrs. future in their Scheffer celebrate her birthday. George Christensen of Beach and and Miss Sylvia Kre- daughter G]adys and her husband to Killdeer Sunday,, and baby of Rapid City South Da- well known character. CaT= amity Jane. Superb acting by LOUISE DRESSER, RICH- ARD ARLEN AND FRANC- E~ DEE PARAMOUNT NEWS REEL And A Comedy Friday and and 28th SALLY ANNSUGAR PEAS C~ ~ ~ ~ Wat~ ~ Ne. 2 ~m Cam KRAFT CHEESE F. •. Ameri~, BHeI~, Swiss, Liml~rgen Pimento, and VEL~__,ETA RED KIDNEY BEANS Ca- 10C CARNATION MILK Ca~25c Upton'sTea'~°w.-,~. ~,,.~ 23c "-~'. "The World'a FinestI" Phg. ~net the latter's sister,1 kota were Golva callers Monday ~-Lb.~_ ½.Lb. They afternoon. BY BETTY WEBSTER __ UPTON'$ JAPAN TEA P~e. 4.1~1~; Pkg. 35C Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Page drove on the re- to Sentinel Butte to consult doctor DEL MAIZ CORN The New Golden Ta/Z Lyons regarding Mrs. Page's health For way .. Ca. n.- N~nln, who has who found her suffering from the DEL MAIZ NIBLETS, '~ff-tbe.Cob" Whole Ke ..... ' ~-~ ~er bed for the flu. TIMELY HINTS .... 31^t%wels ~0ebna~hor 15u:ls~s!? linen!slightly. When it starts to stlffen. ~,,, wa.~, sac :S with rheums-' Goh,a was visited by a heavy rain 'n shower is su" re $o oe ap- or cu~u,,, ~ ~ ,' add egg whitesbeaten stiff and PEN-JEt wtthJelH~madJamaIn~ureaSm~eu • • • • 21~¢.. 25C A line .......... many things as possible, cream whipped stiff, if desired. • b a bride-to-oe uinen ~v~e ,~ . , to be around Sunday night which will be a great D I ¢~/~ I I U ~ It The All-Ready Gold Medal40*OR John Holleni~eck help to all ~egetables• Although preciated Y - • - " .......... les Use what you have Mold and chill. Serve wth whipped ?u~%.~t./l%..[,% Bl~uitaadShorteakeFlour • o eh;3 e callers Sunday nothing was suffering for moisture is something she nas ~o nave ana w~y, o~. ^ ~ ~n~tance-- cream and pieces of apricots for men shower she gets a lot as far as p~ ...... : ..... : - D E S S E R T J E/" ;- to visit their son' the farmers all have need for re- from a 1' " ....... l arucms u~,,u~a~*"~" u~lsh r~,s.~ can oe maoe IromI decoratior~s. "= ~uropmarrlavors • • Pb~g. ~C , of extra, usable, beau~Ltu center of oldvestsdoubled and l who recently un-joicing, she miaht not be able ~o have oth- . ..... BAKING HINTS tion for r ured The Baccalaureate sermon given ~ ou~ton noma ................ ' - upt • • - erwise " ~U[~er t;a~e ~,,n ~rawDerry F~o.omkal Sutter of Goha tbyRe:'lFra:he~nLaekpwa~at'ii~ecene~" *** "--'--'HINTS a~dSaf, p,, hest COOKING ' Y . -. - The Hope C . i-i,,,,,,., ~h~ddh*~ 1-3 cun of shortening. LIP/[ TOILEr SOAP, 3 bars 22¢ ~ • Large Y evening and at- dience. Despi~e the approacmng .... ir~ -lannina to be marries ,=n~..~ -- - I cu" "of sugar LIFE~uO¥ S0AP, ( ba. K, N S O 22 ttion of their son, storm the house was packed, many h; no~ ~already =started a hope.1 cup flour. :- 1 egg. " Ct~C~ bein unable to get into tne aual~- -~---+ ..^~. ,¢ *~-^ *)~o +o do it t 8am . ..... g ta* ............. *"~" " • as oon baking powaer. I cup mnK. 5.O.S. AGI ER 2 2 of the Dickinson orium. There were others _who ~r~ is a ~neral list of what m[ 1 level te p. ..... i^s 1 3-4 cuPs flour. arrived ho could not attend on acocun~ ol me ~ ~o~ ~ n have" I 1 cup smne.a cne~-~ • 4 t~a.~non akin~ no ,de ,, me Tues- . lung'H ..... t necessary t- -- • ' '' m"" I0 m,nu _ .........s b _ __,._r nn,,,,.-r..SANIFLUSH , i2Ca" 19c I father, Dr M W ram . ~ ,~,,~,~ f.~ble cloths (round or ob= ~-a cup "_"~- . ........... a Vanilla 1~; M'ss~ Cecelia Miller was a sinner o ......... as ou have planned your Methoa: Fur m ,smantes MaKe-~J='~a ""^+~'^~'~u~-vu. Cream shor+e~i~ ,, ,,~ ...... ~,u of G1 , he Rudol h Lorenz home Y um sized--6,molds. Steam • r M, LT - m endive was a guest at t P t~h e 2 of them medi ....... ~,,~-,, ~uice and sugar. Add beaten egg. Then 1-2, &~rka'm'F~lm~(~m~U ~ ~t Can~c r .... l_.) ' the rup u~ .v,,,~,,----,, ~ . • e Tuesday. ~ Sunday. . - napkins to match each. 1 of s.y : - -. 3 tablespoons of milk and 1-2 flour with salt and l~ ] Mr. and Mrs. Lores Drewneck ana I ,oh)~ cloths large for -extra corn- sherries cu~ up **,~ ~oltBoll 101 ba~ng powder. Then add remaind- I • n [rmo~,tdre sale Is]son Robert visited with Mr. ano,;;n"~ 12 napkins t0 match- sugar: ~uu .......... erofmflk, flour and flavoring. Beat]= ORANGES ~ 2. - n ~ly; .Ted'says, and lMrs. J. L. Tschida Saturday. . ]~'iuncheon cloths 6 napkins to mmuees. . • • Iwen. Bake in a shallow pan in sill irk atrick is spena-[ ~z~: Gull in regularI . Rev. Cyrus. K P match each. A rteot ~avarlan Cream i hot oven 20 minutes. • • v,w~ m .fortunate in-havo,ing his vacat,on with home folks. | 2 doily luncheon sets (1 Madeira, .. l)~ ........... anulated gel-' Serve hot--cut in squares with • BANANAS ~O',DEN RIPE 3 ,.%. 25c ml class The man fmenas of Mrs I, TanK O filet ) 1 level ~amwi.~-~ ~, I a ber sauce to ed with --.. departmentl Y ' . . " -her[1 Italian cut work r . . _. .~ ,. str w ry pp " whip-IB g far andash wfl) be sorry to near oI doff seas aim OC i L ClaSP HEADS • beyondthose/R " _ ......... ' 2 plain serviceable .Y •,~. ....... drained from canned ) ped cream" ... tl ETTUCE each 1 ~OWnsof thls size I recent illness causes ~ru_~., P'.*"~'I 2 embroidery center pmcas. ".~"~ ~''~ i " " " " I B )f is m the Mm0t nos aprzco~ thething is that~At present she " . :. ~-" i 4 bureau scarfs. . . " ...... I ~Strawberry Sauce II I , edical care until she ] 6 for glass Z egg yo~r~ " thatbrin~ tahe ' pital under m " I 26 kitchen t°wels ( "/ .... : ..... "rated rind [ 2 eu2as °f strawberries'-washed 1j We will elose a¢ IO .. on Memo .i- longdistanc-~ to / has gained sufficiently to unaergo es 15 for dishes 5 for hand.) 1 ]emon--ju~cc ~ ~ " ! and hulled ;O helps all other an operation, At last, reportSds hereMr 4 dish cloths. 11"2cuCUPslicedOf SUgapricots. 3-4 cup of sugar. Day ~d stay elesed the rest of ' . she had gained . po "'; rest' 9 sheets. .~ - o,,~ Whites " ! Let stand with ug or some t~o un P s ar f )~t " • I and Mrs" Ranaasn were °Is-t ~ ~airs °f pill°w cases'' Golva until three years - v " | ~"~- ~-'~)~ "binned cream Jtime Crush °r leave wh°!e--ac'li i ~uup Or uu~ ....... ,-~" ' ' ! hmgs bridge hasdents of ...... ::,, ] 2 ccmforters. • ~ ~o,h.~. ~nn in double boiler--[ cording to taste. ]~ concentration and [ago when thev morea to }v~u~.~;^. ] 2 pairs of woolen blanket~ ~ ]__~::=";vru~Yekg~, yolks lemon and) _=** __ _ l i a writer Mrs Alex LaSota ana. aa_u.g~2~lo ,~ui]ts .~ ~¥c,~,, ~,_ ~'~-~-~-tl~ 'unt|] thiek-I (CooyrJgl%t. 1932, by Ttle l~onnet-Itg the art of open-n were vis ..... - ~-~.;,~,',- her [t b~tthroom rug. [:ned" Strata and add apricou. COO]I = " ~itors at the Ed l~a , ~ OWn Corse, at on, Chicago) home Tnursaay wnne ~,,,s ash rags J- p a meal t 14 w • "